On June 07 2012 14:08 schmutttt wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2012 10:58 GhostOwl wrote: Idiots who scream when I don't ban Kass.
Surprisingly, the enemy team is full of idiots who think Kass is ban or win material as well so they pick him.
I pick Fizz AP mid. I go on to completely demolish Kass.
Team fight happens, Kass picks up few kills and manages to get his score relatively okay.
We lose team fight because of bad positioning and bad teammates and we lose. Then they call me stupid for not banning Kass and blames it on me.
I hate noobs who think Kass is ban or win material. He's over-rated and waste of a ban.
Morgana is also another one of those slightly ban over-rated champ, but her case is actually legit because idiot teammates who don't know how to dodge get caught by her snare This x1000. I love seeing the other team first picking Kass when I intentionally leave him open, then I lock the no1 and spam laugh in lane all game long as his Q does nothing except take my shield away, and if Kass roams I'll take his tower :D . I remember one game at 15 min I had 120 cs to 30, so ez.
I was ban captain the other day and I forgot to ban Kassadin so I had to pick him since my team was bitching like fuck. I was instantly counterpicked by Talon and the Sion in my team refused to lane swap. So I was 0-2 with like 10 CS at the point I reached lvl 6.
I then proceeded to go bot lane and pick up a double kill, I would then just repeat this over and over since their bot lane was terrible. That´s the problem with Kassadin, you just know your team might feed him like crazy despite you crushing him in lane. When they then feed him when he ganks they will just blame you for not banning him.
My 2.1k friend 'smurfs' with me; goes 2/11 and 1/8. "Sorry bro I derped"
so I dropped down from 1500 to 1300 after I carried myself up to 1500. I played really well. But then I dont now what the fuck happened I lost everysingle game. Combination of bad luck and bad play I guess. The games my lane went even my team lost, when my team was actually decent I lost my lane, if I dominated my lane someone on my team fed even harder. Still no complain about teammates, if I consider myself 1500 elo I should obv. win my lane hard most of the time at 1300 and somehow I dont always.
It just feels so bad. :/
Edit: I take everything back. 10/0 and 80 to 30 cs after 10(!) minutes. Mid and Top still managed to outfeed BOTH!!! lanes. What the fuck?! That they were 5 at bot afterwards and my mid/top neither took turrets nor helped didnt helped either.
Hate how some people dont realize ACTIVE AP mid's win the game, sitting in one of the side brushes waiting for your lane to overextend is stupid when you could be roaming top and bot and helping YOUR TEAM snowball their lanes. -______-
I win lane with my duo partner so hard. We beat enemy Vayne by 100 CS at 20 minutes, mid goes even but top lane Udyr sucks. Doesn't matter, group and seal the deal.
me: "group mid and push" Udyr: "no enemy is ahead 2 kills can't fight" me: "dude we crushed vayne so hard it's gonna be like a 4v5 ezpz np" Udyr: "no need to farm"
*20 minutes later*
0/5 jungle Mundo and 3/11 top Udyr are squishy as fuck getting caught over and over again. We didn't have a single 5v5 until we lost after Udyr gets caught for no reason just another time...
Udyr: "worst Corki EU pls report" enemy1: "lol Udyr" enemy2: "you cost them the game fucktard"
Post game chat Udyr unleashes the mandatory cancer wishes and a happy family dying before he reports all of us except for his jungle duo partner.
Also, matchmaking: why the fuck are my partner and me (both between 1400 and 1550) matched with another premade that are shown as unranked to me after 300+ ranked games each?!
On June 08 2012 08:00 0123456789 wrote: 200 minutes OP.
Tyvm, fixed. 8)
AS/AP hybrid sona and eve jungle, both on my team T_T
Three days ago I had 6000 ip. I was like "Shall I buy Leona after I got that 300 more ip (she's the only support I don't have), or something out of the 4800 ip champs and a couple runes." I decided to buy J4 and some random runes.
Valkyrie Leona is on sale.
I hope Sewn Chaos Orianna will be on sale soon
People are retarded.
I am playing amumu jungle, in a team of hyperaggressive freaks. Kassadin mid is basically never in his lane, roaming nonstop, diving people, and generally producing a lot of kills for both sides. It does not really help either side a lot, since he kills and gets killed. At about 15 minutes, he complains "i don't have any money, look at my cs" which was at 34. I told him that maybe he would get more cs if he actually ever was in his lane, to which he replied "i am doing your job" Note that i was not inactive during this time, i think at that point my stats were 1/0/3 while at double the enemy junglers farm.
The premade group of blitz + kassa + kayle continues to teamfight nonstop. I grab some waves pushing towards our towers when obviously noone is interested in them at all, and nothing really interesting is happening either. "Omg Amumu, tank farm, fail". Surely it would have been more useful if the tower got that farm.
