Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Poll: Winner? KT Rolster (19)
SKT T1 (19)
38 total votes
Your vote: Winner?
(Vote ): KT Rolster (Vote ): SKT T1
Poll: Score? 4-2 (15)
4-0 (10)
4-3 (7)
4-1 (3)
35 total votes
Your vote: Score?
(Vote ): 4-0 (Vote ): 4-1 (Vote ): 4-2 (Vote ): 4-3
alright skt kill these guys and make me feel better about the slaughter that i witnessed this morning
Banners don't line up with the players. For a second there I thought that Stats switched to SKT1.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 05:44 KanoCoke wrote: Banners don't line up with the players. For a second there I thought that Stats switched to SKT1.
Does someone know if Classic all kill from yesterday count for FPL ???
On May 17 2016 05:50 wjat wrote: Does someone know if Classic all kill from yesterday count for FPL ???
Playoffs don't count.
Being in a timezone when korean SC2 is in the evening is really confusing. I am seriously tempted to waste another evening in Japan to watch this, there isn't much to do for me after dark anyway.
On May 17 2016 09:37 opisska wrote: Being in a timezone when korean SC2 is in the evening is really confusing. I am seriously tempted to waste another evening in Japan to watch this, there isn't much to do for me after dark anyway.
there's gotta be something to do in japan, but it must be nice not to stay up until the sun is shining to watch sc2
On May 17 2016 13:24 KingofdaHipHop wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 09:37 opisska wrote: Being in a timezone when korean SC2 is in the evening is really confusing. I am seriously tempted to waste another evening in Japan to watch this, there isn't much to do for me after dark anyway.
there's gotta be something to do in japan, but it must be nice not to stay up until the sun is shining to watch sc2
Well, I sortof have that already, since in CET, Korean SC2 runs typically from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., so the sun is pretty much up all the time
On May 17 2016 16:46 Pandemona wrote: You could always take your laptop/phone and go out to a bar with wifi or something and sit out and watch Pro League to make it a bit more sociable
Maybe find a pc bang or something haha :D
Huh, that's honestly about as likely for me to do as suddenly deciding to go skydiving I am only willing to go through the pain of visiting a bar if my friends demand it. And I was never able to comprehend the idea of going out alone. Honestly, even booking tickets to the upcoming HSC was a great leap of faith for me, because I am still kinda expecting myself to spend the event sitting there alone watching the games on a screen, in a slightly less comfortable setting that I would had had at home ... but it is really absurdly conveniently located and timed for me, so I decided to give it a shot. I have some friends here, but one of them has a girlfriend to attend to and the other one is about as much of a bar-goer than myself, and we are gonna spend the weekend together hiking anyway. We had a nice party yesterday, as a part of the meeting we had a "reception" with free food (oh yes, free sushi!) and wine, so I do not feel pressured for "social life" for several weeks now Anyway, enough about me, I am boring. What about the games. I was not really watching the end of the round robin, what happened with SKT and how did they become vincible? Innovation is even out of SSL, right? Is KT with 3/4 of the "top 4" in individual leagues now the absolutely best team on the planet? Or is SKT's notorious greatness in PL going to prevail? Who is a good protoss sniper on either team? I have no idea what protoss is weak to on Dusk Towers from all of the maps ...
no which KT is best KT poll? lame poll
I'm sorry for all those that got their hearts broken by Zest | Zest, Bisu, soO, herO, MC, Maru, TY, Rogue, Trap, TaeJa", Favourite foreigners: ShoWTimE, Snute, Serral and Nerchio| KT BEST KT |
Poll: BEST KT? KT (7)
KT (2)
9 total votes
Your vote: BEST KT?
(Vote ): KT (Vote ): KT
Haha Rotta has got you covered. Now I got an hour to play some team games before we start!
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 17:04 opisska wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 16:46 Pandemona wrote: You could always take your laptop/phone and go out to a bar with wifi or something and sit out and watch Pro League to make it a bit more sociable
Maybe find a pc bang or something haha :D
Huh, that's honestly about as likely for me to do as suddenly deciding to go skydiving
I am only willing to go through the pain of visiting a bar if my friends demand it. And I was never able to comprehend the idea of going out alone. Honestly, even booking tickets to the upcoming HSC was a great leap of faith for me, because I am still kinda expecting myself to spend the event sitting there alone watching the games on a screen, in a slightly less comfortable setting that I would had had at home ... but it is really absurdly conveniently located and timed for me, so I decided to give it a shot. I have some friends here, but one of them has a girlfriend to attend to and the other one is about as much of a bar-goer than myself, and we are gonna spend the weekend together hiking anyway. We had a nice party yesterday, as a part of the meeting we had a "reception" with free food (oh yes, free sushi!) and wine, so I do not feel pressured for "social life" for several weeks now
Anyway, enough about me, I am boring. What about the games. I was not really watching the end of the round robin, what happened with SKT and how did they become vincible? Innovation is even out of SSL, right? Is KT with 3/4 of the "top 4" in individual leagues now the absolutely best team on the planet? Or is SKT's notorious greatness in PL going to prevail? Who is a good protoss sniper on either team? I have no idea what protoss is weak to on Dusk Towers from all of the maps ...
:D Blog it opisska Loved the imagery in your last blog, was beautiful, Japan is a lovely place, i watch NHK World quite often to help fall asleep to the wonderful documentaries they have on of the landscapes. I guess we should support KT? We probably will be able to beat KT in the final rather than SKT i think.
Cheer for whoever you want. 2nd place will be there waiting for you regardless.
Australia 18228 Posts
INno > Stats INno > Zest INno > TY INno < jjakji
who is that? it sounds like a little tasteless, but i know its not him. nasaly wolf?
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 17:34 Phredxor wrote: Cheer for whoever you want. 2nd place will be there waiting for you regardless.
Haha not this time, i got a feeling
On May 17 2016 18:03 KingofdaHipHop wrote: who is that? it sounds like a little tasteless, but i know its not him. nasaly wolf?
GTR and Wolf are casting, so you're talking about Wolf I suppose
On May 17 2016 18:03 Durnuu wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:03 KingofdaHipHop wrote: who is that? it sounds like a little tasteless, but i know its not him. nasaly wolf?
