On July 18 2013 22:45 probablywrong wrote: Hyvaa is made out of magic.
what? he played a terrible game but won because Rain made some crucial mistakes at the 20 minute mark. he was completley passive until that point, losing base after base...
Most of your comment makes zero sense but I will educate you on this. Rain's laser tag team would have cut through 99% of zergs going for that 10 SHs, joke static defense, dozen of corruptors, a band of roach and lings. But hyvaa outmaneuvered him so hard, he never got caught in a direct clash in like 20 mins (in a linear map like BV no less). Sure Rain made mistakes at the end but it takes hyvaa nerves of steel, superb patience and smartness to pull that play
On July 18 2013 22:40 jekku wrote: Omg hyvaa keeps beating my fav players but omg his play is so good I can't help liking him lol
his play wasn't good at all.. it's scraping by getting insanely far behind from the start and lucking out in the end. He was getting dominated from the midgame onwards, scared into 6 spores vs 1 phoenix, doing terrible with the swarm host play, losing all his bases. Rain just started to screw up towards the end of baseracing... Not properly cannoning up, not using his MsC all game.. Rain threw it away completely, any diamond player could have won it there.
Actually he handled that late game MUCH better then rain so he deserved to win. The guy has not had one boring match (that i can recall) in this osl lol always interesting games. His mechanic may not be on Flash or innovation levels but his mental play and mind games are second to none.
Ow definately, great to see. But his SKT opponents have been botching heavily against him, series against Fantasy was a joke with lackluster play from Hyvaa but Fanta choking. Now Rain..