Please don't copy/paste your team in this thread -- it turns into a spam fest really fast. Use the Fantasy GSTL Discussion Thread to discuss your team. Thanks! |
Fantasy GSTL Season One
June 20th, 2011 04:52 GMT
Fantasy league. The greatest thing to be born out of professional competition, and possibly even greater than the actual competition itself. Though Starcraft 2 has been out for nearly a year, sadly there has not been a league to which the fantasy formula could be applied.
Now, with the advent of GSTL, all of the couch confined commanders and theorycraft trained tacticians have a battlefield on which they may show their worth. In the past there have always been ways to prove your passion as a fan; now there's a way to prove your intelligence as one. Can you assemble the greatest inaugural GSTL Fantasy team? Sign up now!
How to Play
- You choose 8 pro-gamers and 1 pro-team that you think are good. They will score you points when they win.
- You pick 3 players that you think are bad. They will lose you points when they win.
- Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them.
- The fantasy owner with the most points at the end of the season will be declared the champion. The winner will receive an awesome special icon.
Fantasy Proleague Rules
Team Selection + Show Spoiler +Main Team Selection To start, each Fantasy GSTL participant is given a total of 36 points* with which they may purchase players. With these points, a main team of eight pro-gamers (of which one is your team captain) and one pro-game team must be selected. The captain of your team is the same as a regular player with the exception that they cannot be traded.
The pro-gamers and pro-game teams have been assigned point values based on a variety of factors, including past GSTL performances, number of past GSTL appearances, performances in individual competitions, estimated likeliness to compete in the upcoming GSTL, etc. When pro-gamers and pro-game teams win games in the GSTL, the Fantasy owners who have purchased these players earn points. Detailed scoring rules are listed below.
*These points are only used for team selection. The points used for scoring are separate.
Anti Team Selection Each Fantasy GSTL participant is also given 13 points with which to assemble an “anti-team.” Three pro-gamers must be selected to be on the anti-team. The anti-team is identical to the regular team in all respects, except points scored by the anti-team count AGAINST the owner.
Scoring + Show Spoiler +Player Scoring: Lineup Appearance: +1 Point* Game Win: +2 Points per win Game Loss: -1 Point 2-Game Streak Break: +1 Point** 3-Game Streak Break: +2 Points** Your Player's Team Wins: +1 Point***
Tie-breaks are decided by the team captain's score.
*Point given just for appearing in a match, regardless of win or loss. Only counts once, i.e. if MC goes 4-0, he still only gets 1 appearance point. **Given when a pro-gamer defeats a pro-gamer on the opposing team who is on a two or three game winning streak. Streaks do not carry over between matches; all streaks must occur in the same match. ***This counts for all players on the team's roster, even if they did not play in the match.
Team Scoring: 4-0 Victory: 8 Points 4-1 Victory: 6 Points 4-2 Victory: 4 Points 4-3 Victory: 2 Points 3-4 Defeat: 1 Point 2-4 Defeat: 0 Points 1-4 Defeat: -1 Points 0-4 Defeat: -2 Points
Miscellaneous Trade Tax: -1
Trading + Show Spoiler +Trading Rules- Between each week of games, you may trade players (swap a player for someone you don't have)
- Player and team values will increase or decrease every week, depending on their performances.
- Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value (higher value for anti-team)
- You are limited to a maximum 2 Main Team and 1 Anti Team trades per week
- Trades do not carry over from week to week if unused
- Your team captain cannot be traded
- Each time you trade, you will be assessed a -1 point trade tax
Basic Trading Strategy- Check the schedules each week! You'll want to know what teams are playing (and thus, which players are likely to appear)
- Don't make trades just for sake of making trades, as they cost you trade tax points and you may get stuck with a player you don't want
- The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices
- You must trade for players with less value, but try to minimize the value loss. For example, if you trade someone worth 30 for someone worth 20, next week you can only trade the 20 for someone less. It's much better to trade the 30 for someone worth 29.
GSTL Schedule + Show Spoiler +Week One - June 23-24 Slayers vs MVP FXO vs Startale IM vs fOu
Week Two - June 30-July 1 TSL vs Prime FXO vs ZeNEX NS Hoseo vs fOu
Week Three - July 7-8 MVP vs oGs FXO vs NS Hoseo IM vs ZeNEX
Week Four - July 14-15 Slayers vs TSL FXO vs fOu Startale vs ZeNEX
Week Five - July 21-22 Prime vs oGs FXO vs IM NS Hoseo vs Startale
Week Six - August 4-5 F.United vs TSL fOu vs ZeNEX Slayers vs Prime
Week Seven - August 11-12 F.United vs MVP IM vs NS Hoseo oGs vs TSL
Week Eight - August 18-19 F.United vs Slayers ZeNEX vs NS Hoseo MVP vs Prime
Week Nine - August 25-26 F.United vs Prime fOu vs Startale Slayers vs oGs
Week Ten - September 1-2 F.United vs oGs IM vs Startale MVP vs TSL
GSTL Discussion Thread
Love the banner >.<'' !!!!
Awesome to see this in SC2, glad to see the old scoring system as well.
Yeah banner is great. This should be fun!
United States23455 Posts
I always sucked at the Brood War Fantasy League.
Hopefully can rock this.
Whoa no way; to the the sign-up page! (I wanna pick sea. )
This just may get me to follow SC2.
United States1659 Posts
Yessss! Hell, it's about time.
Oh man, this should be good, definitely some motivation to follow GSTL even closer!
At least now I wont be tempted to pick SongByungGoo as my captain.
Oh man, gotta bring my FPL skills to FGSTL then!
How the hell is TheStc so undervalued?!?
putting guemchi as an anti player...worst decision ever.
So little points oO Also, with the anti team, if someone on your chosen anti team LOSES a match, does that count as a point FOR you, or does it still count as against? i.e. are the values earned/lost reversed for the anti team?
Woot! My first GSTL fantasy sign up :D
Can't put Zero as my captain D:. He's always been my captain... So now I need to pick someone else to never change as my captain... Well then, Polt, you better be consistent :D. Edit: FGSTL is a mouthful haha, my FGSTL team doesn't roll off the tongue like my FPL team. Also, time to check and see the teams performing later on in the season and put their players on my anti, like F.United
You guys are amazing ♥
On June 20 2011 14:58 TerrorMachine wrote: No Idra?
IdrA is not playing in the GSTL.
Haha, DRG is 8 points, I wanted to take him for cheap, but the TL staff is smart :D
Ohhhh hell yea!!!! So excited for this!!!!
So does an anti team appearance scores 1 or -1 ?
I think TL Staff worked out prices very smart...To take 1 expensive 9-8 player the rest have to be low.
Pick wisely ^_^
Braavos36372 Posts
On June 20 2011 15:01 MrCon wrote: So does an anti team appearance scores 1 or -1 ? Any points scored is bad, it's basically exactly the reverse of a main team member.
United States23455 Posts
Pretty confident in my team. I think Prime is still going to use MarineKing as their ace, so Polt, who doesn't have a match-up teams can just snipe, will be doing some work. I also have to pick him after I hyped him up so much.
Also Hero at 1? Freaking steal. He's going to be their secondary toss behind MC, and they were already throwing him out last tournament. Now he's made it into Code A finally by beating DongRaeGu.
Also MVP and Prime at 4 are great team picks.
I think we should make a separate thread for Team Discussion?
On June 20 2011 14:55 Risen wrote: How the hell is TheStc so undervalued?!?
Not gonna get playing time being on the same team as TOP and Supernova
thank you a lot, this is fucking cool.
i've always wanted to play one of those
Some players have trade values that don't match their cost. Is that normal before the round starts? I always thought they were supposed to be the same.
Haha "need one of each race on main team" =)
I wanted to pick DRG so bad... but I have a bad feeling.
Hope this goes better than my BW efforts. At least I can't make the mistake of blind faith in BaBy every single time.
Fruitdealer Guineapig seem to be easy anti-team picks :x
Inca is amazing PvP, I may regret putting him on my anti lol.
DRG sure got REALLY boosted from his LG 3D tournament performance wow :x Not sure if he should be 8, maybe 6 or 7
+ Show Spoiler [team] +
I'm almost certainly not going to do well, because I don't know the players super super well. Went with Losira as my captain because he's a boss. Had to add the foreigners, because I'm hopeful that ThorZain will kick as much ass in the GSTL as he did in the TSL. Oh, and I picked BoxeR because he's the emperor. You can't not pick the emperor.
Why isn't there a F. United tlpd page?