During one particular time, the three of them were in mid, while mid inhib was down, and top inhib was naked. Our vayne was in base for some reason, but i assume it was reasonable since she was pretty good otherwise. So i push top, because why not. They surely won't be stupid enough to fight 3v5 without an ad carry, right? Wrong. They engage 3v5, die, and start "Omg, Amumu fail, tank pusher farmer, so bad" and start a surrender vote ("It's over, amumu so bad"). Vayne and i don't agree. and defend the base 2v5 and actually even get 2 kills doing so. We continue to win the game after that as our team respawns and we can take baron before they do anything. Due to insurmountable incompetence by our three man premade, this game takes a bit longer, but we still win convincingly, i end the game at 5/2/23. "Report Amumu, failing to communicate with team"
The post-game chat was also interesting. Apparently having 219 creeps as a jungler in a 45 minute game is a reason to report someone, because "amumu never farmer, never", which then make me "player from elo hell, or under"
Most of this flame comes from a support Blitzcrank with thornmail and frozen heart, who was apparently building FoN next, and a Warmogs/Rageblade/Zekes/Triforce/Lantern Kayle. I really want to be able to make a statement for the tribunal when people report me.
I don't understand how i can play a very good game, do what i should do, end with good stats, we win the game, and apparently that is still reason to report me.
Wow o_O
AD carry bot tristana,
10 min 26 minions
14min 36 minions
23min(our surrender) 60 minions
enemy graves 18-0 at that point
Whole game the trist gives orders and acts like the leader
just had an ahri on my team rush QSS as literally her first item after a single d-ring in a ranked game
ok, no problem you say. maybe the malzahar was whooping her in lane. maybe too many warwick ganks. maybe urgot was looking strong
nah, enemy team comp was ziggs, lee sin, singed, soraka, varus gotta cleanse those uh... those... gotta cleanse those... uhh
uhhh gotta cleanse those uhhhh
Silences. Those wicked soraka silences.
Ah, LoL after a long break, thinking of going straight back to D3. Pick WW jungle because i'ved had some fun with hi in my elo, and he seems to shine here in the lower levels. They pick Olaf because they think i am top, and i am like "glad i dodged that"
10 seconds later our fourth pick picks malphite, takes smite, and says LOL WW CANT JUNGLE, I JUNGLE U TOP.
Me not wanting to argue go top, saying i could use some help there against Olaf. For the first few levels everything is fine, Olaf does not harash so i get to free farm, almost started to think that this game would get to be fun, but no. From like level 5-10 Trundle camped me nonstop. at least 1 gank per level, usually 2. 8-10 ganks, i had good ward coverage, but he came from everywhere. First time they dived me, with Trundle escaping with 100hp and Olaf with 80hp, the second time they dived me i got 1 kill (+ turret got one ) and after that Olaf was just so much ahead, that i really could just sit, and hope he lets me farm some.
After my first pleads for ganks did not do anything, i decided to stay quiet, @ 20 minutes i am 4/6 (not that bad imho, taking in that it was a 1v2 for the entire time) but then it happened:
WTF?! Did he really forget what happened pregame, or is he just that dumb? My brain exploded right there and then, and for the first time in my lol career i felt like saying some bad words to him. Well, i just ignored them all, and decided that the next time that happens i'll go duojungle if must. : Z
edit: And for that matter, i really hate people who just see the stats, and don't see how people ended there. Like a game before the one i QQ:d about, i was jungle jax, i constantly ganked mid, and got like 6 kills there in 20 minutes, not counting the forced summoners etc. Just before we rushed and finished the game, enemy was like REPORT KARTHUS PLS, SO BAD even though they did not support him one bit, and our mid was like "y, i totally raped his ass, so bad". :U
![[image loading]](http://i50.tinypic.com/pcbup.png)
The top game I carried the shit 0/8 with teleport Irelia with the help from TF ganks. It was basically a 4v5 since Shaco had 0 succesful ganks and remained useless throughout the game.
We managed to do well but the team would never come together and push after a teamfight. In the end I managed to get everyone to push mid as we could easily beat them in a fight. But without a single ward on the map our Vayne bravely wandred off to farm her mighty Bloodthirster. Lost fucking 70 ELO in a day fucking shit game.
I got this retarded glitch where in champ select, when it was my turn to pick it wouldn't let me because "It isn't your turn to pick yet!" when it clearly was, so I randomed Graves while the Jungle/Ranged/AP mid/Top were already picked. When I clicked to close client just before the countdown ended, the client froze and after I restarted I noticed I had to reconnect to the game, meaning that the game started even when I tried to dodge. I log in at 5:10 game time and my team is screaming for me to go top, against the level 6 Vladmir, and to top it all off, I couldn't even buy Health potions from the shop because it was glitched out.
Internet keeps dying
http://imgur.com/EV8bs urgot cant carry hard enough top vlad informs us at 30s into the game his isp fucking sucks and he keeps getting 400ms every few seconds. mid tf goes 6-3 and starts to gank everywhere, antisnowballing into 7-7 soon after, just to start crying the game would be lost at around 15minutes onwards, every single fucking second he spammed the chat "OMG 4v5 VLAD LAG OMG WE LOST SURRENDER PLOX". i farm, win my lane, proceed to carry hard. enemy team is real bad. my support leona and i crush every fight were in, but the rest of the team keeps chasing their fed shen. ranked solo q makes me wanna travel back in time and kill certain ppls ancestors.
ally: owww kayle me: oww Laggy game.
There is always a reason to qq about thsi game.
Some1s gonna get a tribunal report about me. EU players #1 trolls.