On March 14 2013 05:17 Glon wrote: Nice job - Takes A LOT of time to write these, so hope it gets a lot of attention :D
This will be my reference for the meta game, as well as a teaching tool for myself and friends of all levels. You guys really hammer out the key points of the build, helped me grasp the new style of zerg in all matchups decently in around 15-20 games. Keep it up and thank all you guys!
From my experience, there are no "Terran guides" because Terran is not a race with which you can follow a walkthrough or a flowchart to win your games. At least it wasn't that way at all in WoL. There is no "tech transitions", "mid-game strategies" to speak of.
With Terran, you choose an opening build (there are plenty of guides about those), then choose a unit comp (and it doesn't really matter what your opponent is doing in real time, you just pick something you're comfortable with, or which is good on the map, or because of I don't know what else pre-game factor you can think of), setup your infrastructure, and then you roll with it because you can't really change it on the fly, and the real show begins. You try to outplay your opponent, which can come from different things: - Hitting certain timings (unit counts, upgrades, etc) - Taking good fights and microing them well - Try to outmultitask and drop several places at the same time, while pushing with your main army on the creep. - Meticulously push an advantageous position, - etc..etc.. The point is, you can't really follow a step by step guide to do all that. The guide is basically "micro well, try to drop as fast and often as you can, macro well and chain your upgrades, and good luck".
Terran isn't really the reactive race, you can set the pace by producing certain units and handling them well, forcing your opponent to defend, and imo there isn't really something that can throw you off in the early game, especially in HotS. If a big aggression comes and you scout it, the answer is more or less the same everytime, you make bunkers, repair and try to buy time for your production to kick in and catch up.
In WoL, Terran didn't really have a late game to look forward to to speak of, so you relied pretty much on your "typical bio-centric army" to damage your opponent enough so that he can't get easily to his lategame dream situation. I'm not too experienced in HotS, so it might have changed with certain mech compositions or lategames, but in WoL I never wondered about "what to do now, how I transition" in the middle of the game. What you have to do is pretty straightforward, you have to kill the guy as brutally and mercilessly as you can :D, the actual problem is to execute it, and the few relevant decisions are maybe "when" (at my 2/2? my 3/3? when I have medivacs out? when I have triple factories?) and "where" (tactical, map dependant, and can't really be explained in a textual guide).
I understand the need and the existence of Protoss and Zerg guides, because those can actually provide some elements of game understanding. With Terran, there is not much "understanding" to have to begin with, except having the urge to kill the guy by all means. You must have a very good tactical thinking and very good control, and that's about it.
And I don't really believe you can reverse Blade's guide to get the Terran side of things. Very nice guide btw, that goes without saying, I just wanted to explain why you might not see a big "Secret Bible of TvP" written by forty blue posters or something.
If you can think of something remotely close to what you would put in a Terran guide, tell me, I would be glad to know if it's indeed guide material or just common sense (like "when he makes mutalisks, try to make turrets, roflcopter").
Eh Zenith I disagree with you. A terran guide could do wonders in terms of going mech, explaining what to do, how to move out, base trade situation, vs x unit comp, etc.
Can explain bio, rax per base, dropping when is it good when is it bad, etc etc. To say terrans don't need or can't write a guide is just silly imo you could write a guide with a BO, explain things and common situations.
Dunno there are ways to write terran guides there just aren't any to write any which is true, it's not because terran isn't reactive.
On March 21 2013 04:31 ZenithM wrote: From my experience, there are no "Terran guides" because Terran is not a race with which you can follow a walkthrough or a flowchart to win your games. At least it wasn't that way at all in WoL. There is no "tech transitions", "mid-game strategies" to speak of.
With Terran, you choose an opening build (there are plenty of guides about those), then choose a unit comp (and it doesn't really matter what your opponent is doing in real time, you just pick something you're comfortable with, or which is good on the map, or because of I don't know what else pre-game factor you can think of), setup your infrastructure, and then you roll with it because you can't really change it on the fly, and the real show begins. You try to outplay your opponent, which can come from different things: - Hitting certain timings (unit counts, upgrades, etc) - Taking good fights and microing them well - Try to outmultitask and drop several places at the same time, while pushing with your main army on the creep. - Meticulously push an advantageous position, - etc..etc.. The point is, you can't really follow a step by step guide to do all that. The guide is basically "micro well, try to drop as fast and often as you can, macro well and chain your upgrades, and good luck".
Terran isn't really the reactive race, you can set the pace by producing certain units and handling them well, forcing your opponent to defend, and imo there isn't really something that can throw you off in the early game, especially in HotS. If a big aggression comes and you scout it, the answer is more or less the same everytime, you make bunkers, repair and try to buy time for your production to kick in and catch up.
