On September 15 2012 15:33 Curu wrote:Jayce beats Pantheon pretty hard. Actually Jayce beats everyone pretty hard. I don't think he has a losing matchup.
Eh, I thought it was actually pretty even until Jayce gets phage (and will generally be swung by whoever's jungler is more useful), but going even as Pantheon generally isn't a good thing.
QQ I was having a great game as jungle jarvan, just passed blue buff off to our swain, then i d/c. Log back in, game dissappears .
No more. If there's a first and last pick that are duo queue and they try to duo bot because "we're on Skype", fuck you, you're still last pick. And every fucking duo queue that goes bot is balls anyway, fucking Karma Ez has ~20+ deaths and tries to blame it on everyone else.
Yes Ez, facechecking the jungle while we're in base fighting supers and they have baron (after missing your ult on Baron pit, natch) was smart, so blame us fro not being nearby when you die 1v5. BRILLIANT.
We have baron, 10 kill ahead, 2 tower and 1 inhib ahead, and then we engage and die because everybody focus alistar and nautilus and let ashe alone. And the same for the three next engage, we lost, gg.
"but naut was at 1/4 hp and corki was full!"
yes, but 1/4 hp for naut is like 1k+, and with a ton of armor that's ~3k effective hp. gee whiz, lets focus down the tank whose already blown all his spells and ignore the adc doing 1k dps.
Yes Ashe, 1v4 and focusing Yorick's ghost makes you a pro...
I like how the people who spam surrender votes are the ones who lost their lane fucking terribly and then say "just surrender we can't win". WELL NO SHIT.
See new rewards, start playing frequently again. Immediately drop 50 elo, including losses to an AD Leblanc team and throws from 12-6 2 drag up and 14-8 1 drag up. Frustrating mang.
Oh, it's Rumble as the enemy top, maybe I could pick Nunu top against him. Oh, our jungler picked him. Well, I guess I'll pick something else. Nunu proceeds to dc at the start of the game, collect both his buffs then feed them to enemy Graves, then gives a kill to enemy Pantheon mid (as if Kass wasn't struggling enough), then exp leech top lane for a good minute before running off as soon as enemy Amumu comes, just to make sure I have no chance.
Fuck you grieffer.
Nunu's not great against Rumble anyway.
Dunno, Smash said in his thread that he runs 21 def against Rumble so I guess it's doable. And still better than Irelia or Jax. Anyway, I've got that Nunu again. He's playing support Janna this time, I'm curious to see his ults...
On September 17 2012 09:41 Alaric wrote: Dunno, Smash said in his thread that he runs 21 def against Rumble so I guess it's doable. And still better than Irelia or Jax. Anyway, I've got that Nunu again. He's playing support Janna this time, I'm curious to see his ults... I mean, it's doable with defense runes and shutting him down hard before any items (especially with jungle help), but I'd probably rather not pick into that matchup anyway.
Guys let me reveal you a secret (at least for those playing on the european server). There is something very wrong with the Polish and the Russians, I don't know if it is some kind of genetic issue related to LoL that prevents them to comprehend the game or its some kind of cultural phenomenon I really have no idea, but when they play, most of those guys are practically an equivalent of a mix between mentaly challenged zombies and Sims 2 characters. I will not go now into detailed endless examples of what my eyes have seen such as: Allistar AP mid, AD Sona solo top with ignite, attack move master yi into enemy team into 0/15 in 12 minutes, Duo mid Varus+Corki (explanation was that minions are coming faster there and they need farm), team of 4 AP champions fighting for the mid lane, 4 AD carries and etc and etc, and this is just the team selection, during the games you can imagine I suppose, besides there are a lot of examples in this thread already. I am not saying that all of the above is only coming from Russians and Polish and I also played with some very skilled/adequate Polish and Russians (many of them on my friend list already), but make this experiment: when you have doubts that one or few of your team have LoL's brain insufficiency before you start swearing at them aks politely: Are you Russian or Polish? You will be amazed (or not since you have read this post) of how many times the answer will be: Yes/Да
French guys in my games today were all ragers or plain retards. Like that botlane Ashe-Sona with CV that tries to fight Ez-Leona, go alone in the enemy jungle without using CV and feeding some oracles to enemy team, and "communicating" in French in chat. With the "" since they only said "I can't save you if they get you", but never misses nor calls, like when they bumrush fed enemies, missing ults left and right.
And worst of all those idiots responded in chat but never listened to us. Facecheck 4lyf bro. Sigh. Can't salvage a game when they feed so much that they throw every little advantage the jungler edged for them with the skin of his teeth.
Such good publicity... and still when I see a French player talking in French in chat, he is in the vast majority of cases a grieffer, or at best a "solo player" that won't read or follow anything. They can't all be that bad at English that they can't even understand a "run" or "back", can they? >.>
Oh, and now baddies duoing: sid187: zl4tko and me smurfs sid187: pls top now sid187: i dont want to support again and lose zl4tko: mid or troll sid187: top or troll Sinerix: mid or troll
They are first pick and last pick. First pick instalocks Sion mid. Ya, sure, they're smurfs of a really good level that have a grasp on the game.
Jesus Christ why is Kobe24 so fucking awful at this game.
Every time I see him he goes at BEST 0/5 and feeds doubles at least once.
Fuck this game.
I play jungle shen, gank top at level 2, get kill. Gank top again at level 3, get kill. Grab blue, gank bottom, get double kill. Gank top again get assist. 4/0/1 in 8 minutes and team still throws the game away. I don't know what else I can do, top still manages to LOSE being up 3 kills and two levels at 7 minutes. Some people don't want to win this game ugh.
On September 18 2012 04:15 Craton wrote: Jesus Christ why is Kobe24 so fucking awful at this game.
Every time I see him he goes at BEST 0/5 and feeds doubles at least once.
Glad I'm not the only one who's experienced this
Jungle nunu, Jax feeds Irelia 3 times and loses tower the third time (i defended first two times he died but third I was bot) and she starts roaming. Blames me for not defending his lane enough. GG.
Get 5 successful ganks in jungle, bot lane ali tells me im terrible all game and tries to tell me what to buy as riven, when I main riven and he has never played her. I tell him to focus on playing, he chirps me all game even though I'm carrying and warding the map cause he isn't. I just get so frustrated and the whole team was bad so we surrender.
On September 17 2012 17:17 M2 wrote: Guys let me reveal you a secret (at least for those playing on the european server). There is something very wrong with the Polish and the Russians, I don't know if it is some kind of genetic issue related to LoL that prevents them to comprehend the game or its some kind of cultural phenomenon I really have no idea, but when they play, most of those guys are practically an equivalent of a mix between mentaly challenged zombies and Sims 2 characters. I will not go now into detailed endless examples of what my eyes have seen such as: Allistar AP mid, AD Sona solo top with ignite, attack move master yi into enemy team into 0/15 in 12 minutes, Duo mid Varus+Corki (explanation was that minions are coming faster there and they need farm), team of 4 AP champions fighting for the mid lane, 4 AD carries and etc and etc, and this is just the team selection, during the games you can imagine I suppose, besides there are a lot of examples in this thread already. I am not saying that all of the above is only coming from Russians and Polish and I also played with some very skilled/adequate Polish and Russians (many of them on my friend list already), but make this experiment: when you have doubts that one or few of your team have LoL's brain insufficiency before you start swearing at them aks politely: Are you Russian or Polish? You will be amazed (or not since you have read this post) of how many times the answer will be: Yes/Да
I'm guessing you're playing on EU EAST, where 90% players are russian speaking.
How the fuck are there still people at this Elo that give up 5 minutes into a game.