The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 208
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Hong Kong4308 Posts
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United States405 Posts
Disregard any lane counters and ban out Blitz, Ali, and Naut every time I'm fp because in solo queue no one on my team can play against them without feeding horribly. | ||
914 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
United States392 Posts
I am so. sad. | ||
United States20254 Posts
On June 18 2012 21:38 Broetchenholer wrote: God this weekend was awful. In one game we need a jungler and forth pick takes ezreal with smite. So, you know how it is, shit just got real. Flames. I decide to wait it out, dunno if he is able to jungle at all. I am Malphite vs ad yi top and feel kind of good about that. He still deals some good damage early and forces me out of lane once. In comes our brave jungler with red and 2/3 hp against 1/3 hp top yi. Fast forward. Yi got red buff and 300g more. I still manage to stabilize and turn the lane around, yi is just not supposed to trade well with malph, i take his tower and start helping the team a bit. Óur jungler did quite well, he is definetely able to play ezreal and we get some good trades. Enemy team does have darius (!)) as ad bot, so we win, right? Right? 10 minutes into the future: Yi didn't really show up top anymore, but is level 18 when i am 16 and hast 50 cs more than me. Our ad-carry is 1/11/3 with 60 cs. Our mid (Galio) Ahri is doing well, had some nice ganks from ezreal is quite good as well and we have a support. Teamfights start, i ult in, get their ap down and realize that yi comes in from behind, killing our ad, ezreal and ahri in the process while i try to slow him and E him and get my fucking omen on him and he still just destroys my squishies while darius and the rest of the gank slowly widdle me down. wtf. Next game and i get the same ezreal player that proclaims to go jungling. Yay. I already know what is gonna happen. But actually, he wans't that bad. I ask if someone can play galio mid and ali bot maybe, what they do, go top as panth. Then shit gets real again when they realize the jungler wantws to paly ezreal. The supposed carry flames and flames and then lock in naut with smite telling ezreal to go bot. Which he does. And get's really fed down there. While i am against a vlad that gets a gank or two and slowly starts outtrading. I call for a gank from minute 5 to minute 14:30 when i finally get a "gank" that kills naut, because he could not finish off a 30% health vlad while i was at 100 hp. So i get my first kill with my ult and he flames me for not helping him. We lose, cause mid and jungle are retards. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just won a game with an Ez jungle. I wonder if it was the same guy. | ||
United States10531 Posts
On June 19 2012 14:56 Requizen wrote: "We just aced them, get inhib first then Baron" SHIT I NEVER EVER WANT TO HEAR IN A GAME There are situations where you SHOULD take a inhibit before a baron ~_~ | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On June 19 2012 14:48 ninjakingcola wrote: Note to self: Disregard any lane counters and ban out Blitz, Ali, and Naut every time I'm fp because in solo queue no one on my team can play against them without feeding horribly. Blitz is my default ban. On my team they never grab anything, on the opponents team they always grab my teammates in the worst situations because they are always out of position. I was so comfortable in 1350 where i won my lanes 50/50... now i'm ~1180, win my lanes easily even against hardcounters and still have a win ratio of 40/60... I should look for a ranked 5v5 team :-/ | ||
Germany1008 Posts
Most of the time if i play soloq on normals i get a pretty decent team with no trolls etc. But everytime i que up with my gf, who is better than me with a few champs (Amumu/Janna/ALL AP Mid chars) we get trolls, leavers, junglers who die to blue buff, renekton with smite so he "can farm better", and the usual vaynes starting regroth pendant. The last game we lost after going 8/2 combined (Kog/Janna) in the laning phase because our both other lines failed hard. Wards? What are Wards? | ||
Germany3948 Posts
On June 19 2012 15:34 MooMooMugi wrote: There are situations where you SHOULD take a inhibit before a baron ~_~ If you can easily take an inhibitor you should do it. It is much better than baron, because those mobs will keep at least a part of the enemy team busy, thus giving you more freedom on the map. Simple logic, but many people only see the money which baron gives you, which doesnt matter if you just go and kill their nexus. I am still at a playing level where I see people ignorant of game mechanics (last hit = money) and math skill (~12 CS = 1 champion kill), but I am not going fusion over it since I have to relearn support skills after a few months of not playing. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
Ragefest begins at 3 minute in the game, when nocturne randomly gets exploded, Nasus dies and ziggs loses his lane as well. At bot, we have a really bad Blitz that can't land a single grab except if i want to get grabbed, however, we don't always trade correctly and so it's not the biggest stomp, but Teemo gets 2/0 and after ten minutes, he is kind of ahead. Score ist 5/17 at that time. Ziggs is just screaming at everyone for being noobs and shit. Nasus of course is afk at top, while they siege bots and mids inner turret, get free dragons and just roam the whole map. I don't know how, but somehow we start to crawl back. My Teemo is doing quite well, the ziggs does some damage as well and Nocturne has stabilized. So we fight them until minute 35 more or less 4vs4, cause their blitz logs out and in because of lag. We suddenly get even on kills and, oh wonder, Nasus joins the first teamfight. Only defensive items and now we start to destroy them, get inhibs, baron and end it. Then the Nasus starts to boast how he carried us hard, how we were bad and so on. Ziggs never stopped talking trash. Felt good to win this, but i hated every minute of it. | ||
447 Posts
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3534 Posts
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Kosovo2724 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
On June 19 2012 14:48 ninjakingcola wrote: Note to self: Disregard any lane counters and ban out Blitz, Ali, and Naut every time I'm fp because in solo queue no one on my team can play against them without feeding horribly. You will get flamed so horribly hard. It is pretty reasonable, but none of those are on the "must ban" list some people have, and thus you will get flamed because "OMG YOU DID NOT BAN MORG; LOST NOW!". This constant stream of flaming will then lead to you losing the match, which then makes them go "WAS LOST FROM THE BEGINNING; FP TROLLBANS!" | ||
Sweden690 Posts
On June 19 2012 23:51 Simberto wrote: You will get flamed so horribly hard. It is pretty reasonable, but none of those are on the "must ban" list some people have, and thus you will get flamed because "OMG YOU DID NOT BAN MORG; LOST NOW!". This constant stream of flaming will then lead to you losing the match, which then makes them go "WAS LOST FROM THE BEGINNING; FP TROLLBANS!" It´s so fucking sad that people can´t understand what is actually good. A fucking Ahri going 0/4 vs Morgana at 25 minutes "OMG NOOB WHY U BAN BLITZ ALISTAR AND GRAVES INSTEAD OF MORGANA". Well maybe you should learn to play because Ahri vs Morgana is like the easiest lane every made. Smoke screen is so fucking OP, fucking Graves just made the perma ban list I am tired of that fucker. Easiest AD in the game by far. | ||
United States35091 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On June 19 2012 15:34 MooMooMugi wrote: There are situations where you SHOULD take a inhibit before a baron ~_~ I agree. Those situations aren't when you ace them in mid lane near your base and mid is pushed all the way up to your turret. So they wanted to push mid allllllllll the way down to the inhib (instead of backdooring it of course), and then go get baron because "We'll have time". Of course, by the time that was done, they were all up and we couldn't get Baron. Perfection. | ||
Netherlands124 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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