Please don't copy/paste your team in this thread -- it turns into a spam fest really fast. Use the Fantasy GSTL Discussion Thread to discuss your team. Thanks! |
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything, please.
On June 23 2011 04:17 Archvil3 wrote: Can you trade a player worth 1 point or are you stuck with it ? When a player performs well, as well as other factors such as matches remaining, the trade value will increase. If a 1-pointer is performing well, you'll be able to trade the player for sure. Of course, if a player is losing a lot, your options will be limited, as you can only trade for players of lower value.
On June 23 2011 04:47 SlimeBagly wrote: ah, but you get an antipoint for him getting play time... that seems like a silly system. I think you should be rewarded for picking players who will lose, not for picking players who will never play. You do realize your anti-team must add up to a minimum of 13 points, right? Picking players who will never play isn't easy.
On June 23 2011 05:03 Ghoststrikes wrote: "Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them."
So basically, having anyone of oGs this week is a waste of points if I can switch for them starting next week, right? Not exactly. Since the trade value formula includes matches remaining, players on teams who have played will drop in value. So if you get an oGs player now, the player's trade value will remain the same after the first week, while the players on the teams who have played will be affected negatively by having less matches remaining. I don't know how significant this factor is on the trade value, but it means that the player's potential to win points in a week is translated to some extent into points, which then again means that you can trade the player for someone who might be better, but has less points due to having fewer matches remaining. At least that's how I understood it.
EDIT: Also, trading tax should be considered too.
When will Thorzain and Naniwa arrive to Korea? Yes-yes, I know it's a long GSTL season, but if they will miss the half of it, I'd like to know, because it changes a lot of things, and I might reconsider my team selection.
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
They will play the entire season, since F.U won't even have a full lineup without them.
On June 22 2011 16:54 RaizeL wrote:Cheese :DMain Team5 July3 Keen (captain) 3 Kyrix4 NaNiwa2 Qxc6 Ryung3 Sheth2 Taeja8 Incredible MiracleAnti Team5 San2 TheBest6 TricksterMost players I picked are likely to be used in every four man rotation, either as an opening player, or as the one next to the ace. QXC and Sheth I just want to cheer for, plus they are cheap pointwise. No illusions of victory here though. IM should be a good team...Nestea, Losira, MVP, and someone else? Yes! Anti team...San seems to be slumping, and for five points, it should work. Trickster isn't worth six points in my opinion, and TheBest...read my team name. :D
San should not be on your anti team.. hes bound to participate in every single NSHoSeo game.. even as an ace his team is too bad to win the game before he gets in the field as a result he is pretty damn good main team material. same for Kyrix and Sheth
Does anybody know why TSL Sangho is not anywhere on the draft list? I want to put him on my anti-team...
Edit: TSL.Killer...
this is awesome! Enough lurking, I'm joining TL 
PS: where is IMNuts? Does he have another name or am I blind?
Has anyone seen JYP from TSL on the list? He should be there but afaik he isn't. Does he go under a different alias? Thanks in advance.
On June 23 2011 09:49 pe wrote:this is awesome! Enough lurking, I'm joining TL  PS: where is IMNuts? Does he have another name or am I blind? Welcome! When that happens - go to TLPD search on the right and enter the name and the game/scene, and TLPD usually brings you the name, even if it's not the "main" one.
Nuts = Ready (in the list) edit: JYP = Smart (in the list) gl & hf !
Didn't know Huk only cost 1 Captain is DRG other ace is Polt I picked these two as they have shown good skills against all matchups. After his strong code A qualifier showing I decided to put qxc in there as well. Overall I choose players likely to appear. Hero beat DRG to get into code A therefore he must be decent. However OGS is massive. My last pick was actually Sniper. No idea about him but he is on MVP which is also my chosen team to win GSTL!
