[7/15/2011 8:59:15 PM] Skew: tell jake to msg me on bnet
[7/15/2011 8:59:15 PM] Skew: pls
[7/15/2011 8:59:23 PM] Skew: tell him stop being a big betting fish too
[7/15/2011 8:59:24 PM] Skew: HEH
[7/15/2011 10:09:39 PM] Skew: message me pls when you're here, i need to ask you something
[7/15/2011 10:23:57 PM] Geoff Robinson: yoyo
[7/15/2011 10:24:20 PM] Skew: how's the mansion
[7/15/2011 10:24:20 PM] Skew: ^_^
[7/15/2011 10:24:51 PM] Geoff Robinson: at scott's atm
[7/15/2011 10:24:52 PM] Geoff Robinson: mansion soon
[7/15/2011 10:25:13 PM] Skew: think you can help me clear something up? got drama i think alcohols involved
[7/15/2011 10:25:35 PM] Geoff Robinson: nobody here has been drinking o-O
[7/15/2011 10:25:37 PM] Geoff Robinson: but yeah whatsup?
[7/15/2011 10:26:38 PM] Skew: jake and i had a bo7 setup for ls vs demuslim and machine got all worked up and got on lz's account and basically went off on me about how ls is a cheater and he has to prove himself at the lan etc. me and artosis have been helping ls out a lot, ive let him stay at my house, he's working for hotkeyit, etc. so he's disrespecting me big time and he wont talk straight with me when i asked him
[7/15/2011 10:26:53 PM] Skew: obviously im like
[7/15/2011 10:26:55 PM] Skew: pissed
[7/15/2011 10:27:07 PM] Skew: but i dont wanan do anythign rash cuzz i dunno wtf he's doing
[7/15/2011 10:27:33 PM] Geoff Robinson: he was eliminated from a wcg qualifer due to ls cheating
[7/15/2011 10:27:38 PM] Geoff Robinson: he has a right to dislike the dude
[7/15/2011 10:27:40 PM] Geoff Robinson: and distrust him
[7/15/2011 10:28:00 PM] Skew: he doesn't have to like him but if he won't put any trust in me and he's gonna disrespect players i help and hire
[7/15/2011 10:28:05 PM] Skew: he's not going to be welcome to anything hotkeyit runs
[7/15/2011 10:28:09 PM] Skew: i don't deserve that
[7/15/2011 10:28:16 PM] Skew: i'd go to battle for machine any day of the week
[7/15/2011 10:28:20 PM] Skew: and he's just going to shit on me
[7/15/2011 10:28:32 PM] Geoff Robinson: what would you like me to do?
[7/15/2011 10:28:51 PM] Skew: id like u to help me clear this up between him and i and ls because he's not man enough to say sorry
[7/15/2011 10:28:56 PM] Skew: but i dont wanna ruin the lan for everyone
[7/15/2011 10:29:07 PM] Geoff Robinson: you know damn well it won't even get brought up
[7/15/2011 10:29:11 PM] Geoff Robinson: unless you/ls make a big deal
[7/15/2011 10:29:13 PM] Geoff Robinson: o_O
[7/15/2011 10:29:18 PM] Geoff Robinson: these kind of things have happened many a time
[7/15/2011 10:29:21 PM] Geoff Robinson: nerds don't say shit
[7/15/2011 10:29:31 PM] Skew: it doesn't have to do with that, he has ben and everyone else suspicious now and he's direspecting me
[7/15/2011 10:29:42 PM] Geoff Robinson: you want me to ask him to apologize?
