On May 31 2012 14:02 eagle wrote:
your obviously just not good at support
your obviously just not good at support
You should see the solos :p
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
United States1723 Posts
May 31 2012 05:11 GMT
On May 31 2012 14:02 eagle wrote: your obviously just not good at support You should see the solos :p | ||
United States27922 Posts
May 31 2012 16:56 GMT
We were winning, not by a lot, but enough that we had their towers pushed in. Then our Taric decides he doesn't care anymore and flashes into them not once, but 3 times 1v5, just to throw cuz he feels like it. It's rough, we're pissed, but we're still slightly ahead. Then our Nasus decides to run around and 1v5 the enemy team as well. He rage quits when he fails. That said, it STILL took them 15 minutes to finish the game 5v4 while our Taric is still trying to hard engage for no reason. The most enraging part, though, was that the enemy team was taunting us the entire time. I have never before been queued with so many assholes in one game. I'm literally tense with anger now. | ||
France45622 Posts
May 31 2012 18:26 GMT
Dudes random pick Teemo for our fp. We had Jax and Kog previously locked. Dude gets Mundo, doesn't pick smite. Dude runs top at the start of the game. ... We almost won. 1160 Elo being what it is, people are terrible. We killed two stray dudes, took nashor. We were under their inhibitor turret, all outer and inner turrets destroyed, top almost to their inhib turret too. A wave of enemy minions approach our outer bot turret, which was low on HP. Teemo pings like a madman and darts away. I ask him to stay, say it doesn't matter, that we need to group and take the inhib. He doesn't listen. I tell the team not to fight, as we're outnumbered (and they've shown a tendancy to love rushing when they think they can kill a dude—there's two others right besides him? They don't even see them), and go top as the wave arrives to hit the tower some and force the enemy to split. Those three idiots dive 3v5. Teemo is looking as the bot turret dies. Enemy push for the win. I know I'm supposed to be able to carry. But damn, with a Mundo top pushing like a madman instead of zoning, no jungler, a botlane failing hard because Panth has no idea how to play the fucking champ (rageblade so good, mang), and these kind of shitty initiatives, there's nothing I can do. I can't get in their minds and set them straight so they don't go and suicide like freaking morons. | ||
United States9109 Posts
May 31 2012 19:33 GMT
from 1 game under 1800 straight to 1 game under 1700 i'm so baaddddddddd | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
May 31 2012 22:21 GMT
Obviously, he gets zoned from lvl 3 on, 0/3 and 50+ CS behind at 15 minutes. Our jungler is busy helping other lanes and has many succesful ganks. Brand: "if you [the jungler] dont babysit top i alt + f4". Literally 3 seconds after that he dies to a completely predictable gank and immediately ragequits. The left four of us try really hard but we just can't manage to win this 4v5. There goes some hard earned ELO. If it's a normal game I'm annoyed because it wastes my time. But in a ranked game I get really mad because of such fucking behaviour. The other lanes went pretty well and we could have carried him, but no: better make your team lose some ELO instead of taking a free lift. Why are people too full of themselves? It's not a shame to get carried every now and then. This behaviour is so freaking irrational. Just don't be a prick and possibly get +12 ELO instead of making everyone else lose that amount. So dumb. Go die hard you piece of shit. zzz. I hope you choke on your ego. | ||
United States9908 Posts
June 01 2012 03:06 GMT
this time i lost because our amumu got countered hard by shyvana because our blitz didnt listen to me when i told him to ward the jungle before laning begins. i end up dying a lot because of these bullshit jungle fights snowballing ahri so hard. and i get blamed for feeeeeeeding | ||
United States3392 Posts
June 01 2012 03:32 GMT
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Germany1849 Posts
June 01 2012 10:39 GMT
THe most stupid thing, however, is, that i can't rage at any one in the game, because she is too clever to not realize, that she herself didn't do better as that person i just raged at. And then she looks at me with these puppy-eyes and asks if she was bad as well. So hard. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
June 01 2012 10:45 GMT
