The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 153
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United States13684 Posts
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Finland8662 Posts
Ezreal 1/6: GG, fail jungle mundo 0 ganks Sigh, yes, I'll come make a lane gank into 5/0/4 pantheon when you are ezreal with 26 cs at 17 minutes with 2 dorans blades and a soraka with boots. That will end REALLY WELL. Oh well, the Ez kept calling surrender votes that even his premade partner didn't vote yes, kept blaming everyone else and proceeded to have less farm by the end of the game than the soraka support. Should just use the ignore button on the first whine. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
Hear me out yo. The first time i was banned for 1 day for leaving games, now i HAD been leaving games i'll admit, so this "automated" thing i accepted. I had been leaving games because people would go 0-10 in the first 10 minutes and constantly flame, argue and chuck insults around, if you fail, why the hell are you like that? I dont let immature children who can barely play the game in the first place waste my time - so i left. After that one day, i played another game and my doorbell went, i had to afk for 2 mins to deal with it :| bad i know. I returned and finished my game, straight after the game, BOOM 3 day ban. At this point i got fucking angry. 2 minutes and im banned instantly for another 3 days? That was my first game back ffs. I sent a ticket and got told to fuck off basically. So i log on again after the 3 days and play a few games, then i play a bots game with my friend. Obviously we crush them but i try to toggle on colorblind mode at the end of it, it crashes my LoL game. (You see where im going now?) i log back on, and HELL WOULD YOU KNOW, IVE BEEN BANNED FOR 3 DAYS FOR CRASHING!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK RIOT FUCK YOU. Sending a ticket gets the automated bullshit "you will remain banned, if you have trouble running the game try x try y" - I turned on colorblind mode and the game crashed, my pc is fine, you fuckers. Now today i get unbanned and im wondering what will get me banned next, a typo? Better watch that grammar. Sorry for rage :D | ||
Finland951 Posts
lSSl Gromkalor: mundo - fail terveis: ... terveis: :D lSSl Gromkalor: i go afk terveis: wtf are you talking about? lSSl Gromkalor: u noob lSSl Gromkalor: and we lose . World is still not ready for mundo jungle it seems. And wtf, travis. :| | ||
Germany1850 Posts
So right now i start to geta little bit angry at that guy. He takes TF againhst an Ahri mid, so we just respond to him that we would be happy if he would not feed mid. Game starts, our jungle warwick get's his red stolen, we see it but LS get's away with 50 hp, WW seriously behind, can't help any lane while ours get camped. At bot, we stay even but mid feeds, because of fail jungle of course, top is pushed around as well. We loose. Now where exactly did he carry this game? Seriously, why play teamgames if you have a social score of -3 ? | ||
United States2255 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
0-6 "i opened shield to lane against kayle her harass is too good" nuff said | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Phew, I had to write this. What follows is a short summary of 7/14 games I had since Monday. I. Going 6/1 Graves, I died once to a random disconnect when I was 3/0 that didn't last longer than 30 seconds. I reconnect right after and get triple kill to make it 6/1 + dragon steal. When we lose a 16 minute teamfight to enemy 15/0 Xerath our 1/11 Zilean mid is like "report graves for afk" in /all chat because of the disconnect. Surrender at 20. II. Solo top GP loses to Lanewick, is 3 lvls and 30 CS behind at 10 minutes after 3 deaths: "HIS ULT SO MUCH DAMAGE OMG OP". Are you kidding me dumbass?! Oranges > all... When I politely ask him to stop the feeding and save W for WW ult he decides intentionally feed. Surrender at 20. III. 7/2 Garen Top (died twice to enemy Vayne that three shots me later). We lose because bot lane intentionally feeds 2x 0/12 each (AD Vlad + Heimer "support"). Surrender at 20. IV. Team comp is kinda fucked up, only me as Corki scales well into the later game (AP carry was LeBlanc, but doesn't matter I had great game with 4/0/2 so far we could have ended before enemy makes a comeback). When it comes to teamfights, full tank Cho from top, Alistar support and full tank Skarner provide a nice tank line IN THEORY. Actually, they don't know how to use their CC to protect and I have to run every teamfight doing zero DPS while the enemy takes years to only kill one them after they almost made it back to base. Enemy has zero initiation so we still could have forced the enemy to react to our plays. Too bad Cho never lands a single rupture and Skarner hesitates to ult anybody. Our big advantage fades away. Total end game score: 9/12 at 40 minutes. Boring game, still lost, but didn't surrender at 20. "Yay...". V. First pick fails bans. Enemy manages to get Rammus + Morgana + Shen (our first pick banned Shaco, Shyvana and Ryze while he and his 2nd pick duo premade friend refuse to pick them to trade for us and picked their bot lane combo instead letting the enemy pick named champs) and guess what - surrender at 20. ORLY? I wonder why... VI. Tough game with Vayne. Going 2/3 with slightly better CS than the enemy AD in lane. Then my jungler + support + me get towerdove by their whole team and with a great play we pull off a quadra kill for me trading 4:2 in our favour. Real joy, great game so far! But what is this?! Kennen top that blamed our mid from the beginning of the game for feeding (admitted, the mid wasn't very good but he was camped by enemy jungler and got outplayed to 0/4 so far but otherwise played really way as far as possible) stayed in his lane forever, always overextending with zero wards and throws the game even though he dominated his lane (he was like "what should I play well for if mid feeds anyways"). After Kennen was staying top the whole game spamming several surrender votes, my team got demoralised and agreed to surrender - OMG! VII. 0/6 Lee Sin loses to counterjungle Amumu and 1/6 Kennen gets wrecked by Garen top lane. WTF? Surrender at 20. Seriously, if you are used to it, playing with everything but a full premade is unacceptable. Maybe I am already "too mature" (or in other words: "too old" lol) for this game and can neither live with nor handle the behaviour 90% of the players I get matched with show ingame. But I can't give me this retarded / dumb / childish shit I see everyday for two weeks now aynmore. | ||