[7/15/2011 10:30:05 PM] Skew: i want you to ask him to sort this out with me and ls so we can have a good lan. it's been 4 years since ls cheated, he was 14, he's 18. i'm putting a lot of work into helping him
[7/15/2011 10:30:29 PM] Geoff Robinson: I can ask machine but I can't force him
[7/15/2011 10:30:32 PM] Skew: i really don't need ppl that i feel like i have all this loyalty to backstabbing me and stepping on shit i do
[7/15/2011 10:30:46 PM] Skew: yea i know but ure the only one that can deal with this
[7/15/2011 10:30:47 PM] Skew: im not there
[7/15/2011 10:30:57 PM] Geoff Robinson: machine is streaming atm but I will ask him to contact you after
[7/15/2011 10:31:00 PM] Geoff Robinson: so you guys can work it out
[7/15/2011 10:31:01 PM] Skew: ok thx man
[7/15/2011 10:31:02 PM] Geoff Robinson: I will do my best
[7/15/2011 10:31:04 PM] Geoff Robinson: np
[7/15/2011 10:31:06 PM] Skew: haha
[7/15/2011 10:31:10 PM] Skew: sc drama, need some more of it i guess fml
[7/15/2011 10:31:50 PM] Geoff Robinson: :D
[9:27:22 AM] Skew: well i tried to clear shit up but bryce just wants to say he doesnt care and lie about what he said
[9:27:33 AM] Skew: he's not welcome to play @ the lan, he can come, but im not putting up with that
[9:27:56 AM] Skew: and he said u were laughing about what i said instead of explaining it so i dunno wtf is with him
[9:28:00 AM] Skew: anyway thx for trying lol
[9:30:12 AM] Geoff Robinson: banning machine is very dumb
[9:30:15 AM] Geoff Robinson: we will all not play/come now
[9:30:18 AM] Geoff Robinson: and I will be making a post
[9:30:25 AM] Geoff Robinson: talking about you banning him because he doesn't trust lastshadow
[9:30:31 AM] Geoff Robinson: you can feelf ree to explain
[9:30:32 AM] Geoff Robinson: your side
[9:30:49 AM] Geoff Robinson: but essentially EG will not participate in anything you are involved in
[9:30:53 AM] Geoff Robinson: and we will make it known why
[9:31:30 AM] Skew: do what you want man, he spreads rumors and causes drama
[9:31:33 AM] Skew: continue it for him i guess
[9:31:46 AM] Geoff Robinson: he didn't spread anything
[9:31:48 AM] Geoff Robinson: don't be a fucking idiot
[9:32:18 AM] Skew: me/ben/lz all were fine and then he butt in and started giving me attitude and saying ls cheats online and nothing he's done is worth shit
[9:32:22 AM] Skew: and that me being there doesnt prove anything
[9:32:31 AM] Skew: now he's acting like he doesnt care
[9:32:35 AM] Skew: he wont even explain how he feels, doesnt give a shit about us
[9:32:44 AM] Skew: so dunno what u want me to do, but sure make it an EG thing
[9:32:44 AM] Geoff Robinson: I wouldn't either
[9:32:48 AM] Geoff Robinson: if I was dealing with a fuck tard
[9:32:49 AM] Geoff Robinson: who bans people
[9:32:53 AM] Geoff Robinson: cause he doesn't like my friends
[9:32:54 AM] Geoff Robinson: from a fucking lan
[9:32:58 AM] Geoff Robinson: you are fucking dumb as shit
[9:33:02 AM] Geoff Robinson: and I will LET you know how I feel
[9:33:03 AM] Skew: uhhh he's spreading rumors about someone who works for hotkeyit
[9:33:03 AM] Geoff Robinson: when I see you
[9:33:08 AM] Geoff Robinson: THERE IS NO RUMOR
[9:33:09 AM] Geoff Robinson: TO SPREAD
[9:33:12 AM] Geoff Robinson: HE FUCKING CHEATED
[9:33:13 AM] Geoff Robinson: A BUNCH
[9:33:14 AM] Skew: he told ben ls is a cheater and he's gonan cheat vs him
[9:33:18 AM] Geoff Robinson: HE IS LOL
[9:33:33 AM] Skew: right he is, thats my pt
[9:33:35 AM] Skew: someone i hire is a cheater
[9:33:55 AM] Skew: man i dunno why i felt any loyalty to u guys from media days, and u dotn even give a shit how it affects my fucking company or me trying to help him
[9:33:58 AM] Skew: do what u want
[9:34:06 AM] Geoff Robinson: I will

[9:34:07 AM] Geoff Robinson: thanks!
