On February 24 2012 03:18 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2012 06:37 Gahlo wrote: Played Shyvana, within the first 7 minutes I stole everything once except blue from a WW and didn't get counter jungled. Caught him and killed him a few times when I was jacking his shit. By the time I was half through level 9 he was level 5. He rage quit at level 10. Of course, top fed GP HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD and mid never gave out mia's so morgana traipsed downstream and ganked bottom enough to that lane to collapse aswell.
I'm fucked over in a shitty Elo, but is it too much to ask for people to at least hold their lanes? You have ZERO chance to get ganked by their jungler.
DAFUQ. And basically the same thing all over again. I guess I'm supposed to farm + shut down opponent jungle + hold hands with EVERY GOD DAMNED LANE. -.- Time for a break from ranked games. Somebody has to lose the lane. Why should your teammates have to out play the enemy and win their lane every game? I think your demands are too high.
just got a lee fed as hell as nautilus and what does he buy? Tiamat a bt and trinity force then goes off and feeds away the game with some epic throwing skills i have never seen before.
Goddamn some people are stupid. Enemy jungler invading 24/7 and always ganking? Nah, don't buy wards. Real solo queue. Even bot lane was retarded enough to never be warded.
Get some kills, decide to go for Lux for the quadra, have a friend grab her right before you, shrug it off, look at chat, see you actually already had a quadra. QQ ;_;
Why do people ALWAYS poke against blitzcrank. We are trashing them in team fights with Sona + Kennen + Graves AoE on skarner initiation. My team decides to shop instead of baron so enemy team rushes it down.
Then like every fucking blitz game I play Graves decides to poke them with Q before a fight breaks out. herp a derp he gets hooked and gg, we lose a won game. Don't fucking poke a blitzcrank.
On February 24 2012 03:44 Sabin010 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2012 03:18 Gahlo wrote:On February 23 2012 06:37 Gahlo wrote: Played Shyvana, within the first 7 minutes I stole everything once except blue from a WW and didn't get counter jungled. Caught him and killed him a few times when I was jacking his shit. By the time I was half through level 9 he was level 5. He rage quit at level 10. Of course, top fed GP HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD and mid never gave out mia's so morgana traipsed downstream and ganked bottom enough to that lane to collapse aswell.
I'm fucked over in a shitty Elo, but is it too much to ask for people to at least hold their lanes? You have ZERO chance to get ganked by their jungler.
DAFUQ. And basically the same thing all over again. I guess I'm supposed to farm + shut down opponent jungle + hold hands with EVERY GOD DAMNED LANE. -.- Time for a break from ranked games. Somebody has to lose the lane. Why should your teammates have to out play the enemy and win their lane every game? I think your demands are too high.
It's not just that they are losing it, they are losing it HARD and DECISIVELY. If you have no worry of being ganked AND get ganks, you should be able to win your lane.
QQ I go 2-10-12 and other scores like that three games in a row ranked. I think i am in a slump, so i play some draft normals. 7/4/7 and 3/0/7.
On February 24 2012 11:19 57 Corvette wrote: QQ I go 2-10-12 and other scores like that three games in a row ranked. I think i am in a slump, so i play some draft normals. 7/4/7 and 3/0/7.
WHY CANT I PERFORM THIS WELL IN RANKED What's funny is that normals and draft normals aren't any different from low elo (at least not for me) except that people rage at you more for doing somethign slightly unconventional.
Went 10-4-14. lost game because our fizz lost mid lane to an AP sona. and Cait fed fizz-nunu. and leona only bought 2 wards throughout the game. seriously, y the fuck do i get trolled so hard.?
played against phrost. just now. got wrecked by his malz (still want to 1v1 you) team argued. i was queuing with friends :s
Opponent bot lane heal + ignite tristana, and Exhaust + ignite Taric. I even tell that to our jungle, and ask some early ganks or something. He dives top lane at level 3, gives jax double kill, and then complains that botlane is having a hard time. Blah.
ryze refusing to buy boots whole game, because boots suck lategame when you dont need to chase
havent played ranked in awhile because it just wasnt fun and seemed to random for me(1900). go into a game to see how it is and see if i have fun, before 10mins hits our ken top dies twice and bitches at our jungler; sells his items and goes afk. I was bot and we were ahead 1kill and 30cs. Have way more fun playing with friends on skype and just doing hard random and fuck around kill bot lanes.
