Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation. |
On December 01 2012 09:27 Derrida wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:25 TheButtonmen wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boundz(DarKo) wrote:Imagine if this was broodwar, sAviOr would never happened  I am unsure of how to take this? I think he means that given the current volatility, everyone can beat everyone and thus betting is a very dangerous thing.
I really couldn't tell if it was balance whine or if he was talking about match fixing.
Meanwhile HyuN is up 1-0 ^___^
On December 01 2012 09:27 shizaep wrote:OMG, just noticed. When the fuck did they get such NA-friendly times. I swear it always used to be at like 4am. Is this just a one time thing or have I just been missing something all this time?
because the matches are played in NA maybe?
On December 01 2012 09:27 shizaep wrote:OMG, just noticed. When the fuck did they get such NA-friendly times. I swear it always used to be at like 4am. Is this just a one time thing or have I just been missing something all this time? GOM produces IPL5 and all the GSL action is going to happen there at IPL, in America.
On December 01 2012 09:25 Krychek wrote: I'm gonna remake my question:
How is suppposed to Squirtle to win that lategame scenario vs mass infestors-spine. He had all the tech bases and eco, but I'm losing what should be the proper aproach to win it for squirtle lol. That's the thing, it's not rly possible. He needed to do something earlier in the game. So after being dead meat anyway, he tried different approach, and we saw the result.
United States97274 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:28 Noocta wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boucot wrote: Top 16 : 10Z, 3T, 3P. :/ Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. every terran is here too. Only mvp isn't. MarineKing is still a top terran 2 ro8 in a row
As much shit as Terran gets, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the remaining T's, however outnumbered, took the whole thing.
Squirtle my fave player T.T So sad. Xigua played decent and all, but very late game infested terran makes 200 supply limit irrelevant, which is the only time Carriers are possible. Yet Squirtle still has the guts to go Carriers in his late game PvZ's. Major props to that ^^
On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance.
But zergs have 200 top players, that's the problem.
On December 01 2012 09:28 Popkiller wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:27 Derrida wrote:On December 01 2012 09:25 TheButtonmen wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boundz(DarKo) wrote:Imagine if this was broodwar, sAviOr would never happened  I am unsure of how to take this? I think he means that given the current volatility, everyone can beat everyone and thus betting is a very dangerous thing. It's not volatile if you're fixing matches...
Sarcasm useful skill toi have
After WB5, LB5 and Sniper vs Huk.
Most likely winners: Leenock: 41.82% viOLet: 19.09% Symbol: 17.54% Polt: 15.23% Creator: 2.67% HerO: 1.08% DongRaeGu: 1.00% Sniper: 0.65% HyuN: 0.38% Bomber: 0.36% TheStC: 0.08% Sleep: 0.05% BBoongBBoong: 0.03% Snute: 0.01% XiGua: >0.00%
details, data source, code
+ Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 10.68 rounds (top 2) viOLet: 9.97 rounds (top 3) Symbol: 9.88 rounds (top 3) Polt: 9.70 rounds (top 3) Creator: 7.53 rounds (top 6) HerO: 7.20 rounds (top 8) Sniper: 7.05 rounds (top 8) Sleep: 6.85 rounds (top 8) TheStC: 6.56 rounds (top 8) DongRaeGu: 6.33 rounds (top 12) Bomber: 6.26 rounds (top 12) BBoongBBoong: 6.05 rounds (top 12) HyuN: 5.97 rounds (top 12) xigua: 5.57 rounds (top 12) Snute: 5.40 rounds (top 16) HuK: 5.00 rounds (top 16) Squirtle: 4.00 rounds (top 24) YoDa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Life: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Scarlett: 4.00 rounds (top 24) TaeJa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Crank: 4.00 rounds (top 24) aLive: 4.00 rounds (top 24) San: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Vortix: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Ryung: 3.00 rounds (top 32) MC: 3.00 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Bogus: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Seed: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Stephano: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72) + Show Spoiler [Details] +Detailed placement probabilities
Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 55.50% 17.08% 14.70% 6.03% 3.16% 1.82% 1.32% 0.38% BBoongBBoong: 38.36% 32.08% 19.91% 6.74% 2.00% 0.64% 0.23% 0.03% Sea: 100.00% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 35.10% 25.69% 15.46% 9.34% 5.97% 5.77% 2.67% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 44.50% 18.73% 17.81% 7.95% 4.91% 2.73% 2.37% 1.00% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 100.00% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 100.00% Sniper: 52.23% 15.88% 16.90% 8.16% 3.58% 2.61% 0.65% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 64.19% 23.42% 7.44% 3.03% 1.25% 0.59% 0.08% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 100.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 30.32% 41.37% 13.81% 7.05% 3.77% 1.87% 1.46% 0.36% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 100.00% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 100.00% Leenock: 12.80% 10.21% 15.03% 20.15% 41.82% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 100.00% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 100.00% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 100.00% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 100.00% Symbol: 28.31% 11.64% 20.92% 21.59% 17.54% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 100.00% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 26.28% 11.47% 20.77% 22.39% 19.09% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 100.00% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 100.00% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 47.77% 16.33% 18.07% 8.96% 4.40% 3.40% 1.08% TaeJa: 100.00% Polt: 29.88% 18.05% 19.40% 17.43% 15.23% Crank: 100.00% xigua: 61.64% 24.30% 10.75% 2.60% 0.53% 0.13% 0.04% Sleep: 43.61% 37.13% 13.02% 4.28% 1.33% 0.58% 0.05% aLive: 100.00% Snute: 69.68% 23.53% 4.58% 1.48% 0.48% 0.17% 0.07% 0.01% San: 100.00%
Most likely to be eliminated by...