[9:34:13 AM] Geoff Robinson: banning machine and you want to talk
[9:34:17 AM] Geoff Robinson: about fucking "your company"
[9:34:20 AM] Geoff Robinson: you are a fucking idiot
[9:34:39 AM] Skew: why should he be welcome to the lan hotkeyit runs if he spreads shit to eg members that a hotkeyit member cheats
[9:34:49 AM] Geoff Robinson: hey bro
[9:34:53 AM] Geoff Robinson: Lastshadow fucking cheated
[9:34:56 AM] Geoff Robinson: did you know that?
[9:35:01 AM] Skew: demuslim is one of the sickst eu terrans and now he doesnt trust him or probably me because i recruited him
[9:35:06 AM] Geoff Robinson: you want nobody to remember machine losing his wcg qualifier cause he got cheated?
[9:35:12 AM] Skew: yes 4 years ago, a lot of people are helping him work it throughw ith tl
[9:35:13 AM] Skew: and legitimize
[9:35:20 AM] Skew: including me, artosis, entire gg.net, ret at one point
[9:35:21 AM] Geoff Robinson: WHAT HAS HE DONE?
[9:35:31 AM] Skew: got 4th at mlg, go to his tl listing
[9:35:36 AM] Geoff Robinson: ROFL
[9:35:36 AM] Skew: he's done a lot
[9:35:41 AM] Geoff Robinson: "a lot"
[9:35:43 AM] Geoff Robinson: fucking LOL
[9:35:46 AM] Skew: i dont get it
[9:36:06 AM] Skew: why dont u even read what i say? im letting him live at my home, work for my company, im putting everything on the line to help him legitimize
[9:36:14 AM] Skew: and u guys want to cause drama for him and it makes me look bad
[9:36:20 AM] Skew: i was so upset about bryce saying all that last night i almost vomitted
[9:36:25 AM] Skew: and now he wants to call it a wash
[9:58:40 AM] Geoff Robinson: uh
[9:58:48 AM] Geoff Robinson: it was machine telling ben he cheated
[9:58:48 AM] Geoff Robinson: NOW
[9:58:51 AM] Geoff Robinson: it will be a public thread
[9:58:54 AM] Geoff Robinson: where EG takes astand
[9:58:56 AM] Geoff Robinson: against hotkeyit
[9:59:00 AM] Geoff Robinson: and it's horrific decisions
[9:59:04 AM] Geoff Robinson: so you are actually
[9:59:06 AM] Geoff Robinson: completely dumb
[9:59:13 AM] Geoff Robinson: if you wanted it low key
[9:59:17 AM] Geoff Robinson: you talk face to face when we get there
[9:59:18 AM] Geoff Robinson: privately
[9:59:24 AM] Geoff Robinson: instead you went and made a rash decision
[9:59:28 AM] Geoff Robinson: that now HAS to go public
[9:59:32 AM] Geoff Robinson: so your company is about to get shat on
[9:59:39 AM] Geoff Robinson: when it was just machine and lastshadow
[9:59:40 AM] Geoff Robinson: involved
[9:59:43 AM] Skew: i didnt make a rash decision, i had him in a convo with me and ls and he just wants to lie about what he said and disrespect me, so i calmy said 'u can come but u cant play'
[9:59:49 AM] Skew: i know u wanna get all barbarian and shit and defend him
[9:59:50 AM] Skew: i dont care
[10:00:12 AM] Geoff Robinson: I know you care bro :D
[10:00:14 AM] Geoff Robinson: but thanks!
[10:00:22 AM] Geoff Robinson: I appreciate permission to defend my friend