Fuck this game.
I know this game is TRYING to keep me from breaking 1200 elo. Get 1177? Fucking 3 straight games of feeders/afk/trolls..
This happens EVERY TIME I APPROACH 1200. Fuck you League of Legends.
Playing support painful mang. I single handedly zone a Kog as Janna and my Graves just herp derp all game.
Final fight like a microcosm of entire game. It 3v5 and our stupid Skarner engages outnumbered against a team with baron. (which I had warded and they seen it coming like two minute sin advanced that no one reacted too... Zzzz.... Why contest objectives? That silly...) I land a Q with their entire team in it, as well as an Ulti that saves both Nasus and Skarners lives, especially more so since it killed Malz ult and WW ult.
They responded by running in headlong into all five enemy players seconds later.
"WTF Janna, why you no back us up?"
Terror'd sooooo haard. I even set up our Graves for three kills pre level ten. Somehow he no snowball. Like... how? Oh wait, I know how... he can't last hit.
aaargh god dude. I've been playing so much lately that the bad beats are getting to me and I'm seriously starting to hate this game. our jungle doesn't have an internet connection so it's 4 vs 5 as jax vs sion, their jungler camps me and donates blue to the sion. fuckkkkkkkk so frustrating. Until the last week or so I've never felt my soul cry out for sheer suffering while playing this game.
On February 25 2012 16:09 UniversalSnip wrote: aaargh god dude. I've been playing so much lately that the bad beats are getting to me and I'm seriously starting to hate this game. our jungle doesn't have an internet connection so it's 4 vs 5 as jax vs sion, their jungler camps me and donates blue to the sion. fuckkkkkkkk so frustrating. Until the last week or so I've never felt my soul cry out for sheer suffering while playing this game.
LoL desperately needs a better system for dealing with DCs. Few things make me angrier than waiting to the 20 min mark to surrender when the game is over at the 5 minute mark due to a dc. Just give the option of surrenderign at 10 minutes if someone is having connection problems.
>duo queue with my 2k friend on his smurf >queue up with my equal elo friend at the same time >get against my friend >completely dominate the first game, every lane wins >my 2k friend starts trolling, we lose >requeue, same thing, duo with smurfed 2k friend, queue same time as same elo friend >friend on opposite team again >my 2k friend trolls again
Meh. Jungle Blitzcrank top with doublebuff is a freekill has I come behind him as Olaf and he's in Q-E killrange, with Lee having stayed after his gank and waiting in the bush. Lag spike when I want to Q, casts 2s later, miss him. Try to E him, another lag spike, gets me under tower and kills me. When I come back, another lag when Teemo commits to a fight, killing me (would have won without the lag but no spells :< ). After that I was simply too behind. When I finally got to the point where I could start to crush him, bot had killed the tower but didn't ward nor call misses, so I was camped by 2 to 3 people and couldn't do a thing. Teamfights were tight enough whenever we manage not to have one of us grabbed by Blitz that with proper farm to be able to tank a bit longer (or kill a bit earlier) we'd probably have won in the midgame (and crushed late).
QQ lag. Somebody had to get in the house knowing I was playing and start a download right at that moment.
Not QQ, but QQing for the enemy team. They were incredibly retarded except for their ziggs.
Ziggs went 18-2 and they lost. To his credit, he wasn't raging that much at his imbecile team at the end but man.
Highlight was Soraka flashing in to try and steal baron and losing her oracles >_<