I should've read the entire thing before picking my team lol. Didn't realize we could trade as we go so I didn't check the schedule. Like half my team doesn't play the first week.
Main Team 1 Cezanne 4 Genius 5 July 9 MC (captain) 6 Ryung 3 SuperNoVa 2 TheBest 2 ViOlet 4 Prime
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 4 Maka 5 Zenio
Some wild picks I know, but all the guys I really wanted are worth too much lol (except ViOlet, surprised he was only worth 2). Cezanne impressed me vs Nestea so I think he's a huge bargain. I'm not too sold on TheBest and SuperNoVa but I think they can get it done.
I picked Prime as an upset because they haven't done well in team leagues in the past.
The player values are strange, some of the cheap players seem like remarkably good picks, also I put Guineapig on my main team and believe those of you antiteaming him will come to regret it.
On June 20 2011 15:07 huameng wrote: Some players have trade values that don't match their cost. Is that normal before the round starts? I always thought they were supposed to be the same. I believe the system weights the matches remaining so you can't trade 5's for 5's when some don't play. Your 5 becomes a 5.1 or 4.9 depending on factors.
Please don't copy/paste your team in this thread without adding some analysis or discussion -- it turns into a spam thread where people post their teams. Thanks!
If this is the case can you please create a new thread for team discussion please.
United States33097 Posts
A note on the player point values
It's not based on how good we at TL think they are.
They were given values based on a lot of factors, one of which is what we think their perceived value is to the majority of fantasy owners. We don't want there to be "no-brainer" picks, at least not to a LARGE group of people (you might think someone is an easy pick at X points, but that might not be a common opinion). Basically we want to make it so there's some degree of variety of player choice.
On June 20 2011 15:11 Waxangel wrote: A note on the player point values
It's not based on how good we at TL think they are.
They were given values based on a lot of factors, one of which is what we think their perceived value is to the majority of fantasy owners.
How is huk 1 point and qxc 2 points then? Is it because ogs is such a big team?
On June 20 2011 15:12 darmousseh wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:11 Waxangel wrote: A note on the player point values
It's not based on how good we at TL think they are.
They were given values based on a lot of factors, one of which is what we think their perceived value is to the majority of fantasy owners. How is huk 1 point and qxc 2 points then? Is it because ogs is such a big team? How much they play, consistency, sizing of team and their lineup would all be factors. My team pick-up with reasoning, feel free to criticize im new to Fantasy leagues. + Show Spoiler +Wrapped in baconMain Team3 AnyproI needed to pick a mid-range player that had show decent results so i went with Anypro hoping he does well :D 1 HuK (captain) Not going to trade him away anyway, and he is Code S/doing reasonable 1 JinroHe hasn't won much later but I'm hoping he gets a second wind, haven't seen alot of any other 1pt'ers that grabbed my attention 5 JulyNo explanation, July is July. 3 KyrixSeems to hold his own, and if worst comes to worst ima trade him out if Zenex lose in the 2nd week 9 MCPretty much the Ace, hoping he will win it for me (won over MMA) 6 RyungHe seems to be a pretty baller up and comer and thrives in the GSTL, a necessary pick imo 4 ThorZaINgogogog ThorZaIN! 4 MVPSo cheap :D Anti TeamAll of these picks are pretty much that whenever I've watched them I haven't being inspired and they don't give me much confidence in them. 4 Clide3 RainBOw6 Trickster
I don't think the boxer pick is too good of a pick, I thought he doesnt participate in the team leagues? And rather lets the rest of the team get experience in playing?(though of course I suppose he should still be an option to select).
How many players are there in FU? I could only find 4^^ I will be cheering for them anyway.
United States33097 Posts
On June 20 2011 15:12 darmousseh wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:11 Waxangel wrote: A note on the player point values
It's not based on how good we at TL think they are.
They were given values based on a lot of factors, one of which is what we think their perceived value is to the majority of fantasy owners. How is huk 1 point and qxc 2 points then? Is it because ogs is such a big team?
It's a combination of factors. In this case. QXC was given two points because he's one of the best players on FXO, and we think he's likely to play in most of their matches (and thus is more likely to score points). For Huk, we're not sure how often he will play given oGs' team depth.
I'm going to stop answering questions on our player point values though, it's giving away too many hints
On the roster page, the player links take you to the BW pages for the players, not the SC2 ones which is kind of annoying.
Also, I'm certain that I didn't pick MarineKing as my captain because I selected MMA instead but it's possible that I just somehow accidentally scrolled my mouse wheel in that field and didn't notice it on the confirmation screen which I of course didn't check. Hopefully he'll do well this season!
Named my team "Con's cons" and it was trimmed to "Con". (not a problem, just so you know)
+ Show Spoiler +
Curious is my secret weapon, as he has consistently been #1-2 zerg for the last month. Guineapig as a random cannot be sniped by someone like MMA TvZ, or MKP TvT. Hero knocked out DRG. Min needs to win for his uncle. (lol <3) Ganzi is just amazing and trained really well as a zerg sniper for slayers last GSTL. Gumiho and Monster are both pretty cheap but solid.
Guys get oGsHero, he is such a steal at 1 point, beat DRG recently for qualify for code a.
you can change your picks as many times as possible before the start of the season.
thankyou so much for this!! have been waiting for something like the old one to come out :D
TSL getting a ridiculous amount of hate in the anti-teams, including my own.
So how do anti-teams work? Do you get opposite points (-2 if the player wins, +1 if he loses, etc.)?
On June 20 2011 15:13 luckybeni2 wrote: How many players are there in FU? I could only find 4^^ I will be cheering for them anyway. At least 5 that I can think of; Lyn, Moon, SocceR, Thorzain & Naniwa.
Main Team 9 Bomber (captain) 1 HuK 1 Jinro 9 MC 2 MOoNan 4 NaNiwa 2 Qxc 3 Sheth 5 Old GenerationS
Anti Team 5 GuineaPig 5 Lyn 3 RainBOw
I obviously have the whole "foreigner fighting" thing going here + MC + Bomber lolol. I figure that these players should get quite a lot of appearances (maybe not so much HuK and Jinro, but they're badass nonetheless). oGs seems to be getting better and was already quite solid imo.
I'm gonna try to not trade :D
You realize that you went 5 over on the anti-team right? And I really would like you to explain having Alicia and MMA on your anti-team.
On June 20 2011 15:17 FairForever wrote: So how do anti-teams work? Do you get opposite points (-2 if the player wins, +1 if he loses, etc.)? Nothing if they lose. Mirrored points if they win (positive mirrored to negative).
Make sure you don't have a good ace player in your anti-team. Fucking Horang2 killed me this season.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
Please stop copy pasting your team in here
United States10328 Posts
lolol team leagues <3
hopefully I do better in this than in FPL, since I know nothing about GSTL other than some players win games pretty often 
lol @ the people posting just their teams -_-
EDIT: NINJA'D SO HARD BY ARES T_____T I WAS JUST GONNA REPORT THEM TOO (and then the post I reported disappeared lolololol)
Main Team 5 Alicia + Show Spoiler +Slayers clan picks are high value, since their team performs quite well which can give +1 points just for each round. Alicia is their best protoss and many maps favor protoss's as well. He should see plenty of play time and get a decent win rate. 3 Keen + Show Spoiler + for 3 points he is too high value of a pick for just 3 points, nuf said 4 NaNiwa + Show Spoiler +Difficult to pick, might be an emotional pick, since the coach may not want to put out the foreigners often, but Naniwa just has a great style of play for the GSTL in my opinion 6 Ryung (captain) + Show Spoiler + Same with Alicia, high value for his team name, and has shown strong results when gameplanning situations 3 Seed + Show Spoiler +He is IM's protoss sniper for sure, extremely great value given his performance last few GSTL's, and he plays for IM so should garner points there as well 4 Squirtle + Show Spoiler + Doesn't get enough credit for his team, which usually puts him out so he gets play time, and is a strong player who gets put out often, since he's nto the best on his team, but a great starter 2 ViOlet + Show Spoiler +He's a great player, 2 points is too high value, and he's on a good team 3 Virus + Show Spoiler + strong 3 point player as well. 6 SlayerS + Show Spoiler +IM costs too much, but Slayers is about right, and fair value, its either them or MVP for best team to pick for value
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer + Show Spoiler +Dude..FD is terrible, I called him losing to Thorzain in TSL, He's shown zero performances since his GSL win which was open season 1 and really proves nothing a year later. For 4 points he's instant anti 5 GuineaPig + Show Spoiler + I got to have a 5 pointer in anti team, and guineapig is an average player at best. Pretty easy anti team pick 4 InCa + Show Spoiler + He's always been completely all-in against Terrans, and a PvP bonjwa. His PvZ is absolutely god awful, but I would never expect to see him string more than 1 win at a time in GSTL, if he's even picked to snipe a protoss. For 4 points, he rounds out the team.
