On October 16 2010 23:52 drhojo wrote: i miss husky's excitement, djwheat sounds lackluster in comparison.
Yeah, lets add a parrot talking with a annoying voice next to day9. Thats is like Husky next to him.
djwheat's voice is definitely worse than Husky's. I don't care if you like djwheat, but using the sound of his voice as an argument is retarded.
Watch a couple Weapon of Choice casts and suddenly his voice will become one of the best sounds you'll hear in Starcraft. I'm like Pavlov's dogs; I hear DJWheat, and I start salivating for awesome Starcraft discussion.
On October 17 2010 00:01 raidmaster wrote: Holy cheese! I'm actually impressed how well this tournament is organized. I had no occassion to watch the first MLG (and yesterday games) and I'm starting to regret that. All those fancy stuff like: really nice free stream quality, map presentation, cameras following players and of course Day[9] & DJ. Love it so far. The only thing that I'm curious about: where is JP?
yep, way better than IEM last weekend. I especially like to see the players in person and not just the casters and in-game footage. I wouldn't have realized that asians with earrings look weird if it weren't for these cameras
Really needs more commercial variety I'm starting to hate any of their products with so much advertisement of the same stuff over and over and over and over ^ 128.