On August 17 2012 01:42 Chicodog wrote: It annoys me quite a bit that these boring strategies are still viable in the ZvP matchup. Mass mutalisk, mass roach and mass lings. It shouldnt be viable to just mass one unit.
Shouldn't be, agreed. Also Freaky masses pretty much only infestors so you should add that to your list of viable strategies
On August 17 2012 01:40 Bromazepam wrote: Why not build assimilators everywhere and try to finish it instead of trying to hold a Nexus while the zerg rebuilds an economy?
It's too hard to keep track of exactly what they have, you don't know if they have a bank or whatever. Base trades are a nightmare for being in the dark information wise
And trying to race across Daybreak with blink stalkers against mutas is a joke. Everything in Daybreak is closer by air than ground.
On August 17 2012 01:42 Chicodog wrote: It annoys me quite a bit that these boring strategies are still viable in the ZvP matchup. Mass mutalisk, mass roach and mass lings. It shouldnt be viable to just mass one unit.
Shouldn't be, agreed. Also Freaky masses pretty much only infestors so you should add that to your list of viable strategies
On August 17 2012 01:34 Chenz wrote: Wouldn't +armor be preferred to +attack for the protoss against muta/ling, seeing as muta's attacks bounces and lings has really high attack speed?
attack speed is mathematically irrelevant.
how? Armor takes damage off each attack. Attack speed is sort of like splash when you're figuring upgrades, because you attack more stuff in the same amount of time
On August 17 2012 01:38 setzer wrote: Nestea could probably a-move into that stalker group
good he finally did that
Probably, but he should be more patient. Many a time I have seen Nestea throw away games by amoving Banelings in a bad fight.
Of course, he didn't have the exact information we did but it was pretty apparent to me that Nestea wasn't going to lose to that many stalkers. Not sure why Tastosis felt the ending was closer than it actually was