On June 01 2012 19:39 Broetchenholer wrote: Aurgh! I am not allowed to be mad at my girlfriend. BUT WHY DOES SHE WANT TO PLAY RANKED WITH ME? She is bad. Can't jungle, doesn't really play top. She likes to go mid or ad, and accepts support. But she is still bad with them. If she goes mid, the enemy can either destroy her or roam for free because she is no thread. if she goes ad, she dies instantly or gets ignored cause she is no threat. If she supports, she might do well if she is soraka, every engage support she is pretty much useless. She still likes to play Blitzcrank that doesn't zone or alistar that does not engage. And i can't even play without her, because then she is slightly mad at me for not wanting to play with her. WHY? THe most stupid thing, however, is, that i can't rage at any one in the game, because she is too clever to not realize, that she herself didn't do better as that person i just raged at. And then she looks at me with these puppy-eyes and asks if she was bad as well. So hard. Make a smurf for playing with her and then just fool around and do wonky stuff like AD Annie or such :p | ||
United States1892 Posts
June 01 2012 13:28 GMT
On June 01 2012 12:32 riotjune wrote: Fuck this game. This...So much this. Playing Shyvanna, starting red, 3 guys on the team tell Darius to stand in our Tri to watch for the invasion, and of course he doesn't listen. They invade we lose two people for none. All lanes are pushing like crazy, I can't even think about ganking any of them. Fed as fuck Nocturne, who has been spending more time in my jungle than his, invades my second red. He's too fed for me to contest by my self, and I have to concede the 2nd red to him. I ping alert everybody. Darius doesn't care afk pushing top, and gets ganked. I go to cover the tower, bot lane feeds a double kill. Darius complains I'm taking his cs, was just last hitting minions under the tower. He gets back to lane, I leave. He says, "Thanks for pushing my lane noob jungler." Entirely my fault, I know, I should have expected some kind of eureka moment had happened in his head, and he was going to instantly become a better player. Nope, I expected very little from him, and in his rage he forgot everything he had just learned and continued to push push push like everybody else. We lost all 3 lanes and I got out jungled. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
June 01 2012 14:00 GMT
I hate starting red with shyv or lee and having retard teammates who think a good leash is one auto, then they are the same people pinging top because they first picked top lane, got countered and expect you to magically gank and feed them kills even though you are way behind enemy jungle because you had to b after red. I will say I played with a good Udyr today, was Mord mid and he intentionally gave me the Kills whilst timing buffs and team fighting really well. If you post on here Udyr thank you for being one of the few junglers who know what they are doing at our level. | ||
France45622 Posts
June 01 2012 15:06 GMT
On June 01 2012 19:39 Broetchenholer wrote: Aurgh! I am not allowed to be mad at my girlfriend. BUT WHY DOES SHE WANT TO PLAY RANKED WITH ME? She is bad. Can't jungle, doesn't really play top. She likes to go mid or ad, and accepts support. But she is still bad with them. If she goes mid, the enemy can either destroy her or roam for free because she is no thread. if she goes ad, she dies instantly or gets ignored cause she is no threat. If she supports, she might do well if she is soraka, every engage support she is pretty much useless. She still likes to play Blitzcrank that doesn't zone or alistar that does not engage. And i can't even play without her, because then she is slightly mad at me for not wanting to play with her. WHY? THe most stupid thing, however, is, that i can't rage at any one in the game, because she is too clever to not realize, that she herself didn't do better as that person i just raged at. And then she looks at me with these puppy-eyes and asks if she was bad as well. So hard. Well, what's to waste in telling her that she is effectively bad, or if you want to try a softer way that the skill gap between you two is quite broad, and thus that you'd rather not play ranked with her, as you'd like your rating to reflect your own level rather than your pair's which is obviously skewed? After all, playing draft normals is technically the same as duoing in ranked. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
June 01 2012 15:28 GMT
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France45622 Posts
June 01 2012 15:36 GMT
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United States10531 Posts
June 01 2012 15:41 GMT
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Germany1716 Posts
June 01 2012 17:15 GMT
