On March 03 2012 17:38 mbr2321 wrote:I'm going to put this in a spoiler because it's just so... so bad. I'm going to tell you guys about my LoL day today. + Show Spoiler +So first few games are ranked. The first one we have a guy who decides to run an Eve with Fortify / Revive. Clearly not trolling, she said she was really good, and that last game she went 0/15/0. Luckily I didn't have to play that because someone dodged. I wanted to give him a fucking medal.
Next game I call ad bot, but our first pick says that he wants to ad bot, so I decide to support instead. Our 4th pick says she's jungling Fiora, but, lo and behold, first pick get's jungle ww. At this point I'm pissed because our 4th can't support, so this ww basically just fucked us over. I end up supporting Fiora bot, and about 10 minutes into the game, WW and our solomid-- Vlad-- leave the game. We end up losing because 5 is oftentimes a bigger number than 3.
After losing another game, I'm in queue again. We hit, and our first pick is afk all through the ban process. He randoms veigar, and we decide just to pick random toons because he was dced. He reconnects, and decides he wants to play the game. We tell him to dodge, but he doesn't, repeating only "first time veig" and "first time ranked." I ended up dodging that because my friend was getting on.
After that we started playing non-ranked, and we lost three straight. I'm not going to go into detail of every game, but each game I played bot (as support or carry), and each time we lost top and mid lanes. Like they got dominated. It was to the point that even though I was winning bot lane each game, the rest of their team was so fed that it didn't matter.
Finally I switched to my smurf account. I lost two games there as Twitch, just getting caught in stupid positions every time (I get a doublekill bot then go for dragon, mid and jungle comes and top ports in to steal / kill. Each of these games I had positive KDs, good farm, and won my lane.
I decided not to go to bed until I won a game. I did so at about 3:30 (now). It got to the point where 5 people were online, and we could just win. It was just a bad day for LoL. Winning lanes and losing games is the worst feeling in the game.
EDIT: fixed spoiler
My god dood.
So depressing. GL in future, hope it doesn't turn you off LoL
how can you have 28cs 35 minutes into the game as the ad carry? That takes some effort man.
United States425 Posts
just jungled shaco against malphite
my brand's blaze stole my blue at level 1. i was trying to save smite to run through baron pit, hop the wall, and steal malphite's red because we cv'd and he wasn't going wolves before blue. suffice it to say that a shaco who is not level 2 has a hard time stealing red or ganking anywhere.
actually, it wasn't so bad. that blue let the brand survive all the way until level 4 when he got solo'd by the enemy malzahar in the middle of the fucking lane
ok i just have to get this out of my system.
A good real life buddy of mine ( goes to the same university and everything) plays LoL too. Fine someone i can play with yeha. But good he is such nice guy in real life, but he turns to a 14-year old rage kiddie whenever he plays LoL. I really feel embarassed, when he harasses somebody who isnt doing well. And the worst part is, I carried him to 1400 elo. Now he thinks he is even more the shit, even though in pretty much every game he lost his lane and got carried. But if i straight up tell him that he should be a little more chilled about playing LoL, he totally denies it. I even wrote an anti-report today, because he reported a real friendly and good player just because he was mad at him for some nonsensical thing.
On March 04 2012 11:26 niTsEn wrote: ok i just have to get this out of my system.
A good real life buddy of mine ( goes to the same university and everything) plays LoL too. Fine someone i can play with yeha. But good he is such nice guy in real life, but he turns to a 14-year old rage kiddie whenever he plays LoL. I really feel embarassed, when he harasses somebody who isnt doing well. And the worst part is, I carried him to 1400 elo. Now he thinks he is even more the shit, even though in pretty much every game he lost his lane and got carried. But if i straight up tell him that he should be a little more chilled about playing LoL, he totally denies it. I even wrote an anti-report today, because he reported a real friendly and good player just because he was mad at him for some nonsensical thing. Well, hes your buddy IRL so I guess you just have to get used to it. You should let him playing solo more so people will shit on him if he keeps an atitute like that and hope that he will eventually learn some manner.
On March 04 2012 11:26 niTsEn wrote: ok i just have to get this out of my system.
A good real life buddy of mine ( goes to the same university and everything) plays LoL too. Fine someone i can play with yeha. But good he is such nice guy in real life, but he turns to a 14-year old rage kiddie whenever he plays LoL. I really feel embarassed, when he harasses somebody who isnt doing well. And the worst part is, I carried him to 1400 elo. Now he thinks he is even more the shit, even though in pretty much every game he lost his lane and got carried. But if i straight up tell him that he should be a little more chilled about playing LoL, he totally denies it. I even wrote an anti-report today, because he reported a real friendly and good player just because he was mad at him for some nonsensical thing. Tell him to stop taking LoL so seriously and that 1400 elo is nothing to be boastful about
So sick of every fucking baddie spamming "SOLO TOP" or "SOLO MID" before the game starts, then getting fucking dominated and boning us.
so i just dinged 30 yesterday , and geeze i met some annoying team mates . i will cry and ask questions at the same time , so hopefully it will make me feel better!
