On March 02 2012 00:46 VirgilSC2 wrote: Man, I've lost some faith in the LoL community today.
I played against a guy named DeezerEZ, so every time we killed him, we'd start hitting /all with things like "EZ SON" "RATZ STAY RATZ" "HOW MAD YOU ARE RIGHT NOW?" ....not once did he respond to any of it.
We even let him get a quadra on us, purposefully to see if he would bring out the Deezer BM, but alas, he did not. Really took all the fun I expected when I saw the name out of the game.
I've faced him before, didn't do too well if i recall correctly.
Anyways, i am just going to play Gragas in ranked until i am back to 1400, I can't win consistantly with any other character T_T
10 solo queue losses in a row. How is this even statistically possible?
I'd say that 2 of them I could have played better, but 2 resulting from DC's, rest from feeding. 1840-1700 yay.
Sometimes, I just hate bottom lane.
I mean, I love playing AD with my dedicated support friend: you usually have the greatest impact lategame, I enjoy seeing my CS skyrocketing compared to all other players [being top farmer from the beginning to the end of the game satisfies me somehow 8)], you don't have to argue with all those "carry only me solo or I fail" suckers and the lane itself is very dynamic.
But In those games it appears to be some kind of exile where you are doomed to lose the game no matter how good you are doing.
It's when solo top loses to pure AP Teemo, enemy mid Akali gets fed 10-0 in 16 minutes and jungle Poppy dies two times to blue with good pull while you rape Taric / MF as Kennen / Sona.
To top it off, you get blamed for not carrying hard enough while Akali downs you from 100-0 in 0.434587 seconds. Those games where the enemy support has more gold than your teammates while you have the same amount of gold as the uber fed Akali. Yes...
LOL FUCK. i raged a bit irl even tho i tend to be really calm. g1 cho top. Fiddle ganks after level 2 wolves/blue, because the enemy teemo really pushed... ok. he dies. then later i get doven by a teemo + nunu = im kinda ok sorta low, teemo really hurt, nunu is a pussy and doesnt do shit anyways. our ziggs and fiddle take blue while the teemo taunts me by running in and out of the bush below my tower baiting me to kite me. neither ziggs nor fiddle come. I ping frantically. a min pass, blue is taken, fiddle dies to teemo walking in river. "WHAT THE FUCK IS TEEMO DOING IN MY JUNGLE, CONTROL YOUR LANE" oh fuck sorry, i was only fucking trying to get you to do that
g2 morg mid. top lane volibear + gragas cause our volibear had smite and then changed it before start. bot lane vayne/soraka, ok we should win lanes right? WRONG. bot lane gets shit on, total of 0-5, top lane goes combined 1-4, i go 3-0 mid (kill bot, kill mid, kill jungler at his wraith FUCK YOU SHACO) and surrender at 20 for some reason... i say "please buy ward bot ffs" at around 12 minutes and response "fuck you" shaco = raping everything, taking jungle, having time of his life
Ugh I was playing malz and got 3 quadras in a game but someone else always took the fifth kill QQQQQQQQ
Observing over the shoulder of a being of lower rank: A Kat loses mid against Fiddle 0/7 (how???), builds sorc and triforce, complains about people having too much hp (when she really just did no damage) and how OP fid's fear is (SORC BOOTS), when my bro ganked for him, he shunpo'd to him while Fiddle's E was in flight to him, insta doublekill. "I didn't know he'd do that much damage" when he had a stacked as fuck Mejais
Holy elo hell, I'm so happy I'm not down there.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fNXAS.png)
QQ. When our trist left laning phase she was 1-6 and had 57 cs.
Guy proceeded to feed the rest of the game, jumping into teamfights as initiate and dying. Then he went only bottom lane and 'farmed' while the opposing team took dragons, barons etc. Then he reached their inner turret and got killed. Then he did the same again, and again. All the while the rest of the team is frantically trying to not let them get too far ahead.
