On February 20 2012 23:48 Shikyo wrote: Solo top volibear -> afk at start so nautilus died to twitch though he asked me to guard him -> go 10-9 when team scores 19-35 -> team calls me noob whole game -> at least 7 people said they'd report me for the game
Rly cool so I guess going afk at start to get something to drink is against rules
If you can't find a way to get a drink without forcing your team into a losing level 1 situation, you should really probably not go afk. Fucking over your team is bad, yo.
+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit
On February 21 2012 10:05 barbsq wrote:+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit
it's HARD OKAY when you only play tanky champs and junglers, "positioning" and "not going in balls-deep onto their carry" feel like made-up terms OKAY
On February 21 2012 10:19 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 10:05 barbsq wrote:+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit it's HARD OKAY when you only play tanky champs and junglers, "positioning" and "not going in balls-deep onto their carry" feel like made-up terms OKAY
My favorite is when you play AD and they yell at you for not focusing their squishies when they have 12-4 Shen and 8-5 Nautilus peeling for them, while your skarner and udyr went 0-9 and 3-7 respectively in laning. Yeah, I have no idea why I didnt just go for Ziggs, my bad.
On February 21 2012 10:19 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 10:05 barbsq wrote:+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit it's HARD OKAY when you only play tanky champs and junglers, "positioning" and "not going in balls-deep onto their carry" feel like made-up terms OKAY
And when they finally realize that the advices you give make some sense, they play so overly passive and "carefully" that they won't get a single AA off because they fear "to get caught and therefore blamed again".
Just happened to me in one of my games yesterday. Enemy didn't ban Shen (!) and our top Lanewick did really well (had to Jungle with Shen).
We tanked and cc'ed almost their whole team alone, peeling and taking the pain like bosses just to realize that not a single enemy died in the lategame because we were missing the main DPS (Our Ashe only had IE + PD at 40 minute mark, but this would have been enough taking into account how hard we were disrupting the enemy team for several seconds and our AP burst already brought 3 of them to low health...).
Pro gamers say ranged AD is the easiest role to play, but at the lower ELO brackets, for most it's an impossible task. Just like you pointed out: they are used to their 'CHAAARGE' (Garen anyone? ) attitude playing tanky melee dps only.
Worst of all is that they'd rather play ranged AD knowing they horribly suck at it instead of picking support which is usually the the decision between 4th and 5th pick at 1200ish elo (from my experience solo lanes > jungle > ranged AD > support regarding popularity).
#1 scumbag attitude: I won't play support - better fail at AD like a baws.
On January 30 2012 09:06 0123456789 wrote: Today I lost a game to unichan. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ And I fucked up hardcore too. Which means I'm bad. Fuck you unichan, I had a perfect sivir record. lub u numbers
anyways i played a co op vs ai game and my friend and i wanted to go top but we had a junlge and the other guy got mad and was like U GUYS GO BOT OR I AFK! NOT GNONA GO AGAINST 2 RANGED! and then he came tiop with us and then we wer elike ok lets go bot now so he dies and then he died and he like whined the whole game LOLO
On February 21 2012 10:19 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 10:05 barbsq wrote:+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit it's HARD OKAY when you only play tanky champs and junglers, "positioning" and "not going in balls-deep onto their carry" feel like made-up terms OKAY
Same with me, I mostly play shen, poppy or ashe. its super easy to play shen and poppy, just because they don't die. But its really hard to be ashe, especially when your teammates don't know how to defend you. I always play cautious and end up with very low but positive kd, something like 5/3/20. I get too many assits because of crystal arrows. But whatever, we end up losing, since i'm really behind on items. Most people should realize that their objectives are to give kills to their carries and defend them whenever they can. But that just doesn't happen
play jungled singed
game starts out okay, all lanes are losing because our gp fucking derped trying to steal their red (he was top lane)
i try my best to keep up with every lane, helping gp out and bot lane out a few times. veigar's been roaming bot and getting kills so i kinda just sat back and tried to help top/mid
give veigar 2nd blue and what does he do? tries and kill ahri immediately when she can just r near him and burst him.
so he dies and starts blaming me.
i try to gank again when he's sitting at tower and he eats ahri's full combo. blames me again
literally tells me that i'm a worthless jungler, i did nothing the entire fucking game, etc. he eventually starts yelling at bot lane 'cause he needs more things to scapegoat his bad play.
ends the game as 6-8 and 120 cs behind ahri. he also tells me that dyrus doesn't jungle singed and jungle singed wasn't from NA.
Takes no smite
God damn it, noobs and their 'i no need smite' when jungling. If their jungler has half a brain he can steal dragon/baron every single time.
