Random power outage causes me to disconnect as Ashe and rejoin when the enemy is lvl 4/5.
They 'bravely' dive me for 2 kills. After that I afk farm for 20 minutes come back and get a quadra kill. Enemy bot lane is like "worst Ashe eu", "DC didnt change anything" and "rofl ashe support looks her cs".
Then our Ryze gets caught at 40ish minutes for no reason and everybody is like "omg Ashe if u dont dc we win". Yeah sure... FUCK YOU! Grow some balls and stop whining and giving up games that are not really lost yet.
Enemy: "gg easy"
Die hard you piece of shit.
My day: 1st Game: I get cait bot, other lanes get destroyed, i win lane, 1 guy rages and leaves the game. Loss 2nd Game: I get soraka, AD carry is trist, gets grabbed by blitz all the time, dies. Loss 3rd Game: I get cait again, win lane, 2 guys rage at each other all the time, 1 leaves. Loss 4th Game: Premade bot, opponent picks my strongest top olaf so i go riven, trade about even with olaf. Team gets destroyed by jungle darius. Loss 5th Game: Premade bot but firstpick takes tristana anyways, I go soraka so the premade can go mid/jungle, tristana manages to fail but still fails less than the rest of the team, 30 minutes in "tristana so low CS"... trist 165cs, rest of the team ~100-110... I keep them alive as good as possible but still... Loss. 6th Game: I get soraka again, Twitch doesn't connect for the first 5 minutes so Jungle is forced to go mid against Vlad. The Urgot on my lane is winning the lane hard, Varus&Alistar don't stand a chance... meanwhile Twitch finally joins the game, goes top eventhough Urgot suggests him going bot so he can farm better with my healing, dies multiple times because he's so behind... then Urgot disconnects, reconnects 5 minutes later. We manage some decent trades but 2 players are so far behind that there is no way to recover. I start surrender vote after we lose a big teamfight where all cards were in our hand... 1/4. Second surrender vote after our first inhibitor is down... 1/4. Third surrender vote when they push with baron and clear our base... 1/4. We manage to push them out with only the nexus left standing, they get all the buffs on the map, push in, we die... Loss.
I don't know what i can do to stop this downward trend... I was comfortable in the 1350 area but somehow everything seems to go wrong since 2 weeks, now i'm 1078 and i'm not good enough to carry a team all by myself...
Why are all the AD Carries who I support always so bad? They cannot CS worth shit.
On June 20 2012 07:00 Morfildur wrote: My day: 1st Game: I get cait bot, other lanes get destroyed, i win lane, 1 guy rages and leaves the game. Loss 2nd Game: I get soraka, AD carry is trist, gets grabbed by blitz all the time, dies. Loss 3rd Game: I get cait again, win lane, 2 guys rage at each other all the time, 1 leaves. Loss 4th Game: Premade bot, opponent picks my strongest top olaf so i go riven, trade about even with olaf. Team gets destroyed by jungle darius. Loss 5th Game: Premade bot but firstpick takes tristana anyways, I go soraka so the premade can go mid/jungle, tristana manages to fail but still fails less than the rest of the team, 30 minutes in "tristana so low CS"... trist 165cs, rest of the team ~100-110... I keep them alive as good as possible but still... Loss. 6th Game: I get soraka again, Twitch doesn't connect for the first 5 minutes so Jungle is forced to go mid against Vlad. The Urgot on my lane is winning the lane hard, Varus&Alistar don't stand a chance... meanwhile Twitch finally joins the game, goes top eventhough Urgot suggests him going bot so he can farm better with my healing, dies multiple times because he's so behind... then Urgot disconnects, reconnects 5 minutes later. We manage some decent trades but 2 players are so far behind that there is no way to recover. I start surrender vote after we lose a big teamfight where all cards were in our hand... 1/4. Second surrender vote after our first inhibitor is down... 1/4. Third surrender vote when they push with baron and clear our base... 1/4. We manage to push them out with only the nexus left standing, they get all the buffs on the map, push in, we die... Loss.
I don't know what i can do to stop this downward trend... I was comfortable in the 1350 area but somehow everything seems to go wrong since 2 weeks, now i'm 1078 and i'm not good enough to carry a team all by myself...
A couple leavers and dcers, and you play support too much. Not that supports don't carry games. Their wards do. They just have games where they can't do much.