Ghost/Flash Trist too strong ><
On March 03 2012 06:52 Doctorbeat wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fNXAS.png) QQ. When our trist left laning phase she was 1-6 and had 57 cs. Guy proceeded to feed the rest of the game, jumping into teamfights as initiate and dying. Then he went only bottom lane and 'farmed' while the opposing team took dragons, barons etc. Then he reached their inner turret and got killed. Then he did the same again, and again. All the while the rest of the team is frantically trying to not let them get too far ahead. Ghost/Flash Trist too strong ><
That Taric was my classmate in highschool O.O
to add some ontopic: Why does a Talon who opens doranshield into aspd boots spam "bg my team sucked" at the end of the game, when he went 2/9?
LOL WTF. why do i play ranked? my elo is in freefall basically.
9/4/17 alistar support. Now you might say "hold on cerise, you took all the kills". nope. 5 kills took after everyone else on my team died (alistar with ult on = no one hits), and 4 kills in lane came from1 accident, 2 ashe died to minions from diving to hard, 1 ashe "give to you alistar" (wtf). ashe too does very well going 5/2 in lane. Well geez riven/gp = terrorrrrrr decide to be generous and feed this malz to fuck, feed a fiora to fuck, and gg
other game: gragas comes and ganks bot, ults the enemy mf/sona away, dives on them, fiddle comes in wth ult, and they get 2-0 exchange instead of us 2-0 exchange. then bot terror lane from fed mf
Now keep in mind that I'm fucking awful at this game, I'm currently level 25 on my first account but me and some of my friends from work are trying to get better at this game and hit 30 so we can start doing ranked games. With that said, I had one of the most demoralizing experiences of my casually competitive videogame lifetime the other night. I basically carried the team 22-7 (most of those deaths were at the very end when they wouldnt do SHIT and never engaged as a group even though I was capable of killing all of them because I was super fed).
Is it even remotely possible to enjoy this game without playing it in a group on skype?
Spoiler for the details / some of the trash talk I was getting from my own teammates + Show Spoiler + I did an unranked game by myself, someone picked Kassadin - then I picked Ezreal, everyone else picks Miss Fortune, Kassadin, Malzahar and Xin Shao. (great team I know) I call mid, but then i see Malzahar get picked.
Me: "Er I'll take bot, Malzahar you can have mid" Malz: "nah youre cool go for it"
Our discourse was the only pre-game chat, but when I get into lane...
Kass: "ez? you better not be takin my mid" Me: "I called it in chat and gave it to Malzahar, but he said i could have it... where were you? Kass: "I picked Kass first" Me: "You could communicate a little at least"
At that point I'm just like 'whatever', but anyway I go top with Miss Fortune (lol) and were up against Pantheon and Talon. Luckily they're fuckin awful so I get 60% of the last hits, with moderate harrassment from them. Shit's goin down in bot and mid, people switching lanes or looking for ganks, occasionally trying to bust down the bot tower. Meanwhile i manage to get 3 kills, Miss Fortune dies once. At some point the Malzahar scolded us after losing the first turret:
Xin Shao: "yo top, how about joining the game?" Xin Shao: "mid and bot can't carry you" Me: "top's doing fine"
Some more time passes and I get another kill putting me at 4-0, but the other lanes are starting to fall apart - we're not exactly losing all of our towers or anything but things are getting unorganized and hectic. Eventually I see:
Xin Shao: "24 AND I CANT CARRY YOU GUYS ON OUR BACKS" Me: "no shit, you're 3/4" Malzahar: "DUDE" Malzahar: "EZREAL U SUCK" Xin Shao: "No sh1t? You're a fuking ap carry" Xin Shao: "And you have 3 kills?" Xin Shao: "rofl learn to play" (HE IS FUCKING 3/4/3 and everyone else is 3/3/5, 5/2/3, and 0/2/2!! WHAT THE FUCK) Me: "4, and this is a long game" (it's only like 20 minutes in) Xin Shao: "nice ks ez"
