Yo guys
When Cho comes and lands a really nice rupture, saves your ass and tanks for you
You don't run the fuck away and let him die
You do this great thing called help out
Worst dominion game ever. Not only did it break a 8 win streak, but we lost 458-0. Funniest thing, I finished 2nd with 4/3/1. That's how bad it was.
dominion is not real game type
On June 11 2012 12:58 ticklishmusic wrote: Yo guys
When Cho comes and lands a really nice rupture, saves your ass and tanks for you
You don't run the fuck away and let him die
You do this great thing called help out
Worst dominion game ever. Not only did it break a 8 win streak, but we lost 458-0. Funniest thing, I finished 2nd with 4/3/1. That's how bad it was.
And if i'm Tank and 2 players on my team are low health and getting chased from the whole enemy team with no hope of escape, RUN if i engage to save you. Don't turn around and get 1-shotted immediately, i'm the tank, dying for carries is my job and more often than not i also have an escape plan ready once i slowed them down so you could RUN AWAY...
Seriously... every second game i play tank it's the same situation. They turn around because hey, he engaged 1v5, can't let him die alone... and then they die to a severe case of buckshot to the face and i follow them into the grave because instead of just engaging, slowing and then escaping i stay in the hope of buying more time until they finally remember that they didn't buy those fancy shoes to soak up their own blood.
On June 11 2012 12:58 ticklishmusic wrote: Yo guys
When Cho comes and lands a really nice rupture, saves your ass and tanks for you
You don't run the fuck away and let him die
You do this great thing called help out
Worst dominion game ever. Not only did it break a 8 win streak, but we lost 458-0. Funniest thing, I finished 2nd with 4/3/1. That's how bad it was.
Well, that's the one thing about that. What i hate way more is when my carry, ezreal for example, is so over confident that he engages 3 people. Of course, he can always jump out, np np. And you as support are trying to help him, so he does damage ohne of them and then decides, whoops, now it's really time get out and jumps over a wall. But you, you are still standing there. With your boots 1 and your flash on cooldown....And if you don' help him, you get flamed for not doing your fucking job...
team 2-8 4-10 1-11 3-10
Lasted 46min, wed have won if kennen didnt afk at base for 30s because "need item"
At the end
"vayne you suck take all frag and cant carry fucking noob"
Why did I start playing this again, anyway..
I hate it when friends invite other high ELO friends into our ranked teams and are like "trust me he's 1800 ELO and will carry". And then the invited high ELO friends fail hard.
And then those come up with excuses like:
"in solo q that would have worked" "im having a bad day" (while playing that bad since 10 days when you joined the team) "ur just 2 stupid 2 follow"
When do people realize that solo q is different from ranked 5x5 teamplay?!
We got beaten several times now by ranked teams that consist of 5 unranked people after 200+ games each in solo queue but play so well as a team to beat 4 silver and that super duper uber 1800+ ELO guy.
It's a TEAM GAME and solo q ELO does not really reflect that. And just as I write this I'm getting introduced to another Gold solo queue player. Better stop playing for today zzz.
On June 11 2012 23:17 Shikyo wrote: 16-7-7
team 2-8 4-10 1-11 3-10
Lasted 46min, wed have won if kennen didnt afk at base for 30s because "need item"
At the end
"vayne you suck take all frag and cant carry fucking noob"
Why did I start playing this again, anyway..
Always best when you don't play for a while then come back to getting trolled. :D
Well ok queue up for a game. Get kayle vs Darius. Great I've been meaning to try this. Last pick selects Garen. "hey garen you know I'm top". Locks Garen. Fuck I have to dodge because of this guy? I don't want my bot lane being countered by wards.
Oh well, at least I don't run a 60% risk of a bad game. And by dropping elo I just get to make it back later.
On June 11 2012 13:06 eagle wrote: dominion is not real game type
its like sctoo. ill let you figure out what that analogy implies.
On June 11 2012 18:50 Broetchenholer wrote: Well, that's the one thing about that. What i hate way more is when my carry, ezreal for example, is so over confident that he engages 3 people. Of course, he can always jump out, np np. And you as support are trying to help him, so he does damage ohne of them and then decides, whoops, now it's really time get out and jumps over a wall. But you, you are still standing there. With your boots 1 and your flash on cooldown....And if you don' help him, you get flamed for not doing your fucking job...
tank: there's a reason no one wants to play it. if you don't put your ass on the line for the guys who think theyre hot shit and get in bad situations when theyre trying to be cool, them dying is always your fault.
On June 11 2012 17:38 Morfildur wrote:
And if i'm Tank and 2 players on my team are low health and getting chased from the whole enemy team with no hope of escape, RUN if i engage to save you. Don't turn around and get 1-shotted immediately, i'm the tank, dying for carries is my job and more often than not i also have an escape plan ready once i slowed them down so you could RUN AWAY...
Seriously... every second game i play tank it's the same situation. They turn around because hey, he engaged 1v5, can't let him die alone... and then they die to a severe case of buckshot to the face and i follow them into the grave because instead of just engaging, slowing and then escaping i stay in the hope of buying more time until they finally remember that they didn't buy those fancy shoes to soak up their own blood.
scenario: draven/ashe a losing a 2v2 against hec/ryze so they begin to run. they're at around 1/4 hp, the other teams maybe around 1/2. i come in and land rupture, feral scream and my auto spikes which knocks them down to 1/4 hp or less. i have sceptre too, so they're slowed and silenced and both around 1/4 health. ryze cant do shit because he's silenced, and hec is pretty weak because he's slow.
am i planning to suicide to save your ass? probably not, i'm a little bit selfish after all, and feast stacks dont come easy. am i here to try and keep you alive and turn the fight around? yes.
however, my teammates decide that im there to sacrifice myself rather than to help out with burst and cc. yes. so, they run away and all i can do is slap away at the enemy team and then die to ryze's ridiculous combo because all my shit is on cooldown and i havent build any mr except boots yet.