Big Rocks
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu (captain) 5 GuineaPig 1 Hero 4 Min 8 Polt 2 Qxc 1 Sniper 3 Twilight 4 MVP
Anti Team 3 RainBOw 4 ThorZaIN 6 Trickster
Here are my picks, tho seeing some of your guys' teams makes me want to do a complete overhaul:
Eric's Elite
Main Team 5 Alicia (captain) 3 Frozen 5 GuineaPig 5 July 4 NaNiwa 3 Sheth 2 Taeja 4 ThorZaIN 5 Old GenerationS
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 5 Lyn 8 Polt
Alicia is the Slayers player who often takes the most wins in the GSL, while MMA is the ace, so for 5 points I thought he seemed like a great pick. (And I didn't entirely understand the "Captain" bit XD. Whoops.
Frozen seems to get played a lot.
Guineapig started pretty much every series for MVP last time and took many games.
July is ST's best or second best player. He's gonna see a ton of play, and a lot of wins, even tho he is zerg.
For four points, ThorZain and Naniwa!? YES SIR!!! So happy they're priced so low.
Sheth is gonna win a game or two I think
Taeja seems alright.
OGS is getting a decent amount of depth added to it now, and I had an extra point left over so I chose theme over MVP basically.
Anti Team: Fruitdealer... He hasn't been performing well lately. Lyn is gonna see play and I don't think he's up to the challenge. I think polt isn't gonna be able to handle the GSTL, although he's a great player and now Prime is gonna be playing him every chance they get for the first little while untill they realize the difference between MMA and Polt in terms of GSTL vs GSL skill. Both are talented within their own fields and both are amazing players, but Polt must've practiced his ass off and MMA doesn't let shit phase him... I guess we'll see tho.
People I wish I had picked: HuK, didn't realize he was so cheap and I do believe in him. IMHappy, apparently seems like the favorite pick of so many here
Edit: Wow I clearly didn't understand the Anti-Team mechanics. Oh well, live and learn. So I don't get any points for players that see play and lose?
On June 23 2011 12:20 TheDougler wrote: Edit: Wow I clearly didn't understand the Anti-Team mechanics. Oh well, live and learn. So I don't get any points for players that see play and lose?
Dude, you can still change your team! Hurry up, you only have a few hours. Change your team by going back to the signup page. By submitting a new team, it replaces your old one.
they asked you specifically to not just link your team into the thread w/o some kind of write-up about it. just my "thoughts"...
edit: Wrong thread, my mistake.
User was warned for this post
Berd Nallers
Main Team 9 MC Captain 4 NaDa 1 HuK 1 Jinro 5 July 8 NesTea 1 TheWinD 3 Sheth 4 Prime Anti Team
4 InCa 5 San 4 Clide
Fruitdealer will always have my heart, so i picked him first. MC is just too good not to have, along with Nestea. Had to bring in the TL guys because i love TL <3. July, huk, jinro, NaDa, all cheap good picks. Sheth is a wild card, hopefully he brings some skill to korea.
Anti team, InCa is a PvP God...but anything else is just ludacris. San...Meh. Clide has no bonnie!
I think this teams not the best, Win/Loss wise, but i think they all have proven to perform well at ONE point in their careers...and the people on the anti team have proven NOT to perform well in clutch situations. That's what counts to me.
Did I miss the chance to make a team? I'm trying to figure out how to create one and add players
Oh, or do I create it here?
Team 1 - Creator 1 - Huk 8 - MarineKing 8 - Nestea (Captain) 4 - Naniwa 4 - Gumiho 1 - Jinro 3 - Virus
6 - Slayers
Anti-team 6 - Trickster 3 - Moonan 4 - Byun
Awww =(
the stream's not even working for me (I don't pay, so no HQ for me)
Yay now the stream's working! But... I'd really like that fantasy team... if only I'd woken up a tad bit earlier
On June 23 2011 18:17 TheRealPaciFist wrote: Did I miss the chance to make a team? I'm trying to figure out how to create one and add players Yes, it closed at 18:00 KST.
It occurs to me that the appearance +1 point and loss -1 point will cancel each other out for everyone but the finisher.