On April 08 2012 10:38 amiGo_O wrote: since when is MKP the best player in the world? i really hate when casters are overhyping players
There is no question that he is right now.
I question it. He looked very vulnerable in every one of his group stage matches and got eliminated from the last GSL in the ro16.
..eliminated by genius and drg the two finalists.....but I think he is being a bit overhyped right now. Clearly in the best condition in his career, but as always it's too early to call it. Imo the only real 'best' player we ever had so far was MVP pre-wrist injury.
He went 3-2 against Genius on the day he was eliminated, and he later beat DRG badly at multiple MLG events.
MMA beat MVP when he was best in the world we still called MVP best in the world
esports can be so epic sometimes. This montage makes it seem like esports is an unbeatable phenomenon and I can be part of its army that vanquishes all others.
On April 08 2012 10:45 windsupernova wrote: Really, we should have a rule so that a player without GSl titles can't be called Best of the world.
I love MKP since he 1st started emerging on ladder as Boxer. But seriously TL falls for the hype too easily.
This really. GSL Code S is the pinnacle of SC2 competition. If you can't win the gold there then you aren't the best player, end of.
I also agree. MKP needs that vaunted Code S win if he wants to be considered the undisputed champion of the world. Regardless, he's certainly at the top of his game right now, and I really love watching him play. This match is going to be good!
haha all the GSL intro's on 1 screen that was cool. I liked the first one with the cattlebruiser appearing in the sky from the open seasons, feels so long ago now.
On April 08 2012 10:48 r4pture wrote: Not really fond of GSL taking so much credit for eSports, calling it a "korean wave" despite being the only korean league in an ocean of foreign leagues.
Yet, none of the foreign leauges have the production OR the players like GSL.