On February 16 2014 03:49 zerge wrote: You only need 10 drones per hatch+queen if you are going to make lings and overlords only, so with 32 drones you would need a 3rd hatchery.
thank you. I was very clueless how to react vs P, which was on one-base and tried a allin at 9min mark. I was unable to scout him because he played very intelligently at his base (2x Stalker at each corner) against my scout overlords. I just built six spines and won :D
So I was curious about whether viper/neural with colossus and any other massive unit is viable? I can't imagine that one at a time would be able to kill the infestor quickly enough.
On February 16 2014 10:50 greeplo wrote: So I was curious about whether viper/neural with colossus and any other massive unit is viable? I can't imagine that one at a time would be able to kill the investor quickly enough.
you can do it, i guess, but i don't see why you would rather neural an abducted unit than just kill it. yeah you would get some DPS out of the unit, but that would be offset to some extent by the fact that viper/infestor costs a lot of gas and supply which could be going toward a bigger roach/hydra ball. idk, seems like something you can do, but it's more APM taxing for what's arguably not much benefit... plus infestors and vipers are both countered by templar
but by all means see if you can make something happen with it
Help me out with my timings please, I've gotten to the point were my ZvT and ZvP are alright but whenever I get ZvZ I die to Muta numbers/quick thirds/roach timings. Im low masters player, in the replay I am the barcode with the KToooo clantag and the rooster decal (Top Right Spawn). Sometimes I feel I take gas too early, sometimes too late, lair too early etc.
I have the most trouble with ZvZ at the moment with a 45% win rate and falling. I'm pretty much clueless in the MU. I haven't played a tonne since early HotS when muta reigned supreme. Is there a standard build to go for these days, I feel mutas really struggle and I have no idea of the timings for roach openers? I checked out Blades Zerg overview but the build seem way too difficult for me to execute.
Since the mine nerf in ZvT, I see a lot more Terrans open reaper->hellion into banshee (usually cloaked), and I have some trouble establishing my 3rd sometimes, if I'm too late I feel like it puts me behind (no matter if T goes mech or bio after that).
What is the best way to deal with it ? I use to spend my first 100 gas to ling speed, then my 250 gas on ups before getting lair, and taking my 3rd between 6:00-6:30. I feel like the ling upgrades are not needed as fast as before, so is it better to tech lair very fast ? Should I go 2 base muta, then expand, or is there a safe way to get a very fast 3rd ? Maybe with multiple queens and spam creep like a mad man to get a spore there ? Or make a super fast 3rd so I can spore it in time ?
What do you do in the current meta and what works best ? (would like a safe build, nothing coinflippy)
On February 19 2014 02:22 DjayEl wrote: Top Dia Zerg here,
Since the mine nerf in ZvT, I see a lot more Terrans open reaper->hellion into banshee (usually cloaked), and I have some trouble establishing my 3rd sometimes, if I'm too late I feel like it puts me behind (no matter if T goes mech or bio after that).
What is the best way to deal with it ? I use to spend my first 100 gas to ling speed, then my 250 gas on ups before getting lair, and taking my 3rd between 6:00-6:30. I feel like the ling upgrades are not needed as fast as before, so is it better to tech lair very fast ? Should I go 2 base muta, then expand, or is there a safe way to get a very fast 3rd ? Maybe with multiple queens and spam creep like a mad man to get a spore there ? Or make a super fast 3rd so I can spore it in time ?
What do you do in the current meta and what works best ? (would like a safe build, nothing coinflippy)
Thanks guys!
I have been having fairly good success with Soulkey's opening. He goes for lair before +1/+1 ups. Sometimes delaying them substantially depending on what happens. Check out his matches from proleague racewars.
On February 19 2014 02:22 DjayEl wrote: Top Dia Zerg here,
Since the mine nerf in ZvT, I see a lot more Terrans open reaper->hellion into banshee (usually cloaked), and I have some trouble establishing my 3rd sometimes, if I'm too late I feel like it puts me behind (no matter if T goes mech or bio after that).