GTR and Wolf are casting, so you're talking about Wolf I suppose
yeah his voice sounded a little higher so it sounded like tasteless a bit, threw me off
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:03 Inflicted wrote: INno > Stats INno > Zest INno > TY INno < jjakji
I would prefer soO all-kill. Because he's the only one I love from T1
SKT has the better roster but with this format, I went for KT
this is battle of the chins round two i just realized
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:06 Penev wrote: SKT has the better roster but with this format, I went for KT
Rollers have Zest. That should be enough. But I want Proxy Wings vs T1 in finals, so... Edit> C'mon, Wolf, I saw first 3 games and Classic did NOT look like a god. Unless I misheard.
Did you see the death stare on Classic's face, while Stats was all smiles, its almost like Classic is upset that he got rid of his chin
The lack of pre-game downtime is disturbing, I was looking forward trying to wash my clothes in a machine labeled solely in Kanji, but I have no time for that now
Interestingly, Twitch lags like hell here, while Azubu is stellar. Kinda feels like home
C'mon KT! Let's go to the final!
On May 17 2016 18:08 CrayonPopChoa wrote: Did you see the death stare on Classic's face, while Stats was all smiles, its almost like Classic is upset that he got rid of his chin
Hehe, Stats is a traitor in Classics eyes
Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
DId you try livestreamer? -->
Red player with the blue shirt and vice versa...
On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Hmm mine works fine. Must be a resolution thing?
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:16 rotta wrote: Red player with the blue shirt and vice versa...
To be fair, KT are traditionally red in non mirror MU, aren't they?
On May 17 2016 18:17 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Hmm mine works fine. Must be a resolution thing?
Could be. The tv i´m using is quite old and shitty
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Yeah livestreamer great. Was a tournament of Dota 2 in Kyiv the other week and livestreamer made it perfect!
On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Do you mean the desktop? If so, google it, I had this problem as well and found out there's settings both in your tv and videocard to remedy this.
Lol no observer, stupid way to lose
okay dont understand that fight
Australia 18228 Posts
Hm, felt like Classic's army was smaller even though it was like 6 supply difference
easy Stats ! KT best KT
Classic just found out this aint CJ
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Poll: Recommend Stats vs Classic Good Game (14)
Meh Game (4)
Bad Game (2)
Excellent Game (1)
21 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Stats vs Classic
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Italy 3065 Posts
...Classic with no observer in that fight...
Classic giving KT false hope
On May 17 2016 02:19 Charoisaur wrote: Classic<Stats soO<Stats Dark<Stats INnoVation>Stats INnoVation>Zest INnoVation>TY INnoVation>Losira
called it
On May 17 2016 18:20 KingofdaHipHop wrote: okay dont understand that fight
More immortals doesn't help much when all they were doing was shooting zealots. Whilstthe stalkers could keep firing at anything.
On May 17 2016 18:20 Inflicted wrote: Hm, felt like Classic's army was smaller even though it was like 6 supply difference
Stats had less probes.
1:0! GG Stats ! 3 to go. Thought at first that Classic will win the fight based on all the Immortals....DTs for the win!
That was needed for my prediction of Stats > Classic, Zerg > Stats and TY > rest. Hope Stats wins more though.
The location of the fight really helped Stats. If Classic was defensive along buildings and just harrasing with a WP, Stats had no way of breaking him any time soon.
No depth? Can only field 4 and 3 of them are shit hot right now. :/
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:21 Charoisaur wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 02:19 Charoisaur wrote: ClassicsoODarkINnoVation>Stats INnoVation>Zest INnoVation>TY INnoVation>Losira
called it
Yo if Innovation all kills i will send you out to the finals to watch Jin Air vs SKT...
Stats warped in zealots/dts via prism, whereas Classic's warp-in was late and he transformed the prism before his warp-in finished.
now soO or Dark will come
Zest wouldn't be a issue for innovation confirmed. Like, really....?
On May 17 2016 18:22 Phredxor wrote: No depth? Can only field 4 and 3 of them are shit hot right now. :/
Yeah but it's "easy" to set up snipers for these 3 players. On SKT, you don't know if they'll choose between Dream, soO, INnoVation, Dark, etc. Though these days it's not as true, considering our Terrans suck
On May 17 2016 18:23 Charoisaur wrote: now soO or Dark will come
I expect soO.
On May 17 2016 18:22 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:21 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 02:19 Charoisaur wrote: Classic<Stats soO<Stats Dark<Stats INnoVation>Stats INnoVation>Zest INnoVation>TY INnoVation>Losira
called it
Yo if Innovation all kills i will send you out to the finals to watch Jin Air vs SKT...
That's nice :D
On May 17 2016 18:23 Charoisaur wrote: now soO or Dark will come
Send one of their shit terrans first. Don't want their good players to get sniped yet.
On May 17 2016 18:19 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Do you mean the desktop? If so, google it, I had this problem as well and found out there's settings both in your tv and videocard to remedy this.
I use PS4 to watch it on tv. I need to check if there is a way to re-size the screen. At the moment it cuts out part of the minimal etc. Actually it´s quite interesting to watch cause you don´t have as much information
On May 17 2016 18:19 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Do you mean the desktop? If so, google it, I had this problem as well and found out there's settings both in your tv and videocard to remedy this.
Perhaps some overscaling settings?
aaand azubu is deader than the gaem
On May 17 2016 18:23 Durnuu wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:22 Phredxor wrote: No depth? Can only field 4 and 3 of them are shit hot right now. :/
Yeah but it's "easy" to set up snipers for these 3 players. On SKT, you don't know if they'll send Dream, soO, INnoVation, Dark, etc. Though these days it's not as true, considering our Terrans suck
Yeah exactly. It's still more depth than SKT atm. Wolf always hates on KT.
Maybe Wolfe and GTR are trying to make it these teams seem more even than they really are to hype this series up, but I see KT Rolster as having the far more dominant team at the moment.
