This isn't qq cause I find it funny, but figured people in GD will consider it qq?
I wake up for 1 game. I'm 1-3-3 as vlad vs cass. Cass is 2-2-0 cause our jungle gp kept suiciding into her and 2 others in mid. Had the same cs as her. I never died 1v1 vs cass. Only ever died trying to help him not suicide himself in fights. (for example he charged into a noct, cass, sona alone when he had no mana and no buffs then calls me bad for not being able to do much except q and e a few times)
"God this vlad sucks." Okay bro, you try to vs cass with blue as vlad when you jungler is feeding her and ksing you, and get back to me about that. He kept saying how I was "1-3." Figured this dude was bronze or something cause only bronze kids say stuff like that.
Now, this gp gets caught like 5 times too and everytime would choose someone to blame and tell them to uninstall lol. I was thinking "this guy sounds like some dude in bronze that thinks he's good." Check his profile, he was some dude in bronze that generally has okay ingame scores so think I hit the nail on the head. lol
GP took literally every single blue, never giving a single one to ez, then when ez runs out of mana in a teamfight he tells ez how bad he is for running out of mana lol. Soraka should apparently uninstall cause she can't heal him for 3k hp. And jax is a "fucking trash noob" for bding 3 towers and an inhib which applied the pressure we needed to baron + take mid inihb. lol
Everyday this game never fails to provide me entertainment. :D
Our team comp is Akali, Cass, Udyr, Ashe, and I am Alistar. Enemy team is Irelia, Garen, Blitz, Shaco and Cass.
The first thing that happens is Ashe calls me a nub when I tell her it's better for both APs to solo. Apparently I'm wrong that Cait, Trist or even Corki are better AD solos and that Cass/Irelia would just destroy Ashe. Ashe states that it's idiots like me that ruined her perfect win streak last game.
Ashe then proceeds to try to bush camp a Garen/Blitz lane. At 7:00 she has 17 CS and only hasn't died because I've literally dived between her and grabs 2-3 times. Ashe with nothing but 2 DBlades and Swiftness boots was really useful during the midgame let me tell you.
Why did I start playing this fucking game, NOW I remember why I hate multiplayer games with randoms.
In lobby we get an okay teamcomposition, udyr jungle (me), akali mid, soraka bot, panth solotop (he didn't speak english and kept spamming in russian) and for our ad carry a player switched to cho gath in last second. Cho and panth go bot and we tell cho to go top - panth then goes top, so we have soraka cho bot.
A couple of minutes into the game akali recalls and goes afk for a couple of minutes, then moves to toplane to sit afk (so you can afk while stealing exp)
Enemy have a rammus solotop with fortify, lol. But that doesnt stop panth from going 0-3 and getting mad at everyone. He then goes "trololol-mode" and just dies randomly to feed intentionally.
I do good and so does soraka, but that doenst matter cant carry 3v5
This game is STUPID
1-8, 1-7, 0-8
malphite, ashe, taric
why god why?
In one of my last games, we had a Maokai that had no idea how leashing worked. While helping Olaf with blue, he stuck around way too long and took half his xp, then said "sorry I don't know how this works, I'll have to ask my friend again." Then he died to Irelia a bunch of times.
Of course, I got shit on in mid by LeBlanc so I couldn't be too sad.
Edit: This was a ranked game.
>Feed Vayne to 16/3 before lane phase ends >Blame 3/5 singed for your loss
Dat solo queue.
lol, i got the same duo queue in my next game and both went 0/7 while the ENTIRE other 3 people only had 7 deaths combined
Recently got down to 1200 due to me being a retard etc. got helped by the reset and all. Trying to get back up to 1400, meeting some awesome players on the way back up.
Yayou48 (11:45): Yeah, i just a game, play serious ok, not flame and stay serious Alway play for the win,and win with the teamonly
Imagine White Ra saying that. More GG, More Skill. The guy was french, gotta give him some credit, he was pretty happy after I calmed the team back down because they kept getting caught and we won, he was glad I carried.
This, gentlemen is the reason I play this game, because people are so fucking nice.
Okay so here we go play some ranked and as always run into totally retarded people but one was total extreme he told us that he plays support so we let him play that i played mf vs cait taric and he instalocked zilean without cv and flash then he keeps saying that zil is underated and hes good. In game i wanted to dedtroy my monitor to not see him play. He kept attacking minions and putting bombs on them he couldnt use his ult or use speed buff on me so we died like 3 times to them and i wanted to surrender but in the end we won thanks to hudge luck at baron and me taking quad with ult. This turned me to think that nothing is lost if you keep trying.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bpfdF.jpg)
Elo hell, sup.
Part 2:
On September 23 2011 05:53 Bluebush wrote: In one of my last games, we had a Maokai that had no idea how leashing worked. While helping Olaf with blue, he stuck around way too long and took half his xp, then said "sorry I don't know how this works, I'll have to ask my friend again." Then he died to Irelia a bunch of times.
