On July 14 2015 00:13 Ve5pa wrote: Is Prime vs EG later on tonight likely to happen at this point? I know both of these teams have previously played in this series so I would hope so. They don't seem the sort to let you down last minute.
It makes me a little sad to see the end of Clan Wars. While I used to watch a lot of SC2, it started to become repetitive for me and now I mostly watch big tournaments and Clan Wars...the unique maps were a feature that drew me specifically as they provided much more interesting play. I'm definitely going to miss having these to watch in the evening.
I don't blame TB for stopping the event of course. It's just sad that teams couldn't be bothered to behave professionally when it comes to the tourney. I understand if teams don't want to spend hours preparing for a 1-off map, but it's a shame that some players couldn't be arsed to find out how the map worked, or even show up.
As much as I enjoyed the unique maps I almost wish the maps where slightly more standard, the part I most loved about CW was watching the bo7 proleague format with teams like liquid and acer. Perhaps if the maps where more normal the teams and players would have been more inclined to play.
anyway I guess we just have to enjoy the last few matches than give CW a fond farwell
If the match is tied 3-3 just have the players play the match after the maintenance and cast it just before the next clan war. Probably the best way to make sure the game gets played and seen.