Let's see, what all have I done on my quest to become a better player? I once thought getting a Doran's Ring on Ashe was a good idea so I could keep slowing down enemies I thought the first win of the day bonus was only given out to the first team to win that day, and was a sad zealot when I found out otherwise It took me ~25 games to learn what leashing was When I finally got Flash, I bounded it to the wrong hotkey and flashed into the entire enemy team. Not even the hourglass could save me I once got nothing but philosopher's stones for all my item slots to get as much gold as posssible I originally bought vision wards instead of sight wards, thinking that someone might cloak and gank me I once went an entire game with nothing but basic boots. By the time I realised it, I was 1-7, and we has lost I'm sure there's plenty more
did people turn "feeding" to on or something?
so we invade their red. we catch riven + mord and burn two of their flashes. we take their wraiths. we start taking their red, but then jax pussies out, runs away, goes back and hits it, runs away, goes back and hits it and literally reset it 3 times... then he doesnt take it, gets chased down by respawned riven, ran towards the enemy base instead instead of towards our bot lane who came to help out, dies
then he tries to take blue, is too weak, dies to blue, is level 2 by 6 minutes
bot lane proceeds to give vayne 5 kills in the first 10 minutes
meanwhile im ryze beating the shit out of mord in mid, top lane olaf doing fairly well against their jax
then time to teamfight... except jax decides that he needs to dive them being 4 levels down and he gets instagibbed and turned into ghsot. we run from 6v4 and they take mid tower.
we fight fight fight and lose a lot cause its basically 2v4
then we get barron, push, manage to win for a while, our cait gets a bunch of kills, i get a bunch of kills, looking good
then our jax full derps into enemy team and they take down our inhib. then we push them bakc, barron, and this time jax runs away pussy as shit and 0-10 by now and lets our cait die while he was still at full health. they kill us, kill jax, win
youd think when both me and olaf were 14-7 and cait was 13-8 we woul dhave damage. no 1-10 shen and 0-10 jax too heavy
On June 06 2012 06:31 plasmidghost wrote: I once got nothing but philosopher's stones for all my item slots to get as much gold as posssible I'm sure there's plenty more
This was actually a good thing lol I still remember when the best jungle mumu build was 2 philo and 2 HoG
First pick doesnt ban Darius despite my plees. His response?
"Darius sucks, why ban."
We get rolled 18/3 by Darius. Penta NP
3 fucking leavers in a row. I'm so fucking sick of solo q
i lost a game where we got a triple kill at level 1 fight bot lane support + AD both went 1-0-2, i also got a kill. so i figure, okay i'll camp the other lanes and we'll coast to an easy win bot lane somehow goes 0-5 and 0-5 respectively in lane after that, with NO JUNGLER GANKS FROM EITHER TEAM didn't realize coming to lane with an extra dorans and 2 pots each was such a handicap!
Lost a game as Riven jungle, I was doing well ganking lanes and securing kills.
The laning phase ended with their Varus being fed, their Shen being 60 CS ahead and Karthus 100 CS ahead. I was obviously blamed by the Irelia and Tristana as they simply could not accept they had lost their lanes. They blamed me when they got hooked, they cosntantly harrased me all game despite me having the highest CS and best stats.
This is the first time I´ve wanted to hurt someone in LoL, I honestly wanted nothing more than to physically damage them. I should stop playing this game before the LoL community makes me insane.
(Normal) Game starts with me Olaf vs Rumble, Gragas vs Ryze mid, Shen vs Wu Kong jungle, Twitch and AP teemo bot vs Draven and Soraka. Twitch decides to solo invade the enemy jungle and feeds first blood to Rumble, making it basically impossible to win my lane from that point on. I still manage to have highest CS in the game by 20 minutes (~130) eventhough i was losing the lane hard being 0/3 after 2 enemy ganks. One other guy in my team is at 100 CS, all others significantly below. Twitch continues to feed with stupid "I'm invisible, i can go 1v3! Oops, dead!" actions. At 22 minutes of almost stalemate with my team being 5/20 or so i decide to end the game for whatever outcome comes faster and force a team fight just to get the game over with. Team decides to chase the 10hp Ryze until we are aced 0/5. Opponent takes 2 towers and damages inhibitor, i spam /surrender whenever possible but team refuses 2/3... so i'll continue to defend, force engagements, solo their fed draven and then at 35 minutes the opponent finally kills our nexus.
