Then ofc everyone blames me for the loss because I am the jungler and everything is my fault
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Then ofc everyone blames me for the loss because I am the jungler and everything is my fault | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
On February 29 2012 21:29 57 Corvette wrote: Holy fuck i hate counterjunglers. They steal my buffs, and put me 3-4 levels behind midgame. Then ofc everyone blames me for the loss because I am the jungler and everything is my fault This may be sheer coincidence, but last night I played a game with a jungle Kayle and I invaded and stole her blue and every single blue after that. If that was you, I apologize, especially since that Kayle did not have her team's help at all in leashing blue >_>;;; ... Actually I did the same thing with a jungle Fiddle in a different game. He tried to steal my blue back in return but our team was quick to rush and stop him <_<. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
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United States866 Posts
On February 29 2012 10:12 petered wrote: My internet to so stupidly terrible and kills the fun in this game half the time. I don't DC, I just have a 2+ second delay half the time. I just isn't consistent so one moment is a half second delay then it jumps to 2 seconds then all the sudden it isn't taking any commands and my champ just stands there stupidly while I die. Sigh. I am moving into a new place soon and switching away from comcast when I do. I have placed all my hope in a new internet provider. I have perfect ping all the time in games with ATT, but some days I'll just randomly dc from the internet completely for a few minutes every half hour or so, with no way to predict when its going to happen. | ||
United States2255 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Me: "dont leave base pls they probably trap in the jungle it's their only chance" *Trundlefacecheckingbrushanddies* Trundle: "putain pourquoi les sacs assis là-bas et juste" or something like that. gg impressive throw. -.-' We've even been talking english during the game so he probably understood what I was asking for. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
sejuani, olaf, anivia, nunu, ashe we're down a couple kills, but nothing major. our teamfight team is absurd compared to theirs anyway. we get baron, head mid. i say "go when i shurelia's and ult," ping, and initiate. get a sejuani ult to hit three of them, and ashe and olaf dive with me. just as we're closing the gap on their vladimir, anivia throws out a wall to separate us from them, leaving me tanking tower hits and their graves getting free potshots on me they kill us 3-0 anivia: "i don't know why you don't just take free towers" later in the game, they're seiging OUR tower. same thing, i catch someone out of position, ult, shurelia, get 3 in stun... anivia walls me off all three of their ranged champs who then just bombard me from safety, while simultaneously trapping our ashe with their riven. anivia: "anivia is all about control" never have i seen 4 people rage so hard at 1 idiot. his build was facepalmworthy too. wota, warmog's, void staff. DAT MPEN WITH YOUR 200 AP REAL STRONK | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On March 01 2012 04:59 Alaric wrote: And another one to "justify" our horrible rep. ![]() Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to blame french speaking players. As I said, we even spoke english in chat and understood each other. It's rather QQing about people randomly derping out so unnecessarily in the very lategame that simply costs you an absolutely winnable game. But for my personal interest: could you translate what the player said? ![]() €dit: On March 01 2012 06:03 gtrsrs wrote: never have i seen 4 people rage so hard at 1 idiot. his build was facepalmworthy too. wota, warmog's, void staff. DAT MPEN WITH YOUR 200 AP REAL STRONK That's Froggen's Anivia build non-Froggen players don't hesitate to just copy without thinking. An almost platin player from my ingame FL even added Froggen after playing vs. him one day and since then believes in this build no matter what. It usually contains a Soulstealer and Spirit Visage, too... I have yet to see a single ranked 5x5 game with him using Froggen's build to carry us to victory... maybe this shit works in SOLO queue when you actually ARE Froggen, but even the enemy was laughing at this friend in postgame chat. | ||
United States20254 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On February 29 2012 22:19 Kyo Yuy wrote: This may be sheer coincidence, but last night I played a game with a jungle Kayle and I invaded and stole her blue and every single blue after that. If that was you, I apologize, especially since that Kayle did not have her team's help at all in leashing blue >_>;;; ... Actually I did the same thing with a jungle Fiddle in a different game. He tried to steal my blue back in return but our team was quick to rush and stop him <_<. Well, i started at wraiths and the rest of my team was at blue, but they all ran away when the opponents invaded and stole it. Could have been the same game, don't remember the names though. Ah well, looks like the only position i can win with recently is mid T_T | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
On March 01 2012 06:40 57 Corvette wrote: Well, i started at wraiths and the rest of my team was at blue, but they all ran away when the opponents invaded and stole it. Could have been the same game, don't remember the names though. Ah well, looks like the only position i can win with recently is mid T_T Well I played Skarner that game, so if you were Fiddle or Kayle and the enemy jungler was Skarner it was probably the same game, haha. Also apparently it is hard to win a game when every lane dies 4 times in the first 10 minutes. | ||
United States27922 Posts
After I lost 1700, I've been in steady decline, and I'm now under 1550. 50% have been trolls/afks, 40% have been teams being COMPLETELY uncarriable, 10% have been me playing poorly and deserving the loss. I have no clue what to do, but I feel so fucking helpless. I just keep fucking losing, and there's nothing I can do about it. After almost 600 games, the last 40 have been the most mind-numbingly painful experience I've had playing this game... | ||
6170 Posts
skype: "NO DON'T GRAB HIM" "DOUBLE KILL!" lol fuck we lost that game hard | ||
France45622 Posts
On March 01 2012 06:18 little fancy wrote: Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to blame french speaking players. As I said, we even spoke english in chat and understood each other. It's rather QQing about people randomly derping out so unnecessarily in the very lategame that simply costs you an absolutely winnable game. But for my personal interest: could you translate what the player said? ![]() Literally something like "wtf what were those chumps doing there?", in a more angry that surprised tone. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
Pretty stupid that you can be suspended for 'idling' after so few incidents. | ||
Finland8662 Posts
So I'm running malzahar AD jungle, to get me some boosted up minions. I do first clear in quite decent time, do 2nd clear, kill stuff at bot, farm some more and then top lane Vayne Malz, you suck at jungling sry but it's true malz = no skill I'm like... ... .... :D sry mate, ill try harder to beat these bots I promise! | ||
Sexico5880 Posts
Also i posted this in the wrong thread. | ||
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