All my explanations in spoiler tags, read them if you so choose.
This sounds like so much fun. Going to give it a shot!
edit: removed team. This whole thing is going to make the games even more intense to watch. I love it.
Since FXO only plays first five weeks and FU only plays last five weeks, this could be a serious problem for the anti-team. Especially since you can't actually get points from the anti-team, so you would completely minimize loss just by trading at the midpoint mark.
How do people feel about GuineaPig? I worry, because he is a random player so I feel he will be outmatched in long games, but he can take short wins.
I think he has to be the biggest risk/reward player out there.
this is so cool, just pick my team :D
For those of you who picked Naniwa OR Thorzain, why did you pick one over the other?
Really curious since I was struggling with this decision. I know the two of them will probably play great this year, but when I had to pick of a Bo1 player, Naniwa just felt safer to me. Kinda doubting leaving Thorzain off my team though...
I put horang2 on my anti team in FPL. Lets hope InCa is going to do worse or im going to get -87 again.
i think GPs a solid pick but i dont like his name so boooo
On June 20 2011 15:19 Ares[Effort] wrote:Please stop copy pasting your team in here
Huh...thought we were allowed to if we explain about the players on our team n stuff
DEMACIA6550 Posts
Do you see anyone else but yourself explaining their choices?
United States10328 Posts
On June 20 2011 15:23 Zlasher wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:19 Ares[Effort] wrote:Please stop copy pasting your team in here Huh...thought we were allowed to if we explain about the players on our team n stuff
yes, you are
I see a lot of people picking GuineaPig, either in their main team or their anti-team. I personally picked him in my main team because his results in the GSTL so far, if my memory serves me correctly, have been rather well.
A really low amount of points though, it took me quite a while before I managed to get it down enough so submit my team, and that's only because soccer is 1 point.
+ Show Spoiler + Most of my picks are players I like to see, the exceptions being Polt (also my captain, I may not like him much but he seems to be damn good, and really consistent after I read up a bit on his results and winrates. I did not know this before the super tournament, to be honest.)
I think a team made of Lyn, Moon, Thorzain, Naniwa and Soccer can do really well, I can see them taking many matches, to be honest. Was it also confirmed they'd get another foreigner? I'm not sure, but I think I read that somewhere.
Line I picked mainly because I didn't have a ZENEX player. Looked good in the super tournament, though. We'll see!
On June 20 2011 14:58 TerrorMachine wrote: No Idra?
I don't think EG has ever participated in GSTL.
Anyway.. GL everyone Broken Super Duper Scooters will prevail!
DRG dominated in the last GSTL and won the LG3D thing. He is totally my captain. (I do not care if he didn't make Code A, he is still great)
United States23455 Posts
Pro tip: Stick clear of the F.United guys.
They don't play for the first six weeks, so if you pick them you're basically getting 0 points for six weeks.
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu awesome team ace 1 Gerrard wildcard 1 HuK <3 HuK 3 Keen amazing ceremonies, good code A preformance 9 MMA (captain) awesome team ace 4 NaNiwa one of strongest in his team 2 Qxc nice play in qualifiers 2 Taeja well, all killed a team before 6 SlayerS
Anti Team 3 Anypro don't like his style 4 Maka never really liked him 6 Trickster 
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Holy sexy! y'all best watch out for team MAX-FLY, they are going to be the next big thing! It is all about just randomly picking people and hoping they somehow do great! Skill-less picks for the win!
Guys...imagine if oGs wins Huk and MC ceremony I bet they would plan something hilarious.
I want to spend more points ... so many good players. I chose MC for captain because he has such a showmaker-personality and plays very good games (see dreamhack) and somehow a lot of foreigner (they were low points)
Main Team 2 Ace 1 HuK 1 Jinro 9 MC (captain) 4 NaNiwa 6 Ryung 3 Sheth 4 ThorZaIN 6 SlayerS
Anti Team 4 Curious 5 GuineaPig 4 GuMiho
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Hong Kong853 Posts
Ryung is definitely a good pick IMO!
MMA really needs a new TLPD picture.
United States33097 Posts
Whoop sorry, we changed the rules for this thread.
The response was bigger than we expected, and we realized there should be a separate discussion thread for people to talk about their teams.
Any news on when team icons are going to be available for sc2?
Idra's not in Korea, so he's not part of GSL.
EDIT: Removed team and discussion, only just saw rules change. Sorry!
I thought you usually get +1 if your anti loses? Otherwise there's no incentive to pick anyone who usually plays and everyone would just pick players who would never appear.
This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make...
Oh sick.....I'm signing up now..This is going to be awesome.
Since the anti-team never gives you positive points, the FU players should all be worth 0 right now, since they don't play during the first five weeks.
I´m definatly trying this 
Captain Nestea will do it for me.
Main Team 2 Ace 4 Curious 5 GanZi 1 HuK 9 MVP 8 Polt (captain) 2 Puzzle 1 SocceR 4 Prime
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 3 Sheth 6 Trickster
I feel like this is an overall solid team. I think that polt should be thrown around alot and MVP is always solid. Soccer looks promising from code a qualifiers and ace performs pretty well in the team league. Huk is an animal <3, and ofcourse, puzzle has been hyped for a while as zenex's best player. I feel like curious is a decent zerg for being 4 points and Ganzi is thrown around alot too. I chose fruit and tester as my anti team because they usually underperform and i chose sheth because i honestly dont expect much from him in korea.
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United States23455 Posts
On June 20 2011 15:31 Kavas wrote: I thought you usually get +1 if your anti loses? Otherwise there's no incentive to pick anyone who usually plays and everyone would just pick players who would never appear.
If you don't get points for players losing on your anti-team, then all you would have to do is fill your team with F.United players for the first half of the season. Then, when they start playing, trade all your F.United players for FXO players. You would suffer no loss at all.
Oh my this will be fantastic, great to see Fantasy teams crossing over to SC2 as well :D
This should be really fun  my team is going to own
On June 20 2011 15:33 Fionn wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:31 Kavas wrote: I thought you usually get +1 if your anti loses? Otherwise there's no incentive to pick anyone who usually plays and everyone would just pick players who would never appear. If you don't get points for players losing on your anti-team, then all you would have to do is fill your team with F.United players for the first half of the season. Then, when they start playing, trade all your F.United players for FXO players. You would suffer no loss at all.
That's exactly it - -. If you can only get 0 or negative points for setting up an anti, might as well just put a bunch of players you know will never appear.
On June 20 2011 15:17 BLinD-RawR wrote:you can change your picks as many times as possible before the start of the season.
How (I honestly can't figure it out D: ).
edit: sorry! didnt read the warning!
On June 20 2011 15:36 Kavas wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:33 Fionn wrote:On June 20 2011 15:31 Kavas wrote: I thought you usually get +1 if your anti loses? Otherwise there's no incentive to pick anyone who usually plays and everyone would just pick players who would never appear. If you don't get points for players losing on your anti-team, then all you would have to do is fill your team with F.United players for the first half of the season. Then, when they start playing, trade all your F.United players for FXO players. You would suffer no loss at all. That's exactly it - -. If you can only get 0 or negative points for setting up an anti, might as well just put a bunch of players you know will never appear.
that's the point man you couldn't get up to 13 if they never play anyways
I so excited for this. I love fantasy football, and mixing that with Starcraft is amazing.
Sorry, edited my initial copy paste when there was no warning, posted and only than say the new thread.
Anyway, this is awesome, hopefully we get team banners for SC2 section now.
I notice someone on the previous page picked gerrard, is he even going to be playing ever ? i thought he was just the prime teams coach.