On May 17 2016 18:25 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:23 Durnuu wrote: On May 17 2016 18:22 Phredxor wrote: No depth? Can only field 4 and 3 of them are shit hot right now. :/
Yeah but it's "easy" to set up snipers for these 3 players. On SKT, you don't know if they'll send Dream, soO, INnoVation, Dark, etc. Though these days it's not as true, considering our Terrans suck
Yeah exactly. It's still more depth than SKT atm. Wolf always hates on KT.
KT just doesn't tilt enough
Australia 18228 Posts
Obviously INnoVation would have been an awful choice, but I dunno if Impact can win.
Italy 3065 Posts
...didn't expect Impact, he's playing well lately but idk about this...
On May 17 2016 18:25 Makro wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:25 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:23 Durnuu wrote: On May 17 2016 18:22 Phredxor wrote: No depth? Can only field 4 and 3 of them are shit hot right now. :/
Yeah but it's "easy" to set up snipers for these 3 players. On SKT, you don't know if they'll send Dream, soO, INnoVation, Dark, etc. Though these days it's not as true, considering our Terrans suck
Yeah exactly. It's still more depth than SKT atm. Wolf always hates on KT.
KT just doesn't tilt enough
Haha I'll allow it. How is fielding Impact showing depth? We could field Trust, doesn't mean he's gonna do jack all
Impact ? I am intrigued. Guess he has a special build prepared for this. Let's find out.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
I guess prepared sniper build incoming. I am wondering whether there is another sniping build too to give 2:1 to T1.
IIRC Impact was in the booth yesterday after CJ sent out Hush, so he's probably the chosen Protoss sniper.
Impact gonna do baneling drops and die like a noob because Stats already played Dark enough times
This is gonna be something crazy.
On May 17 2016 18:24 RaFox17 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:19 Penev wrote: On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Do you mean the desktop? If so, google it, I had this problem as well and found out there's settings both in your tv and videocard to remedy this.
I use PS4 to watch it on tv. I need to check if there is a way to re-size the screen. At the moment it cuts out part of the minimal etc. Actually it´s quite interesting to watch cause you don´t have as much information
Google for the word "overscan" and your tv. You said your tv is old and shitty though so it might not have the tools to correct the signal. Or just watch BW style (less information)!
Australia 18228 Posts
I expected some 4prong aggression now
scenario A => classic wins scneario B => classic loses, therefore need to send impact to snipe
Come stats beat this scrub so Inno can get his all-kill
and come back just in time
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
wait i saw pvz and i thought soo stats or dark stats but damn impact?>??
Wolf got schooled by GTR ha
On May 17 2016 18:27 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:24 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:19 Penev wrote: On May 17 2016 18:15 RaFox17 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:14 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:13 RaFox17 wrote: Twitch is total garbage on my mac but works well on my PS4. So annoying!
That reminds me, I should be watching on the tv!
When i watch on tv i can´t see the lower part of the screen. Don´t know how to fix it.
Do you mean the desktop? If so, google it, I had this problem as well and found out there's settings both in your tv and videocard to remedy this.
I use PS4 to watch it on tv. I need to check if there is a way to re-size the screen. At the moment it cuts out part of the minimal etc. Actually it´s quite interesting to watch cause you don´t have as much information
Google for the word "overscan" and your tv. You said your tv is old and shitty though so it might not have the tools to correct the signal. Or just watch BW style (less information)!
Thanks a lot!
all zerg for skt from now on. no doubt ther last two player are soO and dark
On May 17 2016 18:28 Pandemona wrote: Wow skt are trolling? xd
No faith in their Terrans.
On May 17 2016 18:30 Phredxor wrote: No faith in their Terrans.
And they shouldn't have any after the Code A/SSL qualifiers
On May 17 2016 18:28 KingofdaHipHop wrote: wait i saw pvz and i thought soo stats or dark stats but damn impact?>??
I think it's nice that they are giving him a chance, but idk if it's giving them the best chances for winning.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Australia 18228 Posts
How blind can u be
well that was unsuprising
someone shouldve told this kid DTs are visible
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Why sending Impact from all the players? ><
so bad ^^ well it's over now anyways.
Well, at least we didn't lose Dark or soO to something that stupid. On the other hand, soO/Dark might not have been blind
Easy? Easy! Now don't throw this away please
well at least soO or Dark didn't look like an idiot dying to this
On May 17 2016 18:33 deacon.frost wrote: Why sending Impact from all the players? ><
we need to be in the team house to know, but maybe impact was prepared to snipe stats in case of classic losing
This brings back memories of SKT Zergs from BW
when b̶e̶h̶i̶n̶d̶ desperate, d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶s̶h̶r̶i̶n̶e̶ Spire
He scouted the whole base with a speedoverlord. Didn't see ANY tech and still didn't build safety spores for DT/oracle.... Isn't this like basic?
As many Archons as mutas. Good luck Impact.
do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of beating JA?
Well poor impact
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 2 Bad Game (16)
Meh Game (7)
Excellent Game (3)
Good Game (1)
27 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 2
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:34 Makro wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:33 deacon.frost wrote: Why sending Impact from all the players? ><
we need to be in the team house to know, but maybe impact was prepared to snipe stats in case of classic losing
He scouted the whole Protoss base and haven't seen anything and didn't build spores? Maybe his snipe build was strong one, but his game knowledge is questionable IMO.
just an other day at the office for KT rolster
Why the hell did I get up to watch this?
Australia 18228 Posts
Overgrowth, proxy hatch pls soO
On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of beating JA?
Zest is gonna smack Maru.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:35 Pandemona wrote: Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 2 Bad Game (16)
Meh Game (7)
Excellent Game (3)
Good Game (1)
27 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 2
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
On May 17 2016 18:35 Mangooza wrote: He scouted the whole base with a speedoverlord. Didn't see ANY tech and still didn't build safety spores for DT/oracle.... Isn't this like basic?
Well, it's impossible for him to know if Stats was making TC Dark Shrine or just floating those ressources :D
that's why when i laddered, i would always make a safety spore
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:36 HolydaKing wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of beating JA?
Zest is gonna smack Maru.
Proxy Wings are also Kong Wings.