Well, at least Twitch said he's sorry... I still want to shorten his snout with my axe... at around neck level -.-
I like premade bots. They are usually a little more in sync than a random duo because they usually have played with each other before.
On June 05 2012 11:30 Simberto wrote: Premade bot is strange. About 1/3 of them are really good and rape shit, 1/3 are decent and play an ok lane, and 1/3 are horrible and manage to go 0/10 in as many minutes without any jungler interference. For that reason, they have a very bad reputation, and people don't really care a lot about giving them the lane because there is a reasonably high chance that they will fail it horribly anyways, and at least this way you don't get a vayne which is so fed she can kill anything in half a second on the enemy team.
Disagree with this, premade support isn't going to rage at his ad buddy if he starts feeding (Unless it is me supporting in ranked 5s -_- ) and they on average will always do better than two randoms.
I've been duoing with a 1k elo friend on a smurf and we play trist/ali every game, really easy to carry in a duo like that.
On June 07 2012 03:51 jcarlsoniv wrote: 3 fucking leavers in a row. I'm so fucking sick of solo q
better play that AP janna.
On June 07 2012 09:26 Soloside wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2012 03:51 jcarlsoniv wrote: 3 fucking leavers in a row. I'm so fucking sick of solo q better play that AP janna.
Nope, I'm on Heimer binge now. Come at me bro
Idiots who scream when I don't ban Kass.
Surprisingly, the enemy team is full of idiots who think Kass is ban or win material as well so they pick him.
I pick Fizz AP mid. I go on to completely demolish Kass.
Team fight happens, Kass picks up few kills and manages to get his score relatively okay.
We lose team fight because of bad positioning and bad teammates and we lose. Then they call me stupid for not banning Kass and blames it on me.
I hate noobs who think Kass is ban or win material. He's over-rated and waste of a ban.
Morgana is also another one of those slightly ban over-rated champ, but her case is actually legit because idiot teammates who don't know how to dodge get caught by her snare
On June 04 2012 12:25 WaveofShadow wrote: I don't even know what to say about this free IP weekend. I haven't been maximizing my IP because I HAVENT WON A GAME. I think out of my last 14 or 15 I've won 2. I have gone from +102 W/L to +89.
I...I don't know what to do.
If your winning rate is that low, you yourself have to be playing below decent.
Either way, you should find a champ you're good with, or play a champ that makes a big difference in teamfights.
For example, I can play Shaco, completely mess up enemy team lanes, get kills, be annoying, etc but when late game team fight happens and enemies get oracles, I'm squishy enough to die before I put out lot of damage. I don't contribute a lot to team fights no matter how much kills I get.
On the other hand, I can play Wukong, I can get less kills than I got while I played Shaco, but be more helpful to my team by building tanky, and using my Ult to knock up all 5 enemies at the same time to really screw them over.
Different champs contribute different amount to team fights.
Play a champ that contribute a lot to team fights. And be good with that champ. You'll see your win rate skyrocket.
On June 07 2012 10:58 GhostOwl wrote: Idiots who scream when I don't ban Kass.
Surprisingly, the enemy team is full of idiots who think Kass is ban or win material as well so they pick him.
I pick Fizz AP mid. I go on to completely demolish Kass.
Team fight happens, Kass picks up few kills and manages to get his score relatively okay.
We lose team fight because of bad positioning and bad teammates and we lose. Then they call me stupid for not banning Kass and blames it on me.
I hate noobs who think Kass is ban or win material. He's over-rated and waste of a ban.
