On April 27 2013 19:57 Bam Lee wrote: naniwa is so lucky he only has to play foreigners till the semi finals :S
Well, he advanced from a group with 3 koreans.
Well i didnt mean that he was lucky before as well. He is just lucky that he can actually go straight to the semi-finals now. I have seen the results and i didnt want to make him look bad in any way lol
On April 27 2013 19:56 Schelim wrote: guys Artosis looks better because he actually just looks better. that's not a diss to Apollo, he's pretty good-looking, but Artosis is one handsome nerd.
no homo of course.
objectively speaking, artosis is not handsome at all and apollo is handsome.
apollo has flaws like bags under his eye etc but artosis looks like a crow.
On April 27 2013 19:56 Schelim wrote: guys Artosis looks better because he actually just looks better. that's not a diss to Apollo, he's pretty good-looking, but Artosis is one handsome nerd.
On April 27 2013 19:54 Sh1bby wrote: Gogo TLO, crush him. TLO vs Coca final would be super awesome!
that's probably the worst final i could imagine
Verdi vs Coca better ?
yeah, i didn't really know verdi before this DH so i just feel neutral about him.
...so you feel negative towards TLO and Coca? Huh... people are strange.
coca, because he switched to LoL, TLO because ... well i don't want to get banned so i'm just gonna say he's a pretty unlikeable person from everything i know