On April 03 2011 03:09 herrmus wrote: Why is mlg the only tournament suffering so much from lag? theres none in dreamhack/gsl/assembly etc but every MLG theres ALWAYS ingame lag.
Are you kdding? GSL is notorious for stream problems, especially the HQ stream.
guess you havent watched the latest gsl games
Korea v The World was indeed pretty good, I admit. Even the HQ stream. But you have to admit that GSL has often been plagued (or plaguuuuuuuuuued) with streaming issues.
Stop with the lies. I have watched almost every match since GSL #3 started, never had any lag at all. Sometimes the quality has dwindled(still better than MLG HQ) but yeah, you can rely on GomTV.
You make me laugh. Not everybody has had them - and probably not even anywhere close to a majority - but lots of people have been known to watch the SQ stream because the HQ stream was just awful, or they've watched restreams because neither of the official streams were working for them.
It's simply a known fact that a lot of people have had issues with the GSL stream. People were bitching about it something chronic for ages. Those complaints are probably what led GomTV to greatly improve things recently.
Well you laugh. I'd rather enjoy the stuff I pay for then sit around and fucking WAIT for two days to even watch FIVE MATCHES. This is insane.
On April 03 2011 03:23 Zlasher wrote: I'M pretty disappointed in JP's Complete lack of knowledge of a player as high level and WhO's won and top 4'd as many tournaments as dde . They're more saying stuff like "well he's got variety of builds" "he plays a lot of games on ladder" as if he's just a Mass ladder player, when he's not, he had like 600 games played with an insanely high win rate and top 5 MMR in the NA server.
It's just frustrating to see, I know djWHEAT has a full time job and can't follow up on every single tournament but JP even does his shows like the SC Center Which goes over tournament results, you'd think he'd have seen dde 's name time after time after time
Tbh it feels like a lot of commentators are saying such... general things. Tasteless and even sometimes Artosis do it, djWheat does it a lot, I think I've even caught Chill saying stuff like that a few times. I mean it always kills me a bit inside, but they sometimes jump to stuff like that when they're out of words and need a sec to find something new to talk about.
It's atleast better than just having a stupid "errrr".
I don't get why they don't play some replays or something from some of the games which weren't streamed... Not usually one to complain but this is getting pretty ridiculous
The stream bullshit was uncalled for, but I don't get all the rage against Blizzard for not having LAN. It's not like they just burned the Koran or something, relax. This is MLG's fault for not being better prepared. They should have a contingency plan for in case Bnet crashes. You can't be taken seriously without a contingency plan regardless of what you're doing in life.
And what I mean by that is perhaps having replays on hand from previously played matches that they could cast on the fly, retroactively. Even if we know the results it would be so much better than listening to their forced time-filler chit chat.
On April 03 2011 03:18 MichaelJLowell wrote: MLG Internet Fail Betting Odds:
3:1 - Denial-of-Service Attack 7:1 - American High-Speed Internet™ 10:1 - IdrA's Tears Flooded the Building
Feel free to add as necessary.
100:1 - Terminator warps in on the main stage from the future
lol that would crash the stream for good.
50:1 Boxer came from Korea and there was such a big crowd to see him that there was no breathing room for the internet.
On another note, i wouldn't care if there were problems with battle net(it's to blame blizzard) but there are so many problems with MLG right now it really disencourages me to watch.
Yeah I got maybe another hour in me before I just give up on this today. Nice day outside.
On April 03 2011 03:23 Le BucheRON wrote: DJ wheat makes Tasteless and Artosis look like 4 year-olds when it comes to filling time. Man, that guy can keep things moving!
You're being ironic, right?
No, i was being serious, Tasteosis is tough to listen to during downtime... luckily the downtime is NOTHING like the downtime we've seen here so far.
On April 03 2011 03:19 Felix_mk wrote: wtf djwheat child abuser
Lol yes. Timeouts are clearly abuse.
Can anybody actually explain that stairs story?
It might be a cultural thing, but that felt quite brutal to me. He kept talking about it like it's nothing though, so I'm guessing there's some logical explanation to it. =p
What is there to explain? If a kid is behaving poorly you can give them a timeout. They even did this in my school for K and first grade. Have a wound up kid sit somewhere until he or she calms down.
Yup, my parents did the exact same thing (including the stairs).
On April 03 2011 03:21 Dougalishere wrote: i just dont understand why blizzard doesnt release a version of sc2 for LARGE lan events that the organisers can apply for to use ? seems much more logical than what they have done
Because a week later the whole world would be downloading this version from some hack site...
thats why i said for LARGE events like mlg /iem/ gsl, fairly certain if they where given a lan version for THIER OEWN use it wouldnt be up on some torrent site a week later.... not giving it to any old event in some1's garden shed
I thought some chinese doods already made a working lan version?
On April 03 2011 03:27 FallDownMarigold wrote: The stream bullshit was uncalled for, but I don't get all the rage against Blizzard for not having LAN. It's not like they just burned the Koran or something, relax. This is MLG's fault for not being better prepared. They should have a contingency plan for in case Bnet crashes. You can't be taken seriously without a contingency plan regardless of what you're doing in life.
They actually have nothing prepared in case of a stream issue. I think that speaks volumes to their competency.