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On February 22 2011 20:13 Zaffy wrote: so nobody replaced idra? so in group b there are 3 players, do the up down matches happen today and do the winners of both groups play each other today?
None replaced Idra. Clide got Bye.
Now it will be easy for the zergbong to take the title
On February 22 2011 20:09 Enderbantoo wrote: Can someone explain how the Group Stage matches work? (set 1, set 2, W1 Vs. L2, etc...) Set 1 Set 2 W1 vs L2 W2 vs L1
Then you look at scores. If only one player is 2-0, he's the first place in the group. There's also only one player that's 0-2 in that case, and he's 4th place. The two with 1-1 play against each other to determine 2nd/3rd, with final scores being 2-0 2-1 1-2 0-2.
If there are two 2-0 and two 0-2, they play against each other to determine 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th and final scores will be 3-0 2-1 1-2 0-3. If there are 4 players that are 1-1, you finish the round robin and then have two players at 2-1 and two at 1-2, where the result in the match between them determine 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th.
I kinda feel sad for whoever made the little crown icon. It didn't get much use at all
On February 22 2011 20:12 Highwinds wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 20:11 Demosthen3s wrote: Who did mvp pick to be in his group? Was it arrogance that formed this group of death? MVP Picked Hyperdub and he beat hyperdub. But Hyperdub's pick of JulyZerg avenged his loss.
I'm not surprised to see MVP knocked out. Sooner or later, he was going to lose in this GSL. Champions almost always get knocked out of the subsequent Starleague, so MVP is just continuing the pattern/tradition left by Nada, Jaedong, Flash, and others. No worries, since he'll be back next season with a vengeance.
It's sad that such a good player got knocked out early, but now it's completely open on who is gonna take it this season, exciting!!~
On February 22 2011 20:14 MethodSC wrote:These busts are to apply pressure, not just to win straight up. The 2 rax were equally unimpressive. As you could see in the first game if the bust fails just go on to a longer game.
Nah that was all-in.
oh man..was MVP affected by the sickness? I feel so bad of the result.
On February 22 2011 20:10 Kokujin wrote: strange, nobody is hating on the zerg all in. HMMM very strange
I'm hating on the zerg allin. And I love July and playing zerg, but it's just terrible that Mvp is out... When I think about it and come to the clue that players like Lyn have a good chance to advance...it's so depressing. The best macro terran get knocked out in the first season we have great maps. Sad sad day. :x
On February 22 2011 20:09 Enderbantoo wrote: Can someone explain how the Group Stage matches work? (set 1, set 2, W1 Vs. L2, etc...)
Game 1 : A vs B Game 2 : C vs D Game 3 : Winner Game1 vs Loser game 2 Game 4 Winner Game 2 vs Loser game 1
The first 4 games are always like this. Then there are 3 possibilities.
First: Everybody has 1win-1loss. This means that it is a round robin which means that 6 games will be played in total and everybody will face the other 3 group members once. Places are determined in the mutual matches.
Second: 2 players have 2wins-0losses and 2 players 0wins-2losses This means that we will have a total of 6 matches to determine who is first, second, third and fourth in the group.
Third: 1 player with 2-0, 2 player with 1-1 and 1 player with 0-2 This means that both players with 1-1 will determine who is second and who is third.
What MVP failed ...., but nice to see July advances.
I am surprised how many terran icons are complaining about a baneling bust when zerg feel the same way about marines. We'll see how far July goes during these season; I wonder if he'll surprise all of us with that slim chance of him winning the GSL.
On February 22 2011 20:14 kidleader wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 20:12 mangoloid wrote:On February 22 2011 20:05 iEchoic wrote: Unfortunately I don't think the better player moved on here. I guess that's how it goes sometimes, though. Agreed. :/ Disappointing games. Didn't feel like July even did anything either of those games to win. He just sort of won. He A) worked out his opponent's most common build B) exploited a potential weakness Welcome to Starcraft. This is how the game develops.
C) He rolled up the ramp at the luckiest time possible.
On February 22 2011 20:11 whatdoido wrote: This reminds me of that time Idra won MLG vs select. Select had no practice vs high end zergs.
I kind of feel like MVP forgot how to play vs zerg ... or something.
Considering MVP has by far the best Zerg in the world training partner I don't see where you're going with this...
Lol, people get so emo when their favorites don't win.
Man that was intense. Sad for MVP... Not ;P July is great but he is rather inconsistent. I hope he will shape up and play at his 100% all the time. We all know that July's weakness is ZvZ so i wish him not many Zergs on his way to final.
everyone gonna buy July meals now for knocking out MVP
I guess MVP doesn't have enough experience defending baneling busts... because Nestea plays too solidly?
On February 22 2011 20:09 The KY wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2011 20:08 confusedcrib wrote:On February 22 2011 20:05 Talho wrote: lol at that artwork, july had a nazi symbol on his chest, wtf Some people need to learn about world religions  The swastika in Hinduism represents the 4 arms that keep the community alive, the male/female monks and the male/female supporters of them. It's not just a "Nazi symbol" It was depicting July Zerg as the Hindu god Vishnu I dunno man...I think that symbol has been pretty effectively rebranded.
In Asia where they actually know what Hinduism and Buddhism are and understand more than one use for a swastika I think it's fine that it was on the drawing that clearly depicted Buddha "The swastika is used as an auspicious mark on Buddhist temples and is especially common in Korea." http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/symbols/swastika.htm The use was more than appropriate and the Swastika is a common sight in both Buddhism and Hinduism, and I mispoke earlier about Vishnu, it was depicting July as Buddha, I was confused because the swastika is more commonly used in Hinduism, I didn't realize it's use in Buddhism was especially prominent in Korea. The more you know.