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On September 18 2011 01:54 TotalBiscuit wrote: Oh stop whining you lot. Bunch of sissies on this forum. The only drama is coming from you guys. Enjoy the tournament and stop acting like this is TMZ XD
On September 18 2011 04:47 hewley wrote: I remember reading somewhere that Thorzains relative low apm is the reason why tvz is his worst matchup, as his hands are too slow for the intense marine splitting tank sieging pushes. If you look carefully, he splits his marines prematurely, so that he has time to focus on macro in his bases. I don't see Thorzain winning this if doesnt get a huge lead like this game. But I still hope he can take DRG down.
If he stayed in Korea for another 3 months he could've brought his APM up to par. Apparently Korean coaches are pretty strict about forcing their players to change the way they play to boost APM before focusing on other mechanics.
On September 18 2011 04:46 Zarahtra wrote: This is why i say it doesn't really work that well TvZ to take artosis advice of "when ahead, get more ahead". He almost lost that game, while playing pretty damn well, just because he didn't pull the trigger :/
Artosis's advice works when you are actually capable of playing a macro game solidly versus some of the best in the world. Thorzain demonstrated that he isn't on DRG's level yet, just getting drawn and quartered by DRG's muta control. I guarantee you if MVP was in a similar situation, had he decided to go into a macro game it would have been far less close.
On September 18 2011 04:46 Kafkaesk wrote: Thorzain barely winning against DRG with a 30 worker lead in the beginning? No way he will win this tournament.
On September 18 2011 04:46 MandoRelease wrote: Thorzain took an extraordinary lead at the beginning, ahead almost by 50 supply at some point, and still almost lost that game. DRG is really on another level.
No, Thorzain could've ended it when he was 50 food ahead. He could've a-moved into DRG's base and won it.
On September 18 2011 04:46 mango_destroyer wrote: how did DRG even make a game out of that.
Cause this tactic dosent work vs zergs with good muta control. DRG was just wayyyy to far behind
Yep.. if he hadn't dealt lethal damage, getting picked apart would have meant the end. He nearly lost the game and I don't think he could have come back from a loss there psychologically.
Was painful to see that spoon take so long to kill him. Everyone has different playstyles though. Wish he would invest a ton into turrets at home so all he had to worry about is his slow contain.
Why didn't you just go for it and snap his neck? Aaaarrrh... ^^ gg! (But it was sooo painfull watching those mutas snipe 3-5 marines/tanks here-and-there for 10+ mins.)