On June 20 2012 08:22 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2012 07:00 Morfildur wrote: My day: 1st Game: I get cait bot, other lanes get destroyed, i win lane, 1 guy rages and leaves the game. Loss 2nd Game: I get soraka, AD carry is trist, gets grabbed by blitz all the time, dies. Loss 3rd Game: I get cait again, win lane, 2 guys rage at each other all the time, 1 leaves. Loss 4th Game: Premade bot, opponent picks my strongest top olaf so i go riven, trade about even with olaf. Team gets destroyed by jungle darius. Loss 5th Game: Premade bot but firstpick takes tristana anyways, I go soraka so the premade can go mid/jungle, tristana manages to fail but still fails less than the rest of the team, 30 minutes in "tristana so low CS"... trist 165cs, rest of the team ~100-110... I keep them alive as good as possible but still... Loss. 6th Game: I get soraka again, Twitch doesn't connect for the first 5 minutes so Jungle is forced to go mid against Vlad. The Urgot on my lane is winning the lane hard, Varus&Alistar don't stand a chance... meanwhile Twitch finally joins the game, goes top eventhough Urgot suggests him going bot so he can farm better with my healing, dies multiple times because he's so behind... then Urgot disconnects, reconnects 5 minutes later. We manage some decent trades but 2 players are so far behind that there is no way to recover. I start surrender vote after we lose a big teamfight where all cards were in our hand... 1/4. Second surrender vote after our first inhibitor is down... 1/4. Third surrender vote when they push with baron and clear our base... 1/4. We manage to push them out with only the nexus left standing, they get all the buffs on the map, push in, we die... Loss.
I don't know what i can do to stop this downward trend... I was comfortable in the 1350 area but somehow everything seems to go wrong since 2 weeks, now i'm 1078 and i'm not good enough to carry a team all by myself...
A couple leavers and dcers, and you play support too much. Not that supports don't carry games. Their wards do. They just have games where they can't do much.
This. This exactly.
I had the same shit happening to me in the very beginning were I was forced to play support in 6 of my 10 seeding games just after I lost my first two games not playing support.
Several friends experienced the same phenomenon.
But shouldn't chances be relatively equal to be any of the 5 picks?
Yes, but if you are not a dick, that significantly increases your chance of playing support, and maybe jungle. Because there are people who are huge dicks and absolutely don't want to ever play support. This tends to lead to nice people ending up in the less popular spots.
Taric spends the entire game shouting commands like he thinks he's Patton or something, and starts bitching any time anything doesn't go "his way". Then this happens:
"FFS Naut, you're the jungler, you're supposed to be warding" (I'm Naut, btw) "Sorry man, slots full, which is why I'm farming to finish Aegis" "Your slots should always be open so you can have map awareness like me you scrub"
He immediately gets torn apart by 4 people while standing on a river ward. Instant karma, I suppose.
On June 20 2012 08:47 little fancy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2012 08:22 obesechicken13 wrote:On June 20 2012 07:00 Morfildur wrote: My day: 1st Game: I get cait bot, other lanes get destroyed, i win lane, 1 guy rages and leaves the game. Loss 2nd Game: I get soraka, AD carry is trist, gets grabbed by blitz all the time, dies. Loss 3rd Game: I get cait again, win lane, 2 guys rage at each other all the time, 1 leaves. Loss 4th Game: Premade bot, opponent picks my strongest top olaf so i go riven, trade about even with olaf. Team gets destroyed by jungle darius. Loss 5th Game: Premade bot but firstpick takes tristana anyways, I go soraka so the premade can go mid/jungle, tristana manages to fail but still fails less than the rest of the team, 30 minutes in "tristana so low CS"... trist 165cs, rest of the team ~100-110... I keep them alive as good as possible but still... Loss. 6th Game: I get soraka again, Twitch doesn't connect for the first 5 minutes so Jungle is forced to go mid against Vlad. The Urgot on my lane is winning the lane hard, Varus&Alistar don't stand a chance... meanwhile Twitch finally joins the game, goes top eventhough Urgot suggests him going bot so he can farm better with my healing, dies multiple times because he's so behind... then Urgot disconnects, reconnects 5 minutes later. We manage some decent trades but 2 players are so far behind that there is no way to recover. I start surrender vote after we lose a big teamfight where all cards were in our hand... 1/4. Second surrender vote after our first inhibitor is down... 1/4. Third surrender vote when they push with baron and clear our base... 1/4. We manage to push them out with only the nexus left standing, they get all the buffs on the map, push in, we die... Loss.
I don't know what i can do to stop this downward trend... I was comfortable in the 1350 area but somehow everything seems to go wrong since 2 weeks, now i'm 1078 and i'm not good enough to carry a team all by myself...