Malzahar: "nice ks ****"
Malzahar: "WHERES EZREAL" Malzahar: "WTF" (after I had gotten a kill, run away from Pantheon and teleported back to my base, during which time WE ALL HAD BARON AND NO-ONE WAS EVEN TRYING TO STAY NEXT TO ONE ANOTHER)
Click if you don't think tl/dr + Show Spoiler +A team fight breaks out while I'm farming; I go down there before everybody starts slamming themselves into each other and score 2 kills and I'm like "you were saying?" to which they're silent. Starting to feel good at 6-0, starting to get fed, 2nd highest creep score as well - I have boots dorans x2 a BF sword and a Phage. At some point we start pushing, but its very haphazard with my teammates NEVER sticking together (nobody buys wards in my level of games lol). Every time I see people in trouble I bail them out and get kills, I'm on like an 11-kill streak around the time we push down center and eventually getting through the inhib. turret, then my teammates back off for some reason even though we have minions down there and we outnumber them. They just start wandering around the jungle not even getting buffs, just literally fucking wandering like they got lost or some shit. The next 15 minutes consist of me telling them to stop getting singled out, as I get more random kills and as they occasionally get surrounded and die. I thought I was doing what I needed to do as the fed player who was carrying the game by taking command and giving them marching orders, telling them to push some lane somewhere, but every time I said something they shoved a truckload of arrogance and douchebaggery at my face, bitching at me and insulting me, calling me a bitch, saying things like "stop whinin like a pussy".
And these are MY TEAMMATES. Amazingly enough, even considering my streak, the score is in the opposing team's favor by like 3 or 4 deaths. Eventually I convince them to try to go for baron, but they were spread out all over the map and it took them like 30 seconds before they decided to move from wherever they were (isolated in the middle of no-where) to the top river, so as a result we got caught and had to run away - causing more of my teammates to die, but I ended up getting all the kills. I have greaves, a TF, two BTs, and I was working on an Infinity Edge, and my BTs were pretty fucking stacked. But even so my teammates were never fucking pushing or doing anything, they just wouldn't go in any direction as a group. They'd sprawl across the map, sometimes they would pack in a group of 3 to chase someone down, and no matter how many times I told them "If we go in with me in the back with my ult, we'll kill everyone effortlessly and insta win" they would refuse and instead throw insults at me and make retarded comments. Moreover, the score is starting to get worse, the enemy team has like a 9 kill advantage on us so their champions are just getting more money to finish whatever they want to buy. We get baron finally, but they dont push until half of the cooldown was exhausted, and even then after destroying the inhibitor that got rebuilt in mid they just wandered off leaving me alone (still got away safely though). My "teammates" end up unconsciously gravitating toward mid again, so we go down there and break a couple more things - but then they all run away while I'm not expecting them to and I get surrounded and die at the foot of their base. I'm shouting at them to stop being idiots and travel as a group in front of me so we can just insta win but they keep berating me. Eventually I get enough money to finish IE, and I got Thornmail. Our team was doing so terribly because they were incompetent and refused to travel together that we actually got pushed pretty hard with their whole team in our base, but I was so fed that my damage combined with Thornmail would just hilariously decimate multiple people one by one, easily diffusing the threat of losing the game right there.