On May 17 2016 18:35 Mangooza wrote: He scouted the whole base with a speedoverlord. Didn't see ANY tech and still didn't build safety spores for DT/oracle.... Isn't this like basic?
at least when he saw the gateway he should have made spores
On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of getting beaten by Maru?
fixed that for you
soO and dark got this, don't worry. both with 2 kills
It's ok though. SKT is really showing their depth
Australia 18228 Posts
the inno allkill is still possible
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Well this is awkward Streaming commentators playing on mobiles xd
twitter squad on the desk
On May 17 2016 18:36 HolydaKing wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of beating JA?
Zest is gonna smack Maru.
...and it will be glorious reminder for that terran why he wasn't in Code S
On May 17 2016 18:36 feanaro wrote: Why the hell did I get up to watch this?
lmfao.. they both simultaneously grab their phones.
Poor Impact, joined the wrong KT
On May 17 2016 18:37 fealx wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of getting beaten by Maru?
fixed that for you
damn beat me to it
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:38 Pandemona wrote: Well this is awkward Streaming commentators playing on mobiles xd
They are playing ZOOZOO BUBBLES! That's for sure!
Time to make jokes about a certain former NASL employee
On May 17 2016 18:38 PepsiMaxxxx wrote: Passion?
I have no passion for watching dts win games . . .
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:38 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:38 Pandemona wrote: Well this is awkward Streaming commentators playing on mobiles xd
They are playing ZOOZOO BUBBLES! That's for sure!
hahaha! Wow when that advert hit <3
On May 17 2016 18:37 umelbumel wrote: Zoun and MyuNgSiK next?
zoun and sorry
On May 17 2016 18:38 CCa1ss1e wrote: lmfao.. they both simultaneously grab their phones.
Gotta check reddit & LR threads. No way SKT benches one of soO and Dark, right?
On May 17 2016 18:39 KingofdaHipHop wrote: zoun and sorry
They can't use Sorry this round, he's not on their PL roster
On May 17 2016 18:39 KingofdaHipHop wrote: zoun and sorry
Sorry isn't in the lineup (limited to 8 players), so Zoun and Myungsik
The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:41 Elentos wrote: The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
Still better than Mind Mind Mind.
On May 17 2016 18:41 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Elentos wrote: The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
Still better than Mind Mind Mind.
Italy 3065 Posts
is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
Australia 18228 Posts
Dark vs KT, preview of Cross Finals
On May 17 2016 18:41 Elentos wrote: The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
So quiet, I love it. All the shouting in these Korean ads is pretty annoying.
soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
wow that inno hate
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:42 rotta wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Elentos wrote: The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
So quiet, I love it. All the shouting in these Korean ads is pretty annoying.
Also this Agreed.
On May 17 2016 18:37 fealx wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:35 Noonius wrote: do you guys realize that the winner of this series has the honor of getting beaten by Maru?
fixed that for you
your tears will sustain me for the rest of the year come Saturday
go KT kill these impostors
On May 17 2016 18:41 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Elentos wrote: The most awkward commercial break in a long time.
Still better than Mind Mind Mind.
Mind mind mind was fantastic, just second to zoo zoo zoo (bubble)
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
I don't think soO will be last for SKT, i think they will send out Dream
On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
They will send Zoun, who will then take off his mask and reveal he is actually Billowy
On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
Depends how insane the SKT coach is.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:42 Makro wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
wow that inno hate
Both their Terrans are quite bad compared to others...
On May 17 2016 18:42 Makro wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
wow that inno hate
were you in the thread last night
On May 17 2016 18:43 OtherWorld wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
that was cold
On May 17 2016 18:42 OtherWorld wrote: go KT kill these impostors
that's the spirit
On May 17 2016 18:43 Durnuu wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
They will send Zoun, who will then take off his mask and reveal he is actually Billowy
Getting SKT DQ'd
On May 17 2016 18:43 KingofdaHipHop wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:42 Makro wrote: On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
wow that inno hate
were you in the thread last night
Sure sounds like he didn't get the memo. Inno has been dubbed the literal worst SC2 player in the world currently.
On May 17 2016 18:43 KingofdaHipHop wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:42 Makro wrote: On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
wow that inno hate
were you in the thread last night
United States 561 Posts
I do hope we get to see TY. Though I wouldn't mind Stats winning here, Dark is dangerous.
On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
we will never know because dark is gonna all kill
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:45 HolydaKing wrote: I do hope we get to see TY. Though I wouldn't mind Stats winning here, Dark is dangerous.
We already saw (a) Baby
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:43 Noonius wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:43 OtherWorld wrote: On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
that was cold
True though
Australia 18228 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
soO cant ZvT, Dream cant TvT MyuNgSiK though...
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Is that the Rogue build?
On May 17 2016 18:46 Inflicted wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:42 Elentos wrote: soO has to be the final player, right? Dream is flashy but keeps losing and INnoVation couldn't even beat jjakji in the SSL qualifiers.
soO cant ZvT, Dream cant TvT
MyuNgSiK though...
Myungsik can tilt like few others.
On May 17 2016 18:46 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:43 Noonius wrote: On May 17 2016 18:43 OtherWorld wrote: On May 17 2016 18:41 Charoisaur wrote: is GTR stupid? sending out Inno vs a protoss is the dumbest thing you could do
that was cold
True though
sometimes truth hurts
Stats is doing a classic Overgrowth build
someone send out some terrans, I want to see games that are actually interesting
Italy 12246 Posts
Why is Stats playing HotS
chargelot archon without phoenix opening?
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Dark in cruise control at the moment
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:49 Teoita wrote: Why is Stats playing HotS
Why not? No ravagers.
totally random info: yesterday I found out that Hayden Panettiere used to be a yacht girl.
On May 17 2016 18:49 Teoita wrote: Why is Stats playing HotS
can't afford lotv?
On May 17 2016 18:50 Noonius wrote: can't afford lotv?
Nah he's spawning with Dark so he's good.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Australia 18228 Posts
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Way to run into a choke with a million sentries on the field Dark xd
holy mother of move commands
who is SKT sending out now :D
Italy 12246 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:49 deacon.frost wrote: Why not? No ravagers.
He did it completely blindly. Seems like a really inefficient way of taking a third tbh.
looking like a stats all kill
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
I wasn't expecting much, but THIS?