A couple leavers and dcers, and you play support too much. Not that supports don't carry games. Their wards do. They just have games where they can't do much. This. This exactly. I had the same shit happening to me in the very beginning were I was forced to play support in 6 of my 10 seeding games just after I lost my first two games not playing support. Several friends experienced the same phenomenon. But shouldn't chances be relatively equal to be any of the 5 picks?
I feel like in bad teams Jungle and Support absolutely have no chance of carrying. Whenever i play Jungle, either all lanes die before i even get a chance of ganking or all lanes push so hard that there is no way to gank and i sit in the bush for 20s pinging them to move back until i give up... and then they get ganked, die and cry "report jungler, no ganks". As support, i heal my heart out but the team just focusses the 200armor/200mr singed, gets him to half health, ignores the opponents carries and then they all die. It sometimes goes so far that the opponents run past the tanks, past the bruisers, past even the carries and straight for me.
Sadly i'm rarely firstpick so i have to take one of the 3 roles i can play best in and that is not taken (Top/AD/Support). Since everyone wants to be AD or Top it usually ends up in me being support unless i'm second pick. I really should work on getting my jungle/mid skills up to par but i don't want to do that in ranked games and in normals they are always taken by instalockers... though maybe at this horribly low ELO i should just play mid/jungle anyways.
If you want elo become a dick and never support or jungle. Only way to sucessfully rise if you don't want to rely on chance. Also never Q for ranked past midnight, and stop playing ranked after you lose your first 2 in a row.
I hate the chat bugs we are having lately... First pick chooses Vayne and never says a word in champ-selection. So our team picks Fiora top, Udyr, Lux and Alistar. Game starts and Vayne runs top. Whole team starts to ping and yell. Vayne tells us that we are fucking noobs, she told us x times she would go top and now she just doesn't care. Wtf. They manage to give the talon top first blood, altough both are top and refuse to go bot. After about 5 minutes of madness, vayne goes bot to help Alistar and bitches for the rest of the game. At about 30 minutes into the game, top has won, but has been ganked way too much. Bot has won as well, but Vayne died a lot. All three lanes pushed incredibly hard, so i had to farm my jungle, no ganks from udyr. Now we ace them, get baron, get two inhib towers and one inhib and i ping for baron. Vayne stays behind and tries to solo their respawned Nocturne, Morde and Blitz. "WOW, Nocturne had Ult again and Morde hat exhaust again. wtf!" As we lack the damage, we have to abort Baron and retreat. They take Baron. Then my team decides that it is a good idea to engage them after baron and their fed morde just rips us to pieces. We lose one inhib. All are back up, drake is up, so my team runs to drake, but what's that, there is a stray Morde standing beetween their blue and drake. Vayne goes into engage mode. Morde runs to the blue bush. Vayne follows, facechecking the bush, instantly looses 2/3 of her health to a single morde. We have to follow the stupid carry, try to kill the morde, that zonyas as the rest of team engages us, o course vayne is already dead, so our damage isn't that great, we die, we lose. Our Vayne with 12/10/x stats, our fiora with 11/11/x stats tell us how we are too stupid to play that game, how they can't carry us, congratulate each other on their skill and i go into a rage-shock.
On June 20 2012 08:47 little fancy wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2012 08:22 obesechicken13 wrote:On June 20 2012 07:00 Morfildur wrote: My day: 1st Game: I get cait bot, other lanes get destroyed, i win lane, 1 guy rages and leaves the game. Loss 2nd Game: I get soraka, AD carry is trist, gets grabbed by blitz all the time, dies. Loss 3rd Game: I get cait again, win lane, 2 guys rage at each other all the time, 1 leaves. Loss 4th Game: Premade bot, opponent picks my strongest top olaf so i go riven, trade about even with olaf. Team gets destroyed by jungle darius. Loss 5th Game: Premade bot but firstpick takes tristana anyways, I go soraka so the premade can go mid/jungle, tristana manages to fail but still fails less than the rest of the team, 30 minutes in "tristana so low CS"... trist 165cs, rest of the team ~100-110... I keep them alive as good as possible but still... Loss. 6th Game: I get soraka again, Twitch doesn't connect for the first 5 minutes so Jungle is forced to go mid against Vlad. The Urgot on my lane is winning the lane hard, Varus&Alistar don't stand a chance... meanwhile Twitch finally joins the game, goes top eventhough Urgot suggests him going bot so he can farm better with my healing, dies multiple times because he's so behind... then Urgot disconnects, reconnects 5 minutes later. We manage some decent trades but 2 players are so far behind that there is no way to recover. I start surrender vote after we lose a big teamfight where all cards were in our hand... 1/4. Second surrender vote after our first inhibitor is down... 1/4. Third surrender vote when they push with baron and clear our base... 1/4. We manage to push them out with only the nexus left standing, they get all the buffs on the map, push in, we die... Loss.