Morgana is also another one of those slightly ban over-rated champ, but her case is actually legit because idiot teammates who don't know how to dodge get caught by her snare That's really the problem with kass in soloqueue. You shut him down in lane npnp, but then he picks up some kills off your baddie teammates and he dgaf that he has 30 cs at the 15 minute mark.
On June 07 2012 11:06 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2012 10:58 GhostOwl wrote: Idiots who scream when I don't ban Kass.
Surprisingly, the enemy team is full of idiots who think Kass is ban or win material as well so they pick him.
I pick Fizz AP mid. I go on to completely demolish Kass.
Team fight happens, Kass picks up few kills and manages to get his score relatively okay.
We lose team fight because of bad positioning and bad teammates and we lose. Then they call me stupid for not banning Kass and blames it on me.
I hate noobs who think Kass is ban or win material. He's over-rated and waste of a ban.
Morgana is also another one of those slightly ban over-rated champ, but her case is actually legit because idiot teammates who don't know how to dodge get caught by her snare That's really the problem with kass in soloqueue. You shut him down in lane npnp, but then he picks up some kills off your baddie teammates and he dgaf that he has 30 cs at the 15 minute mark.
The thing is, we lost our team fights not because of Kass, but because of other factors. Our positioning was bad, some of our teammates did not fully commit to the fights, and their team had less bad players than our team did.
Kass or No Kass, we would have lost teamfights anyway. He didn't make a difference. So that is my reasoning that those noobs who think Kass is a ban-must are stupid.
Holy fucking shit........ We have every tower up they have none outside of their base up... We have a 15 kill lead 3 dragons and a baron on them... And my fucking team wants to surrender because we dont have a tank....... I'm Veigar so we have a fat CC, A Blitz and an Amumu so much CC and tanky and I have DFG with 750 AP at this point so my W pretty much takes anything it hits to half and I can focus what ever I want down with DFG and mu Ult. Some fucking retard says SURRENDER OR AFK and he does so... We get 3/2 on the vote and then slaughter them brutally in about 5 more minutes 4v5. I have no faith in humanity left. Atleast we won but 3 people wanting to quit like what the fuck is going on....
My favorite part was when the afker was bitching and I asked say one thing we are behind on and he goes "TEAMWORK" and yet he was bitching and moaning for like 10 minutes to fucking quit.
Dunno if I posted here before.
EVERY. TOP LANER. FEEDS. ALFKJDISLNFGRIUHGKILHWSDNGNGIOB NLKFEDRGEWRKTLJEWNJTG Every goddamn top laner says, "ezpz win gimme top lane" or something like that. 1-8 at 15 mins with 40 something cs.
Taking a shit on bot lane all day has no effect on the game ;_;
Someone just up and quits when we're not even losing. 4 games today I've lost because someone just leaves. Every single loss today but one was for that reason. The one game? Because I queued up with a 5 man to avoid leavers, and the jungler had such a defeatist attitude that we never got off the ground. Ugggggggggggggggggh.
The other 4 games I played today and won each of? Last pick. Every time. At least the 4 man groups were nice and let me choose champs I could carry with instead of Support. (Darius and Mundo)
On June 07 2012 10:58 GhostOwl wrote: Idiots who scream when I don't ban Kass.
Surprisingly, the enemy team is full of idiots who think Kass is ban or win material as well so they pick him.
I pick Fizz AP mid. I go on to completely demolish Kass.
Team fight happens, Kass picks up few kills and manages to get his score relatively okay.
We lose team fight because of bad positioning and bad teammates and we lose. Then they call me stupid for not banning Kass and blames it on me.
I hate noobs who think Kass is ban or win material. He's over-rated and waste of a ban.
Morgana is also another one of those slightly ban over-rated champ, but her case is actually legit because idiot teammates who don't know how to dodge get caught by her snare
This x1000. I love seeing the other team first picking Kass when I intentionally leave him open, then I lock the no1 and spam laugh in lane all game long as his Q does nothing except take my shield away, and if Kass roams I'll take his tower :D . I remember one game at 15 min I had 120 cs to 30, so ez.