Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation. |
United Kingdom38149 Posts
How unlucky can you get. Unsiege exactly as your opponent starts his completely blind attack.
Oh well this was pretty much a def. loss map anyway so he can't feel too bad.
On December 01 2012 09:32 revel8 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:29 TheBB wrote:After WB5, LB5 and Sniper vs Huk. Most likely winners: Leenock: 41.82% viOLet: 19.09% Symbol: 17.54% Polt: 15.23% Creator: 2.67% HerO: 1.08% DongRaeGu: 1.00% Sniper: 0.65% HyuN: 0.38% Bomber: 0.36% TheStC: 0.08% Sleep: 0.05% BBoongBBoong: 0.03% Snute: 0.01% XiGua: >0.00% details, data source, code+ Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 10.68 rounds (top 2) viOLet: 9.97 rounds (top 3) Symbol: 9.88 rounds (top 3) Polt: 9.70 rounds (top 3) Creator: 7.53 rounds (top 6) HerO: 7.20 rounds (top 8) Sniper: 7.05 rounds (top 8) Sleep: 6.85 rounds (top 8) TheStC: 6.56 rounds (top 8) DongRaeGu: 6.33 rounds (top 12) Bomber: 6.26 rounds (top 12) BBoongBBoong: 6.05 rounds (top 12) HyuN: 5.97 rounds (top 12) xigua: 5.57 rounds (top 12) Snute: 5.40 rounds (top 16) HuK: 5.00 rounds (top 16) Squirtle: 4.00 rounds (top 24) YoDa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Life: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Scarlett: 4.00 rounds (top 24) TaeJa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Crank: 4.00 rounds (top 24) aLive: 4.00 rounds (top 24) San: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Vortix: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Ryung: 3.00 rounds (top 32) MC: 3.00 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Bogus: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Seed: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Stephano: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72) + Show Spoiler [Details] +Detailed placement probabilities
Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 55.50% 17.08% 14.70% 6.03% 3.16% 1.82% 1.32% 0.38% BBoongBBoong: 38.36% 32.08% 19.91% 6.74% 2.00% 0.64% 0.23% 0.03% Sea: 100.00% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 35.10% 25.69% 15.46% 9.34% 5.97% 5.77% 2.67% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 44.50% 18.73% 17.81% 7.95% 4.91% 2.73% 2.37% 1.00% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 100.00% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 100.00% Sniper: 52.23% 15.88% 16.90% 8.16% 3.58% 2.61% 0.65% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 64.19% 23.42% 7.44% 3.03% 1.25% 0.59% 0.08% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 100.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 30.32% 41.37% 13.81% 7.05% 3.77% 1.87% 1.46% 0.36% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 100.00% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 100.00% Leenock: 12.80% 10.21% 15.03% 20.15% 41.82% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 100.00% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 100.00% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 100.00% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 100.00% Symbol: 28.31% 11.64% 20.92% 21.59% 17.54% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 100.00% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 26.28% 11.47% 20.77% 22.39% 19.09% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 100.00% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 100.00% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 47.77% 16.33% 18.07% 8.96% 4.40% 3.40% 1.08% TaeJa: 100.00% Polt: 29.88% 18.05% 19.40% 17.43% 15.23% Crank: 100.00% xigua: 61.64% 24.30% 10.75% 2.60% 0.53% 0.13% 0.04% Sleep: 43.61% 37.13% 13.02% 4.28% 1.33% 0.58% 0.05% aLive: 100.00% Snute: 69.68% 23.53% 4.58% 1.48% 0.48% 0.17% 0.07% 0.01% San: 100.00%
Most likely to be eliminated by...
HyuN: DongRaeGu (55.50%) TheStC (17.08%) Creator (10.24%) BBoongBBoong: xigua (38.36%) Sleep (32.08%) HerO (10.64%) Sea: Life (100.00%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Bomber (28.31%) DongRaeGu (11.27%) viOLet (10.63%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: HyuN (44.50%) TheStC (18.73%) Creator (12.68%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: xigua (100.00%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: HuK (100.00%) Sniper: HerO (52.23%) Polt (10.60%) Leenock ( 9.59%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (36.77%) HyuN (27.42%) Creator (16.29%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: Creator (41.37%) Snute (30.32%) DongRaeGu ( 5.78%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (100.00%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Sniper (100.00%) Leenock: viOLet (12.44%) Symbol (11.62%) Polt ( 7.99%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (100.00%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (100.00%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (100.00%) Symbol: Leenock (20.56%) Creator (15.33%) Polt (11.51%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (100.00%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (21.30%) Creator (14.68%) Polt (11.45%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (100.00%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: Sniper (47.77%) Polt (11.34%) Leenock (10.92%) TaeJa: Sniper (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (13.64%) HerO (13.36%) viOLet (13.04%) Crank: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) xigua: BBoongBBoo (61.64%) Sleep (24.30%) HerO ( 5.64%) Sleep: BBoongBBoo (29.56%) HerO (19.62%) Sniper (17.51%) aLive: HyuN (100.00%) Snute: Bomber (69.68%) Creator (23.53%) DongRaeGu ( 1.91%) San: Bomber (100.00%)
Most likely to be sent to the losers' bracket by...
HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (100.00%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (100.00%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: Polt (38.59%) viOLet (17.41%) Symbol (16.01%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: viOLet (52.03%) Leenock (24.83%) Polt (11.33%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: Symbol (50.05%) Leenock (25.77%) Polt (11.37%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (100.00%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (65.78%) viOLet (12.40%) Symbol (11.63%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (100.00%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%) Xigua has > 0.00% chance of winning? Not very specific! It's standard terminology. It means it's not impossible, but estimated at below printed precision.
It's amazing how the casters can sound like they've never seen a passive ZvT before.
Good lord, ling/bane has been looking mighty strong this tournament.
United States97274 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:33 TheBB wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:32 revel8 wrote:On December 01 2012 09:29 TheBB wrote:After WB5, LB5 and Sniper vs Huk. Most likely winners: Leenock: 41.82% viOLet: 19.09% Symbol: 17.54% Polt: 15.23% Creator: 2.67% HerO: 1.08% DongRaeGu: 1.00% Sniper: 0.65% HyuN: 0.38% Bomber: 0.36% TheStC: 0.08% Sleep: 0.05% BBoongBBoong: 0.03% Snute: 0.01% XiGua: >0.00% details, data source, code+ Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 10.68 rounds (top 2) viOLet: 9.97 rounds (top 3) Symbol: 9.88 rounds (top 3) Polt: 9.70 rounds (top 3) Creator: 7.53 rounds (top 6) HerO: 7.20 rounds (top 8) Sniper: 7.05 rounds (top 8) Sleep: 6.85 rounds (top 8) TheStC: 6.56 rounds (top 8) DongRaeGu: 6.33 rounds (top 12) Bomber: 6.26 rounds (top 12) BBoongBBoong: 6.05 rounds (top 12) HyuN: 5.97 rounds (top 12) xigua: 5.57 rounds (top 12) Snute: 5.40 rounds (top 16) HuK: 5.00 rounds (top 16) Squirtle: 4.00 rounds (top 24) YoDa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Life: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Scarlett: 4.00 rounds (top 24) TaeJa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Crank: 4.00 rounds (top 24) aLive: 4.00 rounds (top 24) San: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Vortix: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Ryung: 3.00 rounds (top 32) MC: 3.00 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Bogus: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Seed: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Stephano: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72) + Show Spoiler [Details] +Detailed placement probabilities
Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 55.50% 17.08% 14.70% 6.03% 3.16% 1.82% 1.32% 0.38% BBoongBBoong: 38.36% 32.08% 19.91% 6.74% 2.00% 0.64% 0.23% 0.03% Sea: 100.00% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 35.10% 25.69% 15.46% 9.34% 5.97% 5.77% 2.67% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 44.50% 18.73% 17.81% 7.95% 4.91% 2.73% 2.37% 1.00% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 100.00% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 100.00% Sniper: 52.23% 15.88% 16.90% 8.16% 3.58% 2.61% 0.65% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 64.19% 23.42% 7.44% 3.03% 1.25% 0.59% 0.08% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 100.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 30.32% 41.37% 13.81% 7.05% 3.77% 1.87% 1.46% 0.36% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 100.00% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 100.00% Leenock: 12.80% 10.21% 15.03% 20.15% 41.82% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 100.00% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 100.00% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 100.00% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 100.00% Symbol: 28.31% 11.64% 20.92% 21.59% 17.54% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 100.00% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 26.28% 11.47% 20.77% 22.39% 19.09% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 100.00% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 100.00% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 47.77% 16.33% 18.07% 8.96% 4.40% 3.40% 1.08% TaeJa: 100.00% Polt: 29.88% 18.05% 19.40% 17.43% 15.23% Crank: 100.00% xigua: 61.64% 24.30% 10.75% 2.60% 0.53% 0.13% 0.04% Sleep: 43.61% 37.13% 13.02% 4.28% 1.33% 0.58% 0.05% aLive: 100.00% Snute: 69.68% 23.53% 4.58% 1.48% 0.48% 0.17% 0.07% 0.01% San: 100.00%
Most likely to be eliminated by...
