On November 27 2010 08:53 Eishi_Ki wrote: Love the new unit models, amazing stuff!
Also, the Zealot attack sound change is damn awesome, makes the Zealots baller again.
thing that pains me about sc2 is although alot of the sounds are "correct" they dont work in the game. like hydralisk sound AND it's animation. you can't hear it. you can't see it. big problem. so yea. bringing back these sounds is a big thing for me.
Thanks a lot for your awsome work , i've been playing it on battle.net (it's getting quit popular in EU) and it was really a lot of fun . When you fell that you're map is "ready to release" you should really get in touch with some youtube commentators like HD , Husky or day9 to feature it in their shows (like making a showmatch). It would also be cool to be able to play on different maps , but i guess that with the custom map system it's going to be hard :s.
I just wanted to give my deepest thanks to MavercK. I know you've put a lot of work into this, and it is truly appreciated. I love the new models too!
On November 27 2010 10:58 sylace wrote: I just wanted to give my deepest thanks to MavercK. I know you've put a lot of work into this, and it is truly appreciated. I love the new models too!
much <3
and yea Jeetap those are things im working towards
I very much look forward to the H to the Husky Husky video promoting this map. Now it's so close I bet maverck can TASTE IT. I think the new models were he final nail in the coffin for me... I am TOTALLY PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!!
*sent to my sc1 buddies*
MavercK, just thank you for this, man! AMAZING!
I really don't know how much effort has been done for this, but it really paid off (IMO). This arbiter is just fuc-king great! And the corsair!!! Wow!
Can't wait for the defiler! :D
this is amazing stuff you've done!! and by the way i think i'd have a nerdgasm if the old arbiter recall animation was back! that vortex kind of thing, but i don't know if that's really possible for you to make
On November 28 2010 03:40 axwell wrote:this is amazing stuff you've done!! and by the way i think i'd have a nerdgasm if the old arbiter recall animation was back! that vortex kind of thing, but i don't know if that's really possible for you to make  Maybe an adaptation of the Mothership's Vortex can be used?
The map just disapeared on the EU server
I've played those maps a few times, and I've noticed something, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems the mineral gathering is faster than it should be. I find myself with much more minerals than I should during the first few minutes when I'm executing builds ive done thousands times in BW
I dont think that SC2 made me becoem that bad ><
Still good stuff, thanks for the work!
On November 28 2010 10:06 CynanMachae wrote: I've played those maps a few times, and I've noticed something, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems the mineral gathering is faster than it should be. I find myself with much more minerals than I should during the first few minutes when I'm executing builds ive done thousands times in BW
I dont think that SC2 made me becoem that bad ><
Still good stuff, thanks for the work!
it is. i made a change to mineral mining time with some fail logic and it wasn't required. it'll be undone in next version
Oh great, thanks for the quick answer, I'm glad I'm not crazy
Can't wait for the next update. I played a bunch with a couple of my buddies and it's really fantastic! Kudos for doing this much already!
new version going up now. no idea on what bugs it may contain.