I don't know what i can do to stop this downward trend... I was comfortable in the 1350 area but somehow everything seems to go wrong since 2 weeks, now i'm 1078 and i'm not good enough to carry a team all by myself...
A couple leavers and dcers, and you play support too much. Not that supports don't carry games. Their wards do. They just have games where they can't do much. This. This exactly. I had the same shit happening to me in the very beginning were I was forced to play support in 6 of my 10 seeding games just after I lost my first two games not playing support. Several friends experienced the same phenomenon. But shouldn't chances be relatively equal to be any of the 5 picks?
I'm lucky, when I support I always end up feeding but get carried anyways.
Unfortunately when I play anything else, we lose even when I'm 8/1 lol.
When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists?
On June 21 2012 02:25 Dalguno wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists?
Imagine how much more people would whine about killsteals, play for their stats and refuse to play support if ELO would be influenced by KDA ratios.
On June 21 2012 02:59 h3r1n6 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2012 02:25 Dalguno wrote:On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists? Imagine how much more people would whine about killsteals, play for their stats and refuse to play support if ELO would be influenced by KDA ratios.
Mmm yeah I didn't give that any thought. Thanks.
On June 21 2012 02:59 h3r1n6 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2012 02:25 Dalguno wrote:On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists? Imagine how much more people would whine about killsteals, play for their stats and refuse to play support if ELO would be influenced by KDA ratios.
Well if it counts assists and kills as equal then that wouldn´t be such a huge problem. The main problem with that is it doesn´t account for how you died. Maybe a support sacrificied himself to save the overextending carry and maybe the jungler just suicided to steal baron/dragon a lot.
I haven't won but 1 game in like a week. I think this could be like the BW slump I had, where I dropped to D then suddenly got to C with no effort(lol what the fuck happened here?) with my worst MU no less.
Maybe i'll make it to gold and keep it this time. maybe.
![[image loading]](http://i46.tinypic.com/14t8zfq.jpg)
My top lane vs my mid lane. This fucking inbecil kassadin decided he was gonna first pick kassadin. Gets stomped hard by Cassopiea. I give him 2 blues which he manages to keep for about 30 seconds. I try to gank his lane but it´s just not possible. I fucking hate this community, nay I hate the fucking immature kids in it. It wasn´t that many years since I was 12 years old and I really can´t remember acting like this. Do people not understand that when you make "your mom" jokes you make yourself look like a fucking idiot. He then starts following me around in my jungle trying to steal all my creeps, and I still end up with 3x more CS than him.
Luckily I heard pendragon is gonna hold some public tribunal/humiliation/witchhunt on some guy over at the LoL forums which might be exactly what I need to see to get into a better mood.
On June 21 2012 02:59 h3r1n6 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2012 02:25 Dalguno wrote:On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists? Imagine how much more people would whine about killsteals, play for their stats and refuse to play support if ELO would be influenced by KDA ratios.
I find I get my highest KDA ratios as support!
On June 21 2012 06:32 impirion wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2012 02:59 h3r1n6 wrote:On June 21 2012 02:25 Dalguno wrote:On June 21 2012 01:50 Keniji wrote: When you're skillwise way above your current elo, it might take longer to climb up with support than any other role (maybe, I dont know), but you will definitely still climb up. You can easily carry games as a support. That you can't is just a myth.
On a different note I am trying to really learn to control my lane with waves pushing etc.. But since I mostly play soloQ AD carry it's so so hard. Like we're stronger in lane and their wave is pushing. I would be in a situation where i could possible deny their AD carry for forever. BUT NO SORAKA, BETTER START HEALING OUR DIENG CREEPS!! That's actually plain assisting the enemy team.
Is ranking up your ELO all about win/loss or does it judge kills/deaths/assists? Imagine how much more people would whine about killsteals, play for their stats and refuse to play support if ELO would be influenced by KDA ratios. I find I get my highest KDA ratios as support!
Yeah, almost every game i play soraka and my team doesn't get completely roflstomped i end up 1/0 or 2/0, nothing can beat that percentage 