Soloqueue really brings out the worst in people, or I'm just too spoiled with myself and pretty much everyone I know personally, and a big portion of the video game playing population (which translates into: pretty much every dude under 40 or shit) consists of actual retards, spineless fucks and/or crybabies. I cannot fathom how many people there must be walking this earth, who can't even keep their cool in a fucking game, where there is nothing to be won, only time to be stolen. Which is usually my time. I just came from a pretty sick streak, jungling it to the max, carrying, getting carried, overall just had very nice teams just from the way people communicated with each other. Sure, there was rage, hate and all that shit, but in the end everybody got their shit together and played to win. So each time before I started a new game, I wondered, how long would it take until I'll get the inevitable fullblown retard 12yo shithead team again. After going 5-0 or sth I was seriously wondering if there was finally an end to my ongoing 50% ranked ratio and I'd head up in elo to leave hell and reach supposed heaven (which there isn't, I learned from this thread LOL). Man, I went 11-0 in ranked and felt fucking invincible. If I had to carry, I did. If sb else was capable, I was supporting and protecting like a boss, having even enemy teams congratulating me, rather than the actual carries. I was already in heaven and nothing could stop me. So, I went into my latest game and immediately got a bad feeling when I was the only one to say "hi" and everyone else was just going "top pls" etc. FP banned shaco first, again a strange feeling rose to my guts and I thought about dodging. As I was last pick, I went support Ali with a Corki, Singed went top, FP took Kassadin mid and Udyr jungled. Not really looking at the other team, I said to myself, "looks alright". Now the other team got Fizz mid, Graves bot and Jax top. Then both their last picks took Shyv and GP and at the loading screen I smiled a little inside, as they both went Smite. Easy win, amirite? Game starts with the obvious "report gp/shyv" and them flaming each other in /all chat for the whole 1:55min. Easy win, I said to myself and my team, "just play safe early and let them rage at each other". Nah mang, our Corki started chatting with them, bathing himself in the light of the soon to be had free elo, pushing the lane against solo Graves like a madman, failing to get the last hit off on him, after I W/Qed AND exhausted him in the middle of our lane. "LUCKY GRAVES". I tell him to stop pushing and only last hit, he just ignores me. I tell Udyr to come bot for an easy kill, while Singed feeds top Jax 2 times without ganks pre6. I main Jax jungle and top myself, and I know you cant get a kill off of somebody pre6 if he just right clicks towards their own tower, even with Exhaust/Ignite. Oh yeah, Singed ran Flash/Ghost. Corki and I, despite him still pushing every wave instantly into Graves tower, manage to get a kill on him, insta "LOL NUB GRAVES", which went into us getting 4man dived under our own tower with him being oom and thus not able to escape due to farming with his spells. Next thing I see are Kass, Udyr and Singed at their wolves, chasing somebody, while they see all the rest and the freshly revived Graves charging at them. I ping them to back off like mad, they dont. 3 for 1, yeah. Corki goes "ok afk bb retard team", at 30cs 10minutes into the game with our tower being at half health as he's busy farming Udyrs jungle. I def the tower against graves, he dives me, chasing me to our 2nd tower top. Being pro Alistar player, I headbutt him into the tower, killing him while being at ~120hp. "LOLOL ALI LUCKER" he goes. So while going back, I try to observe what's going on, and realize all of them are also retarded as hell. So I try to stop my team from flaming each other, calm the situation and assure them this is still free elo, which it really was. Nah, they idle at fountain, spamming the shit out of chat, blaming each other for every little thing or chasing people alone in the enemy jungle. Fast forward to ~25min, I am ahead of Kassadin in CS and have more HP than Udyr and Singed. They managed to kill all towers, save the inhib ones, so nothing is lost. I can't ward our jungle, since they're roaming together and our team refuses to listen to me and group up to ward or push. The score is sth like 19-23 after a start of 2-10, so we're actually doing better than them. We even get the first baron, but 3 people decide to stay after and die. They start pushing our inhibs, just me and Kass being alive. Kass instantly dives into them when they took the first shot at mid inhib tower, bringing Graves down to 25% while all others are still alive. Hero Alistar tries to save the probably best disengager in the game, all my effort is futile. So they start diving me under Nexus towers, while they didn't even bring our inhib tower down to half health, again they were just as retarded