On May 17 2016 18:52 Pandemona wrote: Way to run into a choke with a million sentries on the field Dark xd
And keep running into it after it's been walled off. D:
On May 17 2016 18:53 DonDomingo wrote: who is SKT sending out now :D
They'll just tap out.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
What's with that spire, man?
On May 17 2016 02:19 Charoisaur wrote: Classic<Stats soO<Stats Dark<Stats INnoVation>Stats INnoVation>Zest INnoVation>TY INnoVation>Losira
except impact being send out I had it right so far
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
These Archons are more powerful than Tastosis :o
Showtime would have won already
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 3 Good Game (11)
Excellent Game (5)
Bad Game (5)
Meh Game (3)
24 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 3
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Australia 18228 Posts
Archon vs Immortal, is this LotV
As a zerg player I am not really. KT!!! :D
Stats gonna all-kill SKT 2 years in a row for good measure.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Ok Dream for me is next, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT go full silly and send out soO
On May 17 2016 18:55 Elentos wrote: Stats gonna all-kill SKT 2 years in a row for good measure.
O Captain! My Captain!
Innovation vs a protoss? Time to pack it up KT get practicing for Maru
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Innovation to lose it all
On May 17 2016 18:56 Pandemona wrote: Ok Dream for me is next, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT go full silly and send out soO
I wouldn't call it silly. I think soO has the highest multi-kill potential left on SKT. Aside maybe from MyuNgSiK's stupid gun.
Australia 18228 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:03 Inflicted wrote: INno > Stats INno > Zest INno > TY INno < jjakji
May as well send out a wacky pick at this point.
unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
Hell, Stats can beat Dark faster than I can activate a japanese laundry machine...
Italy 3065 Posts
...Stats is playing like Stats but c'mon guys, are we going to get all-killed for real?
I expected a half close match like 4-2 or 4-1 for KT, not an all-kill again it's okay, we had a shitty round 2 last year too
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 18:56 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:56 Pandemona wrote: Ok Dream for me is next, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT go full silly and send out soO
I wouldn't call it silly. I think soO has the highest multi-kill potential left on SKT. Aside maybe from MyuNgSiK's stupid gun.
Dream is in better form no?
On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
Stats stomping and the ads are muted, what a glorious day!
Australia 18228 Posts
INno sacrificed his SSL season to hide TvT strats so he could beat TY today
On May 17 2016 18:57 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:56 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 18:56 Pandemona wrote: Ok Dream for me is next, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT go full silly and send out soO
I wouldn't call it silly. I think soO has the highest multi-kill potential left on SKT. Aside maybe from MyuNgSiK's stupid gun.
Dream is in better form no?
Nah. He has been poor this round.
The English instructions in the laundry room are more bogus than innovation himself though
watching muted commercials is a surprisingly creepy experience
On May 17 2016 18:56 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:55 Elentos wrote: Stats gonna all-kill SKT 2 years in a row for good measure.
O Captain! My Captain!
O hero My hero!
On May 17 2016 18:57 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:56 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 18:56 Pandemona wrote: Ok Dream for me is next, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT go full silly and send out soO
I wouldn't call it silly. I think soO has the highest multi-kill potential left on SKT. Aside maybe from MyuNgSiK's stupid gun.
Dream is in better form no?
He didn't make it through the SSL qualifiers (0-2 vs Hurricane, 0-2 vs Rogue) and loses most of his games in PL, plus he's basically a free win for TY.
On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
On May 17 2016 18:58 Inflicted wrote: INno sacrificed his SSL season to hide TvT strats so he could beat TY today
KappaUser was warned for this post
On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
The world is silent forever.
On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
ya sure
When you come back to the stream and realize it wasn't you who muted during the break.
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest. And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
On May 17 2016 19:05 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest.
And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
Yeah, but TY may be too solid for him too right now.
On May 17 2016 19:03 Phredxor wrote: Canata so dreamy.
Are you the one who sends people to the Nexon Arena to make cheerfuls for Canata?
Italy 12246 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:05 deacon.frost wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest.
And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
Great Book not Big Book. You insult me.
NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO Inno would have gotten the allkill (
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Australia 18228 Posts
if soO reverse all killed i would shit my pants
On May 17 2016 19:07 Teoita wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:05 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest.
And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
Great Book not Big Book. You insult me.
What if he is just talking about another book you have no knowledge of?
On May 17 2016 19:07 Elentos wrote: Are you the one who sends people to the Nexon Arena to make cheerfuls for Canata?
I wish I could lay claim to that. Cmon Stats, just finish it. Another all-kill would be sick.
Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Ya Wolf what they know that you dont is that Terran sucks
Wolf pls, INnoVation lost to JJAKJI in SSL Qualifiers and he lost to Super in SPL, how can you still believe in INnoVation
I'm sorry for all those that got their hearts broken by Zest | Zest, Bisu, soO, herO, MC, Maru, TY, Rogue, Trap, TaeJa", Favourite foreigners: ShoWTimE, Snute, Serral and Nerchio| KT BEST KT |
Italy 12246 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:08 opisska wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:07 Teoita wrote: On May 17 2016 19:05 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest.
And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
Great Book not Big Book. You insult me.
What if he is just talking about another book you have no knowledge of?
Impossible, i have knowledge of all Protoss Bullshit.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
ofc its soO. shit on match ups. you need the guy with the best recent form
Why are they so surprised by soO? Inno has been awful lately.
On May 17 2016 19:08 Inflicted wrote: 8-2 and avg kill 0.58?
Avg kill is all kill format only. So he blows hard in playoffs. herO was like .5 too.
why would you send another zerg when stats has already beaten 2
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:07 Teoita wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:05 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:04 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:03 Charoisaur wrote: On May 17 2016 19:02 deacon.frost wrote: On May 17 2016 19:00 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 18:58 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 18:57 KingofdaHipHop wrote: unless dream goes super saiyan or innovation stops sucking, congrats to KT on Round 2
If Dream can beat Stats then TY and Zest (With their sick vT's) then i'll eat my hat. Plus Leenock or jjakji or something.
yep TY's TvT is nothing to scoff at especially when he 3-0 ed Dream before
Dream won't win vs. Stats anyway, so the discussion is pointless
Dream won't be send out so the discussing uis pointless.