Team Awesome
+ Show Spoiler +Team AwesomeMain Team4 Clide+ Show Spoiler + CLIIIIDE, he feels good if you compare his skill to the point value, clide have been showing good matches and I hope that he will burst out and start winning those close matches vs the top top players 4 GuMiho+ Show Spoiler + Showed good games in the last GSTL + he qualified for the GSL now so he's on fire, he will play an important roll in the fOu matches 4 NaNiwa+ Show Spoiler + Hoping that Naniwa can be the ace player for F.United + he's a foreigner so  8 Polt (captain) + Show Spoiler + Obvious choice to have this heavy prime killer as captain, he will wreck up the GSTL now when he got a big confidence boost from winning the Super Tournament 2 Qxc+ Show Spoiler + Finished with School, only focusing on Sc2 now and apperantly played a rly good game vs DongRaeGue in the GSL Qualifiers. I have a feeling that he will be the key player in the FXO roster, him and Sheth 3 Sheth+ Show Spoiler + Sheth is one of my favorite players so had to have him in the roster, he will also play a key role in FXO's preformance in this GSTL. Want to see some All-kills now Sheth! 3 SuperNoVa+ Show Spoiler + Supernova is rly rly good, I feel that he lacks confidence in his play. He does not believe in himself and I think that he needs to overcome that in order to fully burst as a player and rly wrecking up the GSL Scene 4 ThorZaIN+ Show Spoiler + Foreigner Biased but also Thorzain is one of the best players when he plays at his max level. It's just a question if he can play at that level and with the Korean training routine I think he will 4 Prime+ Show Spoiler + Top 4 in the super tournament had 2 Prime players. Terran are doing awesome in the GSL so I think with Polt and Marineking, the prime team will do great in this GSTL. I have high hopes in the prime team. They also have HongUn and he's a rly good sniper player as he can do some funky 2 base pushes that are made to snipe the top players, same goes for AnyPro. Anti Team7 aLive+ Show Spoiler + I feel that he's a bite overrated and I dont rly like him at all so just picked him cause I think that he will do poorly from now on 4 Curious+ Show Spoiler + No real reason why I took Curious but just a feeling that he will do bad  6 Ryung+ Show Spoiler + He got a good TvT but lacks skill in TvP and TvZ, I think that he's a good terran sniper but can easily get stomped by other races. Also his TvT is not the absolute best, prob the most overrated SlayerS player!
First time doing this so will see how it goes! Rly pumped for this GSTL in general :D
The problem with F.united to FXO trades is that you don't know how the trade values will be affected.
It specifically says trade values depend on remaining games... so FXO players will have 0 trade value when they have no games left... which means you can't trade them for anyone.
In other words, it is actually terrible to pick up FXO players entirely. After week 5 you can't trade them anymore.
I doubt you can get away with picking up f.united for the first 5 weeks and then trading to FXO for the anti-picks. The trade value system will make it so that it will be impossible. I certainly won't test it, but good luck to those that do.
Is there any indication of how trade values will change on a weekly basis? How much emphasis games remaining will have? Anything like that?
Where's ZeNeX Zero on the list?
On June 20 2011 15:51 yks wrote: Where's ZeNeX Zero on the list? iirc, he's Zenex Puzzle
Soccer at 1 point may be a bit too good. He's already on a small team so he's likely to see a lot of play. Almost everyone else on a small team is worth 2+ points. That's not even considering that he's now in Code A and is looking pretty good.
Oh my god.
I've already spent like half an hour deciding on my team based off of potential and performance. This is hard as hell.
I'm pumped.
United States1770 Posts
I'm a bit confused how this system works (sorry, I feel a bit slow)
I'm used to fantasy football but how does it work here with not every team playing that week?
so... take this week for example: (1st week) Week One - June 23-24 Slayers vs MVP FXO vs Startale IM vs fOu
you assemble your fantasy team with using only those teams? and then trade them off for players that play in week 2 and so forth? and then for the anti-team, just chose players that won't play that week?
Canada409 Posts
"Need one of each race on main team!"
What's the reason for that? T______T
wow that was way harder making a team then I thought it would be, I'm already regretting my main pick because I think some more mid point players would of been better. Is there no editing it now that it's submitted even though GSTL hasn't started?
btw: Is this the "old" style of the games with all-kill and such things or more like the first pro league rounds with 1on1s and possibly ACE?
On June 20 2011 15:59 Scrandom wrote: wow that was way harder making a team then I thought it would be, I'm already regretting my main pick because I think some more mid point players would of been better. Is there no editing it now that it's submitted even though GSTL hasn't started?
Click on the signup link in the OP again and you can change your team while the signups are still open.
On June 20 2011 15:59 Scrandom wrote: wow that was way harder making a team then I thought it would be, I'm already regretting my main pick because I think some more mid point players would of been better. Is there no editing it now that it's submitted even though GSTL hasn't started?
Just go back to the create a team page and make a new one, it will tell you that it will overwrite your old one if you make a new one.
MMA MMA MMA Best GSTL player hands down
On June 20 2011 16:00 Geisterkarle wrote: btw: Is this the "old" style of the games with all-kill and such things or more like the first pro league rounds with 1on1s and possibly ACE? "old" style.
On June 20 2011 16:01 syntox wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 15:59 Scrandom wrote: wow that was way harder making a team then I thought it would be, I'm already regretting my main pick because I think some more mid point players would of been better. Is there no editing it now that it's submitted even though GSTL hasn't started? Click on the signup link in the OP again and you can change your team while the signups are still open.
Perfect, thank you.
awesome, just signed up <3
On June 20 2011 15:53 Kavas wrote:iirc, he's Zenex Puzzle
Thank you.
Small question, is it like football fantasy teams where the captain scores double points and cannot be traded? Or is he only a guy that cannot be traded with no other bonus?
signed up, never participated in the broodwar fantasy league but i'm sure as hell i'm gonna like this and find it entertaining D:
Signed up, I don't know who anybody on my team is!
Go Squirtle!
haha, would be hilarious if a one point guy who most poeople choose as anti, goes on to ace 2 teams rofl! :D
would have like negative 40 points :D
This is actually going to make me follow the games on a regular basis now =D Too bad I don't know how well the players on my team have performed lately =\
Looks good, nice work guys.
I'm assuming that this team league will be a winner stays on format like SWL and previous GSTLs? Can I get a confirmation on this, because if it is "new players each map" format then it changes the way you pick your teams drastically.
Hey where's flash! :p.
So happy this is starting for sc2
Edit: I'm stupid and can't read mod warnings.
This should be a ton of fun though, thanks for hosting this. Hopefully I'll be better at this than I am at liquibets. :\
So.. do you get points when an anti team member loses?
Is there a way to access your team without going through this thread?
great....teamliquid is going to suck up my time even more
On June 20 2011 16:32 travis wrote: So.. do you get points when an anti team member loses?
dont think so. I think they just make us lose points =(
some tips when choosing:
1. think about lineup appearance! Nestea is fking great but he rarely shows up!
2. Think about your main team Team and also the players of a specific team. You can choose all IM members and make bank if they go to the finals, but you will screw yourself if they get eliminated early!
3. Try to max out on your points.
It's really hard to pick only 36 points worth of players and still have a good team. You just can't have 2 powerhouses and still a reasonnable lineup
Fantasy leagues.....one of the best inventions ever to be produced by the internet =)
awesome this will be so fun :D
*edit* sorry, deleted after mod note about copy/pasting team.
Wait. You don't get points if your team wins?
Some questions that remain to me: (and sorry if it may be obvious from other fantasy-leagues, i did not participate in those)
1. Like travis asked:
You said a player on the anti-team is the exact opposite of a player on my team, does that have all the implications that come along with it, i.e. if he loses i get +points? Or if his team wins i get -points ? Or do is simply aim for players that are not likely to appear? Why risk him winning when the chances of him playing are simply next to none?
2. Trading:
I can trade betweens weeks, but only for a player who is a point below the player i want to get rid of. Is it common in bw-fantasy league to use all my trades per week for players that participate? I mean its awesome to be able to change alot, but due to the points-deterioration my team will get "worse" (on paper) each week. Just how much do individual value of players change?
If we take a bomber (9), who wins his first 2 matches, does that make him a (10/11) in the next week? Is there a ceiling for individual player points?
Sorry if these are dumb questions...i'm just trying to figure out which way to go :X
On June 20 2011 16:37 Opera wrote:It's really hard to pick only 36 points worth of players and still have a good team. You just can't have 2 powerhouses and still a reasonnable lineup  Yeah you can. I have Bomber, MVP, sC and Keen all on the same team rofl.
Team Redundancy Team is going for the cup, I think we got this. Anti team is MVP killer and Bomber, yes I have balls of steel.
This is great, gonna build the best team ever!!!
On June 20 2011 17:05 MechKing wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 16:37 Opera wrote:It's really hard to pick only 36 points worth of players and still have a good team. You just can't have 2 powerhouses and still a reasonnable lineup  Yeah you can. I have Bomber, MVP, sC and Keen all on the same team rofl.
