Please avoid making the following comments in this topic: -Balance complaints; -Player or caster bashing; -Stream quality or lag complaints;-Offtopic arguments and negativisms. -No effort posts such as +1's, quotes without adding to them and general 'hahaha' etc posts. This is a free event hosted for your entertainment, please enjoy it as such and treat your fellow community members with respect when you post. Transgressions of forum rules and etiquette will be met with bans. For tournament information and results please check our Liquipedia site for the event! You can find it at the end of this link: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/2011_DreamHack/Valencia_InvitationalIf you have any questions feel free to shoot me a PM on site or query me on IRC. Have fun ~Nyovne On September 18 2011 01:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Oh stop whining you lot. Bunch of sissies on this forum. The only drama is coming from you guys. Enjoy the tournament and stop acting like this is TMZ XD |
On September 18 2011 05:37 dsousa wrote: 3/3 marines needs a nerf. How many zerglings does it take to kill 8 3/3 marines with a medivac?
This is unnecessary in this thread. The zerglings engaged in a very inefficient manner without surround. I don't know what the upgrade on the zerglings were, but even if they were 3/3, that engagement was very poorly done.
wow DRG so lucky with cross spawn lol
Lol, both players said hf. Don't want to wish the other player good luck :-D
On September 18 2011 05:37 dsousa wrote: 3/3 marines needs a nerf. How many zerglings does it take to kill 8 3/3 marines with a medivac?
Dont wanna get too offtopic but yea, 3-3 marines are so sick;p
Now only we need a sick last game, and then this tourney was one of the sickest to date.
On September 18 2011 05:37 Crazyahmed wrote: DRG little overaggressive, didn't like that early baneling bust Well i mean he did a blind roach rush in game 1 which worked well. He also did it in game 3 and it worked well. He's been taking risks in these series and they've always worked since thorzain has been playing pretty greedy.
On September 18 2011 05:37 dsousa wrote: 3/3 marines needs a nerf. How many zerglings does it take to kill 8 3/3 marines with a medivac?
I agree. Lets also nerf immortals. How many hellions does it take to kill 8 3/3/3 immortals?
In all honesty, get the fuck out with your balance whining. This is an amazing series, and people who only cheer for their own race (and then QQ when their race loses) ruin it for the rest of us who are enjoying these great games.
Sick intros by TotalBiscuit, very good casting duo
Meh, Am I the only one who thinks this particular game was not that good? Yeah I know go foreigners, but really the positions made it really hard for DRG
Finally started building turrets last game. He could still benefit from more of them.
lol, Metalopolis, this already reminds me of that first epic MMA vs DRG game in the GSTL finals.
Makes me sad that only the winner gets paid :/
On September 18 2011 05:37 dsousa wrote: 3/3 marines needs a nerf. How many zerglings does it take to kill 8 3/3 marines with a medivac? The cost effectiveness of late game terran is really sickening.
Great play by Thorzain, no question, but this series shows why Code S is over 50% terran.
pls stop the balance whine zerglings were on 1/1 or 2/2 if im not completely wrong marines were healed, had shield and stim and they attacked through a choke so not every zergling could attack of course you need many lings then......
On September 18 2011 05:38 MaestrO_ wrote: cross spawn metalopolis... gg Good Terrans make it look imbalanced in favor of T
cmon thorzain, take this third map please god!
Oh no, metalopolis cross positionS =(
Cross positions. About time DRG got some decent luck with spawns after TDA and Antiga.
On September 18 2011 05:27 soverRR wrote: Well, this is over. DRG made ThorZain look like a mediocre player, although he had some decent offensive drops going for him.Well played both players though, DRG is just on another level.
assumption is the mother of all fuckups
On September 18 2011 05:38 Lavalamp799 wrote: They said Metalopolis, and I got chills.. Incoming hour long back and forth epic game! Broods vs. Ghosts incoming?
On September 18 2011 05:37 Fuoeh wrote: boring. terran is so boring 2 watch. Camp race! Zerg ftw win! Go DRG!
What series are you watching please? Or are you Bronze league? Did you not see the multitasking displayed by Thorzain. Defense + constant Dropping ... Ahh well if you find games like that, that involve Terran to be boring, you sure have an exciting life and must watch some exciting stuff.
Thorzain: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. DRG: What truth? Thorzain: There is no spoon. DRG: There is no spoon? Thorzain: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.