about tank junglers that are currently strong besides rammus:
mao: strong ganks and utility, decent poke for a bruiser. good at initating, good at counterinitiating/protecting carries i'd say mao is currently the strongest gank jungler that is played often.
sejuani: insane utility, insane initiator, decent ganks if you have lanes that work with her, low damage. shes very underplayed and prolly not the best soloq tank just because neither her ganks nor clear arent the best. but mb one of the best initiators on paper.
shen: decent initiator, very high utility and tankyness, decent ganks, low speed. permaban. but i doubt he is stronger than mao purely for a jungle tank.
some bruisers work very well with just tank/utility items +some hybrid stuff despite having less built in utility and/or tankyness they are good picks if you just need something that survives very long. I'd say udyr (phoenix), warwick and skarner are in this category, shivana to a lesser extent i think since i c alot more hybrid stuff on her like mallet and atmas.
On March 05 2012 07:46 little fancy wrote: Teemo: "i la ruine jeu que vous avez choisi" (copypasted since I already suspected this could be a game for the QQ thread)
Looks like a non-french speaker trying to speak french. Or some english pasted into a translator ("a game of LoL" would be translated into "une partie de LoL", and not "un jeu de LoL" which would be litteral).
Is it me or are the shit players of the LoL community always on my team?
I'm jungling Fiora, top is our Shen vs their Shyv, mid is our Brand vs their TF, and bot is our Taric/Ashe vs their Trist/Sona. The enemy jungler is Udyr.
Shen gets hit with a lvl 2 gank and just up and dies, Brand is eating every card TF throws at him, and bot is under tower in a really bad way. This is all before 5 mins btw. After the lvl 2 gank on Shen, Udyr and Shyv jump and kill me on my Red Buff. My next blue is stolen. I get killed when I try to take next Red. Udyr is camping top. Shen can't seem to figure out how to not get caught. Brand is forced back twice, can't stun Shyv from bush while she's in our jungle. Bot feeds two kills. I can't possibly help teammates that are that fucking bad. For the first time in two months I ragequit a ranked game of LoL.
I mean, none of them had any lane presence, at all. It was like they weren't even fucking there. No mias when mid top and their jungle are invading to eat me, and they can't seem to push against the others to for anything. GOD DAMNIT I NEED A TEAM, I'M SICK OF PLAYING 1v5!
On March 05 2012 08:31 Alaric wrote:ome english pasted into a translator ("a game of LoL" would be translated into "une partie de LoL", and not "un jeu de LoL" which would be litteral).
Sup Alaric, thanks for the clarification (again).
I don't know if they were really french (I promise I just copypasted and replaced the summoner names with Teemo + Me and added "", I have no intereset in promoting prejudice) and this is by no means the main point, it's just the ignorance and willingness to intentionally ruin games from the beginning certain players show that annoys me.
But in some way I have to admit that it already was annoying to read some french phrase (I don't understand it, I can only tell that a phrase "looks" french) and to get that cocky english answer already fed me up since I seriously wanted to play AD Kennen (been waiting for the M5 Kiev hype to fall off) and not just "fuck around for the lulz" like I was accused to do during the game. This kind of stereotype definitely caused the situation to be heated before the game even started and as I said it really took some self control to not start those endless blame discussions where it gets really personal.
On March 05 2012 08:34 ninjakingcola wrote: Is it me or are the shit players of the LoL community always on my team?
I'm jungling Fiora, top is our Shen vs their Shyv, mid is our Brand vs their TF, and bot is our Taric/Ashe vs their Trist/Sona. The enemy jungler is Udyr.
Shen gets hit with a lvl 2 gank and just up and dies, Brand is eating every card TF throws at him, and bot is under tower in a really bad way. This is all before 5 mins btw. After the lvl 2 gank on Shen, Udyr and Shyv jump and kill me on my Red Buff. My next blue is stolen. I get killed when I try to take next Red. Udyr is camping top. Shen can't seem to figure out how to not get caught. Brand is forced back twice, can't stun Shyv from bush while she's in our jungle. Bot feeds two kills. I can't possibly help teammates that are that fucking bad. For the first time in two months I ragequit a ranked game of LoL.
I mean, none of them had any lane presence, at all. It was like they weren't even fucking there. No mias when mid top and their jungle are invading to eat me, and they can't seem to push against the others to for anything. GOD DAMNIT I NEED A TEAM, I'M SICK OF PLAYING 1v5!