HyuN: DongRaeGu (55.50%) TheStC (17.08%) Creator (10.24%) BBoongBBoong: xigua (38.36%) Sleep (32.08%) HerO (10.64%) Sea: Life (100.00%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Bomber (28.31%) DongRaeGu (11.27%) viOLet (10.63%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: HyuN (44.50%) TheStC (18.73%) Creator (12.68%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: xigua (100.00%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: HuK (100.00%) Sniper: HerO (52.23%) Polt (10.60%) Leenock ( 9.59%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (36.77%) HyuN (27.42%) Creator (16.29%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: Creator (41.37%) Snute (30.32%) DongRaeGu ( 5.78%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (100.00%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Sniper (100.00%) Leenock: viOLet (12.44%) Symbol (11.62%) Polt ( 7.99%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (100.00%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (100.00%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (100.00%) Symbol: Leenock (20.56%) Creator (15.33%) Polt (11.51%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (100.00%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (21.30%) Creator (14.68%) Polt (11.45%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (100.00%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: Sniper (47.77%) Polt (11.34%) Leenock (10.92%) TaeJa: Sniper (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (13.64%) HerO (13.36%) viOLet (13.04%) Crank: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) xigua: BBoongBBoo (61.64%) Sleep (24.30%) HerO ( 5.64%) Sleep: BBoongBBoo (29.56%) HerO (19.62%) Sniper (17.51%) aLive: HyuN (100.00%) Snute: Bomber (69.68%) Creator (23.53%) DongRaeGu ( 1.91%) San: Bomber (100.00%)
Most likely to be sent to the losers' bracket by...
HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (100.00%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (100.00%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: Polt (38.59%) viOLet (17.41%) Symbol (16.01%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: viOLet (52.03%) Leenock (24.83%) Polt (11.33%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: Symbol (50.05%) Leenock (25.77%) Polt (11.37%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (100.00%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (65.78%) viOLet (12.40%) Symbol (11.63%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (100.00%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%)
On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. Yeah. Can't blame people just being ahead consistently ahead in strategy. The toss and Terrans just don't adapt like zerg.
+ Show Spoiler + Full circle :p Will be sad though if we lose squirtle for... xigsomething.
On December 01 2012 09:26 Chenz wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:25 Thrillz wrote: Everyone knows it, everyone thinks it, but it cannot be spoken in TL. Such a word has become the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named equivalent in SC2. It most certainly can be mentioned on TL, but LR threads are not the place for such discussion. The unstoppable force that you come up against again and again is that its precisely within LR that people can observe together supposed imbalances in the game. Actual balance threads while serving a needed purpose are stale in comparison in capturing that communal observation in real time.
Bomber is going all Metropolis Mvp style
full defensive, go for ultra lategame
On December 01 2012 09:25 revel8 wrote: Xigua would have lost that game, if he had not built his Great Spine Wall of China in the middle there! All part of the master-plan! Excellent foresight! Haha!
Yup that was such an unbelievably unexpected and fresh move, it was amazing.
Fiddler's Green42661 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:28 Shellshock1122 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:28 Noocta wrote:On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boucot wrote: Top 16 : 10Z, 3T, 3P. :/ Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. every terran is here too. Only mvp isn't. MarineKing is still a top terran  2 ro8 in a row
He can go win wcg, all he has to do is beat lowely.
On December 01 2012 09:28 Popkiller wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:27 Derrida wrote:On December 01 2012 09:25 TheButtonmen wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boundz(DarKo) wrote:Imagine if this was broodwar, sAviOr would never happened  I am unsure of how to take this? I think he means that given the current volatility, everyone can beat everyone and thus betting is a very dangerous thing. It's not volatile if you're fixing matches... He didn't win his 90% crazy records by fixing.
United States97274 Posts
On December 01 2012 09:30 stuchiu wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:28 Shellshock1122 wrote:On December 01 2012 09:28 Noocta wrote:On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boucot wrote: Top 16 : 10Z, 3T, 3P. :/ Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. every terran is here too. Only mvp isn't. MarineKing is still a top terran  2 ro8 in a row He can go win wcg, all he has to do is beat lowely. oh wait! :D Lowely is the korean killer. Yonghwa √ MarineKing √ Parting ?
On December 01 2012 09:28 Jaxx wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:25 Krychek wrote: I'm gonna remake my question:
How is suppposed to Squirtle to win that lategame scenario vs mass infestors-spine. He had all the tech bases and eco, but I'm losing what should be the proper aproach to win it for squirtle lol. That's the thing, it's not rly possible. He needed to do something earlier in the game. So after being dead meat anyway, he tried different approach, and we saw the result.
It is possible. If he didn't take a lousy engagement into the zerg army and wasn't so archon heavy (maybe get 2-3 colo instead at that point to get range on infestors/static defense) he would have been in a decent spot to win. Zerg's bank was crippled so at the end of the day there's only gonna be 1 zerg army and with good positioning/ defensive vortexes and picking off pieces of the army he can take it down.
For much cleaner examples of the carrier transition, see Squirtle vs Lucky from last week's GSTL or Rain vs Killer from BWC on daybreak.
On December 01 2012 09:30 stuchiu wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 09:28 Shellshock1122 wrote:On December 01 2012 09:28 Noocta wrote:On December 01 2012 09:27 Drmooose wrote:On December 01 2012 09:24 Boucot wrote: Top 16 : 10Z, 3T, 3P. :/ Its worth noting that every top zerg player is in attendance. every terran is here too. Only mvp isn't. MarineKing is still a top terran  2 ro8 in a row He can go win wcg, all he has to do is beat lowely.
Yeah, about that..