On June 02 2012 02:19 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: I don't get how I can 1v3 top lane, pick up several kills and somehow my team all dies to 2 people. I don't get how I can go 7-0 in the laning phase but my team never wants to fight because we're behind I don't get how Veigar goes 0-7 against an Ashe mid who didn't build AD I don't get this game :<
i dont get how i firstpick, write solo top olaf in chat, team mate picks malphite doesnt say anything and ends up going top with me. i dont get how my team asked report ON ME for trollpicking. i dont get how i go 7 0 in 10 mins game and still loose. i dont get how i loose 13 elo where my whole team is uncarriable and trolling
On June 01 2012 23:00 schmutttt wrote: I find around bronze/silver people still shit on the jungler for no reason.
I hate starting red with shyv or lee and having retard teammates who think a good leash is one auto, then they are the same people pinging top because they first picked top lane, got countered and expect you to magically gank and feed them kills even though you are way behind enemy jungle because you had to b after red.
I will say I played with a good Udyr today, was Mord mid and he intentionally gave me the Kills whilst timing buffs and team fighting really well. If you post on here Udyr thank you for being one of the few junglers who know what they are doing at our level.
They have a very good reason. The score shows that they did bad, but they are so good that it can't be their fault. Thus, it is someone elses fault. That usually leaves maybe mid for not writing miss, and the jungler. Most of the time, they didn't get ganked by mid, so it must be the junglers fault.
Also, they then continue to push the lane to the enemy tower, dieing about every 2-3 minutes either to the laner or the jungler, and then complain that you don't gank their lane. I don't even understand how you can push a lane that hard while being so far behind, but they somehow manage. And then they count the number of times the enemy jungler went to their lane against the number you went there, totally ignoring the fact that from the enemy junglers perspective, that lane is prime ganking material, while from yours its a waste of time, because why would you go and gank a fizz that is 2m away from his tower, and still has flash up as shyvana?
I don't get how Veigar goes 0-7 against an Ashe mid who didn't build AD
I am seriously curious, what else did she build? Tank?
On June 02 2012 10:07 Simberto wrote:I am seriously curious, what else did she build? Tank?
I've seen this happen before. In my game the Ashe built manamune -> FoN -> warmogs
1 game away from getting my highest elo
Edit make that 8 game loss streak...last game a feeder Yi Jungle AND duo bot lane and a multiple dcing top who prolly would have been decent if he didn't disc 3x at 5 mins a pop. I was involved in 15 out of our 17 kills in the game and crushed Ahri in lane phase by about 50 cs as Karthus. Good Fucking Game.
I think this is the loss streak that pushes me to stop playing LoL and only play D3. Asshole people playing and feeling of helplessness whenever one of these "streaks" comes.LoL gods are fickle and cruel bitches.
Edit 2: Feels good to get this game off my computer.
I've reached the Elo where people play my worst role, AD carry, worse than it, both mechanic-wise and brain-wise.
why do people demand to play ad carry if they are literally incapable of last hitting and have 0 idea how to position themselves in lane and teamfights? -.-
On June 03 2012 02:21 Kyhron wrote: why do people demand to play ad carry if they are literally incapable of last hitting and have 0 idea how to position themselves in lane and teamfights? -.-
Because solo lanes are already taken and they will never ever jungle or support because they are "not worth" their skills...
I have seen this a hundred times that people knowingly play a carry role they absolutely suck at just because they think they are superior to everyone else and thus NEED to play carry.
Just lost a game where I started out 10-1 as Corki/Leona bot because our Riven and Shaco kept engaging at horrible times and getting caught constantly. Then Shaco ragequits after taunting the enemy team and Riven says she's bored and doesn't understand why we're doing nothing as she gets caught by Veigar stun for the 15th time.
We were up something like 20-5. HOW DO YOU LOSE THAT
On June 03 2012 06:01 Seuss wrote: I can't carry BP.
You mean when i play a champ i don't play in a roll i rarely play and phrost gives fb 2 mins in? And you feeding doublebuff to enemy lane opponent and a double kill :D
So really, monte so heavyyyy.
![[image loading]](http://i50.tinypic.com/2091zjm.png)
Oh I love the LoL community. Amumu said he had an 1600 ELO account on EUW. Proceeds to give first blood to Singed in a "gank". I actually win the lane until Sion, Volibear and Singed start 3 man diving me every third minute.
Best bot lane EU.
I'm so bad at Urgot.
What am I to do when Varus loses to (and feeds) a Ashe paired with a Blitzcrank, when he even has a Soraka to protect him? How am I supposed to help the game when the enemy team wards the river and Varus dies as soon as Soraka leaves to put a pink down, making it virtually impossible to gank w/o being Nocturne?
I know my Elo won't raise if I don't manage that, but I really don't see how I can. When botlane fails that hard, it's usually game if I'm the jungler. :/
Honestly, (as someone playing soraka) I always feel that Blitzcrank+Any is a very hard line when you have a soraka support.
There is of course a difference between a hard lane and getting grabbed by blitzcrank every 20s.
To answer your post, maybe you can try buying oracle if you are playing a tanky jungler.
A friendly reminder why not to Solo queue on the weekends.
I went 6-0 as cait in lane and lost Cait, Soraka, Annie, Nasus, Fiora vs Vayne, Shen, Kat, Malphite, and Lee Sin
I don't even think anyone was feeding too hard. I kept vayne and shen out of farming range all game long. The problem though was when Annie would get caught out in the open standing still (lag?) and this one time Nasus ran in after her. I ended the game something like 14-8? I could have played better though. The enemy Kat ended 16-9. Considering their team had a lee sin, a shen, and a malphite. Fiora, Nasus, and I were the only ones who could be expected to kill them and I just died too quickly. In retrospect I should have positioned myself better near terrain and build a maw of malmortius instead of a guardian angel. I actually accidentally bought two GA's by double clicking it.
Ah well, the next game I got matched up against a newb olaf and ended up 11-1 kayle after giving up first blood.
Despite being ganked by 2 globals (TF/Nocturne) and against an Ashe+Taric lane, I manage to keep even in CS.
Unfortunately, no one on my team did damage, not even Caitlyn at 200CS. Loss 1.
Loss 2 is just: Why oh why must people initiate 1v3/1v5? If it's that stacked, just run. Waste their time, let us set up. Going from gold lead to 4 bad teamfights in a row into GG. My Twitch cannot carry that. Calling them teamfights is questionable even.
I thought ELO hell was total bullshit but literally every single fucking game I go atleast 10/3 and some fucking retard manages to blow a massive lead every single game without fail. Chasing a fucking Shaco through jungle with all 5 MIA as a Cait with no one else even close. Fucking so brutal. I know I'm nothing special but holy fuck some people are just straight up retarded. Do people not fucking know how to count? Does your lone champion look like it can easily take all 5 other champs? Such a fucking waste of time. Or the people who just lock in what they want without a word and fuck the entire team over last pick...
Fucking stupid human beings...
Estonia4504 Posts
I just had a retarded game. We had a jungle darius who didn't gank any lane, just farmed and farmed and farmed, and continued to do so until the 40 minute mark. He only appeared in the end of teamfights when most of the team was dead to get the kills. Didn't do dragon once though, although the team repeatedly pinged him to do so. And no communication whatsoever. Honestly, that has to be the most rageinducing player ever.
On June 04 2012 04:40 57 Corvette wrote:A friendly reminder why not to Solo queue on the weekends. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lREqy.jpg)
The games I played this weekend caused me to rage uninstall the game lol.