1. jungler / tank , its just me or there is a serious lack of those ? one of the characters i play is rammus jungle , but i find myself having to play him way too much to my liking , other wise i find myself in a wonderful team composition of 2 range ad carries top. please tell me its get better!
2. i do not dare queuing for rank , but i was thinking about normal draft , is that a good idea ? i can play decently 6 characters (about one for each roll) that should be enough ?
3. is there a way to know my elo without playing ranked ? ^^
4. i had a game as Morgana vs tryn top (shen who was afraid from going top) , couldn't really kill the bastered , but finished the game 1/1/17 , and a lot more cs . the entire freaking game people were QQing about me , in the end the enemy team had to tell them to shut up , and they were being carried by a morgana , but damn its hard not to take it to heart ,
5. same issue of people crying just much worse is when i play jungle , every single death is my fault , if i am doing red and top dies , he cry why i am not there for him . if a person is 0/3 and diving the enemy tower , he cry why i don't gank top enough . it just make me despair , 3vs5 , "why didn't you initiate rammus! n00b! " . really make me want to take jungle again next game
6. support ... i love picking support then people over commit and ask why i have no dps . though i actually enjoy that role , i almost dont play it anymore , being bot with an idiot as support make me want to delete the game.
7. the doom and gloom people . so they had a lvl 1 gank , since that moment till the end of the game 40 min , for the entire time that corkie will QQ about forfeiting and no chance and we are noobs , and lets not play ... really make you all happy and motivated. (i had won so many of those games , if people kept their cool - but its a big if)
8. well there was a great gsl finnal , but my guy lost 
Alexander feels better now .thanks for reading!
You should start playing Draft mode. Most people that play blind pick just really want to play a specific champ and/or troll. Not to mention, I think the draft in general is a much better competitve game mode because it just adds so much more depth to the game. it makes everyone think about team comps and what you and your opponents have selected etc.
If you'd like you can go hard into ranked, it isn't really any different than normal draft aside from picking order is by ELO instead of who has the bigger party. You aren't actually "ranked" until you play some ranked games, so no. Technically you have a normal ELO that is used for matchmaking there but it is hidden.
haflo, i had a similar moment to your #6 today. Hi, my account is IgnaciousBrown, and this is my first time in the QQ thread. I'm not really the guy to spam into all chat THIS WW WTF, NOOB TEAM GG, etc. I'm really not, and I had never done it until today. I do draft pick, I'm level 23 or something so I'm not playing with the best players off the bat. I've been playing for like a month, but I mostly play bot games, so I feel like other people at that level SHOULD be better than me. I like playing all roles, so that means I always end up jungling or support because no one wants to. I'm support Soraka at bottom with an ashe. This Ashe doesn't move when she farms, she stands still and auto attacks. Down to Shyvana and Twitch in bot lane instantly. So, as a support and knowing theres a twitch, I pink ward the lane and buy other wards for bush because our Ashe is getting dominated in CS and in overall ability. This Ashe dies to a Twitch who runs all the way through the left side of pink ward vision to the right side, into the brush. Ashe never notices... Then she dies later to a Tryndamere gank when he pops into the bush that I warded, pinged, and then retreat pinged. Turns out after Ashe dies and Soraka burns heal on Ashe and an ulti, Soraka dies to three champs even when next to tower. So we're not doing too well, but the game isn't completely over or anything. GP is carrying and our WW is getting farm from the jungle. We win a team fight 4-1, and their Tryn died well before the fight started so we were in a perfect position. Whole team is at least level 15. What does that mean you should do? Baron of course, especially since we were at mid and in prime position, and I had wards to spot people incoming so we could force another fight if we wanted to in 40 seconds when they respawned. Ashe, Soraka, and GP can't kill Baron without a tank. But WW doesn't respond to pings or text in chat. So he goes to solo Drag... This turns into a snowballing loss because we lose some towers, Veigar chases down a Shyvana with half health into the entire enemy team, then blames me for running when he knows I used my ulti earlier to save everyone. Then when game ends he types into chat "Noob jungle and support".
Sigh, back to bot games for me.
Why is eve SO WEAK rofl. I random eve and go top vs a fiora, for some reason she has red and is almost level 2 coming to lane. Whatever, she dives me like a moron and I go 1-0, 2-0 after I get a gank. So I'm 2 kills, almost 2 levels, and like 20 cs ahead and try to 1v1 her, I don't even get her lower than 3/4 of her hp (creeps were also in my favor btw) before she kills me. Wtf riot? Why the heck is this champion in the game?