I guess you can but thats not a full roster meaning that you have less opportunities to score. There isn`t a guarantee that those guys will even go out so you could end up not getting any points but still having the stronger lineup
On June 20 2011 17:05 MechKing wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 16:37 Opera wrote:It's really hard to pick only 36 points worth of players and still have a good team. You just can't have 2 powerhouses and still a reasonnable lineup  Yeah you can. I have Bomber, MVP, sC and Keen all on the same team rofl. Yup, Got MMA, MC and Keen on mine. Interestingly, Huk cost 1 point but I don't know if he'll play.
So wait, can't I just choose anti-team people that we will probably never see?
Im confused so a lot of people are saying that you dont have to get a full roster is this true? Because I`m having a hard time getting MMA plus anybody over 4 points to get a full roster
ive gambled and put HuK in my team, im hoping he cleans up Dreamhack and does well in the next GSL so that he will get some game time!!
On June 20 2011 14:54 yeti wrote:At least now I wont be tempted to pick SongByungGoo as my captain.
I feel your pain brother XD
ive never played this before, can someone explain what is anti team?
edit nvm i read it. soo we pick people that arent good? is that the idea?
On June 20 2011 17:45 mints wrote: ive never played this before, can someone explain what is anti team?
edit nvm i read it. soo we pick people that arent good? is that the idea?
you pick people that are good but you think they're gonna loose. so you win moar points :D
hmmm how can you have MMA and MC? i just struggled to have polt and marineking in, and it didnt work out. you must have a ton of 1 point players then if i'm not mistaken.
On June 20 2011 17:54 Semtext wrote: hmmm how can you have MMA and MC? i just struggled to have polt and marineking in, and it didnt work out. you must have a ton of 1 point players then if i'm not mistaken.
yeah if you had two 9 pointers that leaves 18 points across 7, so at best 4x3 and 3x2
OH SHIT. GSTL-based SC2 PL?! You've gotta be kidding me, I'm gonna screw this up bigtime!
Oops wrong thread, my apologies.
On June 20 2011 17:26 Cyber_Cheese wrote: So wait, can't I just choose anti-team people that we will probably never see? Yeah, I really don't understand what the motivation to pick a player who is likely to appear is. Is it impossible to gain points with the antiteam, since the point lost from the appearance are counteracted by the point gained from them losing? Thus you should just pick a player who will never appear (Cella, for example) right?
"Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value"
Does this also include anti team trades? Or are they reverse in that aspect?
On June 20 2011 17:01 Kavas wrote: Wait. You don't get points if your team wins? Did you miss the "Team Scoring" section?
On June 20 2011 18:17 Slin wrote: "Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value"
Does this also include anti team trades? Or are they reverse in that aspect? Higher only for anti-team.
On June 20 2011 16:34 AnxiousHippo wrote: Is there a way to access your team without going through this thread? Features / Fantasy / GSTL (or bookmark it!)
Anti-Team Team Scoring question:
If I put 2 TSL players in my Anti-Team, everytime TSL loses a match I get 2 points?
Some of the players points value don't make any sense, especially DongRaeGu. How come he is worth 8 points even though he hasn't even played in any GSL at all, and he failed to qualify for code A last week, so he also won't be playing in the next one? So if doesn't play at all , then how can he win any games, and earn points for your team. Just wondering since he is the highest point value zerg available?
On June 20 2011 18:36 PerfectTear wrote: Some of the players points value don't make any sense, especially DongRaeGu. How come he is worth 8 points even though he hasn't even played in any GSL at all, and he failed to qualify for code A last week, so he also won't be playing in the next one? So if doesn't play at all , then how can he win any games, and earn points for your team. Just wondering since he is the highest point value zerg available?
dont know, but its a great excuse to put him in anti-team
On June 20 2011 18:36 PerfectTear wrote: Some of the players points value don't make any sense, especially DongRaeGu. How come he is worth 8 points even though he hasn't even played in any GSL at all, and he failed to qualify for code A last week, so he also won't be playing in the next one? So if doesn't play at all , then how can he win any games, and earn points for your team. Just wondering since he is the highest point value zerg available? This is GSTL, not GSL.
Can post my team here:D
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Well based on recent results:D Hope it does well anti team is foreigner and two guys i don't like :D San is quite good but i think he will be bad;)
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Ow god now I can not only fail in FPL but also in FGSTL  THANKS DUDES.
No seriously, thanks. This makes it so much more interesting, and now I might actually be forced to grind through endless GSTL posts just to see how my players are doing and watch them rise to the bonjwas they are destined to be.
BTW FXO for 0 points ? I take the risk ! Bring it on korea !
This is absolutely amazing ^_^
Got my team all set and ready!
Polt is my anti team captain
Thank you, been waiting for SC2 fantasy draft for a while now!
Chose Boxer even though I'm not expecting him to play GSTL, dedication.
Not sure if choosing Polt on the anti team was such a good idea.... At least I could afford to add Wolf in it thanks to that! :D
If you have multiple players on a team and that team wins a match, do you get a point for each player you have from that team? Sorry if this has been asked before in the thread.
United States3483 Posts
Oh god why is DonRaeGu worth 8 points (rhetorical question). I thought he'd be a safe low-pointer.
This is excellent, thanks Waxangel & SilverskY!
On June 20 2011 18:18 R1CH wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 17:01 Kavas wrote: Wait. You don't get points if your team wins? Did you miss the "Team Scoring" section? Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 18:17 Slin wrote: "Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value"
Does this also include anti team trades? Or are they reverse in that aspect? Higher only for anti-team.
Ah okay. For some reason I thought that was just used as an example for the scoring. Thank you.
i put my stuff in other thread instaed.
Wooo genius idea. Consider my team fielded.
United Kingdom14464 Posts
I really like this, but I really don't like the anti team. It just raises useless complexity, and in really negative (as in, pick the worst players). Aside from that, this is awesome!
This is absolutely awesome, got my favourites for each race...
I can't even imagine how much is it gonna increase the hype from watching the games :D
Already signed in with my team, the best luck to everyone.
the koreans on my team is just filling out space, its all about the swedish players.
I'm sorry if this has been asked already. I did a few searches through the thread and did not find the question asked.
Are point adjustments based on players' performances in the GSTL only, or are points adjusted for players' performances in other tournaments as well?
Wait so if a player appears you get +1, then if he loses you get -1 which basically means if a player loses it's a net 0 points?
On June 20 2011 20:26 Ryuu314 wrote: Wait so if a player appears you get +1, then if he loses you get -1 which basically means if a player loses it's a net 0 points? yup expect if his team win, then you get +1 :D
Grrmbl... so hard to choose...
HuK just took out July on Dreamhack - so glad i got him in my team ;D srsly 1 point is a bargain.
On June 20 2011 20:37 Vodh wrote: HuK just took out July on Dreamhack - so glad i got him in my team ;D srsly 1 point is a bargain.
Too bad it's basically impossible that he will be sent out.
On June 20 2011 20:43 Kraznaya wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 20:37 Vodh wrote: HuK just took out July on Dreamhack - so glad i got him in my team ;D srsly 1 point is a bargain. Too bad it's basically impossible that he will be sent out.
But he should be :/
I can tell you right now it is near impossible to predict SC2 matches, the game has a such fluctuating structure.
Netherlands45349 Posts
This is going to come off as a retarded question but
Is it a winners league format or a regular league format? Because everything is ridic expensive if its regular league.
It's funny how even SC2 fantasy is easier than SC1
On June 20 2011 21:00 Kipsate wrote: This is going to come off as a retarded question but
Is it a winners league format or a regular league format? Because everything is ridic expensive if its regular league.
winners league
My team consists of like 85% Terran, not so suprising with the ro16 in GSL World Tournaments.
Only zerg and protosses I got are aces or powerhouses, like MC.
On June 20 2011 21:04 Heathen wrote: Come on FXO guys 3 food?
Nevermind that, MVP at FOUR points only is a STEAL! (I think)
Oh yes! :D Great initiative
Can't wait for this to start ^_^
On June 20 2011 20:43 Kraznaya wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 20:37 Vodh wrote: HuK just took out July on Dreamhack - so glad i got him in my team ;D srsly 1 point is a bargain. Too bad it's basically impossible that he will be sent out.
Kiiiind of true, but still I think there's no better pick for 1 point.
Fuck yeah, now I can fail at this and FPL at the same time!
Mmhh i guess i just found a new time consuming pointless activity to add to my schedule. Gogogo FGSTL !