Like 48 minutes into the game + Show Spoiler + Me: "xin shao wait the **** up" Me: "they're gonna single you out AGAIN" Xin Shao: "lol chill homie" Xin Shao: "lol i can take them 1v5" Me: "no you cant" Xin Shao: "sure i can, my name isnt ezreal" Kass: "lol he thought you were serious" Malzahar: "are you dumb ezreal" Malzahar: "he cant" Malzahar: "HES FROM BOSTON" Kassadin: "hes a honey badger" Me: "**** you guys i dont have all night"
About 56 minutes into the game where I die because my team is jsut waiting in the bushes while all 3 lanes are being hardcore pushed with minions and we have all 5 of us at full health and me ridiculously fed + Show Spoiler + Xin Shao: "everyone group up" Malzahar: "FOLLOW YOUR TEAM" Xin Shao: "good job daniel son" Me: "i cant believe you guys" Malzahar: "yOUR TEAM IS UP HERE" Me: "you guys are so fucking bad" Malzahar: "RETARD" Me: "we could have pushed" Me: "we could have so fucking dominated" Me: "what the fuck are you guys doing up there dicking around?" Me: "you guys are doing nothing" Malzahar: "well dont push if we're not with you" Malzahar: "if you arnt with us" Malzahar: "its your fault" Xin Shao: "Please, wipe the sand from your vagina" Me: "but you guys should have pushed" Me: "there's no way they can stop my shit if you guys are all tanking it Me: "we're so fucking close and you guys are still confused as to how to finish this shit" (this is 59 minutes in) Malzahar: "CHILL OUT" Malzahar: "JESUS CHRIST GO SMOKE A BOWL" Me: "WHAT" Me: "ARE" Me: "YOU" Me: "DOING" Me: "DO SOMETHING" Malzahar: "IM HIGH AS FUCK AND IM TRYING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME" Malzahar: "SHUT THE HELL UP" Xin Shao: "^ ^ that"
An hour into it, with my teammates still running around aimlessly doing things like grouping up from home base to river, then going up the river to mid and then scattering around during a fight + Show Spoiler + Me: "i cant even believe what im seeing" Me: "this is unbelievable" Me: "i have to go to bed" Me: "i have a real job" Malzahar: "lmao" Me: "jesus fucking christ" Malzahar: "go to bed" Xin Shao: "pussy? i know it is intimidating when you don't see it a lot" (WTF????) Malzahar: "pussyyy" Kassadin: "lmao" Malzahar: "Dont play if you got a bed time" Malzahar: "This is man night" Me: "it was an hour ago" Malzahar: "We get high and slang our penis' around" Me: "no games last this long" Malzahar: "We dont go to bed." Me: "you guys are just fucking incompetent" Me: "if i wasnt here you would have lost by now" Malzahar: "Alright, Mr. Corporate. oooh i got a job." Malzahar: "Get real." Xin Shao: "No, you're just a little ass clown that has to go to high school in the morning.." (i'm 25) Kassadin: "it would probably be over if all of my kills hadnt been ksed this whole time" (he's 5/7/18) Kassadin: "but instead im underfarmed" Xin Shao: "And mommy and daddy might be upset if you're late." Me: "LOL killsteal" Me: "only newbs give a fuck about killsteal" Kassadin: "i give a fuck about killsteal" Kassadin: "when im an ap karry" Kassadin: "and i require farm" Me: "we had 4 fucking carries" Me: "what do you want honestly"
Me: "and now they're going to win" (we had just been aced) Me: "this is an unbelievable failure" Malzahar: "rofl cause you died" Malzahar: "thanks ezreal" Malzahar: "way to lose it"
They rinse and repeat the same bullshit where they just all kinda go to mid, one or two of them would wander off leaving it to be 3v5 inside their base and I died a few more times. I went back and actually sold my greaves and bought Guardian Angel, making me have 2 BTs IE TF thornmail and GA, and they STILL WONT FUCKING GO WITH ME. After two or so more cycles of us getting aced a few MORE times while killing like 2 or 3 people, and eventually the game naturally ends itself due to minions being too much to handle. I was so fucking enraged ending the game at 22-7, just a few kills under half of the total champ kills on our team. In the post game chat people on my team are like "report kyari for bein a whiny bitch". AFTER WE WON BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY HOLDING THE OTHER 4 UP FROM COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT.
Sometimes the people that play this game are so unfathomably stupid that I want to just smash the corner of a brick into my skull. I can't even imagine the type of people that it takes to see a teammate doing well, and from that moment to make it your mission to ignore him, insult him and throw immature slander at him while he single-handedly carries him and the rest of his vile and ungrateful teammates from abysmal failure. If we didn't end up winning that game I would have completely fucking lost it. I'd rather this game cost 30 bucks a month than to deal with some of this excruciating bullshit.
