On January 03 2013 15:07 Maesy wrote: Floating 600-700 MS in a game as Varus. Jax comes bottom lane for whatever fucking reason with me and feeds vs ezreal/darius. I can't get any farm since I'm generally in lane by myself and getting poked. Everyone else loses their lane. Game ends and Jax is level 10 while everyone else is 26-30. Great pairing Riot.
That is usually the result of that guy queuing together with someone else on your team. Not a lot riot could do against it except not allowing people with vastly differing levels to queue together. Or how would you make the game fair if a level 10 guy queues with a 1800 elo guy with 800 games? Either you give them middling guys, in which case the 10 would get stomped, and the 30 would stomp, and it just becomes a question of who stomped harder. Or you give them high or low people, in which case either the 10 would get stomped or the 30 would stomp. There is simply no solution to this, you can't matchmake a fair game when people who queue together are of vastly different skill. Even if you get the exact same skill distribution on the enemy team, if they chose different lanes it will still be a battle of who can stomp harder.
Fkin 4-man premades ruining my game with either inflated Elo or lottery "which one actually has coordination". 4-man dives bot all day long while jungler feeds because he goes all alone deep into the enemy jungle, AS A 4-MAN PREMADE DAMMIT.
Makes for such shitty games, one-sided boring as hell stomps. Whichever side actually wins. Yup, next game has a 3-4 men premade in it... stomp for the enemy team. Top only barely lost, but it snowballed because I couldn't come to make up for the early ganks he took since the other two lanes were getting destroyed. Zed lost to Lux, while Ashe+Lulu got annihilated by... Nidalee support. fml. I just want some stuff I can enjoy, is that too much to ask of a game?
Also last pick third game in a row. Fuck it. I'll end up support or jungle, and whenever I support if we win lane then another one lost so we get camped, and if I jungle I can't do shit because people have so far been unable to even bait/assists for the ganks they've been asking. AND IT'S ANOTHER GODDAMN FUCKING 4-MAN PREMADE. FUCK. I'M SICK OF ALL THIS SHIT. And fucking Morde feeds Lux as all hell and dives when he has no wards at all against jungle Eve. Fucking piece of moron trash, can't even play his premade properly. So now I have to camp for his ass and Eve camps top where I made Vayne destroy Pantheon. Fucking trash Morde, ruining the fucking game YET AGAIN. Yeah. Fed Lux won them the game despite Pantheon being utterly useless. Didn't help that Varus rushed avarice blade, and Morrdekaiser decided to splitpush the whole fucking game, and wasted his ult on useless Pantheon every fight he deigned to be in. Fucking mute annoyance.
Next one I get a Lux getting blue buff from Riven because bot lane let them start at OUR red. Also pushing feeding tp Sejuani top. Botlane? 6-2-0 enemy support Nami. Vayne and Leona towerdiving often when they aren't being dived, and die.
Next one the premade is in the other team. 5-man invade at my blue that we make fail, then I catch Nocturne (with premature smite) at his red, smite it, put Noc at 80 HP, he burns flash. My team doesn't react. Enemy mid and top laner converge, mine never moves from lane, chilling and farming. Fuck them. Well we had a premade too, but only two people. Spanish botlane. Caitlyn+Soraka against Leona+Vayne. They fed.
I think it's seven losses in a row now. That one had a bad Lux (seriously, not outfarming Swain? Getting outtraded?) that still got fed somehow because Blitz wanted to invade, even tho Vayne didn't react, so he missed a hook at their wolves 4v5 and didn't pull out. Then the team somehow decided to stay instead of running. The botlane also managed to feed a Nidalee support. When they were Vayne+Blitz. I feel tired.
Next? Next. Glass cannon Noc helps feeding Ez even more by trying to 1v1 him. Elise wasn't banned so it's Riven vs Ez and Ori vs Elise. Both lane lose, esp. because Shaco camps Ori. Oh, we won bot. Well, we would have. But Graves had less farm than Varus despite constantly pushing him to tower.
I'm jaded at this point, and I've got an all-nighter to pull, so I keep going at it. Trolls, Caitlyn afk and grieffer, Leona insulting pretty much everyone and telling me "bait" then waiting for me to die and the enemy to get out before he moves, and Olaf gives a kill and double buff to Katarina because well, she needs it. Didn't end well.
