A 1v5 bot game isn't a TERRIBLE way to learn a new champion...I usually do one when I buy a new champ just to get used to their abilities and stuff.
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Canada1085 Posts
A 1v5 bot game isn't a TERRIBLE way to learn a new champion...I usually do one when I buy a new champ just to get used to their abilities and stuff. | ||
United States1817 Posts
On March 09 2012 06:28 Shifft wrote: A 1v5 bot game isn't a TERRIBLE way to learn a new champion...I usually do one when I buy a new champ just to get used to their abilities and stuff. It is terrible because it will cause you to overestimate the bounds of what you can do with your champion, and you will never be punished for terrible play. It can make your play worse. Besides, anyone who has played enough LoL to be past level 10 or so probably can do pretty decently with a new champ in normals for the most part. Chill is a somewhat terrible QQer (taking responsibility for your bad play? not here), but I will let it slide since he is e-famous. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Bahamas15899 Posts
We almost won that game except that we took a fight at baron and a fed Orianna isn't that good in open space. How do you want me to carry if my teamates can't cs ? | ||
Canada4122 Posts
On March 09 2012 09:56 Erasme wrote: Game of 40~min. I have 290cs with Orianna and the second of my team has 70. LOL SERIOUSLY We almost won that game except that we took a fight at baron and a fed Orianna isn't that good in open space. How do you want me to carry if my teamates can't cs ? I don't think the area near the baron pit should be considered open space :O | ||
United States2255 Posts
We take baron then try to poke a inhibitor turret down but realize that our nexus turrets are already being bashed in by mega creeps, so we decide to back off...except for idiot Urgot who sits there and continues to farm in front of their base until they jump him.While the enemy tries to counterpush us back in a manageable situation, HE pretends he's afk and sits in fountain until we lose. When we asked him why in the flying fuck would he throw the game, his shitty excuse is 'Taric already screwed our advantage and the game up, so whatever'. Still can't get a win with Udyr even when I'm playing relatively well compared to the other jungle, jesus. | ||
6170 Posts
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Vietnam10817 Posts
On March 09 2012 09:43 zer0das wrote: Something I have never understood... it's like 50 minutes into the game, you win a team fight decisively, 3 to 0, the other two sent scattered with low hp. 90% of the time everyone will run after these last two (and some of your people are usually low, so they run the risk of dying) instead of ignoring them and just knocking down 2-4 turrets. Why do people do this? I lose quite a few games to people not just grouping up and knocking down every last turret while there's the chance. That happens a lot. People like to kill, other than knock down objectives. Just get used to it lol. | ||
United States153 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On March 09 2012 23:07 Spaackle wrote: One thing that's really been bugging me lately is the people who, when they are caught out of position and basically insta-gibbed by three enemies, type in chat "lol 3v1 it took 3 of you to kill me." Now, who's fault is it that you were deep in enemy territory without anyone to back you up and probably ignoring the retreat pings of your allies as they try to tell you to leave because the entire enemy team is coming to gank you? By telling everyone it was a 3v1 fight and you lost, you're basically telling everyone that you're a noob who doesn't understand that being alone in the enemy jungle/lane without backup or vision means you're extremely vulnerable to ganks. If you lose in a 1v1, I can understand, but if you allow 3 people to gank you simultaneously, then you're only making yourself look worse by calling them newbies. Yep - they either don't get they did a mistake or simply refuse to admit it and blame their team instead. Sometimes they come up with just another sort of excuse: The enemy sieges our inhibitor turret. First pick Viktor that didn't ban Rammus leaves tower range so Rammus comes rolling from aside -> Flash -> Taunt -> dead Viktor in 0.7345934 seconds. Viktor in /all chat: "omg look my noob team rammus split from his team and they do nothing gg fucking retards". Like it was a planned tactical move to "bait" the taunt or something lol. Ok, nothing new so far, BUT here comes the real issue: when the enemy tells him it was 100% his own mistake losing us the game he goes full nerd rage offering the whole pool of heavy insults telling stories about hitler and the jews, shit fucking retard mofos like us that make him lose every game and how he wishes us to slowly suffer from cancer till wie die. He seriously spammed the /all chat the whole 40 seconds the enemy needed to ace us and kill the nexus with the most disgusting flow of insults I have ever experienced in over a year of playing LoL. Everyone else was just speechless and awkwardly embarrassed. I don't want to imagine how he must have lost control in front of his PC... | ||
United States19573 Posts
On March 09 2012 09:43 zer0das wrote: Something I have never understood... it's like 50 minutes into the game, you win a team fight decisively, 3 to 0, the other two sent scattered with low hp. 90% of the time everyone will run after these last two (and some of your people are usually low, so they run the risk of dying) instead of ignoring them and just knocking down 2-4 turrets. Why do people do this? I lose quite a few games to people not just grouping up and knocking down every last turret while there's the chance. Its a retarded endgame stats thing. Just lost a game playing Skarner, went 1/4/20, no deaths during laning. Get to the endscreen and people start trolling me, "Lol 1 kill" etc. Sure my Skarner is not that strong, but it wasn't a bad game. People in LoL seem to have the CoD mentality that KDR is king. | ||
Canada747 Posts
First game, Lee Sin didn't get a leash, so he took small camps first. Ahri complains that she never gets ganks, dies twice in the first five minutes. While that was happening, Kog decides to switch and go mid, but Ahri won't go bot, so I'm solo Sona for the next 10 minutes until laning phase ends. Ahri and Jarvan go afk, and lose. Second game, Ashe says to not waste money on wards if you can call mia. WTF? I mean I get that calling mia is fine, which wards won't be needed, but come on... Wards save lives people, ESPECIALLY if there's a twitch on the other team... | ||
United States8519 Posts
Also, this Graves is invariably on my team while the enemy one gets a BF Sword first. ![]() | ||
Germany2073 Posts
Tried so hard :/ Randomly got fbed because viktor had 80ad lv3 or 4, and i didnt check for it. Died to oom viktor in a close fight --; All lanes lost, and they did a good job pushing the advantage. we spent half an hour just sitting on 1 nexus turret and 1-3 inhibs vs them with ALL turrets up. Won many fights, pushed down 2 mid and first side turrets... Eventually olaf and skarner simultaneously suicided in mid and top lane 55 minutes in vs baron, could only kill 3 of their 5 and they overran the nexus xD 1100 ap dfg kinda hurts even with mres. | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
Even when I went 17-7-17 push towers buy wards and shit my team still lost. One of my game I got a Sona that decide to went for RoA and no wards at all in bot lane. | ||
Australia642 Posts
Next game I get the same guy, nobody else on the team is from the same game so there's no trash talk, but he picks revive-promote evelynn last pick and intentionally feeds the whole game. I guess it's easier to "troll" than to admit that you played badly and try harder next time. | ||
United States35093 Posts
Rage. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States577 Posts
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United States866 Posts
On March 09 2012 08:07 petered wrote: It is terrible because it will cause you to overestimate the bounds of what you can do with your champion, and you will never be punished for terrible play. It can make your play worse. Besides, anyone who has played enough LoL to be past level 10 or so probably can do pretty decently with a new champ in normals for the most part. That depends on who you play normals with... my first game with Kennen I had to mid against a 2250 in a normal (still beat him, but only because our jungler actually ganked and Kennen is broken as hell). | ||
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