In WoL, Terran didn't really have a late game to look forward to to speak of, so you relied pretty much on your "typical bio-centric army" to damage your opponent enough so that he can't get easily to his lategame dream situation. I'm not too experienced in HotS, so it might have changed with certain mech compositions or lategames, but in WoL I never wondered about "what to do now, how I transition" in the middle of the game. What you have to do is pretty straightforward, you have to kill the guy as brutally and mercilessly as you can :D, the actual problem is to execute it, and the few relevant decisions are maybe "when" (at my 2/2? my 3/3? when I have medivacs out? when I have triple factories?) and "where" (tactical, map dependant, and can't really be explained in a textual guide).
I understand the need and the existence of Protoss and Zerg guides, because those can actually provide some elements of game understanding. With Terran, there is not much "understanding" to have to begin with, except having the urge to kill the guy by all means. You must have a very good tactical thinking and very good control, and that's about it.
And I don't really believe you can reverse Blade's guide to get the Terran side of things. Very nice guide btw, that goes without saying, I just wanted to explain why you might not see a big "Secret Bible of TvP" written by forty blue posters or something.
If you can think of something remotely close to what you would put in a Terran guide, tell me, I would be glad to know if it's indeed guide material or just common sense (like "when he makes mutalisks, try to make turrets, roflcopter").
this isnt true...like at all. actually T can set the pace of the game like A LOT. T nearly 100% dominates and dicates early to midgame so obv there can be guides and standard builds. momentarely there is just no high level T player that seems to have fun at writing just a guide, but obv it is very possible. every race can follow guides but these guides have to be very long if you want to give a good guidance and overlook since every race has to adjust to what the opponent is doing and cant just blindly build their BO.
On March 21 2013 04:42 blade55555 wrote: Eh Zenith I disagree with you. A terran guide could do wonders in terms of going mech, explaining what to do, how to move out, base trade situation, vs x unit comp, etc.
Can explain bio, rax per base, dropping when is it good when is it bad, etc etc. To say terrans don't need or can't write a guide is just silly imo you could write a guide with a BO, explain things and common situations.
Dunno there are ways to write terran guides there just aren't any to write any which is true, it's not because terran isn't reactive.
Well, like I said, there are already "build" guides, but not really guides that explain what to do the whole game. Like I said, mech wasn't really viable in WoL and isn't really used right now (at MLG for example), so I can't speak for this style, but I can see the importance for mech of decision making, transitions and all that good jazz. I guess a good mech guide would be welcome, and you can even give it to Flash, Innovation and Mvp while you're at it.
But "transitions" for Terran in WoL? Like, do you have an example? I always hear about "transitions" but you don't really transition with Terran. I don't really call adding more raxes when you get a new base "transitioning", that's elementary macro for me.
On March 21 2013 04:31 ZenithM wrote: From my experience, there are no "Terran guides" because Terran is not a race with which you can follow a walkthrough or a flowchart to win your games. At least it wasn't that way at all in WoL. There is no "tech transitions", "mid-game strategies" to speak of.
With Terran, you choose an opening build (there are plenty of guides about those), then choose a unit comp (and it doesn't really matter what your opponent is doing in real time, you just pick something you're comfortable with, or which is good on the map, or because of I don't know what else pre-game factor you can think of), setup your infrastructure, and then you roll with it because you can't really change it on the fly, and the real show begins. You try to outplay your opponent, which can come from different things: - Hitting certain timings (unit counts, upgrades, etc) - Taking good fights and microing them well - Try to outmultitask and drop several places at the same time, while pushing with your main army on the creep. - Meticulously push an advantageous position, - etc..etc.. The point is, you can't really follow a step by step guide to do all that. The guide is basically "micro well, try to drop as fast and often as you can, macro well and chain your upgrades, and good luck".
Terran isn't really the reactive race, you can set the pace by producing certain units and handling them well, forcing your opponent to defend, and imo there isn't really something that can throw you off in the early game, especially in HotS. If a big aggression comes and you scout it, the answer is more or less the same everytime, you make bunkers, repair and try to buy time for your production to kick in and catch up.
In WoL, Terran didn't really have a late game to look forward to to speak of, so you relied pretty much on your "typical bio-centric army" to damage your opponent enough so that he can't get easily to his lategame dream situation. I'm not too experienced in HotS, so it might have changed with certain mech compositions or lategames, but in WoL I never wondered about "what to do now, how I transition" in the middle of the game. What you have to do is pretty straightforward, you have to kill the guy as brutally and mercilessly as you can :D, the actual problem is to execute it, and the few relevant decisions are maybe "when" (at my 2/2? my 3/3? when I have medivacs out? when I have triple factories?) and "where" (tactical, map dependant, and can't really be explained in a textual guide).
