Please don't copy/paste your team in this thread -- it turns into a spam fest really fast. Use the Fantasy GSTL Discussion Thread to discuss your team. Thanks! |
First of all, I want to underline that I do think this Fatansy league was a very good idea. 
There is something about the engine of this game/league that I want to suggest.
If someone chooses a top player in the anti team and this player happens to be the most valuable, you will be forced to have him until the end of this league. You have no option whatsoever.
Wouldn't be fair to have the chance to adapt this? I can only change for a better player on the anti team, why not allow 2 changes and if someone wants to avoid the best player he will have 2 good players instead of the best player and 2 bad ones.
Why not allow point deduction?... or double trade and calculate the average of points instead of forcing only one change and 0 chance to change for someone lower.. The way it is makes this game boring.
I have chosen Bogus because I was unware of his skill/play, after watching him I am convinced that I was wrong, it happens we are all humans. Now if I want to change I have no option, how can this game be about understanding? This is more about luck than anything else... Can't you guys make this more about understanding the players and skill levels?
Allow (all)people to correct their bets. Its just a suggestion from a fan.
Best of luck!
Just wondering, is there going to be another fantasy GSTL for this upcoming 2013 season 1?
Obviously there is, though this thread's schedule is soooo off date :D
it says i have duplicate players when i clearly dont
the top scoring team for today is a 20-pointer with:
Squirtle +8 (3x2 win, 1 lineup, 1 team win) YoDa +3 (1x2 win, 1 lineup, 1 team win, -1 loss) Lucky (1x2 win, 1 lineup, -1 loss) Hurricane (1x2 win, 1 lineup, -1 loss) <IM player> (1 team win) <IM player> (1 team win) and IM as team. (+4 4-2)
why does it take so long to update?
If this thread isn't the place for this, who should I contact about point allotment?
Prime got a 4-0 which should be 8 points instead of the 6 I received.
Also when do trades become possible? I thought it would happen after the points have been updated but it is still closed.
Please update ;_; I want to be back in top 10.
I might take #1 spot with my captain Yoda getting 2 wins :D unless some sort of prophet chose Super as their captain
How can I take part in this fantasy management?
Takes so long to update. matches played 2-3 weeks ago still not updated. Makes one lose interest fast.
I would just like to complain and to hopefully be heard by some admin that while the FPL is updated regularly FGSTL has not been updated in a month. I really hope it gets fixed and at the end of the season for both we can see the standings, contrary to all history going away after the final round. I am going to post this in TL+ as well
Not sure what happened with this fantasy league......sucks it hasn't been kept up to date until the end.
Seems to be INnoVation is the only player for Axiom-Acer
where can i find my standings?