Hardcore Mode Additions - Smart Casting disabled on most spells (example. select 4 High Templars and cast Storm. all 4 Templars cast storm instead of just 1) - Spells affected are. Psionic Storm, Stasis Field, Maelstrom, Mind Control, Dark Swarm, Plague, Disruption Web, Nuclear Strike, Lockdown, Optical Flare, Restoration, Ensnare, Parasite, Spawn Broodling, Defensive Matrix, EMP, Irradiate. - Autocast for Repair Disabled - Camera Distance from the Ground reduced from 34.07 > 30 (Default SC2 Camera shows more area than in BW)
New Unit Models (ported from the Warcraft 3 Mod "Project Revoluion) Arbiter - increased poly count. touched up texture. added Normal and Emissive maps. Valkyrie - straight port. already great model and texture. added Normal map. Corsair - increased poly count. touched up texture. added Normal and Emissive maps. (texture is very low quality. needs to be redone from scratch i feel)
New Button Icons/Wireframes Arbiter\Valkyrie\Corsair\Reaver\Dragoon
Temporarily removed Specular mapping from the Dragoon model as it was causing the cloaked-flat-teamcolor-bug, this seems to be an issue with the import/export plugin. temp fix for now Hydralisk Morph to Lurker ability changed so that when pressing the hotkey all selected Hydralisks will morph as opposed to just 1. "Magic Box" size increased slightly. Deceleration Values of Units that have them. slightly increased. (units slow down and stop faster. this does not affect the 0.25 second timeframe where units do not decelerate after being told to attack/patrol/hold position) Reduced the rate at which air units "Spread" when stacked. Changed the way Explosive/Concussive Damage works against Shielded Units. A Unit will need more than 10 Shields to receive full damage from an Explosive/Concussive Attack (for example Zealots can now survive 4 shots from a Siege Tank instead of 2) Fixed a bug that allowed you to research the Upgrades at the Physics Lab multiple times Infested Terran movement speed increased Infested Terran sight radius reduced from 8 > 5 Infested Terran now costs 1 Supply "You are being revealed" mechanic has been removed Broodlings now have a bar to indicate their lifespan Infested Command Center regenerates life like other zerg buildings/units Plague effect radius increased from 1.5 > 3.3 Lurker Den replaced by Lurker Aspect. An Upgrade as opposed to a Building. Valkyrie's attack no longer deals Splash Damage to Ground Units Undid the change to Mineral Harvest time, reverted back to 4.4575 Reworked the way High Ground Miss Chance is calculated - Miss chance is now calculated BEFORE damage is inflicted as opposed to AFTER. This simply means an attack can now miss when being fired at a unit that would die 1 more shot Nuclear Missile reworked. will now deal either 500 Damage or 2/3 of Units HP (Bugged. Validator is broken on Blizzard's End. it mostly works except that it detects Current HP instead of Maximum HP when deciding which Damage to Apply. f.e. a Nexus will survive with 10hp after 2 Nukes. Nothing i can do about this until Blizzard fixes the Validator.) Eggs and Larva can no longer be assigned to any control group at all.
unfortunately i've hit the size limit in terms of map size. adding anything more means it goes over the 10.5mb limit (the map is actually only about 4.5mb but Blizzard apparently dont care for compression) this is a pretty big issue.
Played it for the first time and it was pretty fun! A few things I noticed.
Morphing mutalisks into guardians should morph all mutalisks, not one at a time When Lair is created, only Lair should be allowed to research overlord upgrades, other hatcheries should not be able to research these upgrades Upgrades shouldn't have status bars Consume icon should be in the middle, hydralisk upgrade icons should be switched
Thanks! I'll probably be playing this more sometime with friends hehe :D
wow this is sooo awesome. I played it and now realize how much i miss dragoon
On November 28 2010 13:24 MavercK wrote:
unfortunately i've hit the size limit in terms of map size. adding anything more means it goes over the 10.5mb limit (the map is actually only about 4.5mb but Blizzard apparently dont care for compression) this is a pretty big issue.
wow.. has this been an issue for other map makers as well? what's taking up most of the size?
not many maps have hit this limit. i've been wanting to include music from brood war in my mod for awhile but this limit has prevented me.
basically the reason i've hit this limit is the textures for the new models. normally sc2 textures are 1024x1024, 1mb, compresses down to about 250kb to even be able to publish the map i had to reduce them to 512x512. this wasn't an issue with arbiter/corsair/valkyrie since by default these textures are 128x128 or 256x256. but yea. Dragoon i had to reduce the quality of the texture.
i can still update with data changes. but i wont be able to add anymore models/textures/sounds/etc.
On November 28 2010 17:07 MavercK wrote: not many maps have hit this limit. i've been wanting to include music from brood war in my mod for awhile but this limit has prevented me.
basically the reason i've hit this limit is the textures for the new models. normally sc2 textures are 1024x1024, 1mb, compresses down to about 250kb to even be able to publish the map i had to reduce them to 512x512. this wasn't an issue with arbiter/corsair/valkyrie since by default these textures are 128x128 or 256x256. but yea. Dragoon i had to reduce the quality of the texture.
i can still update with data changes. but i wont be able to add anymore models/textures/sounds/etc.
wow that sucks quite a lot O_o brood war music would be so epic 
but still awesome update maverck!
new version is up on EU