as my team. I triple kill Graves, Jax and Shyv and manage to stay alive, during a battle that'd make any scene from 300 seem gay. I still have baron running as my team revives and we push out to get at least some towers and dragon. When we approach them mid, they start running away as soon as they can see me. My team proceeds to dive shyv, getting worn down real bad, while I'm doing my best to keep everyone alive, headbutting people all over the place. What could've been the win or at least a comeback, turns into us losing pretty hard after Corki gets caught in our own jungle on our way back, ignoring 2 of them strolling past the river, which I warded. What's left is him trying to convince me of being super pro and me being bad. They all had stats like 4-9-5 etc, while I ended 5-5-9. There goes my streak. http://imgur.com/NhqfF Now I'm afraid to play another game, judging from experience, capitalistic sadists like Blizzard and Riot put you on streaks to keep you hot for their game, so I'm bound to get another team, consisting of 4 brainless flamebots and my own poor self. Edit: Just joined a new game, chatlog so far: + Show Spoiler + BERT11: hi iSuck01: i JUNGLE Pøppet: i top marinus med: fucking ban skarner marinus med: skarner BERT11: wow thx guys, i think im gonna dodge marinus med: thanks iSuck01: I JUNGLE BERT11: hmmm BERT11: real good bans BERT11: lol iSuck01: Why ??!!?? iSuck01: Soraka Pøppet: soraka chaet champ BERT11: holy shit all of u are retarded BERT11: lol iSuck01: Pls leave cant play with this noob. I picked Yi jungle, at least im gonna have fun ![]() | ||
Chiharu Harukaze
12112 Posts
June 01 2012 17:19 GMT
I don't get how I can go 7-0 in the laning phase but my team never wants to fight because we're behind I don't get how Veigar goes 0-7 against an Ashe mid who didn't build AD I don't get this game :< | ||
United States866 Posts
June 01 2012 17:21 GMT
On May 31 2012 05:54 CeriseCherries wrote: im manning up pantheon top to destroy nasus 15 min, im 7-1, up a full 100 farm on nasus... every time he tries to hit a creep i combo him for half his health, he's one sad dog i look at score board HOLY SHIT WTF BBQ Ashe is 13-3. For crying out loud how does soraka graves lose so hard... np i think i can take them in a fight we we focus ashe Teamfight once near dragon, so i manjump into ashe and ashe aroows me in the face and runs. Team decides "hey lets focus nasus and mundo" -> ashe kills 3 of them. i balls dive ashe, get lux snared and cry. They are going for barron. With my starsense and lack of support wards I know they are there, and ping rapidly. 3 people decide to run bot to farm... TOGETHER THEY MUST BE IN LOVE. Anyhow they get barron unopposed and take down two top towers before dumbassed team decides to fight.. WHY WOULD YOU FIGHT. WHY. WHY. WHY. Darius runs in, fucking eats an arrow to the face and dies. Graves does nearly 0 damage. I manjump becuase no fear thats why and die. We surrender FML win lane lose game ashe too fed You do realize that pantheon is one of the best laners and nasus is one of the shittiest, especially against something relatively unaffected by his wither, right? | ||
United States10531 Posts
June 01 2012 22:15 GMT
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United States10467 Posts
June 01 2012 22:38 GMT
On June 01 2012 19:39 Broetchenholer wrote: Aurgh! I am not allowed to be mad at my girlfriend. BUT WHY DOES SHE WANT TO PLAY RANKED WITH ME? She is bad. Can't jungle, doesn't really play top. She likes to go mid or ad, and accepts support. But she is still bad with them. If she goes mid, the enemy can either destroy her or roam for free because she is no thread. if she goes ad, she dies instantly or gets ignored cause she is no threat. If she supports, she might do well if she is soraka, every engage support she is pretty much useless. She still likes to play Blitzcrank that doesn't zone or alistar that does not engage. And i can't even play without her, because then she is slightly mad at me for not wanting to play with her. WHY? THe most stupid thing, however, is, that i can't rage at any one in the game, because she is too clever to not realize, that she herself didn't do better as that person i just raged at. And then she looks at me with these puppy-eyes and asks if she was bad as well. So hard. HAhaha. It evens out. When I play with my friends I get matched up against retards. I can almost guarantee wins as jungle twitch. In a duo queue with a relatively bad friend, I'd go 6-0 in lane as tristana, or get fed as jungle rammus and have 4/5 of the enemy team constantly focusing me. I actually felt bad for my friend because I felt I was artificially raising their elo too much. | ||
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