The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 207
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Hungary6034 Posts
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Canada4122 Posts
On June 18 2012 10:05 Volband wrote: I got paired up with 4 premades. Game ended after 15 mins with me 1v5-ing as support Lulu. I remember once I was playing premade 5's with a few buddies, and all 5 people had the EXACT same ping and was in the high 200's. We figured they were all in the same house or something. Near mid game when we were pushing mid turret all 5 of them simultaneously disconnects. One of the weirdest moments I have experienced. | ||
United States10531 Posts
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Germany1849 Posts
Yi didn't really show up top anymore, but is level 18 when i am 16 and hast 50 cs more than me. Our ad-carry is 1/11/3 with 60 cs. Our mid (Galio) Ahri is doing well, had some nice ganks from ezreal is quite good as well and we have a support. Teamfights start, i ult in, get their ap down and realize that yi comes in from behind, killing our ad, ezreal and ahri in the process while i try to slow him and E him and get my fucking omen on him and he still just destroys my squishies while darius and the rest of the gank slowly widdle me down. wtf. Next game and i get the same ezreal player that proclaims to go jungling. Yay. I already know what is gonna happen. But actually, he wans't that bad. I ask if someone can play galio mid and ali bot maybe, what they do, go top as panth. Then shit gets real again when they realize the jungler wantws to paly ezreal. The supposed carry flames and flames and then lock in naut with smite telling ezreal to go bot. Which he does. And get's really fed down there. While i am against a vlad that gets a gank or two and slowly starts outtrading. I call for a gank from minute 5 to minute 14:30 when i finally get a "gank" that kills naut, because he could not finish off a 30% health vlad while i was at 100 hp. So i get my first kill with my ult and he flames me for not helping him. We lose, cause mid and jungle are retards. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
Australia3856 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
On June 18 2012 22:11 schmutttt wrote: It's only a little thing but I fucking hate getting blind countered in normals. Seriously like 3/5 games I've picked TF and ended up versing katarina in mid. Sure you can poke her but she can kill you so ridiculously easily. Need them clutch yellow cards. Take that from the TF master... *coughcough*... (If anyone asks, just say you're maximizing your DPS with blue card ^.^) | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On June 18 2012 22:24 jcarlsoniv wrote: Need them clutch yellow cards. Take that from the TF master... *coughcough*... (If anyone asks, just say you're maximizing your DPS with blue card ^.^) Just feels like she can out trade you so easily and that only increases as the game goes on. My TF is bad but I just can't stand katarina mid (Don't even get me started on LB....). | ||
United States27922 Posts
On June 18 2012 22:27 schmutttt wrote: Just feels like she can out trade you so easily and that only increases as the game goes on. My TF is bad but I just can't stand katarina mid (Don't even get me started on LB....). Well, LB is designed to counter you. I'm not too experienced with Kat vs TF, but just theory crafting, after a while you should be able to just clear waves with red card/wild card. Until then, I can see her harass being troublesome. Kat does well against TF though because she can jump on you and ult, and if you mess up your Pick a Card, you're in a world of hurt. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
Push push push push you roam just as well as her and you push harder, so if you dont lose lane u should be k if you see her go bot u can push the tower a bit and still be in time with ulti i think its doable | ||
United States2405 Posts
Wow. 3rd game, our jungle gets invaded. My other 4 teammates derp so hard it breaks my heart, they all die, then within 20 seconds literally all 4 of them quit the game. 1v5? rofl | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On June 19 2012 00:32 BlasiuS wrote: Made a new account over at EU West while the NA server was down yesterday. Wow. 3rd game, our jungle gets invaded. My other 4 teammates derp so hard it breaks my heart, then within 20 seconds literally all 4 of them quit the game. 1v5? rofl I remember making an acc on EU when NA was down once, despite the 400 ping it was hilarious playing with level 1s again. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
why | ||
Sweden690 Posts
I tell him about 20 fucking times in champion select, dont pick motherfucking shaco. The first thing that bitch does is insta lock shaco. Fucking useless piece of shit champion. Herp derp if I don´t get fed it´s 4v5 for the team. I take first blood and dominate my lane in general. After about 25 minutes it looks like we are losing. I tell Shaco this is why you don´t pick shaco, you end up being useless. He ragequits, fine whatever it was 4v5 anyways. We end up winning some fights and I get a double and then a triple kill because hey, fed riven pretty good. We end up losing the game but Graves obviously blamed me all game and whining. He claimed that it was infact Jax who won lane despite me being 7/2 to his 5/6. The enemy Hecarim obviously joined in and called me trash "coz u no ward so my ganks kill u 3 tiemz". "Well that simply isn´t possible since I´ve died 2 times only" obviously he replied "lol stfu nooblord". We lose because 4v5 isn´t possible. Awesome fucking game. Lost 70 ELO today, (half of it was just me playing bad but still). | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
"FUCK BOT LANE, tristana only playing for stats" LOL WHAT? "I DONT KNOW WHO TRISTANA IS FOCUSING? OMG" when I (with soraka support) managed to kill fed nocturne and gp that dived me. "OMG FOCUS ASHE AND EZ (AP EZ)" so sad. | ||
United States10671 Posts
