On February 12 2011 06:08 Uraeus wrote: My German is pretty bad but as long as you know SC2 English words, this is enough to watch and enjoy Khlador's stream. His cast sounds awesome. His really adapts to the flow of the game. And I am impressed by his ability to speak like 156497 words/minute for a good 3 minutes wihtout stopping a all to take his breath.
And btw, a very entertaining game between Insolence and Naugrim on LT just ended on his stream. this He's the German TotalBiscuit xD
Grubby has no unit at all oO
i just watched 7Pinsolence vs 11Znaugrim on LT and that was sick
2basing naugrim was pushed all the way in his nat vs 2base insolence, naugrim haz a roach hydra army vs insolence's mass sentry stalker immortal and the proxy hatch created a really good choke that P FFs. but then Z puts hydras on high ground, gets an arc and gains food lead and P backs off P gets collosi and Z starts corruptors and roaches, wins another battle while his hidden 3rd at 3 kicks in. He pushes again and wins a battle, corruptors start hurting the collos and P starts making immortals. Z makes zerglings over corruptors after a poke, does one more push and gets the P army against a cliff and gets a really sexy arc, zerglings hit the mostly stalker immortal army and win with the hydra arc
.... then i switch to tyler doing 1base collosus wtf xD
Grubby is playing very good
Grubby is forgetting to make units. His army is very small,
Damn, I didn't know that Rainn Wilson is casting SC2!
Grubby's macro is pretty bad
pooling a lot of minerals / gas
If Grubby only had good macro to back up his micro/strategy he could have won I guess, but now he will just lose because he banked 1000/1000.
On February 12 2011 06:13 Tonttu wrote: Grubby is playing very good
Actually he's playing rather bad. His macro is terribad, he hasn't made any army units for like 5minutes :/
Grubby going for a blink in into tylers base and gets a snipe on one of the colossi, so he's still delaying. We'll see if he's able to delay til his economy gets big enough. (trying to delay more with DTs, seems like the brilliant casters didn't see that. )
the English casters just sound confused
grubby is known for basetrading a lot in wc3
On February 12 2011 06:13 Tonttu wrote: Grubby is playing very good
playing good, like losing all his units while just running around in a circle on the map?
So Grubby is sitting at 1k/1k? wtf
OK Grubby's early strategy and micro were fine but... his Macro was really bad, I really don't think he needed those extra gases and I believe he missed many, many probes.