I understand the need and the existence of Protoss and Zerg guides, because those can actually provide some elements of game understanding. With Terran, there is not much "understanding" to have to begin with, except having the urge to kill the guy by all means. You must have a very good tactical thinking and very good control, and that's about it.
And I don't really believe you can reverse Blade's guide to get the Terran side of things. Very nice guide btw, that goes without saying, I just wanted to explain why you might not see a big "Secret Bible of TvP" written by forty blue posters or something.
If you can think of something remotely close to what you would put in a Terran guide, tell me, I would be glad to know if it's indeed guide material or just common sense (like "when he makes mutalisks, try to make turrets, roflcopter").
this isnt true...like at all. actually T can set the pace of the game like A LOT. T nearly 100% dominates and dicates early to midgame so obv there can be guides and standard builds. momentarely there is just no high level T player that seems to have fun at writing just a guide, but obv it is very possible. every race can follow guides but these guides have to be very long if you want to give a good guidance and overlook since every race has to adjust to what the opponent is doing and cant just blindly build their BO.
"actually T can set the pace of the game like A LOT" Well that's what I said lol, Terran is an active race. And yes, Terran can just blindly build shit and be pretty much fine. I'm Terran and I'm not ashamed to admit it, the difficulty of playing Terran doesn't reside in knowing "what to build" anyway.
I can understand what you're saying though. Of course you could make a guide, you can always try to tell people what is optimal. But I'm not sure that you would benefit from reading the guide much, that's what I'm claiming. I didn't expect many people to agree with that, so that's cool . People want to believe in the safety of some approved method and that there exists a smart choice. But in fact, I believe that with Terran, everything you do can pretty much make sense as long as you commit to it and execute it to the best of your abilities.
Edit: I can think of dozens of viable non all-in builds per Terran matchups. Can you think of countless builds for Zerg and Protoss? Nope, because at some point you have to precisely deal with whatever Terran is doing. That's our privilege, like a racial trait :D Good luck fitting all those in a guide and explaining the slight variations between them, fellow Terran players.
On March 14 2013 05:49 Advantageous wrote: Where is protoss? why all zerg?
Because we zergs like to write guides and help our fellow zergs out. Protosses aren't as nice, neither are terrans :D
Terran guide: "Really? Did you watch any of the games at MLG?" Protoss guide: "Do what MC is doing in PvT and PvP and do what PartinG has always been doing in PvZ"
This Zerg guide is required because up to this point, the only strategy I could think of to deal with Terrans or Protoss was to play as good as life =|
Also, amazing guide, I'm bookmarking it and referring back to it whenever I can
I dont think the fact that Korean Terrans were destroying foreign Zergs means that Terran is way more powerful than Zerg right now and therefore they don't need a guide. The average Terran needs a lot of help right now too. I think as a race, Terran strategy has somewhat stagnated. I find it hard to believe that there is literally no lategame composition for Terran to try and reach; I just think that not all of the options have been explored yet and most Terrans are content simply doing multiple drops and timing attacks. It would be a shame though if there was only one way to play a race, so I think its up to Terrans to devise some new intriguing strategies that actually work rather than following one path. For instance, and I have not tried this so its purely theorycrafting, why dont we see more terrans going ghost mech in TvP? The aspect of TvP that makes it very hard for Terrans to mech is primarily the immortals hardened shield which could be countered by the ghost's emp. That said, props to the Zerg and Toss players for devising some cool new strats.
On March 14 2013 05:49 Advantageous wrote: Where is protoss? why all zerg?
Because we zergs like to write guides and help our fellow zergs out. Protosses aren't as nice, neither are terrans :D
Terran guide: "Really? Did you watch any of the games at MLG?" Protoss guide: "Do what MC is doing in PvT and PvP and do what PartinG has always been doing in PvZ"
This Zerg guide is required because up to this point, the only strategy I could think of to deal with Terrans or Protoss was to play as good as life =|
Also, amazing guide, I'm bookmarking it and referring back to it whenever I can
I dont think the fact that Korean Terrans were destroying foreign Zergs means that Terran is way more powerful than Zerg right now and therefore they don't need a guide.
Well, Korean Terrans destroyed 3-0 Code S zerg like Leenock and Stephano, and Life won a lot of his ZvT at MLG by some various kind of baneling bust, otherwise he almost got eliminated by Polt and Last. Two very good terran of course, but Life is actually by far the greatest Zerg right now, the fact that he struggled so much against (lesser, no disrespect to Polt and Last) terran at this tournament kinda tells a lot.