On March 03 2012 10:23 kyarisan wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Now keep in mind that I'm fucking awful at this game, I'm currently level 25 on my first account but me and some of my friends from work are trying to get better at this game and hit 30 so we can start doing ranked games. With that said, I had one of the most demoralizing experiences of my casually competitive videogame lifetime the other night. I basically carried the team 22-7 (most of those deaths were at the very end when they wouldnt do SHIT and never engaged as a group even though I was capable of killing all of them because I was super fed). Is it even remotely possible to enjoy this game without playing it in a group on skype? Spoiler for the details / some of the trash talk I was getting from my own teammates + Show Spoiler + I did an unranked game by myself, someone picked Kassadin - then I picked Ezreal, everyone else picks Miss Fortune, Kassadin, Malzahar and Xin Shao. (great team I know) I call mid, but then i see Malzahar get picked.
Me: "Er I'll take bot, Malzahar you can have mid" Malz: "nah youre cool go for it"
Our discourse was the only pre-game chat, but when I get into lane...
Kass: "ez? you better not be takin my mid" Me: "I called it in chat and gave it to Malzahar, but he said i could have it... where were you? Kass: "I picked Kass first" Me: "You could communicate a little at least"
At that point I'm just like 'whatever', but anyway I go top with Miss Fortune (lol) and were up against Pantheon and Talon. Luckily they're fuckin awful so I get 60% of the last hits, with moderate harrassment from them. Shit's goin down in bot and mid, people switching lanes or looking for ganks, occasionally trying to bust down the bot tower. Meanwhile i manage to get 3 kills, Miss Fortune dies once. At some point the Malzahar scolded us after losing the first turret:
Xin Shao: "yo top, how about joining the game?" Xin Shao: "mid and bot can't carry you" Me: "top's doing fine"
Some more time passes and I get another kill putting me at 4-0, but the other lanes are starting to fall apart - we're not exactly losing all of our towers or anything but things are getting unorganized and hectic. Eventually I see:
Xin Shao: "24 AND I CANT CARRY YOU GUYS ON OUR BACKS" Me: "no shit, you're 3/4" Malzahar: "DUDE" Malzahar: "EZREAL U SUCK" Xin Shao: "No sh1t? You're a fuking ap carry" Xin Shao: "And you have 3 kills?" Xin Shao: "rofl learn to play" (HE IS FUCKING 3/4/3 and everyone else is 3/3/5, 5/2/3, and 0/2/2!! WHAT THE FUCK) Me: "4, and this is a long game" (it's only like 20 minutes in) Xin Shao: "nice ks ez"
Malzahar: "nice ks ****"
Malzahar: "WHERES EZREAL" Malzahar: "WTF" (after I had gotten a kill, run away from Pantheon and teleported back to my base, during which time WE ALL HAD BARON AND NO-ONE WAS EVEN TRYING TO STAY NEXT TO ONE ANOTHER)
Click if you don't think tl/dr + Show Spoiler +A team fight breaks out while I'm farming; I go down there before everybody starts slamming themselves into each other and score 2 kills and I'm like "you were saying?" to which they're silent. Starting to feel good at 6-0, starting to get fed, 2nd highest creep score as well - I have boots dorans x2 a BF sword and a Phage. At some point we start pushing, but its very haphazard with my teammates NEVER sticking together (nobody buys wards in my level of games lol). Every time I see people in trouble I bail them out and get kills, I'm on like an 11-kill streak around the time we push down center and eventually getting through the inhib. turret, then my teammates back off for some reason even though we have minions down there and we outnumber them. They just start wandering around the jungle not even getting buffs, just literally fucking wandering like they got lost or some shit. The next 15 minutes consist of me telling them to stop getting singled out, as I get more random kills and as they occasionally get surrounded and die. I thought I was doing what I needed to do as the fed player who was carrying the game by taking command and giving them marching orders, telling them to push some lane somewhere, but every time I said something they shoved a truckload of arrogance and douchebaggery at my face, bitching at me and insulting me, calling me a bitch, saying things like "stop whinin like a pussy".
