Champ select, everything's going fine.
Then with 5 seconds left, nocturne switches to nidalee. Now we don't have a jungler.
Game starts, she goes top lane with me, Olaf. No jungler, and now I have some idiot leeching exp. and cs off of me. When I go back for my first buy, she decides to fight Darius at level 5 when she was level 3. I'm not even back to the lane yet. He promptly kills her.
Her reponse: "Thanks a lot Olaf!"
Fast forward 10 minutes, she has fed Darius a total of 4 kills. Feeding the top lane 4 kills is already bad enough, but giving darius of all champs that amount of money so early is just stupid amounts of retarded.
Her response: "Olaf, you are complete trash. I'm leaving the lane, go fuck yourself."
On June 21 2012 06:49 BlasiuS wrote: Champ select, everything's going fine.
Then with 5 seconds left, nocturne switches to nidalee. Now we don't have a jungler.
Game starts, she goes top lane with me, Olaf. No jungler, and now I have some idiot leeching exp. and cs off of me. When I go back for my first buy, she decides to fight Darius at level 5 when she was level 3. I'm not even back to the lane yet. He promptly kills her.
Her reponse: "Thanks a lot Olaf!"
Fast forward 10 minutes, she has fed Darius a total of 4 kills. Feeding the top lane 4 kills is already bad enough, but giving darius of all champs that amount of money so early is just stupid amounts of retarded.
Her response: "Olaf, you are complete trash. I'm leaving the lane, go fuck yourself."
Nearly had that happen to me 2 games ago. I managed to exchange ignite with smite at the last second after the jungler suddenly switched to flash/exhaust teemo. I then just jungled with tank runes/masteries which worked ok and was still better than sharing a lane and losing jungle control... Though in my case the teemo then raged all the time because he lost the lane against a lane-nautilus while i was busy keeping the more important bot lane alive that was losing hard.
That teemo was so annoying, running off all by himself all the time, chasing low champions past the opponents tier 2 towers and then dying, respawning and then doing the exact same thing again... The game felt like it was 4v5 or even 4v6.
:/ Game froze so I had to disconnect. It laggs out when I try to reconnect so I restart the client. 5 fucking minutes of queue time.I´m glad my team was a bag of turds or I´d be feeling really guilty.
Well the game didn´t show up in my match history so I guess the game just crashed or something.
Now I'm not crying because of ingame & community related things but rather because Riot finally fucked it up so heavily -.-
They did the same shit with Magma Chamber: promise something big (in this case nice changes with the patch and epic Pulsefire Ezreal) and then fuck it up.
They teased us in the middle of last week, fucked up the patch at sunday and I am 95% sure that the servers are not going to get patched tonight (for US) and tomorrow (for EU-W).
Mistakes can happen, but don't get the people pumped just to disappoint them again. FUUUUU!
On June 21 2012 07:07 Hakanfrog wrote: :/ Game froze so I had to disconnect. It laggs out when I try to reconnect so I restart the client. 5 fucking minutes of queue time.I´m glad my team was a bag of turds or I´d be feeling really guilty.
Seems to be down atm...
Seriously, why the fuck do I keep getting AP Ezreals on my team? Did Dyrus or something start playing him? Jesus, 0-5 the last day and a half anytime he's on my team. Matter of fact, I think I've had AD Ez twice and he's lost too.
Fuck Ezreal.
Yeah I've been seeing a resurgence of Ezreals everywhere lately, top, mid, bot, even jungle. Probably in anticipation for the new skin
I would blame everything Ezrael related at the moment on Pulsefire.
wait 2 hours to get into server i typed password in wrong 2 more hours
On June 21 2012 08:34 BreakfastBurrito wrote: wait 2 hours to get into server i typed password in wrong 2 more hours
Time to start drinking.
Successfully log in. All queues disabled.
I was playing Wukong against Teemo, annoyed because if I dash in he just pops his blind, move quick if I follow him, and there's no way I get the full combo off of him. I start trashing him anyway, and then Darius gets into our lane bush and doesn't fucking move for the next 2 minutes. He only pops and tries to harass me if I ever cross the river (and the lane was made to push first time he came because I was jumping Teemo), fails, and goes back into the bush, cliche-Garen style. Since our jungler was dc from the very start of the game I just have to wait while I go from +15 to -10 cs because of that 4v5. We won the game in the end, which should be enough as I was doing it for the daily win, but goddammit if that wasn't boring and frustrating to just see your whole early advantage disappear and get dived because there's nobody to punish his idiotic behaviour.