Well, then what could SKT send? Inno?
Myungsik. He can open the Big Book and won based on this. The only player able to stop him is Zest.
And maybe Stats if he opens the Big Book too.
Great Book not Big Book. You insult me.
I am so sorry, but BBB(Big Book of Bullshit) sounds too good for me not to use it. Also I am bad at remembering names. Nuh, I am bad at remembering anything but useless shit
Do they really think Innovation has a better chance than SoO vs Zest? lmao
On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
Dishwashers? xD
On May 17 2016 19:09 Charoisaur wrote: why would you send another zerg when stats has already beaten 2
Their only other real option is Myungsik. And i'd say soO has more chance than him of picking up a kill or two.
this dreamy music again, so chill
On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
My dishwasher is doing the job perfectly Edit: I basically have Inno in my kitchen
On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Yeah kinda weird. All the spl casters seem to think Innovation is in the top 5 best players... They should read the community power rank
On May 17 2016 19:10 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
Dishwashers? xD
Does your dishwasher have limbs?
Czech Republic 12128 Posts
Well, the best choice to reverse all-kill KT is sOs. We all know it. The closest player to him is s oO
On May 17 2016 19:11 The_Red_Viper wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Yeah kinda weird. All the spl casters seem to think Innovation is in the top 5 best players...
They should read the
community power rank I have spend last three years badmouthing Innovation all day long and my wife still thinks he is good
Australia 18228 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:10 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
My dishwasher is doing the job perfectly
Edit: I basically have Inno in my kitchen
I think your dishwasher can beat jjakji though
On May 17 2016 19:11 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:10 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
Dishwashers? xD
Does your dishwasher have limbs?
I believe Inno can transform
On May 17 2016 19:12 opisska wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:11 The_Red_Viper wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Yeah kinda weird. All the spl casters seem to think Innovation is in the top 5 best players...
They should read the
community power rank I have spend last three years badmouthing Innovation all day long and my wife still thinks he is good
Well he used to be good. In the last expansion. He's terrible against Protoss and not good in general.
On May 17 2016 19:12 Inflicted wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:10 Penev wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
My dishwasher is doing the job perfectly
Edit: I basically have Inno in my kitchen
I think your dishwasher can beat jjakji though
harsh but not wrong
May be Inno still in his slump.
wolf- please stfu about innovation > soo. the pick was made.
Maybe it's time to call him Slumpovation again
Australia 18228 Posts
Also Stats took Unofficial WC off Classic (> herO yesterday)
casually banking 350 gas on one extractor xD
On May 17 2016 19:14 OtherWorld wrote: Maybe it's time to call him Slumpovation again
Is it a slump when he has always sucked in LotV ?
On May 17 2016 19:14 Durnuu wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:14 OtherWorld wrote: Maybe it's time to call him Slumpovation again
Is it a slump when he has always sucked in LotV ?
Suckovation then?
On May 17 2016 19:14 Inflicted wrote: Also Stats took Unofficial WC off Classic (> herO yesterday)
3rd protoss world champion in a row nerf pls
Italy 12246 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:14 DonDomingo wrote: casually banking 350 gas on one extractor xD
Zergs never have bad macro. They are just saving for Ultras.
wcs finals was better than this
On May 17 2016 19:10 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
My dishwasher is doing the job perfectly
Edit: I basically have Inno in my kitchen
what energy class does your washer have? A or B?
LAGLAGLAG in stream? What happened with the internet?
overlord drops were cooler when it wasn't obvious what the overlord was for
On May 17 2016 19:16 ShAd_1337 wrote: wcs finals was better than this
Korean games are often stomps, because Koreans know when they can kill each other. (shoutout to Showtime vs Guru) I agree though
On May 17 2016 19:15 OtherWorld wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:14 Durnuu wrote: On May 17 2016 19:14 OtherWorld wrote: Maybe it's time to call him Slumpovation again
Is it a slump when he has always sucked in LotV ?
Suckovation then?
From dishwasher to vacuum cleaner or sex apparatus
On May 17 2016 19:17 Penev wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:15 OtherWorld wrote: On May 17 2016 19:14 Durnuu wrote: On May 17 2016 19:14 OtherWorld wrote: Maybe it's time to call him Slumpovation again
Is it a slump when he has always sucked in LotV ?
Suckovation then?
From dishwasher to vacuum cleaner or sex apparatus
Life ain't easy when you're a robot
On May 17 2016 19:16 Noonius wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:10 Penev wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:09 Pandemona wrote: On May 17 2016 19:08 Elentos wrote: Casters are ridiculously out of touch if they think INnoVation is a better choice than soO. For anything.
Indeed, i think Inno is a good choice for washing the dishes at the moment xd
I wouldn't trust a robot with my dishes.
My dishwasher is doing the job perfectly
Edit: I basically have Inno in my kitchen
what energy class does your washer have? A or B?
It doesn't say, I'll have to look it up
no detection? what league is this?
wolf really needs to take it down a notch... wtf is up with his casting tonight
On May 17 2016 19:19 Noonius wrote: no detection? what league is this?
This is what happen if you abuse oracle.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
We got a game on our hands xd
Australia 18228 Posts
I think just crush the Immortals and you win
soO needs to kill Stats' only observer, he killed the robos earlier and Stats has no oracle just yet
and he calls him Dark again
What an interesting game. I thought Stats was done for a second.
Dark is in serious trouble idd, he lost
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Momma ship afk in africa oh my xd
Australia 18228 Posts
If only soO killed the fourth
What a humiliation
fml Stats with the all kill who wouldve thought
yyeah soO let your lurkers be killed and then move in with your hydras
Why even bother sending anything but a protoss out at this point?
On May 17 2016 19:20 sc2chronic wrote: wolf really needs to take it down a notch... wtf is up with his casting tonight
You can't simply try contain the wild wolf within.