And these are MY TEAMMATES. Amazingly enough, even considering my streak, the score is in the opposing team's favor by like 3 or 4 deaths. Eventually I convince them to try to go for baron, but they were spread out all over the map and it took them like 30 seconds before they decided to move from wherever they were (isolated in the middle of no-where) to the top river, so as a result we got caught and had to run away - causing more of my teammates to die, but I ended up getting all the kills. I have greaves, a TF, two BTs, and I was working on an Infinity Edge, and my BTs were pretty fucking stacked. But even so my teammates were never fucking pushing or doing anything, they just wouldn't go in any direction as a group. They'd sprawl across the map, sometimes they would pack in a group of 3 to chase someone down, and no matter how many times I told them "If we go in with me in the back with my ult, we'll kill everyone effortlessly and insta win" they would refuse and instead throw insults at me and make retarded comments. Moreover, the score is starting to get worse, the enemy team has like a 9 kill advantage on us so their champions are just getting more money to finish whatever they want to buy. We get baron finally, but they dont push until half of the cooldown was exhausted, and even then after destroying the inhibitor that got rebuilt in mid they just wandered off leaving me alone (still got away safely though). My "teammates" end up unconsciously gravitating toward mid again, so we go down there and break a couple more things - but then they all run away while I'm not expecting them to and I get surrounded and die at the foot of their base. I'm shouting at them to stop being idiots and travel as a group in front of me so we can just insta win but they keep berating me. Eventually I get enough money to finish IE, and I got Thornmail. Our team was doing so terribly because they were incompetent and refused to travel together that we actually got pushed pretty hard with their whole team in our base, but I was so fed that my damage combined with Thornmail would just hilariously decimate multiple people one by one, easily diffusing the threat of losing the game right there.
Like 48 minutes into the game + Show Spoiler + Me: "xin shao wait the **** up" Me: "they're gonna single you out AGAIN" Xin Shao: "lol chill homie" Xin Shao: "lol i can take them 1v5" Me: "no you cant" Xin Shao: "sure i can, my name isnt ezreal" Kass: "lol he thought you were serious" Malzahar: "are you dumb ezreal" Malzahar: "he cant" Malzahar: "HES FROM BOSTON" Kassadin: "hes a honey badger" Me: "**** you guys i dont have all night"
About 56 minutes into the game where I die because my team is jsut waiting in the bushes while all 3 lanes are being hardcore pushed with minions and we have all 5 of us at full health and me ridiculously fed + Show Spoiler + Xin Shao: "everyone group up" Malzahar: "FOLLOW YOUR TEAM" Xin Shao: "good job daniel son" Me: "i cant believe you guys" Malzahar: "yOUR TEAM IS UP HERE" Me: "you guys are so fucking bad" Malzahar: "RETARD" Me: "we could have pushed" Me: "we could have so fucking dominated" Me: "what the fuck are you guys doing up there dicking around?" Me: "you guys are doing nothing" Malzahar: "well dont push if we're not with you" Malzahar: "if you arnt with us" Malzahar: "its your fault" Xin Shao: "Please, wipe the sand from your vagina" Me: "but you guys should have pushed" Me: "there's no way they can stop my shit if you guys are all tanking it Me: "we're so fucking close and you guys are still confused as to how to finish this shit" (this is 59 minutes in) Malzahar: "CHILL OUT" Malzahar: "JESUS CHRIST GO SMOKE A BOWL" Me: "WHAT" Me: "ARE" Me: "YOU" Me: "DOING" Me: "DO SOMETHING" Malzahar: "IM HIGH AS FUCK AND IM TRYING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME" Malzahar: "SHUT THE HELL UP" Xin Shao: "^ ^ that"
