On February 15 2012 16:35 seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On February 15 2012 16:04 triplej wrote:On February 15 2012 07:41 Dandel Ion wrote:On February 15 2012 07:35 triplej wrote: >be level 29 >playing some normals >team is Nautilus, Udyr, Twisted Fate, Tristana, and Wukong >me playing Tristana bottom >outfarming their most farmed guy by ~50 CS >team CCs at 20 because their LeBlanc is 12-0 and obviously we can't deal with her because we have 0 stuns >mfw.jpg Go back to where you evidently belong.... And where would that be? Wherever people are who don't know that naut udyr tf and wukong all have hard cc and trist has 2 escape skills
As opposed to here, where people apparently can't detect sarcasm in a QQ thread?
DASDOUAZSGDUHIJOÜKASPDOUGZIASFUJOPSF Fuck you Riot and your gay ass servers.
Couple of things I hate about League right now:
1) In the middle of a streak of Trolls and Assholes, I enter the lobby of a ranked game, and the 4 other people are discussing picks and bans. Like normal, functioning members of society. Someone says "Terra, can you jungle?" I say, "Certainly. No problem. I'd be happy too" The whole group comments on how nice it is to get people that communicate and are cool about stuff and being adults. We end up with a solid team comp and good communication. I'm feeling great about our chances to win.
Some jackass on the other team Dodges. I'm back in the que. I end up with idiots. 
2) I hate playing support in Ranked games. Holy shit. Its fine when I get carried, but when my team is mediocre or worse it is the most frustrating damn thing in the whole world to be losing a game and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.
demand bot lane as ap cass
get to midgame and walk into enemy team 1v5, cause team to be aced twice
team comes back getting 4 kills for 0 vs team with baron, then cass tries to farm alone past river against a nunu, resulting in 3rd sucide
meanwhile tries to say rest of team is trash and she's only good player on team
real special kids in solo queue
Why do certain champs exist in this game? You let Irelia, Riven, GP, or LS get farmed AT ALL, and you just lose the goddamn game right there, I don't care how good your teamcomp is. And teams of 4+ bruisers who don't die and still can chunk carries in seconds? Yeah, that's fucking dumb too.
Sure is fun to go top, get ganked by redbuff jungler at level 1, still kill the jungler but die to ignites, then while the opposing top gets 2+ levels and about 20 cs on me, get blamed for losing lane while I'm constantly zoned because I'm automatically down two levels in a matchup I shouldn't win anyway (irelia vs tiger udyr). Meanwhile, the jungler does absolutely nothing to even try to help, like at least pressure or something, and mid sits in lane and farms all day and steals kills with karthus ult.
On February 18 2012 15:58 Requizen wrote: Teams of 4+ bruisers who don't die and still can chunk carries in seconds? Yeah, that's fucking dumb.
This 100000000000000000 times. Fucking atmogs.
On February 18 2012 17:41 ninjakingcola wrote:Show nested quote +On February 18 2012 15:58 Requizen wrote: Teams of 4+ bruisers who don't die and still can chunk carries in seconds? Yeah, that's fucking dumb. This 100000000000000000 times. Fucking atmogs.
Yep, exactly. If there was any coordination at this level of play, you could make it so that the ranged AD will finally tear them apart (if enemy with 4 bruisers has atmogs I think it's realistic to assume the AD has IE / LW / zeal or even PD) while his team is protecting him, but no.
From my experience, carrying with ranged AD still seems harder than acing with AP mid since you are so much more team reliant. As an AP, you can unload your shitcombo and take 3 enemies with you before you die.
As a ranged AD, you need to kite as long as you get chased. Too bad that usually no one of your team will stay with you so you're running because two bruisers whose summoner's are competent enough and know what they do zone you completely out of the teamfight. All this while your 10 year old Ignite / Clarity Janna "supports" your "tank" that dies to their fed carries in .5 seconds like veryone else.
So I survive the fight as the only one of our team and am called a "coward that MUST BE REPORTET NOOB!".
€dit: I don't think Atmogs is the problem but rather that bruisers fit the reckless playstyle at 1200 ELO. And even if you tell your team that you'd need to finish they just won't follow so the enemy bruisers have the time to actually get farmed / fed. It's the lack of coordination that makes you lose vs. those random team comps.
I just love when the client glitches out for me and a few friends (All from Australia) and we can't reconnect. And no it isn't our internet, we have different ISPs and live a long way from each other.
