On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Well, without infestors Zerg would be unbelievably underpowered so until they give us something else, I'll keep using it.
I think infestors should not just be nerfed but other kinds of lair tech should be buffed. I miss mutalisk play ;_;
I've always though Fungal should either slow down the units instead of completely holding them in place or it should be like shooting out a delayed spell from the Infestor, like ~1.5 seconds for the spell to hit so you can micro against it, but this isn't the place to discuss it.
On September 27 2012 20:51 snailz wrote: leenock with 3 bases vs hero with 5/6 bases who outplayed him in every segment of the game was painfull to watch. thank you blizzard.
So you think Hero outplayed Leenock in the big engagement where he got his mothership taken? And then didn't baserace but instead tried to defend from a corner? Stop trolling
On September 27 2012 20:49 Yello wrote: Game 2: Cloud Kingdom Squirtle spawns as the orange imba-race in the bottom left position. Leenock spawns as the blue even-more-imba-race in the top right position.
2:00min Squirtle goes for scout after Pylon Leenock goes for Pool on 15 supply
4:00min Squirtle goes for Nexus first again and denies the natural Hatchery for a few seconds with a ralley-point pentagram Squirtle builds his Forge and Gateway at the natural choke while Leenock goes for his third Hatchery
6:00min Leenock tries to get into Squirtle's base with 4 Lings but Squirtle blocks with a Pylon in time. A hidden Probe at the top of the map gets scouted by the Overlord and is able to see Leenocks third before being taken out by Lings.
8:00min Squirtle goes for +1 attack and a Robo and takes a fast 3rd and 4th Gas Leenock gets 3 Extractors up and starts his Lair and a Roach Warren
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Well, without infestors Zerg would be unbelievably underpowered so until they give us something else, I'll keep using it.
I think infestors should not just be nerfed but other kinds of lair tech should be buffed. I miss mutalisk play ;_;
I've always though Fungal should either slow down the units instead of completely holding them in place or it should be like shooting out a delayed spell from the Infestor, like ~1.5 seconds for the spell to hit so you can micro against it, but this isn't the place to discuss it.
Yeah agreed. So how's the game going? I can't watch so i feel like i'm filling up break time but afaik there's a game going on :p
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Is this really considered acceptable posting these days? I mean, I know the LRs have taken a huge nosedive but stilll...
One liners expressing emotion about the games was pretty much the norm in the LRs of old; what more do you expect? The better the game, the more you see of that kinda thing, and I actually find it more enjoyable to read than most things.
The balance whine/commentary on balance whines is annoying as shit, though.
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Well when almost every pro-gamer who isn't Z says that if they could remove 1 unit from the game and they all choose infestor, you know something is wrong.
tomato source? Sounds like a fact from the fun fact happy land
Leenock casts Neural Parasite on Enraged Protoss fanboy from LR thread. Enraged Protoss fanboy from LR thread casts "I hate infestors they should just remove them so we can see REAL balanced mid/late game play where Zerg has to only play with Roaches waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh."
On September 27 2012 20:46 Sinedd wrote: xDDDD lmao
On September 27 2012 20:47 TAMinator wrote:
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Is this really considered acceptable posting these days? I mean, I know the LRs have taken a huge nosedive but stilll...
One liners expressing emotion about the games was pretty much the norm in the LRs of old; what more do you expect? The better the game, the more you see of that kinda thing, and I actually find it more enjoyable to read than most things.
The balance whine/commentary on balance whines is annoying as shit, though.
They might have been the norm but that doesn't mean they are not frowned upon, especially flame baiting such as the 2nd one.
On September 27 2012 20:49 Yello wrote: Game 2: Cloud Kingdom Squirtle spawns as the orange imba-race in the bottom left position. Leenock spawns as the blue even-more-imba-race in the top right position.
2:00min Squirtle goes for scout after Pylon Leenock goes for Pool on 15 supply
4:00min Squirtle goes for Nexus first again and denies the natural Hatchery for a few seconds with a ralley-point pentagram Squirtle builds his Forge and Gateway at the natural choke while Leenock goes for his third Hatchery
6:00min Leenock tries to get into Squirtle's base with 4 Lings but Squirtle blocks with a Pylon in time. A hidden Probe at the top of the map gets scouted by the Overlord and is able to see Leenocks third before being taken out by Lings.
8:00min Squirtle goes for +1 attack and a Robo and takes a fast 3rd and 4th Gas Leenock gets 3 Extractors up and starts his Lair and a Roach Warren
10:00min Squirtle goes for a total of 6 Gateways and +1armor and adds a third Nexus which gets scouted by an Overlord Leenock builds some defensive Lings and +1 ranged attack, Roach Speed, Ling Speed, an Infestation Pit and adds a 2nd Evo-Chamber
On September 27 2012 20:55 Maloreon wrote: Leenock casts Neural Parasite on Enraged Protoss fanboy from LR thread. Enraged Protoss fanboy from LR thread casts "I hate infestors they should just remove them so we can see REAL balanced mid/late game play where Zerg has to only play with Roaches waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh."
Yeah I totally agree with you, Losira did indeed make it to the finals but I always felt he was far more inconsistent than Leenock and that Leenock is still improving and getting better. Also poor Losira had to face Nestea lol his Sensei broke him >.> Muta Tech and all that
God that finals sucked for losira fans
Still, it was a glorious weekend for IM fans - since MVP won MLG Anaheim in the same weekend :D
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Well when almost every pro-gamer who isn't Z says that if they could remove 1 unit from the game and they all choose infestor, you know something is wrong.
tomato source? Sounds like a fact from the fun fact happy land
On September 27 2012 20:46 shineq wrote: I seriously, seriously hate Infestors.
Well when almost every pro-gamer who isn't Z says that if they could remove 1 unit from the game and they all choose infestor, you know something is wrong.
tomato source? Sounds like a fact from the fun fact happy land
Yeah I totally agree with you, Losira did indeed make it to the finals but I always felt he was far more inconsistent than Leenock and that Leenock is still improving and getting better. Also poor Losira had to face Nestea lol his Sensei broke him >.> Muta Tech and all that
God that finals sucked for losira fans
Still, it was a glorious weekend for IM fans - since MVP won MLG Anaheim in the same weekend :D
Yeah, I don't think Losira minded losing to Nestea that much either, they constantly practice etc, they made LOTS of $$, was pretty brutal series on Losira though