An hour into it, with my teammates still running around aimlessly doing things like grouping up from home base to river, then going up the river to mid and then scattering around during a fight + Show Spoiler + Me: "i cant even believe what im seeing" Me: "this is unbelievable" Me: "i have to go to bed" Me: "i have a real job" Malzahar: "lmao" Me: "jesus fucking christ" Malzahar: "go to bed" Xin Shao: "pussy? i know it is intimidating when you don't see it a lot" (WTF????) Malzahar: "pussyyy" Kassadin: "lmao" Malzahar: "Dont play if you got a bed time" Malzahar: "This is man night" Me: "it was an hour ago" Malzahar: "We get high and slang our penis' around" Me: "no games last this long" Malzahar: "We dont go to bed." Me: "you guys are just fucking incompetent" Me: "if i wasnt here you would have lost by now" Malzahar: "Alright, Mr. Corporate. oooh i got a job." Malzahar: "Get real." Xin Shao: "No, you're just a little ass clown that has to go to high school in the morning.." (i'm 25) Kassadin: "it would probably be over if all of my kills hadnt been ksed this whole time" (he's 5/7/18) Kassadin: "but instead im underfarmed" Xin Shao: "And mommy and daddy might be upset if you're late." Me: "LOL killsteal" Me: "only newbs give a fuck about killsteal" Kassadin: "i give a fuck about killsteal" Kassadin: "when im an ap karry" Kassadin: "and i require farm" Me: "we had 4 fucking carries" Me: "what do you want honestly"
Me: "and now they're going to win" (we had just been aced) Me: "this is an unbelievable failure" Malzahar: "rofl cause you died" Malzahar: "thanks ezreal" Malzahar: "way to lose it"
WE WERE 62-49 AND WITHOUT MY 20 KILLS WE'D BE 42-49. They rinse and repeat the same bullshit where they just all kinda go to mid, one or two of them would wander off leaving it to be 3v5 inside their base and I died a few more times. I went back and actually sold my greaves and bought Guardian Angel, making me have 2 BTs IE TF thornmail and GA, and they STILL WONT FUCKING GO WITH ME. After two or so more cycles of us getting aced a few MORE times while killing like 2 or 3 people, and eventually the game naturally ends itself due to minions being too much to handle. I was so fucking enraged ending the game at 22-7, just a few kills under half of the total champ kills on our team. In the post game chat people on my team are like "report kyari for bein a whiny bitch". AFTER WE WON BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY HOLDING THE OTHER 4 UP FROM COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT. Sometimes the people that play this game are so unfathomably stupid that I want to just smash the corner of a brick into my skull. I can't even imagine the type of people that it takes to see a teammate doing well, and from that moment to make it your mission to ignore him, insult him and throw immature slander at him while he single-handedly carries him and the rest of his vile and ungrateful teammates from abysmal failure. If we didn't end up winning that game I would have completely fucking lost it. I'd rather this game cost 30 bucks a month than to deal with some of this excruciating bullshit.
now that's an elaborate QQ
United States425 Posts
On March 02 2012 23:16 Dandel Ion wrote: Observing over the shoulder of a being of lower rank: A Kat loses mid against Fiddle 0/7 (how???), builds sorc and triforce, complains about people having too much hp (when she really just did no damage) and how OP fid's fear is (SORC BOOTS), when my bro ganked for him, he shunpo'd to him while Fiddle's E was in flight to him, insta doublekill. "I didn't know he'd do that much damage" when he had a stacked as fuck Mejais
Holy elo hell, I'm so happy I'm not down there.
fid is pretty stronk against kat. she has no cc to deal with his drain and the heal debuff hurts him but not as much as a full-duration fear+drain combo hurts her whenever she tries to do anything other than be zoned. also, she can never ult him because he has both his fear and silence to interrupt channels.
still no excuse for feeding 7 kills in lane, no matter how hard you got countered
I fucking hate those that only want to play his champ, and don't care about the rest of the team. Well if you 2k elo, you can get whatever the fuck you want, but at 1300, you better mind your pick if you want to win.