HyuN: DongRaeGu (55.50%) TheStC (17.08%) Creator (10.24%) BBoongBBoong: xigua (38.36%) Sleep (32.08%) HerO (10.64%) Sea: Life (100.00%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Bomber (28.31%) DongRaeGu (11.27%) viOLet (10.63%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: HyuN (44.50%) TheStC (18.73%) Creator (12.68%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: xigua (100.00%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: HuK (100.00%) Sniper: HerO (52.23%) Polt (10.60%) Leenock ( 9.59%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (36.77%) HyuN (27.42%) Creator (16.29%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: Creator (41.37%) Snute (30.32%) DongRaeGu ( 5.78%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (100.00%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Sniper (100.00%) Leenock: viOLet (12.44%) Symbol (11.62%) Polt ( 7.99%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (100.00%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (100.00%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (100.00%) Symbol: Leenock (20.56%) Creator (15.33%) Polt (11.51%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (100.00%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (21.30%) Creator (14.68%) Polt (11.45%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (100.00%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: Sniper (47.77%) Polt (11.34%) Leenock (10.92%) TaeJa: Sniper (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (13.64%) HerO (13.36%) viOLet (13.04%) Crank: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) xigua: BBoongBBoo (61.64%) Sleep (24.30%) HerO ( 5.64%) Sleep: BBoongBBoo (29.56%) HerO (19.62%) Sniper (17.51%) aLive: HyuN (100.00%) Snute: Bomber (69.68%) Creator (23.53%) DongRaeGu ( 1.91%) San: Bomber (100.00%)
Most likely to be sent to the losers' bracket by...
HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (100.00%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (100.00%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: Polt (38.59%) viOLet (17.41%) Symbol (16.01%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: viOLet (52.03%) Leenock (24.83%) Polt (11.33%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: Symbol (50.05%) Leenock (25.77%) Polt (11.37%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (100.00%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (65.78%) viOLet (12.40%) Symbol (11.63%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (100.00%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%) Xigua has > 0.00% chance of winning? Not very specific! It's standard terminology. It means it's not impossible, but estimated at below printed precision. I guess what he means is technically > 0% can mean anything while saying < 0.01% would convey the same meaning you want
On December 01 2012 09:30 Noocta wrote: Bomber is going all Metropolis Mvp style
full defensive, go for ultra lategame He has the right attitude but he has to work on the execution.
Fiddler's Green42661 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:31 Shellshock1122 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:30 stuchiu wrote:On December 01 2012 09:28 Shellshock1122 wrote:On December 01 2012 09:28 Noocta wrote:On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boucot wrote: Top 16 : 10Z, 3T, 3P. :/ Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. every terran is here too. Only mvp isn't. MarineKing is still a top terran  2 ro8 in a row He can go win wcg, all he has to do is beat lowely. oh wait! :D Lowely is the korean killer. Yonghwa √ MarineKing √ Parting ?
He even beat them in the placings they got in WCG Korea, Yonghwa 1st, MKP 2nd.
what a shitty second game.
When do Hyun and DRG play?
Snute just punching Bomber all over. This will likely go to game three.
On December 01 2012 09:30 wangstra wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:26 Chenz wrote:On December 01 2012 09:25 Thrillz wrote: Everyone knows it, everyone thinks it, but it cannot be spoken in TL. Such a word has become the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named equivalent in SC2. It most certainly can be mentioned on TL, but LR threads are not the place for such discussion. The unstoppable force that you come up against again and again is that its precisely within LR that people can observe together supposed imbalances in the game. Actual balance threads while serving a needed purpose are stale in comparison in capturing that communal observation in real time.
Yes, cause taking a few minutes, hours, or days to reflect and you know think is not the way to go about anything in life. No lets express ourselves in the now and annoy everyone while doing so. yes..
On December 01 2012 09:33 Asha` wrote: How unlucky can you get. Unsiege exactly as your opponent starts his completely blind attack.
Oh well this was pretty much a def. loss map anyway so he can't feel too bad.
He sieged back in time for the attack, though.
Snute just had too much stuff for Bomber there.
Are the GSL games gonna be on the IPL stream?
United States5162 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:32 Pey wrote: Why is it that commentators in SC2 so often use 'he's all over the place' to praise players, when that idiom really is a negative one?
Not that it matters, ehrm. It's being used to mean their literally all over the place because their apm/multitasking is so good.
Some bad games and some BS results.
Now people say "sick engagement" when he just got lucky and he didn't even split his banelings... yuck.
sorry I'm new at sc2 but why do people say that stephano and nerchio is the best foreign Zergs if snute made it so far?