Of course, I got shit on in mid by LeBlanc so I couldn't be too sad.
Edit: This was a ranked game. As someone that just started jungling, reading this PAINS me.
I can't take this soloQ shit anymore on EU, I'm losing my sanity. Lost 2 games at the reset and now I can't get past 1300, when a mate win his top lane, he just overheat and rush 1vs5 midgame, when winning mid, it's the botlane that are just not hitting a creep and dying to every jungle gank. I really need someone to DuoQ or I will just uninstall this fucking game.
39-41 since Saison2
On September 27 2011 08:57 Craton wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bpfdF.jpg) Elo hell, sup. Part 2: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ENIo9.jpg) lol Futt Bucker.
I lock in Noct and take smite. 3rd pick takes tryn and calls jungle. I dodge. 5 minutes later. I say I will jungle, same thing happens except its Trundle and I'm left to support. I dodge. 15 minutes later I get into a duo queue, say I want to go bot. First pick Rivet and calls bot. I tell him to drink a glass of go fuck your self and log out. No LoL for me tonight.
On September 27 2011 21:59 Sabin010 wrote:lol Futt Bucker. I lock in Noct and take smite. 3rd pick takes tryn and calls jungle. I dodge. 5 minutes later. I say I will jungle, same thing happens except its Trundle and I'm left to support. I dodge. 15 minutes later I get into a duo queue, say I want to go bot. First pick Rivet and calls bot. I tell him to drink a glass of go fuck your self and log out. No LoL for me tonight. That sounds a bit more like you QQ'ing for not getting your way than teammates being bad...
Except the Trynd. That's just bad.
On September 26 2011 18:06 Craton wrote: >Feed Vayne to 16/3 before lane phase ends >Blame 3/5 singed for your loss
Dat solo queue.
lol, i got the same duo queue in my next game and both went 0/7 while the ENTIRE other 3 people only had 7 deaths combined
Jeez, that might have been me you were playing against. Was the singed vs an Akali and Kayle top? was Nasus your Jungler? If so, that game was dumbtarded. Fed Vayne just demolishes people.
Our team asked me to pick jungle, and i picked amumu because we did not have anything for that role.
Went to my blue, asked for little protection and no1 moved, luckily they did not come. Asked for a leash from our brand. He said that he could not help. while i was begging i noticed that our bottom duo was killing little golems, asked them to stop, they would not. Said they had a plan. 5min later they were complaining about me not ganking enough. :|
Oh, and the feeling when alistar saves your enemy 3(!) times in 10mins by headbutting them to safety from your snares/ults.
Jungler has smite. Enemy team doesn't. Enemy team steals baron twice, even though smite was up and jungler was there both times...
So I'm still trying to figure out a playstyle I like for Riven and I decide to try a first game with early atmongs. I get paired with a kog'maw and think it's gonna be a decent lane. Nope, he dies over and over and I constantly get zoned out by Orianna and Kassadin. So I'm behind in CS and gold the entire freaking game.
Somehow this game is really close and goes a LONG time. So we start moving over to Baron after a couple pings. Guess who shows up early an initiates? Stupid Kog'maw. He dies before anybody can get there and in an effort to prevent a steal we get aced and lose.
It seems the inverse Xin rule applies to Kog'maw aswell.
Learning Morgana is hard. I'm still not great with her.
Start a game with a malph, an urgot, a Talon, and an MF. The Urgot insists on mid after I've already gotten there, after which i out-CS him in top lane (with a Talon hogging most of the kills, mind you) until he dies once to enemy cass and then yells at me until I switch with him. Struggle at holding mid due to being 2 levels and 30 cs down, manage to trade kills with her, so I think I'm doing alright. After teamfights, I end up something like 2-7 due to me still being bad with morg (and them focusing me every time i hit the R button). Notice malphite has stacked 99 armor total, has no triforce (IMO, triforce = necessary, I know there are differing opinions). I ask malph what he's doing, try to give him some constructive criticism along the lines of "yo malph, you might be able to chase ppl down better if you had triforce so you could actually deal some dmg". He eloquently responds: "STFU 2-7 Morg don't get to talk to me". Urgot adds on: "Ya srsly y u so bad."
That was the point where I stopped caring about League of Legends for today.
I go 16/1/4
my team surrenders after 20 minutes. Never wanted to find people and kill them more in my life. I was a fucking god and they just leave.
I can burst down 3 champs on my own let me fight by myself.
team starts whineing about how its over and we all suck, I kill the vayne and lux on they're team.
they flame me ;(
After the ELO reset im playing with and against people who has 50 cs as a solo laner at minute 30..
I obviously destroy my lane but it doesnt fucking matter because team goes full retard from minute 1 and feeds a kat 20 stacks before 20 min.
Do I deserve to go through this again? I guess riot thinks I do..