Recently, all of my games are either my team GG after 20+mins or the enemy team surrender at about the same time. Luck is too much a factor in this game. Get 2 feeder? ok GG 20.
On March 03 2012 13:07 Caphe wrote: I fucking hate those that only want to play his champ, and don't care about the rest of the team. Well if you 2k elo, you can get whatever the fuck you want, but at 1300, you better mind your pick if you want to win.
Recently, all of my games are either my team GG after 20+mins or the enemy team surrender at about the same time. Luck is too much a factor in this game. Get 2 feeder? ok GG 20. I think those who only want to play 1 champ are either really confident with that 1 champ and suck with everyone else OR the guy is braving ranked after just hitting lv30 but only has 1 set rune page for his favorite champ/best champ. Kinda annoying that its like that but what can we do about it? People hit lv30 every day so you're bound to see them from <1400.
I'm going to put this in a spoiler because it's just so... so bad. I'm going to tell you guys about my LoL day today.
+ Show Spoiler +So first few games are ranked. The first one we have a guy who decides to run an Eve with Fortify / Revive. Clearly not trolling, she said she was really good, and that last game she went 0/15/0. Luckily I didn't have to play that because someone dodged. I wanted to give him a fucking medal.
Next game I call ad bot, but our first pick says that he wants to ad bot, so I decide to support instead. Our 4th pick says she's jungling Fiora, but, lo and behold, first pick get's jungle ww. At this point I'm pissed because our 4th can't support, so this ww basically just fucked us over. I end up supporting Fiora bot, and about 10 minutes into the game, WW and our solomid-- Vlad-- leave the game. We end up losing because 5 is oftentimes a bigger number than 3.
After losing another game, I'm in queue again. We hit, and our first pick is afk all through the ban process. He randoms veigar, and we decide just to pick random toons because he was dced. He reconnects, and decides he wants to play the game. We tell him to dodge, but he doesn't, repeating only "first time veig" and "first time ranked." I ended up dodging that because my friend was getting on.
After that we started playing non-ranked, and we lost three straight. I'm not going to go into detail of every game, but each game I played bot (as support or carry), and each time we lost top and mid lanes. Like they got dominated. It was to the point that even though I was winning bot lane each game, the rest of their team was so fed that it didn't matter.
Finally I switched to my smurf account. I lost two games there as Twitch, just getting caught in stupid positions every time (I get a doublekill bot then go for dragon, mid and jungle comes and top ports in to steal / kill. Each of these games I had positive KDs, good farm, and won my lane.
I decided not to go to bed until I won a game. I did so at about 3:30 (now). It got to the point where 5 people were online, and we could just win. It was just a bad day for LoL. Winning lanes and losing games is the worst feeling in the game.
EDIT: fixed spoiler
why do people counterjungle when they're behind and dive for no reason
On March 03 2012 19:05 unichan wrote: why do people counterjungle when they're behind and dive for no reason
as an avid extremist counterjungler i think i can answer this - we trust our teammates to call mias even if they've fucked up early, and we think that if we're behind, we can catch up by putting our enemy behind. we think that our opponent is always afraid to counterjungle us so any counterjungling we do puts them behind and puts us ahead, so it helps doubly to catch us up. it's false logic and we know it, but it feels right!
Playing shaco, setting up some ganks and our team leads midgame with 2 dragons, 25-13 kills, and a 9-2 ashe that has 3-4k more gold then anyone. Their team has morde and warwick. So ashe OBVIOUSLY BUYS PURE DAMAGE ITEMS and proceeds to attack a warwick in mid alone. So a morde and warwick ult later and they get free baron. Next teamfight alistair and cassio initiate and lockdown 4 of the opponents, we put them all very low. Ashe starts targetting their sivir that runs away, run straight into warwick and morde, gets double ulted and they annihilate us with a ashe ghost (ie.bt.pd 28 mins in).
something something Karthus something
On March 04 2012 00:59 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: something something Karthus something Haha, made my day. Thank you. Also: I really need to stop playing champs I never play in ranked. Stupid, stupid me.