Lost like 7 games in a row in ranked (have 2 wins in like 15 games I believe). Fuck man. Outta all those losses I might been the cause maybe once or two(and both times with me winning lane but getting camped by their jungler and my junler never bothering to help me) but you just can't carry 4 people.
Shikyo moved to EUW servers and is QQing all over LiquidParty :c
Just got a Xin in my game who went 0-7 before 15 minutes in his solo lane and proceeded to whine and bitch for a 20 minute surrender, then complained that the people in his lane are too strong/tanky. Really? FFFFFUUUUUUUUU
why is the foreign population in this game the worst? i have never met a good player who spoke a different language unless it was on stream. Im always match made with full retards who cant even communicate with me, insult everyone who doesnt speak their language and generally fucking suck dick at playing LoL. Even Koreans, they're rare now but ive known them as hotheaded baddies for a while now on LoL. No manner at all. Its kinda sad that i have to assume im going to lose when i get paired with these people .... I think i ranted about this before. No elitism intended, it just so happens to be the truth for me.
On February 19 2012 10:30 Kenpachi wrote: why is the foreign population in this game the worst? i have never met a good player who spoke a different language unless it was on stream. Im always match made with full retards who cant even communicate with me, insult everyone who doesnt speak their language and generally fucking suck dick at playing LoL. Even Koreans, they're rare now but ive known them as hotheaded baddies for a while now on LoL. No manner at all. Its kinda sad that i have to assume im going to lose when i get paired with these people .... I think i ranted about this before. No elitism intended, it just so happens to be the truth for me. stop being racist, its like 10/90 90% of foreign is good manner and they wont trash talk... only say gg, mia simple words. which makes u think they are not foregin. meanwhile the 10% trashtalks in the game with foreign language tricked u to think foreign must be 100% bad.
Having glanced at this thread a few times, I'm not as excited to hit Level 30 and play Ranked as I was -_-
have a trist that builds hybrid and keeps getting caught but i get called the troll for going fratmogs into fon and ga renekton. gotta love people with thousands of games played and still dont know how to play. oh this was also on a team with ap teemo a LB and lux
On February 19 2012 10:37 emucxg wrote:Show nested quote +On February 19 2012 10:30 Kenpachi wrote: why is the foreign population in this game the worst? i have never met a good player who spoke a different language unless it was on stream. Im always match made with full retards who cant even communicate with me, insult everyone who doesnt speak their language and generally fucking suck dick at playing LoL. Even Koreans, they're rare now but ive known them as hotheaded baddies for a while now on LoL. No manner at all. Its kinda sad that i have to assume im going to lose when i get paired with these people .... I think i ranted about this before. No elitism intended, it just so happens to be the truth for me. stop being racist, its like 10/90 90% of foreign is good manner and they wont trash talk... only say gg, mia simple words. which makes u think they are not foregin. meanwhile the 10% trashtalks in the game with foreign language tricked u to think foreign must be 100% bad. no man, those who trash talk are openly foreign. i can tell if someone is BR if their name is something like AntonioBR
but w/e you are probably right. i was just really mad at the moment
dude fuck just played a pretty close game. fuckign renekton. loses lane, goes 37 CS by 15 minutes, after we barron he just flash-slice/dice into enemy team and dies "why no team" BECUASE YOU DOVE AND NO ONE KNEW. he goes on to repeat this both other times we get barron (we got 3, other team got 0) but he threw the game too hard. in end, he facechecks a bush with 4 people in it and we fight 4v5 at our inner tower and die gg
On February 19 2012 10:39 VirgilSC2 wrote: Having glanced at this thread a few times, I'm not as excited to hit Level 30 and play Ranked as I was -_-
And yet we continue playing, don't we?
We are all like Sisyphus, carrying our boulders (teammates) uphill for eternity. There is anguish in our toil and the inevitability of the boulder's descent to the bottom of the hill. Yet great satisfaction in making it to the top (check the Locicero thread).
Meh, I've never made it to the top.
Venting a bit: Maining AD carry (and the Rat!) it's not uncommon for me to get 12-13 kills per game. However, even fed and equal farmed, sneaking up on a Yorick or Irelia with under half health, I can't initiate. On a tanky DPS that has 600 health when I do 212 damage attack. Their heros simply look, laugh, then kill with their rediculous damage, armor and sustain.
I would understand fighting an Irelia with 2500 HP being a problem, but their role to crush AD carries is pretty annoying when you're 5k gold up on them, 2 levels up, and they can still 1v1 you with under half health. Le sigh. (Also venting because my deaths in those situations often start turning the tables against us)