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 4 Good Game (12)
Excellent Game (11)
Meh Game (4)
Bad Game (1)
28 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 4
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 5 Meh Game (8)
Bad Game (3)
Excellent Game (2)
Good Game (2)
15 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 5
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 6 Bad Game (7)
Excellent Game (3)
Good Game (3)
Meh Game (3)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 6
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 7 Bad Game (7)
Excellent Game (4)
Meh Game (4)
Good Game (2)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 7
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
BabyRageUser was warned for this post
And in the end immortals killed everything....
Classic into Stats all kill wow
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
I don't even know at this point haha
Damned, whom will we send against Stats at the beginning? Cure?
FUCK YES. GET REKT SKT. Stats going ham.
waiting for stats vs sOs into sOs all in now
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:24 Pandemona wrote: Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 4 Good Game (12)
Excellent Game (11)
Meh Game (4)
Bad Game (1)
28 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 4
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 5 Meh Game (8)
Bad Game (3)
Excellent Game (2)
Good Game (2)
15 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 5
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 6 Bad Game (7)
Excellent Game (3)
Good Game (3)
Meh Game (3)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 6
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Poll: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 7 Bad Game (7)
Excellent Game (4)
Meh Game (4)
Good Game (2)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend KT Rolster vs SKT T1 Game 7
(Vote ): Excellent Game (Vote ): Good Game (Vote ): Meh Game (Vote ): Bad Game
Who will be the MVP? Innovation?
man all kill format is the best format
Muahahahahahahaha! KT > SKT! JA is next!
Wonder why they didn't send Innovation but oh well. Happy KT took the game
Now I'm waiting to see how tilted Seeker is
You know what this means guys right? Stats wins the next GSL!
Australia 18228 Posts
Stats' last all-kill was against SKT in Round 2 (2015) as well
SKT fans are sabotaging the production
On May 17 2016 19:24 RaFox17 wrote: And in the end immortals killed everything....
Well they are called "immortals" for a reason
Italy 3065 Posts
Protoss may feel as if they have only 1 build, but my oh my it feels good to be a gangsta
this is good for Jin air considering they beat KT most of the time
We need zest for Maru.If SKT goes throught they will lose anyway
On May 17 2016 19:25 atrox_ wrote: man all kill format is the best format
truly is
On May 17 2016 19:26 Silvana wrote: You know what this means guys right? Stats wins the next GSL!
SSL hopefully, that's his jam.
Dont worry skt. We'll clean up these scrubs for ya.
sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
On May 17 2016 19:26 Noonius wrote: best sound KR
I imagine Wolf faking it Also: A :p
hot damn those forcefields so good
Australia 18228 Posts
On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
Weird way to spell Trap
On May 17 2016 19:28 Inflicted wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
Weird way to spell Trap
weird way to imagine how a starcraft 2 series would happen
On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
On May 17 2016 19:28 Inflicted wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
Weird way to spell Trap
Cure becoming a toss and all killing is more likely
On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
For real what was up with Soo,He took so many Bad engagements and then at the end sende in lurker upfront and After they die He sends hydras in? Wtf o.o
On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
On May 17 2016 19:31 Cricketer12 wrote: Holy shit...
It all makes sense now doesn't it? sOs gonna bomb all year and then win the grand daddy.
So like, they're completely ignoring the interview?
On May 17 2016 19:33 Elentos wrote: So like, they're completely ignoring the interview?
No translator for some reason.
On May 17 2016 19:31 Cricketer12 wrote: Holy shit...
Yeah, I'd rather have them taking some of it for a second global premier
looks too good to be true
On May 17 2016 19:31 Cricketer12 wrote: Holy shit...
On May 17 2016 19:33 Phredxor wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:33 Elentos wrote: So like, they're completely ignoring the interview?
No translator for some reason.
wolf already said that they couldn't hear due to some issues
On May 17 2016 19:33 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:31 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Holy shit...
See I dont use that phrase lightly. The last time I said it was when I predicted Dream 4-0 herO
Wrong pick sOs. It will be Cure into Maru into Zest into sOs.
On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: Blizzcon is also 200k
Oh right! I forgot they doubled it. Still, I don't think he'll be making Blizzcon this year.
whoa stats gg
On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
He doesn't qualify for Blizzcon in even-numbered years.
On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
He is not. sOs always needed some smaller international tournament, which he won, he got back his confidence and then, he started winning everything. But now, there is no foreign tournament, he could participate in. Maybe Homestory cup? That could be the starting point ...
On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
That would be the dream
On May 17 2016 19:46 Diabolique wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
He is not. sOs always needed some smaller international tournament, which he won, he got back his confidence and then, he started winning everything. But now, there is no foreign tournament, he could participate in. Maybe Homestory cup? That could be the starting point ...
That was not the case in 2013; I believe!
On May 17 2016 19:48 Cricketer12 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
That would be the dream
Becomes most rich player in sc in prize money overnight. what a thought
On May 17 2016 19:50 swissman777 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:46 Diabolique wrote: On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
He is not. sOs always needed some smaller international tournament, which he won, he got back his confidence and then, he started winning everything. But now, there is no foreign tournament, he could participate in. Maybe Homestory cup? That could be the starting point ...
That was not the case in 2013; I believe!
Yes, but he did not suck half of 2013 losing to all opponents. His current form reminds me to summer 2015, when he was really uninspiring. And when nobody expected anything from him, it started.
Easiest Liquibet points of my life.
On May 17 2016 19:54 Diabolique wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 19:50 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:46 Diabolique wrote: On May 17 2016 19:41 swissman777 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:37 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:30 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Phredxor wrote: On May 17 2016 19:29 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 19:27 KingofdaHipHop wrote: sOs all kill on saturday to complete this protoss all kill trifecta
I hope so. sOs hasnt done anything in awhile.
Clearly doing worse than usual so he can win his 200k prize. Since it's twice his usual amount he has to suck twice as much for a while.
200k? Blizzcon is also 200k
I thought we were talking about Blizzcon. What is this? IS sOs really going to win 400K this year?
He is not. sOs always needed some smaller international tournament, which he won, he got back his confidence and then, he started winning everything. But now, there is no foreign tournament, he could participate in. Maybe Homestory cup? That could be the starting point ...
That was not the case in 2013; I believe!
Yes, but he did not suck half of 2013 losing to all opponents. His current form reminds me to summer 2015, when he was really uninspiring. And when nobody expected anything from him, it started.