"Always get tower over Baron."
Can someone explain why?
Hm, it kind of makes sense. If you just won a fight at baron, you can take a tower, go back, spend the money, and force another fight at baron. Since you won the first one, and are now even stronger then then, chances are good you will win the next one even more. Basically, if baron is up, it allows you to have fights that are not under the opponents tower unless they want to let you have a free baron.
Of course, that is still situational. When you are in the baron pit and just aced them, but all lanes are pushed to your towers, taking baron is probably smarter. If you have a good sieging team, taking baron might also be smarter. But generally speaking, your goal is to blow up a nexus, and baron is only a means to that end. So usually, if you can take towers for free, that is more useful then taking baron which only enables you to take towers easier. That is especially true if those towers are inhibitor towers, which are stupidly hard to siege.
^plus theres no risk of someone randomly stealing baron if you just take the tower, usually the inhibitor too if the circumstances are right, think of it as "guaranteed damage."
On June 21 2012 13:24 Simberto wrote: Hm, it kind of makes sense. If you just won a fight at baron, you can take a tower, go back, spend the money, and force another fight at baron. Since you won the first one, and are now even stronger then then, chances are good you will win the next one even more. Basically, if baron is up, it allows you to have fights that are not under the opponents tower unless they want to let you have a free baron.
Of course, that is still situational. When you are in the baron pit and just aced them, but all lanes are pushed to your towers, taking baron is probably smarter. If you have a good sieging team, taking baron might also be smarter. But generally speaking, your goal is to blow up a nexus, and baron is only a means to that end. So usually, if you can take towers for free, that is more useful then taking baron which only enables you to take towers easier. That is especially true if those towers are inhibitor towers, which are stupidly hard to siege.
Only towers I reckon are worth more than barons are the inhib ones. Everything else I much rather have a baron. 300 global gold + nice buff that pretty much guarantees you'll kill any non-inhib towers you want as long as you're not super behind. Only ppl I see going after towers after they get an ace at baron are noobs and throwers. Ofc this changes if the game is 40min+ because the respawn timers are so huge if you ace you're guaranteed at least an inhib, if not nexus towers+.
Who else loves playing with supports while practicing AD carry?
First pick picks Alistar. OKAY HE MIGHT NOT SUCK I think. Exhaust, and I have ignite, vs a Janna Varus(so no escape)
So what does he do? Proceeds to camp brush doign nothing first 10min letting Varus freefarm, then after Varus has wriggles lantern he goes aggressive, we get doublekilled and lose lane WHILE WE COULD HAVE COMPLETELY DENIED HIM STARTING FROM LVL 2
How can you be so fucking retarded you don't understand what Alistar does in lane vs 0 sustain?
"He played safe" Yeah I bet he played really fucking safe if he had 10 minions per minute what the fucking shit if we at least denied him I'd understand
On June 20 2012 16:39 Zooper31 wrote: If you want elo become a dick and never support or jungle. Only way to sucessfully rise if you don't want to rely on chance. Also never Q for ranked past midnight, and stop playing ranked after you lose your first 2 in a row.
You guys just don't know how to support. Supports can be extremely active in winning games in soloQ. Take the role leader, ward important places, have the map awereness that your team doesnt have and ping for them. Gank mid with the jungler when you clear the other teams wards with all your pro pink wards etc etc.
I am currently 18-4 with soraka in ranked, and 25 10 with alistar.
But I guess its alright to QQ in this thread. Just have to point this out when people says supports cant win games.
Nocturne ulti is so bullshit when you're AD carry teamfighting near brushes.
Why the fuck does it still function like that? There's literally a 0% chance to win any teamfight near brushes unless you have like 50% more gold and that needs to be on a melee.
My own premade trolls me. 27/5 loss. QQ.
IMO ranked games are ranked games and you should take them seriously. Is that asking for too much?