On October 17 2010 07:46 thesighter wrote: huk has loser mentality... so dumb to give the win to select. he's going to fail miserably at gsl3 he had alrdy lost his expo, it was over anyway
I hate to whine, but is it right that a player can win an entire tournament literally just by using two units?
This is the probe your probe could probe like
On October 17 2010 07:49 kvn4444 wrote: I think mass recall would have worked there. recall to his main and snipe the cc eliminating scan's down to just one command center.
thats nice hehe
but beside from TLO im a huk fanboi
risking to lose a game of that big importance buy doing what the crowd demands - fokkin impressive
HuK is such a crowd pleaser. May have been a bad move but that stunt turned me into a true fan.
Too bad he can't chat it up once he's in the GSL
On October 17 2010 07:48 Odoakar wrote: So HuK is a baller for practically giving up because he was fully aware he's got nothing against SeleCT/IdrA?
I'm a zerg player but I want SeleCT to win.
Huk just got a new fan. that was awesome, entertainer first, competitor 2nd.
That actually could have worked if he didn't accidentally his own army with vortex, and instead cut selects army in half with it.
On October 17 2010 07:49 Dia wrote:Show nested quote + Hey guys just came from concert, can s1 tell me what happend bwtween nony and select that tere were bo7 and not bo3 ?
s1 tells me  ?
Since they already played and Tyler beat him 2-1, instead of just having to win a best of 3, they treat them as the first 3 games of a Bo7 when they met in the loser's bracket.
On October 17 2010 07:49 bokeevboke wrote: Does anyone like it when stimmed mm tears apart protoss army/nexus/colossi?
Or maybe I am the only one who hates it. Why Blizs do not change that, its so horrible to watch.
Do you not see the medivacs and vikings? Stimmed Marauders and Marines alone are not capable of taking out a competent protoss player who utilizes their army and units properly.
Why are people saying that HuK gave up? Just because he went for a mothership?
On October 17 2010 07:50 nvs. wrote: Fuck people piss me off...
"omg 4 gate, MMM 1a1a1a1a BOOORING!"
"WTF why go mothership he pissed the game away what a dumbfuck"
I think the world just likes to bitch about anything. This.
HuK just didn't want to be embarrassed by getting completely raped by IdrA so he decided to let SeleCT have it since he has a decent shot at winning :D
On October 17 2010 07:49 Gudeldar wrote: Props to Select though for ignoring the crowd and not immediately start building vikings when he heard the crowd roar. He waited until he actually saw it in game
Well he scanned because of the cheer. So he did use it to his advantage... anyone would have though.
To some ppl $2,500 is not a lot of money compared to the chance to please the crowd. Props to huk the real tournament is waiting for u in korea.
Huk was my hero before this but now he is a god...a god who calls to the heavens for a mothership from his impenetrable nexus...Huk is awesome he reminds everyone that video games are also for fun not just for the money...
On October 17 2010 07:47 NukeTheBunnys wrote: i dont care what the results say, huk won
HuK is so cool. No wonder everyone loves him.