Not to mention that if you focus someone on their team, your teammates will automatically complain about how you're supposed to be "the tank" and how you're supposed to be "protecting them" even though they said "focus" like 5 seconds ago. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On June 19 2012 07:12 Zergneedsfood wrote: Yeah I hate it when they say "focus X". If the other team has a pretty good protecting comp you're not going to be able to "focus" a certain champion. If I'm Irelia and I'm feeling brave I'll do it, but in most other circumstances it's pretty hard. Not to mention that if you focus someone on their team, your teammates will automatically complain about how you're supposed to be "the tank" and how you're supposed to be "protecting them" even though they said "focus" like 5 seconds ago. Thats why i love playing Olaf. "Focus the AD carry behind all the others!"... ok, let's ragnarok and roll :p Most people don't know what to focus anyways, they always default to AD carry eventhough someone else is insanely fed. 3 games ago i played against a riven top lane, went about even... then the riven got fed about 15 kills but 2 guys were always "Focus the 4/9 100cs Graves!", not the 15/3 200cs Riven... | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
On June 19 2012 07:25 Morfildur wrote: Thats why i love playing Olaf. "Focus the AD carry behind all the others!"... ok, let's ragnarok and roll :p Most people don't know what to focus anyways, they always default to AD carry eventhough someone else is insanely fed. 3 games ago i played against a riven top lane, went about even... then the riven got fed about 15 kills but 2 guys were always "Focus the 4/9 100cs Graves!", not the 15/3 200cs Riven... Best thing in the world if you play ad carry and the enemy top lane is fed. like olaf or irelia. those chars that dive really well. all 4 still focus the ad and irelia herp derp just jumps on you. afterwards they obv. blame you. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On June 19 2012 07:12 Zergneedsfood wrote: Yeah I hate it when they say "focus X". If the other team has a pretty good protecting comp you're not going to be able to "focus" a certain champion. If I'm Irelia and I'm feeling brave I'll do it, but in most other circumstances it's pretty hard. Not to mention that if you focus someone on their team, your teammates will automatically complain about how you're supposed to be "the tank" and how you're supposed to be "protecting them" even though they said "focus" like 5 seconds ago. It's even worse when you are the squishy AD carry. They just don't get that I can't just jump / dash in as Trist / Graves / Corki just to instantly get blown up while MAYBE killing the enemy AD. It's definetely not worth it, especially when you are the only one doing well. On another note: I just had THE heart attack game of my life today. Sion / WW / Graves (me) / Taric / Udyr vs. Karthus / Ez / Soraka / Irelia / Alistar. We crushed lane going 4/0 and +30 CS ahead of Ez. Sion does well, too. But Udyr and WW just feed the fuck out of everyone and start blaming each other. We're still ahead and I'm like "don't get nervous, group up and end it before they screw us lategame". Obviously, the game reaches 40 minutes. But we were still going even. Until teamfights start: really no one except Taric (and he couldn't do anything but "stun" an Irelia for 0.1537 seconds) tried to peel for me. I always 5 shotted Alistar and took him with me but evetually Irelia would get me. Every fight. While the other 3 chase Ez like retards. Meanwhile, Karthus picks up Double ands Triples everywhere and gets insanely fed. Fortunately, the enemy Soraka gets picked at 45ish minutes and we manage to push through 1 inhib and kill both Nexus turrets. 12 seconds to kill enemy Nexus. We get him down to like 400 fucking HP when suddenly Sion charges at the freshly spawned Soraka and WW decides to do nothing ("sry laaaaag") - wtffffff?!. We get aced and I get so fucking mad because we could have just won it if Sion continues to kill the Nexus with Lichbane procs, doesn't matter that WW lagged out. In the process, we lose 2 barons and are far behind, but the enemy is too scared to push and I'm recommdending to backdoor the enemy. But we get caught because WW is too stupid to join us by taking the jungle path and rather shows himself at the minions. In the upcoming teamfight I literally kite Irelia + Alistar + Karthus for like 25 seconds while my derp team chases Varus when they out of nowhere realize: "hurr durr we can win kill nexus for win loool herp derp" and they FINALLY go for it and win the game while Karthus and Irelia ask us if we are from greece because we must be very poor in real life and are gays because we somewhat backdoored them. Love dem low ELOs at 1300-1400. This game reminded me of my days at 1000ish when I thought people couldn't be worse than at that level of "play"... | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
nobody knows how to position, and probably have never heard of peeling. Yell "focus their AD / AP" and dive into their team without any brain, leaving me (and sometimes my support) to fend off 2+ bruisers trying to blow me up. Our positioning gets fucked and they chase the AD across the map and die horribly in some corner. What they learned from that? "OMG noob AD focus their AD fknoob omgomg" "I initiate you need follow omg" | ||
Sweden690 Posts
On June 19 2012 07:58 Dandel Ion wrote: Those are the worst moments of playing AD carries nobody knows how to position, and probably have never heard of peeling. Yell "focus their AD / AP" and dive into their team without any brain, leaving me (and sometimes my support) to fend off 2+ bruisers trying to blow me up. Our positioning gets fucked and they chase the AD across the map and die horribly in some corner. What they learned from that? "OMG noob AD focus their AD fknoob omgomg" "I initiate you need follow omg" To be fair, the average AD carry isn´t the brightest. No Ashe, maybe poking with volley infront of your team vs an Ahri, Irelia, Malphite and Taric isn´t the best idea. | ||
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