What is the best way to deal with it ? I use to spend my first 100 gas to ling speed, then my 250 gas on ups before getting lair, and taking my 3rd between 6:00-6:30. I feel like the ling upgrades are not needed as fast as before, so is it better to tech lair very fast ? Should I go 2 base muta, then expand, or is there a safe way to get a very fast 3rd ? Maybe with multiple queens and spam creep like a mad man to get a spore there ? Or make a super fast 3rd so I can spore it in time ?
What do you do in the current meta and what works best ? (would like a safe build, nothing coinflippy)
Thanks guys!
I have been having fairly good success with Soulkey's opening. He goes for lair before +1/+1 ups. Sometimes delaying them substantially depending on what happens. Check out his matches from proleague racewars.
One thing you can do is use the 2nd inject from your natural queen to put a creep tumour down instead, usually this, combined with your 3rd queen, will give you enough creep spread so you can put a tumour down to protect the 3rd base.
One thing you can do is use the 2nd inject from your natural queen to put a creep tumour down instead, usually this, combined with your 3rd queen, will give you enough creep spread so you can put a tumour down to protect the 3rd base.
I'll try this. As you have to take a gas early pretty much all the time in the current meta, you don't have enough income to use all your larvae anyway, so that does make perfect sense.
Gold zerg here, I have a lot of trouble engaging terrans who go mech with an emphasis on thors. I find I outplay my oppenent in the early game, and once my mutas get out I force him to focus on thor prodution for a while keeping the seige tank count low.
Two situations tend to play out from here, the first being I try a roach switch and try and take out the thors + hellions or hellbats, and generally my army just gets owned. The second is I go SH and my opponent is able to build his tank numbers up enough before I get them into a good position, then we're into the stagnant hour long game scenario with SH and spores vs mech, which I generally end up losing, because my macro/micro isn't the best (gold league of course).
So my question boils down to is there a way to deal with thors without getting into the "starve the terran on 3-4 bases" kind of mentality.
Gold zerg here, I have a lot of trouble engaging terrans who go mech with an emphasis on thors. I find I outplay my oppenent in the early game, and once my mutas get out I force him to focus on thor prodution for a while keeping the seige tank count low.
Two situations tend to play out from here, the first being I try a roach switch and try and take out the thors + hellions or hellbats, and generally my army just gets owned. The second is I go SH and my opponent is able to build his tank numbers up enough before I get them into a good position, then we're into the stagnant hour long game scenario with SH and spores vs mech, which I generally end up losing, because my macro/micro isn't the best (gold league of course).
So my question boils down to is there a way to deal with thors without getting into the "starve the terran on 3-4 bases" kind of mentality.
I've found that early pressure such as roach timings+bling busts in his natural end the game quickly before he get's too many tanks out. If he has tanks on the high ground, 10-15 mutas can make quick work of that. If he is going pure mech, SH's are the only thing that can win IMO. You have free units that, if they die, you do not need to replace them like your opponent does. When you do switch to SH's, make sure you have a substantial amount of corruptors (don't forget the upgrades!). He will eventually have to engage and swarm hosts eat up unsieged tanks.
The long games are boring, but you must make sure he cannot secure a third/fourth. Keep SH pressure to the max so he has to stay in that position with his tanks, unless he wants to lose the base. He will eventually starve out while you have 6-7 bases (depending on the map).
Another point is to spread creep as much as possible. Your Locusts move significantly faster on creep, and this will also not allow your opponent to take additional bases.
If you can, watch the Reality vs. SoulKey Proleague game, and you will learn the true meaning of pissing a terran off.
Edit: Take advantage of the slowness of the mech army as well.
is there an efficient way to check what your eggs are building? Alot of times Ill be macroing and end up building an extra ovie or 2 in the early/midgame because I forget if I already started it. The only way I know how is by selecting each individual egg which is annoying, especially if I have to check like 7 eggs.
Gold zerg here, I have a lot of trouble engaging terrans who go mech with an emphasis on thors. I find I outplay my oppenent in the early game, and once my mutas get out I force him to focus on thor prodution for a while keeping the seige tank count low.