Oh, next game has a grieffer going Galio support because fuck us, we didn't give him mid. During that time, they have Teemo against our Singed top so our jungler's be predictable (or a lane will be lost hard). Actually Teemo and Vayne with Barrier to live, and Lux+Lee double jungle. So I'm yet again against a coordinated premade, who while still trolling, will destroy the brainless guys on my team waiting for it.
I'll stop here, got my daily win after a 10 losses streak.
getting fed up with yolo queue, every premade is beyond aweful. I understand I need to carry harder but having 2 people with ~2/6/4 average stats (or worse, all the over aggressive people with over 7-8 average deaths/game) is just too violent to handle when other team is somewhat decent all around.
Never did it before but I'll just climb that ladder by dodging those people. Here is my first 30 min ban, let's just watch stream.
Mmh... Asked for top nicely, Got Singed vs Irelia.
Irelia gets triple + red buff @ level 1.
I manage to stabilize the lane by not dying, and conceding some farm, but i still get yelled for not totally dominating him.
And the awful part? At that point i had the most farm in my team. :I
I thought people would suck less in the morning. avarice blade rush GP vs bruta rush Riven. Also fuck Morgana's animations. Have your Q and W canceled by a cc because they don't cast instantly (like Malz's W, or at least as fast as almost all skillshots in the game) feels miserable and a big buck of luck for your opponent.
So I was playing a game as caitlyn, thinsg were not going too great but gp was already whining that everyone was noob & that the game was lost. He totally lost it when they died 4v3 top & I took mid turret on my own =/. A little later we kill one of them in our jungle and their ez was derping in our jungle -> we ace them vs 2 of us dieing. GP finally shuts up(for la couple of minutes), we continue to play and bait them at baron we ace them and 2 of us are alive. The game was going pretty much in our direction yet gp started to QQ again that everyone is a noob & that the game is lost. Eventually our jax dies due to going full retard (hey that happens), we get aced & we lose. I don't care about people that are bad at the game, but if all you're going to do is whine that everything is lost and that your entire team is noob you SHOULD FUCKING UNINSTALL! /rage + Show Spoiler +EUW: sen0r dodge Q if you meet him
On January 04 2013 09:27 OutlaW- wrote:I think the image speaks for itself. + Show Spoiler +
you ks too hard bro
there is no elo hell like 1900s
On January 04 2013 20:55 [DUF]MethodMan wrote:you ks too hard bro Hard not to ks when you're the only person doing damage. Not to mention I was 9 0 6 when teamscore was 15 22.
On January 04 2013 20:55 [DUF]MethodMan wrote:you ks too hard bro
I first came upon this thread today, I assumed it was to get away from people like you? Sigh, can't escape the QQers.
I think he was only joking. No need to get upset.
Whever I play Taric, someone disconnects right as we're about to win. Then we lose a baron, lose towers, and get aced. Sigh.
That feel when you let everyone get their favored role and you take what's left, even though you're second pick. And even though you're terrible at mid, you're still the only person on your team who doesn't go negative and you have more than half of your team's overall kills.
Playing as Ryze against Lux. Dude is trash, losing trades, trying to fight at level 1, trying to bait for a gank and dying instead, never hitting a single Q unless there's like 2 other members of his team to zone me... and still my team feeds him because botlane is winning so they dive every time, don't move when I ping Lux going, and give her a double just for the heck of it. And then the trash dude goes and brags in all chat. Annoying. And another game wasted by "allies".
Droped from 1650 to 1350 in 1 week... when I give advice to my allies, I'm told they were higher elo than me in pick, so I need to stfu... ... the LoL comunity really is inferior. Not the game, the game is fun , just the people that play it ^_^'. [#dnt_ban_me_plz] And the worst part is, I went on LoLKing to see what I'm doing wrong, in terms of score...and I STILL average |7.2|3.0|4.0|160| <- WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF HOW IS THIS 1350 ELO!?
And I am now reminded of why I always ban the shit out of that lee sin fucker. Absolutely fucking retarded strong kit. He absolutely deserves those nerfs.
Sigh, My 7-0 streak with shaco comes to an end. 16-4-11 and pretty much kept us in the game after the 15 min mark. It just wasn't enough with a full AD comp vs Huge Riven and Malph . Was hoping to hit 1700 and now I'll have to play at least 2 more games.