United States37500 Posts
On March 05 2012 01:26 Cloud wrote: Why is eve SO WEAK rofl. I random eve and go top vs a fiora, for some reason she has red and is almost level 2 coming to lane. Whatever, she dives me like a moron and I go 1-0, 2-0 after I get a gank. So I'm 2 kills, almost 2 levels, and like 20 cs ahead and try to 1v1 her, I don't even get her lower than 3/4 of her hp (creeps were also in my favor btw) before she kills me. Wtf riot? Why the heck is this champion in the game?
Eve used to be decent but Riot kneejerk nerfed her into oblivion. She's still waiting on that stealth remake (tm)
I hate it how everthing is always the junglers bad. In some games u get literally blamed for every dead......
I just had a game where we had no junglers (premade 5 normals) The viktor feeds mid and blames our non-existant jungler. When he realizes that we have no jungler he proceeds to blame the whole team for not picking a jungler. (He was supposed to jungle, but he decided to last second switch to vik so we had no jungler) In the end we lost 4v5 cuz a non-fed viktor doesn't do anything.
i dont get why viktor is like he is. a champion that has such a situational skillset should scale harder / have lower CDs or something, so he actually deals enough damage when his stuff hits or has more chances to do so idk. riot is generally very good at balancing ap champions, viktor looks kinda off imo.
On March 05 2012 00:26 Witten wrote: haflo, i had a similar moment to your #6 today. Hi, my account is IgnaciousBrown, and this is my first time in the QQ thread. I'm not really the guy to spam into all chat THIS WW WTF, NOOB TEAM GG, etc. I'm really not, and I had never done it until today. I do draft pick, I'm level 23 or something so I'm not playing with the best players off the bat. I've been playing for like a month, but I mostly play bot games, so I feel like other people at that level SHOULD be better than me. I like playing all roles, so that means I always end up jungling or support because no one wants to. I'm support Soraka at bottom with an ashe. This Ashe doesn't move when she farms, she stands still and auto attacks. Down to Shyvana and Twitch in bot lane instantly. So, as a support and knowing theres a twitch, I pink ward the lane and buy other wards for bush because our Ashe is getting dominated in CS and in overall ability. This Ashe dies to a Twitch who runs all the way through the left side of pink ward vision to the right side, into the brush. Ashe never notices... Then she dies later to a Tryndamere gank when he pops into the bush that I warded, pinged, and then retreat pinged. Turns out after Ashe dies and Soraka burns heal on Ashe and an ulti, Soraka dies to three champs even when next to tower. So we're not doing too well, but the game isn't completely over or anything. GP is carrying and our WW is getting farm from the jungle. We win a team fight 4-1, and their Tryn died well before the fight started so we were in a perfect position. Whole team is at least level 15. What does that mean you should do? Baron of course, especially since we were at mid and in prime position, and I had wards to spot people incoming so we could force another fight if we wanted to in 40 seconds when they respawned. Ashe, Soraka, and GP can't kill Baron without a tank. But WW doesn't respond to pings or text in chat. So he goes to solo Drag... This turns into a snowballing loss because we lose some towers, Veigar chases down a Shyvana with half health into the entire enemy team, then blames me for running when he knows I used my ulti earlier to save everyone. Then when game ends he types into chat "Noob jungle and support".
Sigh, back to bot games for me. don't go back to bot games, go find some people to queue with and keep trying ^___^
here's a list of champs I dont like in my team:
ezreal: I don't think he is stronger at anything than any other ad but he is weaker at some things.
lb: a top or flop champ with a high skillcap vs decent players. I had an argument in LP about her lategame. I think she is super situational lategame. If your team has very strong initiation then she is a force to reckon with. for soloq you mostly have to hope that lb gets super fed early and your team gets like every dragon so it doesnt matter she gets caught all day later on.
nautilus: highly inexplored champion.
fizz: I just cross my fingers every time I have one in my team that his laneopponent doesn't know the matchup as good as him.
twitch: top or flop champ. even sometimes gets fed early and starts too feed real fast real often after he is 3:0:2 and goes 4:10:3.
panth: 'I counter gp with panth'. seriously. panth is not a counter to gp at all he can get ahead ok but the matchup is not as panth favored as some ppl think it is. especially toplane anything can happen. Just the assumption of winning that lane with this pick often makes things really bad.
olaf: I dont think he is weak or anything. I just have never seen an olaf makeing good plays.