Two situations tend to play out from here, the first being I try a roach switch and try and take out the thors + hellions or hellbats, and generally my army just gets owned. The second is I go SH and my opponent is able to build his tank numbers up enough before I get them into a good position, then we're into the stagnant hour long game scenario with SH and spores vs mech, which I generally end up losing, because my macro/micro isn't the best (gold league of course).
So my question boils down to is there a way to deal with thors without getting into the "starve the terran on 3-4 bases" kind of mentality.
Day9 did a daily on Leenock vs mech. Fantastic example of how to kill mech without going slow boring style.
On February 20 2014 04:19 ultrakiss wrote: Greetings fellow cerebrates,
is there an efficient way to check what your eggs are building? Alot of times Ill be macroing and end up building an extra ovie or 2 in the early/midgame because I forget if I already started it. The only way I know how is by selecting each individual egg which is annoying, especially if I have to check like 7 eggs.
Unfortunately not. It is very frustrating but you just have to click through them ><
Gold zerg here, I have a lot of trouble engaging terrans who go mech with an emphasis on thors. I find I outplay my oppenent in the early game, and once my mutas get out I force him to focus on thor prodution for a while keeping the seige tank count low.
Two situations tend to play out from here, the first being I try a roach switch and try and take out the thors + hellions or hellbats, and generally my army just gets owned. The second is I go SH and my opponent is able to build his tank numbers up enough before I get them into a good position, then we're into the stagnant hour long game scenario with SH and spores vs mech, which I generally end up losing, because my macro/micro isn't the best (gold league of course).
So my question boils down to is there a way to deal with thors without getting into the "starve the terran on 3-4 bases" kind of mentality.
I am no higher than you, but I remember having had success a long time ago (like a year or more) with mass roach and infestors with neural against mass thors. Or Thor-hellion that was trendy for a while back in wol. Principle is that roaches will go in at close range (as they have short range, a-move will do this for you) and infestors will stay a bit back, out of fire and neural. As you only a-move with roaches, you can spend all your time on the infestors. Not sure if it is viable today at gold, but I had some success with it back then. I don't play enough 1on1 to face mass thors very often these days... Would be interesting to hear some more experienced players' opinions. If they have a few siege tanks as well I guess it is easy to target the infestors...
Gold zerg here, I have a lot of trouble engaging terrans who go mech with an emphasis on thors. I find I outplay my oppenent in the early game, and once my mutas get out I force him to focus on thor prodution for a while keeping the seige tank count low.
Two situations tend to play out from here, the first being I try a roach switch and try and take out the thors + hellions or hellbats, and generally my army just gets owned. The second is I go SH and my opponent is able to build his tank numbers up enough before I get them into a good position, then we're into the stagnant hour long game scenario with SH and spores vs mech, which I generally end up losing, because my macro/micro isn't the best (gold league of course).
So my question boils down to is there a way to deal with thors without getting into the "starve the terran on 3-4 bases" kind of mentality.
I am no higher than you, but I remember having had success a long time ago (like a year or more) with mass roach and infestors with neural against mass thors. Or Thor-hellion that was trendy for a while back in wol. Principle is that roaches will go in at close range (as they have short range, a-move will do this for you) and infestors will stay a bit back, out of fire and neural. As you only a-move with roaches, you can spend all your time on the infestors. Not sure if it is viable today at gold, but I had some success with it back then. I don't play enough 1on1 to face mass thors very often these days... Would be interesting to hear some more experienced players' opinions. If they have a few siege tanks as well I guess it is easy to target the infestors...
Both Roaches and Infestors require Siege Tanks though... Going Thor vs that is just a missplay on Terrans part.
What are people's thoughts on zvt openings on Daedalus Point? I generally hatch first with quick speed. The problem I'm hitting is when terrans go Rax/fact expand and get really fast reactor hellions. Then they will try diving their hellions into the main past my defenses in the natural. At that time I have an unfinished roach warren and three queens and (could potentially have a spine crawler up as well) but will still lose a lot of drones as my queens can't keep the hellions out. I drone scout so I see the factory and even if if the drone doesn't see it my overlord scouts the late expo. So I can scout it ahead of time and have a few min to prepare for it and react, but I'm unsure what the best reaction would be.