Next game:
On March 05 2012 08:54 little fancy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2012 08:31 Alaric wrote:ome english pasted into a translator ("a game of LoL" would be translated into "une partie de LoL", and not "un jeu de LoL" which would be litteral). Sup Alaric, thanks for the clarification (again). I don't know if they were really french (I promise I just copypasted and replaced the summoner names with Teemo + Me and added "", I have no intereset in promoting prejudice) and this is by no means the main point, it's just the ignorance and willingness to intentionally ruin games from the beginning certain players show that annoys me. But in some way I have to admit that it already was annoying to read some french phrase (I don't understand it, I can only tell that a phrase "looks" french) and to get that cocky english answer already fed me up since I seriously wanted to play AD Kennen (been waiting for the M5 Kiev hype to fall off) and not just "fuck around for the lulz" like I was accused to do during the game. This kind of stereotype definitely caused the situation to be heated before the game even started and as I said it really took some self control to not start those endless blame discussions where it gets really personal.
I wasn't accusing you of anything, just wanting to clarify stuff since I didn't expect you to know what he meant and you probably wondered. Even though the "ruiner" was kinda explicit. And most people speaking french in games are pricks, simply because the mannered ones speak english and blend with the team. Same thing goes with the Spanish I guess (nothing against them in particular, it's just French and Spanish are the two nationalities with horrid reputation that I know of on EUW).
On March 05 2012 10:49 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2012 08:54 little fancy wrote:On March 05 2012 08:31 Alaric wrote:ome english pasted into a translator ("a game of LoL" would be translated into "une partie de LoL", and not "un jeu de LoL" which would be litteral). Sup Alaric, thanks for the clarification (again). I don't know if they were really french (I promise I just copypasted and replaced the summoner names with Teemo + Me and added "", I have no intereset in promoting prejudice) and this is by no means the main point, it's just the ignorance and willingness to intentionally ruin games from the beginning certain players show that annoys me. But in some way I have to admit that it already was annoying to read some french phrase (I don't understand it, I can only tell that a phrase "looks" french) and to get that cocky english answer already fed me up since I seriously wanted to play AD Kennen (been waiting for the M5 Kiev hype to fall off) and not just "fuck around for the lulz" like I was accused to do during the game. This kind of stereotype definitely caused the situation to be heated before the game even started and as I said it really took some self control to not start those endless blame discussions where it gets really personal. I wasn't accusing you of anything, just wanting to clarify stuff since I didn't expect you to know what he meant and you probably wondered.  Even though the "ruiner" was kinda explicit. And most people speaking french in games are pricks, simply because the mannered ones speak english and blend with the team. Same thing goes with the Spanish I guess (nothing against them in particular, it's just French and Spanish are the two nationalities with horrid reputation that I know of on EUW).
I promised myself I would rage less at this game but its so hard. From a 27-12 unloseable game my team decides to dive their nexus turrets chasing a singed (being aware their inhib and inner turrets still up too, we just dived that far). Singed promptly turns and we 5v5 at the enemy nexus. They baron, gg, game thrown.
On March 05 2012 01:34 Diderick wrote: I hate it how everthing is always the junglers bad. In some games u get literally blamed for every dead...... ugh this.
Hai I'm udyr I'm farming, their jungle warwick didn't get any buffs after his first blue, I'm 2-0-0 from two ganks. Then I see warwick ganking top and our olaf is really low, I follow him and get a double kill. So 4-0-0 udyr.
Fast forward 10mins - olaf 0/4/5 to a fucking nasus. Mid annie getting owned by veigar. Bot ashe 50cs by 20mins.
Lo and behold -''report udyr noob jungler no ganks''. I'm like -''hey olaf bro, I ganked ur lane 3 times and saved ur ass and you're still losing to nasus.'' Olaf -'' those were KSes. And olaf is weak vs nasus stfu and L2p. Enjoy ur ban noob.''
Playing Lux Support in Regular Draft.
Two games in a row i get scores like
0/4/17 0/5/22
At then end when we lose "BG, Report Lux Feeder"
I seriously hate the fact that this system gives good runs where you are in an 8 game win streak, then drops the ball and gives you an even harder losing streak. It's fucking BS. I don't think I'm ever going to get out of 1200...