On March 04 2012 18:46 haflo wrote:so i just dinged 30 yesterday , and geeze i met some annoying team mates . i will cry and ask questions at the same time , so hopefully it will make me feel better! 1. jungler / tank , its just me or there is a serious lack of those ? one of the characters i play is rammus jungle , but i find myself having to play him way too much to my liking , other wise i find myself in a wonderful team composition of 2 range ad carries top. please tell me its get better! 2. i do not dare queuing for rank , but i was thinking about normal draft , is that a good idea ? i can play decently 6 characters (about one for each roll) that should be enough ? 3. is there a way to know my elo without playing ranked ? ^^ 4. i had a game as Morgana vs tryn top (shen who was afraid from going top) , couldn't really kill the bastered , but finished the game 1/1/17 , and a lot more cs . the entire freaking game people were QQing about me , in the end the enemy team had to tell them to shut up , and they were being carried by a morgana , but damn its hard not to take it to heart , 5. same issue of people crying just much worse is when i play jungle , every single death is my fault , if i am doing red and top dies , he cry why i am not there for him . if a person is 0/3 and diving the enemy tower , he cry why i don't gank top enough . it just make me despair , 3vs5 , "why didn't you initiate rammus! n00b! " . really make me want to take jungle again next game 6. support ... i love picking support then people over commit and ask why i have no dps . though i actually enjoy that role , i almost dont play it anymore , being bot with an idiot as support make me want to delete the game. 7. the doom and gloom people . so they had a lvl 1 gank , since that moment till the end of the game 40 min , for the entire time that corkie will QQ about forfeiting and no chance and we are noobs , and lets not play ... really make you all happy and motivated. (i had won so many of those games , if people kept their cool - but its a big if) 8. well there was a great gsl finnal , but my guy lost  Alexander feels better now .thanks for reading!
I am glad you feel better, as that is the point of this thread! here are my thoughts:
1. In my experience the higher level you get, the more junglers there are. I will play any role but I generally beg to not be stuck in jungle since I find it horribly boring and I suck at it. I haven't had to jungle in a ranked/draft normal in quite some time. In normals I just don't jungle even if we don't have one because I play normals if I have a certain champ I want to play, not to be serious.
2. I like draft normals quite a bit. I have had lots of internet problems recently, so I picked these up when I want to tryhard but don't want to risk lag problems popping up. People generally take it seriously, try to fill every role, etc.
3. No idea
4. people QQ about a lot of unreasonable things (just read through this whole thread). It takes a lot of maturity to admit when you screwed up, and most people don't have it (admittedly I do this myself sometimes). You can try explaining why they are being dumb, but that usually devolves into name calling. I try to admit when I screw up and then call people out when they screw up, but not in a mean way. Just something that will hopefully encourage them to not do it next time. If you aren't prepared for the inevitable shit throwing that ensues (even if you were nice) then just ignore all. No shame in ignoring all and many times leads to a better game.
5. Yeah, jungler is usually an easy target for blame. Once again, ignore all if it gets to you, or just argue it out if it doesn't. Always be willing to admit when you do make a mistake because they just look like fools when they keep throwing games.
6. The hard part about bot lane is style differences. I tend to play on the cautious side when I am unsure about a matchup. The best is just to try to discuss before creeps are even in your lane. When I play support I like to say something like, "hey, alistar ezreal is stronger than vayne soraka early. lets play passive until we get a few levels under our belt" or whatever it is. If he is determined to go all in anyway then it is better to both go all in rather than the two of you playing the lane differently.
7. Yeah, they are just annoying, but most of them still play it out in my experience. Just ignore them since they are still doing their best. If they afk or feed intentionally, then report and move on. Not much you can do.
8. I used to follow pro SC2 and BW religiously but haven't watched in a while. I always like DRG, though, so I was happy he won.
kid just spent 10k IP on my account on shit i'm never going to use
I play normal draft mode. Pick AD Kennen.
We need some AP mid. Someone instalocks Teemo with Smite / Surge after I picked.
Teemo: "i la ruine jeu que vous avez choisi" (copypasted since I already suspected this could be a game for the QQ thread) Me: "english pls" Teemo: "go mid noob omfg need real ad carry fucker" Teemo: "i troll u pick ad kennen shit we loose fock yuo"
Teemo rushes into enemy Jungle to double golems feeding my enemies at bot first blood. Then goes 2/15 vs enemy Lux in mid (she died two times since she was stupid enough to walk into shrooms after killing him over and over again) that lasers me for 3/4 of my HP whenever she came to gank bot three times.
Enemy Taric spams chat about how shitty AD Kennen is and that it was obvious I'd lose lane (the fact that Corki has Boots + Dorans + Pots and he has twice as many wards / pots than my support when entering lane because of fb OBVIOUSLY doesn't matter) and that he understands Teemo when he thinks having a teammate picking AD Kennen is an excuse for ruining the game.
Suddenly, our top rumble joins the conversation in /all chat (in french language of course) and both refuse to surrender when our jungle / support start spamming votes at 20 mins.
After the game I was like "wtf?!". I've become really calm and controlled after raging like a boss the first half year of playing LoL, but this game took a lot of discipline to not fall back into old habits.