Why is it so hard to support ganks. Like when u are GP top against draven, and you are standing next to him, maybe Q + aa him for the slow, so we get a guaranteed kill? Or when you are ww, use your Suppress so i can close the distance, not wait for me to close the distance, cc him, do the damage, and suppress when he is @ 50hp without escapes. Blah. I kinda want to start playing junglers that can do everything when it comes to ganking, close distance super fast, CC, and then do the damagez. blah.
i go 2-0 in lane and zone akali hard with ryze. (without ganks)
Buy 2 wards everytime I go back. I do not ward river but their jungle entrance because well, I see them longer and bot wards river right? Wrong. I get ganked 6 times from alistar bot (not a single ss). Die 2 times out of it because I commit into a favorable 1v1 trade and I have vision on their top and jungle and didnt watched bot (my bad). But still SS or at least wards.
Akali snow balls from there other lanes. In the end I get comments like "Rod Ryze WTF!!!".
When I'm duo queueing with my buddy I'm usually last pick as the little silver ELO noob between all the cool gold ELO guys. And still I see people failing horribly and making the dumbest plays on earth, feeding and throwing games everywhere.
And then, when I check their ELO post game, I'm almost crying because I expect 1700ish people to not play like a bloody beginner. And yet, they are so full of themselves even when they clearly threw a game and it's everybody else's fault.
How LoL works as you go up in elo. Almost the same everywhere. Get the 1800 duo on your team. Lose game. Get the 1800 duo on the other team, win game.
So the only downside of playing a gank intensive jungle correctly is that you're still "bad" because you don't have a positive K/D. Sorry baddie vayne, "gg noob ali is 2/3", I only got two kills. I also got seventeen fucking assists and snowballed Garen top so hard we could win despite you.
Jungling Hec, Talon is mid. He specifically requested Talon mid against their Lux. I think, "OK, I can see that". At some point, we both go top to help Vlad who is having issues against Rumble, failed gank, he goes back to lane, I go back to jungle. He immediately dies to Lux, giving first blood.
"OMG Hec, way to have map awareness!" "You walked straight into her and died, your own damn fault" "I'm not responsible for my own deaths!" (Not his exact words, but you get the idea)
He then spends the rest of the game telling me how bad I am and how I'm building wrong, only to have the most deaths, feed the fuck out of Lux, and die every time he leaves lane. It was all my fault for not helping him get that first kill, apparently.
He also told me that Sunfire cape is the best item for Hec, and in fact on everyone, and that getting things like Phage and Hexdrinker were a bad idea, despite there being a fed Rumble and Lux in the game. Right.
I'm currently seeded at ~1300 ELO with only about 15 games played, this guy has ~500 games and is still stuck there. I hope he's there forever.
Edit: And then the next game, Wukong feeds 5 kills to Lee, leaves, and we get rocked. Awesome.
So, we created a ranked team, consisting of two 1500 players, two unranked casual players and me as 1100. One of the 1500 "can play any lane", one is great as ad and ok mid. One of the unrankeds is ok as amumu, everything else is meh and the fourth plays everything casually, but isn't really good at anything and has least champs. I can't play mid, rest is okay, top and support are my strongest roles atm.
Obvious teamcomp: (1)+(2)1500s going mid and ad to carry us, (3)amumu goes amumu, (4)unranked goes support where he is decent at, (5)i go top.
Game 1: (1) top, (2) ad, (3) mid (4) jungle (5) support and we trash them cause top and bot destroy game 2: (1) top, (2) ad, (3) jungle(4) mid(5) support and we trash them again cause top and bot destroy Game 3: (1) mid, (2) ad, (3) jungle, (4) support, (5) top and we win again cause bot and mid destroys game 4: (1) ad, (2) top, (3) jungle, (4) support, (5) mid and we win the game, but it's really close, cause i can't mid, top and bot don't win that decisive because ad is not (1) best and top is not (2) best game 5: (1) mid, (2) ad, (3) jungle, (4) top, (5) support. (4) is first pick and states that he wants to play teemo, he'll trade me janna. then he leaves his pc to smoke. enemy picks irelia for top and urgot + soraka for bot. So i am stuck with janna on a urgot lane and ezreal isn't the best choice against urgot either. We get raped of course. Top teemo gets raped as well and qqs all the time, he has no experience against irelia at all, obviously never player her, always best to try new shit in team ranked.
Best way to play ranked 5's: change your teamcomp every fucking time. fu!
Enemy has 5 AP champs (Well, AD kog, Ryze, Brand, WW and Amu) and @ 25 minutes we have 1 guy with MR items, thats me building my Aegis on soraka. Blah.
Hate playing vs blitz/naut and they are in every game so fucking boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Just make the game no fun. qqq
I really wish I would stop getting 1800 duos in my game. Especially when they intentionally troll me.
Oh numbers, I didn't know you were a TLer, you ad often right?