On March 15 2011 21:18 Lann555 wrote:Sigh, Boxer is such a smart player, but his mechanics are WAY underpar to compete at this level. Getting supply-blocked, poor SCV production, 200 energy on OC's..... Man, I feel sad 
I saw him que up 5 tanks in one of his factory D:
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss Boxer in Code A!!!
Zenio Power!
On March 15 2011 21:19 Glimred wrote: Well, at least I now have a reason to watch Code A.
On March 15 2011 21:18 Jimmeh wrote: "A marine comes down, unless it's Boxer himself I don't think he's going to win" :D
Amazing game. Simply amazing. I'm so glad I didn't miss that. Ditto!
Man its too bad boxers macro isnt up to par. His multitasking and micro is so sick that if he would've gotten his last base up after the gold ran out, he probably would've won that.
noooo;( so sad.. really nice gorilla tactics, very entertaining. hope he sticks around and gets into code S again:D fighting~~
Wasn't impressed with Zenio, poor Boxer.
I wonder how many bases Boxer killed
So sad day. The Emperor falls.
On March 15 2011 21:18 ihasaKAROT wrote: Jesus, even now they go on about how he is soooo good. He lost, he got outplayed and outmanouvered. Can Zenio get some credit here? I've always felt like Zenio was a bit of a douche, so even if he played better than everyone on earth I wouldn't give him any credit.
Sad day . Boxer put up a good fight, shame he couldn't pull it off.
BoxeR gives and takes. Bad decisions at times and showing lack of macro when he were queuing units instead of expanding (I feel like he couldn't be bothered with clearing out the ovie at his 3rd/4th to expand there) coupled with great decisions to optimize his small army and great unit control.
respect for boxer! he's coming back! all we need to do is wait!
This gotta be the most sad day of all GSLs =( Next season Boxer is gonna come back crushing.
United States7116 Posts
Boxer seems to have really lopsided talents. Generally great decision-making, great mindgames, great micro, but occasionally way too aggressive (losing 4 siege tanks for nothing) and not the best macro. I think the lopsidedness of his abilities is what contributes to him always showing really long, nail-biting, scrappy games. Ah well. /sad
SO SAD. BoxeR gives so entertaining games it's unbelievable.
BoxeR to win Code A next season.
It has already been decided.
On March 15 2011 21:18 Lann555 wrote:Sigh, Boxer is such a smart player, but his mechanics are WAY underpar to compete at this level. Getting supply-blocked, poor SCV production, 200 energy on OC's..... Man, I feel sad 
Wasn't he always known for tactics and micro?
I'm happy I tuned in for his games, they were very entertaining. I hope he gets back into S asap^^