On March 17 2011 17:34 Doraemon.doraemon wrote: I'd say no more than 15 Koreans... maybe 10 is ideal. It's just if I want to see Koreans play, I'd go watch the GSL. I want the NASL to be more focused on Western players.
On March 17 2011 17:34 Doraemon.doraemon wrote: I'd say no more than 15 Koreans... maybe 10 is ideal. It's just if I want to see Koreans play, I'd go watch the GSL. I want the NASL to be more focused on Western players.
There is another thread for that discussion...
ooops... wow nice videos! hype hype! looking at fnatic's where is sen?!
On March 17 2011 17:34 Doraemon.doraemon wrote: I'd say no more than 15 Koreans... maybe 10 is ideal. It's just if I want to see Koreans play, I'd go watch the GSL. I want the NASL to be more focused on Western players.
There is another thread for that discussion...
ooops... wow nice videos! hype hype! looking at fnatic's where is sen?!
From the sounds of his TSL interview, he is really wanting to put a lot of focus in his final year at the university.
On March 17 2011 06:39 yoshi_yoshi wrote: Awesome.
One thing I don't get though - I thought Jinro/Huk didn't apply because they needed to leave room for GSL Code S. How can the Code S OGS guys do this and Jinro/Huk not?
I wasnt comfortable with the times in combination with playing Code S games, on potentially the same day... Im not sure how I feel about the decision given how many koreans signed up anyway, but my reasoning was that Im not nearly as good at falling asleep at random times as most every korean Ive ever met seems to be (i.e they can play until 7, sleep 5 hours, wake up, play, sleep 2 hours after dinner and just be fine... Id end up with a wasted day).
Anyway, I dunno, its too late to change anything now and I have lots of tournaments going anyway.
Hm... wait, when did they say when the games have to be played? :o I only vaguely remember that commentaries would be made live, saved and then broadcasted at a certain hour.
Gotta say, truthfully I was drawn to the vods of the handsome nerds who didn't have a lot of long awkward pauses, like Artosis, Moman and Grubby and slush. I may be forming some new man crushes here!
Pretty decent english by all of the oGs guys. Glad Huk&Jinro helped them out abit, would be a shame if they wouldn't be trying to get in the league. Nada<3
Damn, oGs guys have good english! Was really impressed with Zenio's pronunciation, good on you buddy! MC's english owns, when he was answering quetsions on HuK's stream, he was actually talking in sentences, not just broken single words. FTWWWWWWWWWWWWW, keen as fuck for this tournament.
On March 17 2011 09:29 Meta wrote: In my opinion if they're picking based primarily on skill they're going to have to pick a large amount of Koreans. Probably 80+% Koreans. I can't imagine being one of the guys who has to narrow this pool down to 50. Why not just start out with a massive preliminary of like 256 in which certain entertaining games are selected for casting, and every game past the round of 64 is cast?
Because it's a league with 10 players in 5 divisions, not a 64 (or 256) bracket tournament.
And they can only "pick" players who have actually applied. So even if the choose to accept every single Korean who has applied so far (doubtful), that'd be 18, not 40 like you say.
If you want to get a good overview of who has applied so far, check Jackhammer's excellent list in the OP, or my list of NASL applicants.
On March 17 2011 12:32 Rasky wrote: When will they say who will play in the NASL?
lol OGS videos are really good , and they speak decent english. Looks like interacting with the liquid guys really helped , and that they are also more confortable with interacting with the foreigner community.
MC videos was the best ( you can find all of them on Haypro's channel. Huk: "Who are your biggest rivals? MC:"Ohh hum.... I think ... now? No rival , me world champion! HUk: How do you stand out from other players? MC: My style? Good attack , good macro, perfect!"
Top video was really cute as well ^^.
edit: lol at zenio: I want to play Idra, I hope to play him to give him one of these: (does the backhand)
Nada is such a cutie ^_^ Thanks so much to Liquid for making the oGs interviews possible. I wonder if the other korean teams will find a way to follow suit?
And strangely the facebook nasltv page puts up VTPerfect as a new video even though it came out some time ago and is in the list in OP now. I'm updating my list on page 51 for BratOK.
On March 17 2011 18:41 Bobster wrote: If you want to get a good overview of who has applied so far, check Jackhammer's excellent list in the OP, or my list of NASL applicants.
Unfortunately mod didn't put a link to my post or to your spreadsheet in the OP in case of future updates. Oh well next time i guess. Still great that OP was finally updated. Really wonder what happened to the person who started this thread.
Updated my list of applicants as well (scroll up to see the latest link).
Some good answers in that video, talking about representing his country, his comeback style, and easily naming a rival/someone he wants to play and meet in the league. Professional conduct.
Here's hoping the NASL guys include him (and some of the oGs guys) despite not making the deadline.
On March 17 2011 18:41 Bobster wrote: If you want to get a good overview of who has applied so far, check Jackhammer's excellent list in the OP, or my list of NASL applicants.
Unfortunately mod didn't put a link to my post or to your spreadsheet in the OP in case of future updates. Oh well next time i guess. Still great that OP was finally updated. Really wonder what happened to the person who started this thread.
Well, nothing we can do about it. We'll just keep updating and hope that people see the lists. I feel bad about spamming my link several times in this thread already, even if it's pretty huge >_>
And this is the final stretch anyway, I don't think we're going to be seeing a lot more applications. WhiteRa supposedly, and maybe another round of Koreans courtesy of Slayers?
Officially, NASL is supposed to inform the players about their application status tomorrow, so there really isn't any time left.