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On February 21 2012 13:13 bokeevboke wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 10:19 gtrsrs wrote:On February 21 2012 10:05 barbsq wrote:+ Show Spoiler +how can some people be so fucking inept at playing ranged carries, jesus christ, literally dying at the very start of every fight, managed to lose a game despite them losing all but 2 nexus turrets and having 4 barons and all dragons, holy shit it's HARD OKAY when you only play tanky champs and junglers, "positioning" and "not going in balls-deep onto their carry" feel like made-up terms OKAY Same with me, I mostly play shen, poppy or ashe. its super easy to play shen and poppy, just because they don't die. But its really hard to be ashe, especially when your teammates don't know how to defend you. I always play cautious and end up with very low but positive kd, something like 5/3/20. I get too many assits because of crystal arrows. But whatever, we end up losing, since i'm really behind on items. Most people should realize that their objectives are to give kills to their carries and defend them whenever they can. But that just doesn't happen 
I think carries either think they are rambo or just completely scared. Some dont do anything at all and some just lololol rocket jump into the enemy team :/
So I'm playing with 3 buddies, so we get matched with one random for our normal queue.
Random instalocks TRYNDAMERE. So the rest of us figure he might as well solo top since hes not getting smite. I jungle, the rest of us pick roles, game starts.
Tryn instantly feeds them first blood, then complains when I didnt gank at level 2 to help him. I tell him there was no way i could gank that early. Tryn then says "well, since you wont gank, top is your problem." He then starts wandering our jungle and goes into theirs, where he feeds them another kill. He then announces "enjoy your loss" and then afks for the rest of the game.
He got at least seven reports for that stunt, but it was so infuriating, since even with him gone we were almost even with the other team.
this elo hell. graves dc 4 mins into game at lvl2 giving fb to mf, comes when mf is already lvl 7. support lux instead of b after the dc stays in lane with 100hp+pot and dies terribly. whose fault was it? JUNGLER! MINE! lol!!!!
she ends up smt like 0 5 0 and whose fault was it? jungler!
she goes mid getting one shoted by 4 lvls ahead anie but whose fault was that? jungler!
even their team said she was just bad. her duo partner dcs early game. but no. its always easier to blaim someone else. she wants me to gank bot (wich was 1v2 turning fight to 2v2 LOL wtf gank is that) and blaims me for not stoping mf as udyr from csing.
this community...
On February 22 2012 03:59 gtrsrs wrote: RUMBLE
THAT IS ALL Yeah, that little fucker is my next buy, so that maybe I can fix the fact that I've won 2 out of my last 11 games. Pick LB so I can stomp a couple games, first one goes ok, second game we're winning until we initiate a major teamfight only to find out Graves dced right before we went in, and the fucking client didn't say anything. Guy was like 7/1 too, and was most of our sustained damage.
Comes back 5 min later, 'was trying to stream for gf, lol.' Loss snowballs from there. Every game like this, every game.
I kinda want to quit at this point because I'm just not getting any better; nothing I do helps and I'm not really having any fun but I'm so goddamn addicted I'm sure I'll keep playing.
typical shitty riot code
crash and then client decides it needs to scan every single file in the game, even though nothing is ever corrupt
nautilus insta-locks, goes bot, feeds hard, rages at our talon who went 3-0, builds full ap, feeds harder, never does shit, ults and then runs back and forth like a headless chicken until he dies. there are anti carries that the enemy can pick, and anticarries that mean you fight 4v5, but the other team gets free kills
(jungling nautilus)
just lost a game at level 1 because our mid (cassiopeia) decided to move to blue and afk for the next minute, they just invaded and killed her and stole my blue, then red back and protected theirs (which i was trying to steal). my jungle got raped the whole game, i got 0 buffs and team bitched at me whole game for not ganking. fun stuff.
tldr: protect your fucking buffs at level 1
Why do so few people understand the point of taking baron. If you take baron and the enemy team is an inhibitor down you go push a lane. You don't just dick around and farm lanes and jungle until baron wears off. There's literally no point in taking baron if you aren't using it to push lanes and force fights. This is stuff you learn by like level 10.
On February 22 2012 16:06 Xevious wrote: (jungling nautilus)
just lost a game at level 1 because our mid (cassiopeia) decided to move to blue and afk for the next minute, they just invaded and killed her and stole my blue, then red back and protected theirs (which i was trying to steal). my jungle got raped the whole game, i got 0 buffs and team bitched at me whole game for not ganking. fun stuff.
tldr: protect your fucking buffs at level 1
Their whole team protected their blue?
Thats like easily 3-4 creep waves in all three lanes, 31 last hits or 660 gold per lane. Your team shoulda just snowballed so hard and roflstomped... thats a 2k gold advantage and probably 2-3 level advantage at the 3 minute mark mang.
good god I cannot get a decent game tonight. Play some with my casual friends, they feed brutally, I should have just soloed since I wanted first win of day and then to get to sleep. Play two more get trolled twice by the same duo queue and then the next game our ryze randomly leaves as we're crushing them, gg.