Canada14 Posts
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United States866 Posts
On March 14 2012 23:49 Capped wrote: So, im about to be unbanned for the 3rd time in a week. You right now: Zomg, epic flamer troll! :D Hear me out yo. The first time i was banned for 1 day for leaving games, now i HAD been leaving games i'll admit, so this "automated" thing i accepted. I had been leaving games because people would go 0-10 in the first 10 minutes and constantly flame, argue and chuck insults around, if you fail, why the hell are you like that? I dont let immature children who can barely play the game in the first place waste my time - so i left. After that one day, i played another game and my doorbell went, i had to afk for 2 mins to deal with it :| bad i know. I returned and finished my game, straight after the game, BOOM 3 day ban. At this point i got fucking angry. 2 minutes and im banned instantly for another 3 days? That was my first game back ffs. I sent a ticket and got told to fuck off basically. So i log on again after the 3 days and play a few games, then i play a bots game with my friend. Obviously we crush them but i try to toggle on colorblind mode at the end of it, it crashes my LoL game. (You see where im going now?) i log back on, and HELL WOULD YOU KNOW, IVE BEEN BANNED FOR 3 DAYS FOR CRASHING!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK RIOT FUCK YOU. Sending a ticket gets the automated bullshit "you will remain banned, if you have trouble running the game try x try y" - I turned on colorblind mode and the game crashed, my pc is fine, you fuckers. Now today i get unbanned and im wondering what will get me banned next, a typo? Better watch that grammar. Sorry for rage :D This is why I'm refusing to play ranked until my ISP (att) decides to stop randomly shitting out. It's only for a couple minutes every few hours usually, but I know I'd definitely get reported in ranked and don't want to ruin the games for other people by doing something I know would probably tick me off if they did it. | ||
United States1938 Posts
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United States3130 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
Honestly though, I fucking hate solo q, because it only takes one person to fuck up. | ||
United Kingdom136 Posts
Game ends with 3/23 (Surrender at 20), Twitch? 3/3/0. HMMMMMM!!!! Yes my team were terrible. Infact i got all 3 kills ganking lanes, and every team fight after that, we just lose terribly. Bot fed like 7 kills in 10 minutes.... just urgh... Why cry about Jungle twitch, when a Taric/Cait lane cant even get a single kill in a whole game and proceeds to feed massively? | ||
Singapore1674 Posts
On March 14 2012 23:49 Capped wrote: So, im about to be unbanned for the 3rd time in a week. You right now: Zomg, epic flamer troll! :D Hear me out yo. The first time i was banned for 1 day for leaving games, now i HAD been leaving games i'll admit, so this "automated" thing i accepted. I had been leaving games because people would go 0-10 in the first 10 minutes and constantly flame, argue and chuck insults around, if you fail, why the hell are you like that? I dont let immature children who can barely play the game in the first place waste my time - so i left. After that one day, i played another game and my doorbell went, i had to afk for 2 mins to deal with it :| bad i know. I returned and finished my game, straight after the game, BOOM 3 day ban. At this point i got fucking angry. 2 minutes and im banned instantly for another 3 days? That was my first game back ffs. I sent a ticket and got told to fuck off basically. So i log on again after the 3 days and play a few games, then i play a bots game with my friend. Obviously we crush them but i try to toggle on colorblind mode at the end of it, it crashes my LoL game. (You see where im going now?) i log back on, and HELL WOULD YOU KNOW, IVE BEEN BANNED FOR 3 DAYS FOR CRASHING!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK RIOT FUCK YOU. Sending a ticket gets the automated bullshit "you will remain banned, if you have trouble running the game try x try y" - I turned on colorblind mode and the game crashed, my pc is fine, you fuckers. Now today i get unbanned and im wondering what will get me banned next, a typo? Better watch that grammar. Sorry for rage :D tbh, people like you ruin lots of games and waste other 9 players' time. afking is much much horrible thing than going 0-10 at 10 mins. there is always possibility to come back if your behind, or to have some hopes. If its 4v5 you know you lose no matter what and you have to wait until 20 min to surrender. So, If you can easily afk when there is a phone call or your mom needs help then you should consider not playing 5v5. Just play dominion or 3v3, which are shorter and no one cares if lose. You need to reconsider your attitude and be less selfish. No offense. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United Kingdom7236 Posts
On March 15 2012 21:08 Alaric wrote: Had a guy knock at my door yesterday, 12-15 minutes into a game. Made us spiral down it seems; tho I'm not sure if we'd have won regardless. Am I a horrible person for not pretending the flat was empty? Apparently yes! | ||
Netherlands954 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Why is it that half the people in solo queue have no fucking idea how to teamfight properly. Fuck it, im going to make a video guide on somewhat proper teamfight positioning. | ||
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