As someone who is a very hardcore fantasy league player, here are my suggestions on improving it:
- Get rid of abusive loopholes, in this case not all teams are playing each week. So people will just put players from these teams on the anti-team. My suggestion is if a player's team is not playing for that week they get -2. So this forces players to bring in anti-team players who are palying that week, rather than looking for players who are not playing. (cause i would bring in a premium 9 point player into my antiteam every week, when that team hasn't got a match, and fill the other 2 spots with two low value unknown players that I know will never play.).
- Current captain serves no purpose, why can't they be traded out?? My suggestion is captain gets double points, can be traded out, and be interchangable. This makes captain useful and an important choice. Also it will help seperate players as well.
- There are so many players, where most wont even play a match. This means that apperance points should be more than 1, it should reward players who are are selected. Because selected players are rare, and having these players in your team should be rewarded. For example if oGs doesnt play this week and I trade out MC for MMA, then that is a -1 reduction. Then MMA is called up but loses. This means the net result is a zero, all that effort for a zero even though MMA is good enough to be selected to play?? Skilled people know how to trade properly, and it should be rewarded. My suggestion is 4 points per win, 2 points per appearance.
- Maybe have a bench. Like 8 players and 2 on bench. It will help during the weeks where a team doesnt play.
Basically I want skilled fantasy players to be rewarded, right now its good but I think the league could be better with improvements.
I put MC on my anti team.
Finally Fantasy GSTL coming to SC2, mostly because of the change of GSTL format.
I'm usually pretty bad at this, not sure sc2 or bw will make a difference, lol.
Awesome! Nice to see SC2 version of FPL
the Dagon Knight4002 Posts
I've signed up. I have every confidence I will win.
I feel so sorry for the rest of you.
Oh dear, now I can totally suck at 2 different Fantasy leagues at once!
Hmm...something needs to be done about the fact that you can ensure your anti-team gives you at most -3 points every week by simply trading them out for players not playing and taking the trade loss.
Im confused. Ca someone tell me how i can view my team after i created it?
I don''t get the points after each name, can someone explain these to me?
Also, can't you just have your anti team be people who don't play until later and then switch them? I.E. F.united for the first 5 and FXO for the last 5?
This could be a lot of fun! Thanks@ all TL crew for building this!
From the weaker teams I tried to include the player most likely to win a game, because they are cheap and likely to be sent out and win unless it's 0-4 which should be rare.
Puma, qxc and Tassadar are huge bargains in that sense.
IM is on the weak side of the bracket (not against Slayers, MVP or oGs) so are completely worth the price as those are the only teams I see them losing to.
+ Show Spoiler +
Anti-teams should be locked (no trading) to avoid all of the mentioned abuses.
My team is done. Only thing is I can't decide whether to have DongRaeGu or MKP... Decisions, decisions...
Oh man. I haven't heard of some of these people. This is harder than BW's fantasy for sure...
On June 20 2011 22:48 Teoyaomqui wrote: My team is done. Only thing is I can't decide whether to have DongRaeGu or MKP... Decisions, decisions...
Dong. All the way.
Thanks everyone for getting this together, it will be a lot of fun!
I can't find TSL.SangHo or TSL.Tester on the list, which is odd as they've played in previous GSTLs. Did one/both get taken off roster, or...?
I had some trouble choosing for my main team ~_~ I should have picked MMA over Bomber and so on, oh wells, should be fun to see how this works out. Moon has been getting alot better so I figure he's an honest 5.
On June 20 2011 23:02 VGhost wrote: I can't find TSL.SangHo or TSL.Tester on the list, which is odd as they've played in previous GSTLs. Did one/both get taken off roster, or...? SangHo is Killer and Tester is Trickster.
My Teams done tryed to pick a decently balanced Team but hmm. not sure . Haven't picked up any of the really big Guns because of it . Not sure that was wise but oh well. Could do reasonably well though , at least im pretty sure the players i chose will at least all get to play at some point.
Kano FTW
Main Team 4 Byun 3 Frozen 3 Keen 3 Kyrix 6 Leenock 7 sC (captain) 2 Taeja 4 ThorZaIN 4 Prime
Anti Team 4 Maka 3 RainBOw 6 Trickster
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This is going to be amazing
My first Fantasy League as well I gonna experiment a lot Thx to TL for bringing this up !
Awesome, looks really good! Signed up
On June 20 2011 22:26 yankjenets wrote: Hmm...something needs to be done about the fact that you can ensure your anti-team gives you at most -3 points every week by simply trading them out for players not playing and taking the trade loss. Can you trade your anti-team? I was just wondering the same thing.
On June 20 2011 23:09 Zane wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2011 23:02 VGhost wrote: I can't find TSL.SangHo or TSL.Tester on the list, which is odd as they've played in previous GSTLs. Did one/both get taken off roster, or...? SangHo is Killer and Tester is Trickster.
See, this is the problem with mainly following BW. >.>
My team's probably not the best, but it does have NaDa. <3
+ Show Spoiler [Team!] +Main Team5 Alicia1 HuK5 July4 NaDa (captain) 2 PuMa2 Qxc7 sC4 ThorZaIN6 SlayerSAnti Team4 InCa4 Maka5 ZenioAlicia should be good for $5, and his name strikes fear in his enemies. HuK is a steal at $1, he'll get oGs win points and the season's kinda long, they might send him out. If he wins one game, he'll have paid for himself. July is awesome. NaDa is awesomer. Puma sucks but whatever, he's cheap. qxc's gonna get a lot of games, he'll win some of them surely. sC's a solid pick who's going to get a lot of games and win a lot of them. ThorZain will also get a lot of games, probably? Hopefully? SlayerS will win the GSTL, so picking them is a good plan. :p I feel a lot less confident about my anti-team. I hope InCa doesn't see much play time, but his PvP sniper role could screw me over (but hey, I have Horang on my FPL's anti, and that worked well!) Maka won't get many games, won't win many. Sorry Maka.  Zenio won't get many games, won't win many. Overall, feels like a good team. But it's hard to know how it'll go until things get started. Don't have too many aces, which might be bad in WL format, though.
Edit: Aw hell, this is the wrong thread. Sorry.
+ Show Spoiler +
Reppin the old school hip-hop through GSTL... haha... Go Gang Starr!!!
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This is my first fantasy...anything league. I'm having a feeling I won't be doing very well this season...heh.
On June 20 2011 14:54 yeti wrote:At least now I wont be tempted to pick SongByungGoo as my captain. Hahaha yeah that has been one of my problems for forever.
On June 20 2011 23:38 Kanil wrote:My team's probably not the best, but it does have NaDa. <3 + Show Spoiler [Team!] +Main Team5 Alicia1 HuK5 July4 NaDa (captain) 2 PuMa2 Qxc7 sC4 ThorZaIN6 SlayerSAnti Team4 InCa4 Maka5 ZenioAlicia should be good for $5, and his name strikes fear in his enemies. HuK is a steal at $1, he'll get oGs win points and the season's kinda long, they might send him out. If he wins one game, he'll have paid for himself. July is awesome. NaDa is awesomer. Puma sucks but whatever, he's cheap. qxc's gonna get a lot of games, he'll win some of them surely. sC's a solid pick who's going to get a lot of games and win a lot of them. ThorZain will also get a lot of games, probably? Hopefully? SlayerS will win the GSTL, so picking them is a good plan. :p I feel a lot less confident about my anti-team. I hope InCa doesn't see much play time, but his PvP sniper role could screw me over (but hey, I have Horang on my FPL's anti, and that worked well!) Maka won't get many games, won't win many. Sorry Maka.  Zenio won't get many games, won't win many. Overall, feels like a good team. But it's hard to know how it'll go until things get started. Don't have too many aces, which might be bad in WL format, though. Edit: Aw hell, this is the wrong thread. Sorry. 
" hope InCa doesn't see much play time, but his PvP sniper role could screw me over (but hey, I have Horang on my FPL's anti, and that worked well!)"...? Horang2 is a beast this season are you being sarcastic or do you just not check your standing.
Damn, thanks for setting this up. Will make team league a lot of fun. ^^
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I'm very very confident in my TeamThrone :p I'm really surprised how cheap Huk Stc and Hero is. I had Bomber but I didn't think he was worth the cost on a team with such depth and could just not play and their team would win.
qxc looks like on of if not the strongest player on foxo I didn't see sheth I'm also heart wrenched how I couldn't fit in thorzain and I think that inca's gona get some good points as a pvp sniper but I just couldn't fit him in either
Mama Grizzlies
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu (captain) 6 Leenock 4 Min 2 Noblesse 2 Qxc 1 SocceR 4 Squirtle 3 Younghwa 6 SlayerS
Anti Team 4 Clide 3 Kyrix 6 Trickster
I think i have team should do well in the forthcoming gtsl. I picked Soccer because i had gone over points and i am a Warcraft III fan and he was a great player. Drg in my opinion is a great pick at 8 points. Only foreigner is QXC, he is the only member of Fxo i can see winning throughout Gtsl. Originally i meant to have Tgun and slog in my anti team however i did not have enough points.