A GM friend of mine likes to open stargate into third and then techs straight to HT, because he says that colossus would be owned by vipers. I basically follow your build with the swarm hosts pressure into hive. Should I go to ultras if I see HT and no colossus? Or should I make an other unit composition.
In the same trend, I also have an issue when the protoss opens stargate, but instead of taking a third, tecks to colossus and then makes a push on 2 bases with 3 collossus, a few void rays and gateways units. It's really hard to hold, at that time I have hydras-swar hosts (on 3 bases). Should I aim for a different composition, or is just my control that is poor?
A last thing, when I use swarm hosts, the first wave of locusts right after the burrow doesn't follow the rally point, they just stay where the sh are. Is there any trick to use them correctly?
On March 22 2013 22:02 Aelendis wrote: I have a few questions, especially in ZvP:
A GM friend of mine likes to open stargate into third and then techs straight to HT, because he says that colossus would be owned by vipers. I basically follow your build with the swarm hosts pressure into hive. Should I go to ultras if I see HT and no colossus? Or should I make an other unit composition.
In the same trend, I also have an issue when the protoss opens stargate, but instead of taking a third, tecks to colossus and then makes a push on 2 bases with 3 collossus, a few void rays and gateways units. It's really hard to hold, at that time I have hydras-swar hosts (on 3 bases). Should I aim for a different composition, or is just my control that is poor?
A last thing, when I use swarm hosts, the first wave of locusts right after the burrow doesn't follow the rally point, they just stay where the sh are. Is there any trick to use them correctly?
Thank you for your answers.
Swarmhosts are so good vs high templar play that roach/hydra//swarmhost will just crush him. Everytime a protoss goes high templar and refuses to make colossi is a free win pretty much as templar are just not a good answer to swarmhosts at all.
If you are facing a 2 base 3 colossi push swarmhost/roach/hydra will kill it, if you see colossi when he's on 2 base and hasn't started a third I would also start a spire so you could add in corruptors later.
The trick to using swarmhosts is as soon as you click burrow you need to move the rally point asap. If you do it to late the first wave will not move and you'll have to do it manually for that one.
A really good and well written guide, which gives important notes to lower skilled players like me (diamond) !
First a big thanks for taking the time to do this, good job!
I also found your replaypacks from the Beta and thought fu** yeah, finally some video material i can use to improve my Hots play but then : " Couldn't load etc...."
As i am unable to watch streams i am looking for replay packs and i was like T_T when it couldn't load your old ones. I already watched the replays from this guide and even those few helped me a lot to understand, what you actually wrote in your guide.
Do you plan to make a new replay pack these days? It would be absolutely awesome ! :D
Awesome guide. I didn't know you made videos until I saw this guide, you swarm host vs immortal sentry all in video was awesome, I've started opening with swarm hosts now. Noticed that they weren't really that useful when you only had like 6 of them but once I started doing 10-13 like you said I like them much more. Would love a few extra replays especially for ZvT and ZvP Good work.
On March 24 2013 03:32 Zheryn wrote: Awesome guide. I didn't know you made videos until I saw this guide, you swarm host vs immortal sentry all in video was awesome, I've started opening with swarm hosts now. Noticed that they weren't really that useful when you only had like 6 of them but once I started doing 10-13 like you said I like them much more. Would love a few extra replays especially for ZvT and ZvP Good work.
Reason I haven't added new replays to this is because I plan on releasing all my korean replays next week which will have more then enough demonstrations of my zvt/zvp/zvz .
Glad you all like the guide :D
Some point next week I plan on adding in a section (muta/ling/bane into swarmhost/ling/bane/ultra/infestor). Also modifying the how to beat late game zvp now that I do know how and all that fun jazz.
On March 24 2013 03:32 Zheryn wrote: Awesome guide. I didn't know you made videos until I saw this guide, you swarm host vs immortal sentry all in video was awesome, I've started opening with swarm hosts now. Noticed that they weren't really that useful when you only had like 6 of them but once I started doing 10-13 like you said I like them much more. Would love a few extra replays especially for ZvT and ZvP Good work.
Reason I haven't added new replays to this is because I plan on releasing all my korean replays next week which will have more then enough demonstrations of my zvt/zvp/zvz .
Glad you all like the guide :D
Some point next week I plan on adding in a section (muta/ling/bane into swarmhost/ling/bane/ultra/infestor). Also modifying the how to beat late game zvp now that I do know how and all that fun jazz.
Fastest OP response ever! :D Just watched your swarm host vs bio video and you really have made me change my mind about swarm hosts. Eagerly awaiting your new version with muta into swarm host!