Pretty much. He was one game away from gsl finals and then a week later he made it to the finals of korea finals s1. He had some results under his belt before blizzcon.
a bit late to the party but KT BEST KT
I'm sorry for all those that got their hearts broken by Zest | Zest, Bisu, soO, herO, MC, Maru, TY, Rogue, Trap, TaeJa", Favourite foreigners: ShoWTimE, Snute, Serral and Nerchio| KT BEST KT |
Well, Stats, Zest and TY have a lot of work ahead of them this weekend. Also apparently thanks to LoL, the schedule for Proleague round 3 will be a mess.
Wtf. Normally that would help but the semester just ended....
I'd be fine with one bo7 a day.
Works for me. Don't have to stay up too late during week and as long as I'm not out on saturdays can catch those games. Sad to see SC2 getting shunted aside by LoL. Even though i watch both.
On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
I dunno man. Hard to say for sure.
On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
Yes, that sucks. I would remove disruptors.
On May 17 2016 20:38 Diabolique wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
Yes, that sucks. I would remove disruptors.
Why? So they can buff collo? It's not like there is another gas intensive aoe unit that exists...
On May 17 2016 20:37 Cricketer12 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
I dunno man. Hard to say for sure.
You guys disgust me, more whining about balance in PvP is just stupid. Why can't people understand that all protoss are beautiful in their own way?
Time to dig out the wise words of one of the quality posters that grace us with their comments on these boards, from the First LotV patch thread :On January 26 2016 19:25 ProtossMasterRace wrote: Protoss will have around 30-40% winrate against terran and probably single digit against zerg. The glory days of starcraft are over.
It's been a while I kept this for a great occasion, after this week end, I think we have a great occasion (the whole thread is worth reading if you wanna laugh - and also think about how bad we are at discussing balance....)
On May 17 2016 20:39 Cricketer12 wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:38 Diabolique wrote: On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
Yes, that sucks. I would remove disruptors.
Why? So they can buff collo? It's not like there is another gas intensive aoe unit that exists...
I hate disruptor wars. But I am happy that recently, many PvPs did not lead to them.
Australia 18228 Posts
Thanks to SpoTV, schedule is a mess for LoL too
Charlie Sheens House 51449 Posts
On May 17 2016 20:32 Phredxor wrote: Works for me. Don't have to stay up too late during week and as long as I'm not out on saturdays can catch those games. Sad to see SC2 getting shunted aside by LoL. Even though i watch both.
You watch LOL phredxor please
On May 17 2016 20:36 Elentos wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:35 Cricketer12 wrote: On May 17 2016 20:33 Daswollvieh wrote: Sooooo, protoss op?
As OP as one can determine to be after looking at approximately two matches.
But I'm pretty sure Protoss is OP in PvP.
No, only 50% winrate since Protoss sadly lose half of those, too. :/On May 17 2016 22:24 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:32 Phredxor wrote: Works for me. Don't have to stay up too late during week and as long as I'm not out on saturdays can catch those games. Sad to see SC2 getting shunted aside by LoL. Even though i watch both.
You watch LOL phredxor please
Wait is watching other eSports now forbidden? Coming from the DotA LR guy?
In case anyone wants to know which KT players were in the booths during each game (setting up potential snipes): Classic - Leenock, TY Impact - TY Dark - Losira, TY soO - Losira, TY
Why does that matter when the power of chintoss overcame some phone company?
On May 17 2016 23:34 Elentos wrote: In case anyone wants to know which KT players were in the booths during each game (setting up potential snipes): Classic - Leenock, TY Impact - TY Dark - Losira, TY soO - Losira, TY
I am more wondering why SKT send impact?
On May 17 2016 23:38 wjat wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 23:34 Elentos wrote: In case anyone wants to know which KT players were in the booths during each game (setting up potential snipes): Classic - Leenock, TY Impact - TY Dark - Losira, TY soO - Losira, TY
I am more wondering why SKT send impact?
I'm assuming they had confidence in him as a Protoss sniper. He was already setting up to play against CJ when Hush and herO were playing (ofc he didn't have to play in the end since Classic all-killed). It didn't end up working out, but at this point, they honestly might already be giving players booth experience for the final playoffs.
Where dat snitch at? 36923 Posts
Oov you better have a good excuse for this.
So the cross finals will be quite one sided, right?
On May 17 2016 23:58 Seeker wrote: Oov you better have a good excuse for this.
It is simple, KT best KT.
Just watched the VODS this morning. Stunningly well prepared and executed play by Stats. Never thought I'd say this, but he made Dark look like a gimmicky player (after being crushed by that exact same style repeatedly in the recent SSL finals). The G4 win against soO was incredibly impressive.
On May 17 2016 23:58 Seeker wrote: Oov you better have a good excuse for this.
Oov can't fight the natural world order
So I'm guessing sOs or Maru all-kills KT in the finals
On May 17 2016 23:58 Seeker wrote: Oov you better have a good excuse for this.
"We failed to man up, and lost. We'll do better next time. Trust." - OOV.
On May 18 2016 00:50 RKC wrote: So I'm guessing sOs or Maru all-kills KT in the finals
My prediction:
On May 17 2016 22:24 Pandemona wrote: Show nested quote + On May 17 2016 20:32 Phredxor wrote: Works for me. Don't have to stay up too late during week and as long as I'm not out on saturdays can catch those games. Sad to see SC2 getting shunted aside by LoL. Even though i watch both.
You watch LOL phredxor please
Haha it's ok. It will never come between SC and I. Plus it means I get to support KT more!
Inno in bad shape, skt out, they are very dependand on his form
Glorious work by Stats. Love it!
On May 17 2016 22:03 eviltomahawk wrote: YO SKT T1 FANS WHO'S THE BEST TELECOM AGAIN?
On May 18 2016 01:08 rotta wrote: Show nested quote + On May 18 2016 00:50 RKC wrote: So I'm guessing sOs or Maru all-kills KT in the finals
My prediction:
Haha that earns a chuckle...too bad its super wrong
happy Dark's gimmicky style got shat on
STATS what a freaking monster man. SKT just didn't show up apparently