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DRG and losira, clutch zerg heroes!
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This actually the first fantasy league I've felt the need to participate in. Should be fun!
Seek and Destroy
Main Team 2 Ace 5 Alicia 8 DongRaeGu (captain) 4 GuMiho 5 July 2 Taeja 4 ThorZaIN 2 ViOlet 4 MVP
Anti Team 4 Maka 3 Sage 6 Trickster
A lot of my teams success will depend on how well MVP does. DRG is the man and Violet/Team MVP seemed like good values. The rest of my picks were based around trying to get in players I felt would see a lot of playtime. Like I need more of an excuse to root for Thorzain.
Can you tell what race I play? 
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu (captain) 8 NesTea 5 July 4 FruitDealer 3 Sheth 2 BoxeR 2 ViOlet 1 SocceR
3 Team SCV Life
Anti Team 4 Byun 4 GuMiho 5 Killer
DongRaeGu will hopefully play a lot not being in Code A/S, and Sheth as the star player of FXO. There were quite a few good players with a 2 rating but I went with viOlet and BoxeR in the end. TSL were the lowest rated team I believe can win the tournament.
Shame I couldn't just put MC and MMA in there too lol.
My team ended up being all Protoss and Terran except for Sheth.
Is this only for the upcoming gstl or does this apply to all the next ones?
I don't know many of the korean players..... So my team is mainly going to be foreigners I guess....
I think Naniwa and Thorzain are solid picks. Cheap and almost guaranteed to take games off some Koreans.
i made a team, and i plan on not checking it until the end of the season. hopefully i win.
France3578 Posts
Damn Bomber, why you so expensive ? >.<
Very fun game, but it's very hard to make a good team with only 36 points.
On June 21 2011 01:12 Krazilec wrote: i made a team, and i plan on not checking it until the end of the season. hopefully i win.
Trading is generally very important in these types of leagues. You can get some good pick-ups half way through the season that can make a big difference.
On June 21 2011 01:15 -Zoda- wrote:Damn Bomber, why you so expensive ? >.< Very fun game, but it's very hard to make a good team with only 36 points. 
I wish dongraegu didn't do so well recently then I could pick him up for around 3 points. I've known about him for a little while and had him picked to be a very solid up and comer but I think he's too much of a risk to pickup right now especially with him failing to make code a.
awesome picture haha.. love the puppets
I'm so uncomfortable with my choices. I felt it was really restricted by the points. which is the point. This is such a good and fun idea. This and liquibet has me so interested in all the results.
My team will feature yet another captain named Dong. :S
fuck this is only gstl? why are ppl like jinro, who won't even play in the list of players? :/
Looks awesome!! I'm already in!! Can't wait to see GSTL!!
On June 21 2011 02:09 harhar! wrote: fuck this is only gstl? why are ppl like jinro, who won't even play in the list of players? :/ jinro is playing for oGs now so he might be able to play some games
oGs Hero for 1 point? Bought immediately.
I went for a mid-point lineup because I have no idea how to make an efficient team lol.
a cup of nestea will be my capitan !
Just one question: if I pick my anti-team players from for example F.United, they won't play in the first 5 weeks and won't score me negative points for those 5 weeks. Is that correct?
How will wins from players like Thorzain wins be recored, because mousesports does not compete in gstl?
+ Show Spoiler + KneeDeep in NerdSkullsMain Team2 Ace -Solid results for 2 pts, may swap him out after ST plays against FXO. 1 HuK -Watching him slay dreamhack atm, for 1 pt I think ogs will bring him in and easily pay for the 1 pt. 5 July -May end up being the most used player for ST and definitely someone who'll deliver. 3 Keen -Same with July, I think this guy may get some of the most playtime for his team. Very solid imo too. 4 NaNiwa -Had to pick between Nani & Thorzain, I chose NaNiwa, because I think he is better than Thor at killing terran which may be of more use in Korea. Wouldn't be suprized to see teams throw terrans at NaNiwa for the slaughter. 8 NesTea (captain) -Personal hero. May not get the same playtime as Losira, but will likely never lose ever.  6 Ryung -Total beast. TvT sniper, I really think voting for him pays off well. 3 Sheth -FXO's best player imo. Will likely play the most and is also a sick ZvP sniper. 4 MVP Solid & only 4 points. I think IM will take it all, but for the pts, MVP is solid. Anti Team7 aLive -Had to vote aLive for the pts to vote for the following: 4 FruitDealer -Will likely play a lot for his team, which given his results, isn't a good thing =/ 2 Qxc -Same as FruitDealer, not playing well at all atm and will likely play a lot.
I feel pretty good about my team .
On June 21 2011 02:34 8D wrote: How will wins from players like Thorzain wins be recored, because mousesports does not compete in gstl?
Thorzain is part of F United for GSTL.
On June 21 2011 02:41 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 02:34 8D wrote: How will wins from players like Thorzain wins be recored, because mousesports does not compete in gstl? Thorzain is part of F United for GSTL. Thanks, never seen him play in GSTL before.
So where does it say we have to have a player of every race?
edit: whoops
User was warned for this post
+ Show Spoiler +On June 21 2011 02:57 TheAwesomeAll wrote:bomb emMain Team2 Ace9 Bomber (captain) 3 Check2 Ensnare3 Sheth4 Squirtle3 SuperNoVa2 TheStC8 Incredible MiracleAnti Team4 FruitDealer9 MC2 QxcI think mc will go slumping, and bomber owning. Im really pinning my hope on some of the oldies, like squirtle ensnare supernova etc. If they get a comeback of sorts ill be set. Also im a huge QXC fanboy but im afraid his showing wont be too good in the gstl Im surprised theStC has so few points, hes pretty high on the ELO ranking. Also sheth is going to own this thing :D
You're 2 points over on your Anti-Team, so instead of qxc, who you say you like... you could pick a 1-point player that will never ever play, also being less points so you could trade easier.
+ Show Spoiler +huk at 1 point :D, after just thrashing a bunch of 5-8 pointers at dreamhack. i wonder how many teams are gonna have him :p
On June 21 2011 03:05 Kerwinius wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On June 21 2011 02:57 TheAwesomeAll wrote:bomb emMain Team2 Ace9 Bomber (captain) 3 Check2 Ensnare3 Sheth4 Squirtle3 SuperNoVa2 TheStC8 Incredible MiracleAnti Team4 FruitDealer9 MC2 QxcI think mc will go slumping, and bomber owning. Im really pinning my hope on some of the oldies, like squirtle ensnare supernova etc. If they get a comeback of sorts ill be set. Also im a huge QXC fanboy but im afraid his showing wont be too good in the gstl Im surprised theStC has so few points, hes pretty high on the ELO ranking. Also sheth is going to own this thing :D You're 2 points over on your Anti-Team, so instead of qxc, who you say you like... you could pick a 1-point player that will never ever play, also being less points so you could trade easier.
the anti team is a minimum, not a maximum.
If someone from my anti-team loses, will i get plus points for that? Or my anti-team members can only generate minus points for me?
Lol at TheBest being worth TWO points.
Main Team 5 Alicia 2 BoxeR 1 Cella 5 GanZi 4 Min 9 MMA (captain) 3 SuperNoVa 1 Tiffany 6 SlayerS
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 5 GuineaPig 4 InCa
There were so many 1-value players to pick from that I have never heard about. Kinda want to see how this fantasy format will work out (and the new team league format) before I go too in-depth with my picking so I made a 'Boxer's Heroes' type team hehehe.
This should be fun. Got my team already =D
is there an easy way to access the team page?
what is the anti team for? do u want good players there or bad ones?
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Main Team 2 Ace - I think Ace at 2 points is an absolute bargain 3 Anypro - He'll take games, no doubt. Probably not a big points scorer, but he's bound to come out ahead 4 Clide - CLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE! 9 MMA (captain) - Probably my big hitter. Guaranteed to win at least 1 TvT a series I think. 4 NaNiwa - If he sees game time, I'm sure he'll win games. Especially against some of those "lesser" teams 3 Sheth - He's probably the best player on FXO in my opinion. If anyone's taking wins for them, Sheth will. 3 SuperNoVa - A strong player for only 3 points, bargain! 4 ThorZaIN - Similar to Naniwa, I'm sure he'll get the wins to take this place. 4 MVP - A big "upset" last GSTL for doing so well, they have a great lineup, at only half the points value of IM, easily the best bargain there.
