Should they really have to change ingame options on the fking main observer client 2 hours after the supposed start? That should've been fixed 3 days ago
On July 09 2011 04:37 Jakkerr wrote: It makes me really happy they have to set-up ingame settings exactly 1 hour and 37 minutes after this whole thing was meant to go live.
really really really happy
lol I've been up since 4 am and I have to get up at a similar time tomorrow. I'm probably not going to see a single game tonight XD
SwanNASL: I got something new for ya, Cowboy! Projectors- the latest word in big badda boom hardware. Raynor: I ain't sure this is the best time to be experimenting, SwanNASL. SwanNASL: Pfft. 'Best time there is! Let the Lightbulbs loose against GSL and you'll see.
You know, if jen schiller commented on mishaps like this, then I would have agreed with some of her points, still though E-sports is growing big get ready
On July 09 2011 04:33 {ToT}ColmA wrote: the thing i dont understand is why they dont inform people "starting in 2h" or something, lack of information is kinda meh, i mean, any thing can go wrong in a live event but at least be straight bout it