On March 31 2011 12:23 deL wrote:
Taking a poll shows your inexperience, just change the map pool lol. It's the only choice. If anyone complains that these are the maps they have performed on over the season so they should be used in to playoffs, then politely let them know they should admit themselves to the nearest nuthouse.
Taking a poll shows your inexperience, just change the map pool lol. It's the only choice. If anyone complains that these are the maps they have performed on over the season so they should be used in to playoffs, then politely let them know they should admit themselves to the nearest nuthouse.
I realize that I am new as a league admin, but I've been playing in league games for over 10 years now and I've had to deal with admins at various tourneys. Admins has always asked the elite players what and how it should be ran with rules and what not. The poll merely represents the publics opinion, the final decision will come down to me. I feel that as a league admin, listening to the players and people who watch and play the games is very important to me.