Finally rebroke 1000! But the joy was taken out of it by my team being absolute arrogant assholes - then flaming me when I called them on it. When 2 teammates yell out "GG Noobs" a full 15 minutes before the game even ends, in a long game where the other team played exceptionally well and just got worn down over time, you ruin the victory for your team as well T_T
On March 05 2012 15:42 BrownBear wrote: Finally rebroke 1000! But the joy was taken out of it by my team being absolute arrogant assholes - then flaming me when I called them on it. When 2 teammates yell out "GG Noobs" a full 15 minutes before the game even ends, in a long game where the other team played exceptionally well and just got worn down over time, you ruin the victory for your team as well T_T
Worst is when those people were premade with you. I reported some duo-partners, because even if I play with them, and for some enjoy it (for some it's more getting tired of constant requests), well they probably deserve a fair warning to not make you cringe when you play with them, win or loss.
i have never been so close to punching my computer screen out than after my last game holy fucking tittyfucking ballsack of shitpiles
i swear on my grave that if i ever get Craigerson or xoAK47x0 on my team again i will try to reach 100 deaths by 20 minutes, those two deserve to have their elo stripped down to 0 and their fingers broken HOW CAN ANYONE THROW THAT HARD
edit: next game queue into locodoco smurf fml /wrists
I can't even get into a game right now trying to queue solo, because people are too god damn retarded and inconsiderate to pick what their team needs, they just pick whatever character they had in their mind before clicking the "Play" button.
And it's always the same: AD carries. I don't care that my team has 3 ADs already and needs a tank. No, I'm pro Shaco.
So we sit there with a borked team comp, because I'm the only one to actually pick based off of what the team needs. And who is going to quit? No one! I have to quit at the very last microsecond, or else we begin a game with a huge disadvantage if the other team has at least enough brains to pick their characters right.
I've just had this happen three times, and now I got a long wait timer. Millions of people playing, and I got to wait an hour, or play with people who can't even form a proper team at the character select screen.
tl:dr -- it's a team game, pick characters based on that. You want to be AD carry no matter what? Then play the bots, dbag. Don't queue solo and demand everyone pick their characters around you.
I want to fucking kill every person that plays ranked and doesn't ban morg when they can't/aren't going to first pick her.
I want people to learn how to play against Morgana so that they don't ban or pick her for the sake of doing it. :<
Edit: right after posting that, I get into a draft normal where I'm last pick. 4th pick calls mid, and I mention (with 5 bans expanded) that if Morgana is available I'd like to get her, if possible. 6th ban is Sion, and 1st pick asks if somebody wants Morg. Again, I ask, insisting on the "if possible". 4th pick doesn't say anything, and when his turn comes he picks a jungler (1st pick asked Alistar support to be picked for him). That was really nice of him. During the game, enemy top and mid are nice and chatty too, all in a good mood, then after getting ganked several times their botlane rage and leave. So these nice guys get a game ruined by two leavers on their team, and I don't manage to get a proper game for once that I can pick Morgana. QQ for both. 
Crap. Ranked. Morg not banned, Agree to have Morg picked for me and swap Ezreal. Picks Twitch going "I don't have Morg" despite the free week. Rest proceed to counterpick themselves going Lux mid, then last pick not listening to anybody picking Veigar and forcing support Lux. I've got a bad feeling. >.> 0-9-1 Veigar bitching at me because he gets destroyed (no shit Sherlock), turns out he can't levell his skills properly, doesn't know the champ (he tries to stun her during Black Shield), suicides himself, can't farm, and bitches because he doesn't get ganks. I camped the lane. Eh.
I get team captain 4th pick says ban lee so i ban lee
He picks twitch At 20 minutes i check cs, i'm at about 80 with jungle pirate and 4 kills twitch is at 22 cs, 4 deaths I make a comment saying pick it up "OMG IGNORED' 'PLS REPORT PIRATE' also people seem to think leaving a 5v5 lategame for a tower when you have no nexus turrets is a good idea, WTF just leave us all
Enter game: Jungling.
Before minions spawn: 0-3.
Before 2nd Wave engages: 0-4.
Get invited by liquidparty. Get Morgana. Fail to kill that Karthus mid with 3 escapes at < 30 HP in laning phase. :[