Anti Team 4 Curious - I really don't rate him, and doubt he'll play too often. 5 Lyn - He's fine, but I reckon 1 win maximum per series. 4 Squirtle - Hasn't done well since that first team league, I reckon he'll bomb out, if he even plays many games.
On June 21 2011 03:09 killerdog wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 03:05 Kerwinius wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On June 21 2011 02:57 TheAwesomeAll wrote:bomb emMain Team2 Ace9 Bomber (captain) 3 Check2 Ensnare3 Sheth4 Squirtle3 SuperNoVa2 TheStC8 Incredible MiracleAnti Team4 FruitDealer9 MC2 QxcI think mc will go slumping, and bomber owning. Im really pinning my hope on some of the oldies, like squirtle ensnare supernova etc. If they get a comeback of sorts ill be set. Also im a huge QXC fanboy but im afraid his showing wont be too good in the gstl Im surprised theStC has so few points, hes pretty high on the ELO ranking. Also sheth is going to own this thing :D You're 2 points over on your Anti-Team, so instead of qxc, who you say you like... you could pick a 1-point player that will never ever play, also being less points so you could trade easier. the anti team is a minimum, not a maximum.
You missed his point. It is better to be at the minimum rather than go over. QXC will probably play some games. Which leaves chances for him to win. He has room to pick a lower value player who will most likely never play a game and have no risk for wins.
On June 21 2011 03:19 vnlegend wrote: Lol at TheBest being worth TWO points. It's not surprising considering his performance in the super tournament, if watch his games vs MKP his play is really sloppy.
Does this mean we can get SC2 team icons for the bottom corner of our posts like they have for BW? Please?!? That would be way cool.
Don't think I picked the best team now that I think of it lol, was really debating dropping MMA for DRG or something along those lines.
The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that's it's not a good idea to put any F.UN players on the anti-team since it's pretty much 5 players, unless they continuously get swept.
Main Team 1 Hero 3 Keen 5 Killer 9 MC (captain) 2 Qxc 3 Sheth 1 TheWinD 2 Yoda 5 Old GenerationS
Anti Team 5 GanZi 4 InCa 4 NaDa
I picked QXC cause at the GSL quil he did such a amazing job even with DGR epic final games between does two. And as far as Sheth hes a bad ass i and i know he can go far in this GSTL. Hero man hes the underdog and hes a beast as well epic great things from him good pic up there
Super stoked, i squealed like a little girl when i hit MMA for my captain 
Gl beating "WackasHwaiters"! gahhaggahahahhahaa
Main Team 2 BoxeR 3 Choya 4 Clide 4 FruitDealer 1 IMHappy 8 NesTea (captain) 3 Seed 4 Squirtle 6 SlayerS
Anti Team 5 Killer 5 Moon 3 RainBOw
First off, man these points felt a little low. I was iffy on fruitdealer, as I really felt after his win he became a shadow of his former self and his risks were simply finger crosses rather than using something to secure them such as his mutas. But seeing his recent play it seems hes back to form even if he didnt get the results he should have, he showed incredible games. Choya while cheesy I feel has some of the most calculated cheese out there, and is the type that can be put in to crack great players and get a couple if not a few wins.
The rest I feel have the potential at any time to just go nuts if they get into a place of confidence.
Antiteam? Just people I feel are overall meh, although moon was a hardpick because i feel hes on an upswing and starting to really come together, but i feel like the faults that still remain in his play can be his undoing at any moment.
On June 21 2011 03:21 willoc wrote:BoxersMain Team5 Alicia2 BoxeR1 Cella5 GanZi4 Min9 MMA (captain) 3 SuperNoVa1 Tiffany6 SlayerSAnti Team4 FruitDealer5 GuineaPig4 InCaThere were so many 1-value players to pick from that I have never heard about. Kinda want to see how this fantasy format will work out (and the new team league format) before I go too in-depth with my picking so I made a 'Boxer's Heroes' type team hehehe.
Cella is never going to play in a real game. Boxer rarely plays and when he does, he usually loses. The rest are solid though.
i love the banner and the whole idea tho ! :D
Yaaay! Finally fantasy sc2, hopefully I do better than I do in fantasy pl lol
United States15275 Posts
Can someone post a player list organized according to both team and point value? It's kind of tedious having to scroll through the entire list to find specific players when I already know their teams.
Team Hobo
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu 1 J 4 Min 9 MMA (captain) 1 Ready 3 SuperNoVa 2 TheStC 3 Younghwa 5 Old GenerationS
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 5 GuineaPig 4 InCa
I think it's oGs's turn to win gstl, so i went ahead and picked mostly players from them, and the other two favorites slayers and IM. MMA as captain, i think he'll continue to do well. Supernova was an easy pick for 3 points, as well as StC who i think is going to be one of those 'do great in team leagues then fail to qualify for gsl' type players. Then for 1 pointers oGs J (for knocking out GanZi) and a shot in the dark with IM Ready.
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards.
United States15275 Posts
On June 21 2011 04:39 TheBrofessor wrote:
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards.
If Inca is only sent out for PvP and he wins that matchup, you are guaranteed at minimum +2 points every time. Putting him on your anti-team is somewhat questionable.
United States5018 Posts
Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Is this Huk guy even in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play?
Why is everybody's captain a high value player like mma or mc?
Wouldn't it make more sense to make a lesser player your captain, since the ace players are more valuable for trading? Or is there something I'm missing...?
On June 21 2011 04:55 CosmicSpiral wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 04:39 TheBrofessor wrote:
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards. If Inca is only sent out for PvP and he wins that matchup, you are guaranteed at minimum +2 points every time. Putting him on your anti-team is somewhat questionable.
I went into this assuming you got points when they lost too :/, evening it out when he lost afterwards. If i would have understood that they only lost you points i would have chose 3 players i didn't think would ever play.
On June 21 2011 05:05 Stratchka wrote: Why is everybody's captain a high value player like mma or mc?
Wouldn't it make more sense to make a lesser player your captain, since the ace players are more valuable for trading? Or is there something I'm missing...?
Because the format is stupid. Having a player as captain is more detrimental than anything. There should be some added benefit to being captain to justify the risk of not being able to trade. Yes, I do see the thing about tie-breaks, but that's hardly a worthy incentive.
United States15275 Posts
On June 21 2011 05:06 TheBrofessor wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 04:55 CosmicSpiral wrote:On June 21 2011 04:39 TheBrofessor wrote:
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards. If Inca is only sent out for PvP and he wins that matchup, you are guaranteed at minimum +2 points every time. Putting him on your anti-team is somewhat questionable. I went into this assuming you got points when they lost too :/, evening it out when he lost afterwards. If i would have understood that they only lost you points i would have chose 3 players i didn't think would ever play.
The way the points work Inca would get +1 for an appearance, +2 for winning a PvP (which, if the coach has any brains, is the only matchup he'll get sent out for), and -1 for losing the next game. So overall you'd get +2, and that assumes he loses the second match (his PvZ is terrible but his PvT is decent). A good anti-team should have players who specialize in no matchups and are used rarely.
On June 21 2011 05:11 CosmicSpiral wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 05:06 TheBrofessor wrote:On June 21 2011 04:55 CosmicSpiral wrote:On June 21 2011 04:39 TheBrofessor wrote:
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards. If Inca is only sent out for PvP and he wins that matchup, you are guaranteed at minimum +2 points every time. Putting him on your anti-team is somewhat questionable. I went into this assuming you got points when they lost too :/, evening it out when he lost afterwards. If i would have understood that they only lost you points i would have chose 3 players i didn't think would ever play. The way the points work Inca would get +1 for an appearance, +2 for winning a PvP (which, if the coach has any brains, is the only matchup he'll get sent out for), and -1 for losing the next game. So overall you'd get +2, and that assumes he loses the second match (his PvZ is terrible but his PvT is decent). A good anti-team should have players who specialize in no matchups and are used rarely.
Hmmm, i'll probably end up trading him. I just saw him a player that would get played and lose.
United States15275 Posts
On June 21 2011 05:12 TheBrofessor wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 05:11 CosmicSpiral wrote:On June 21 2011 05:06 TheBrofessor wrote:On June 21 2011 04:55 CosmicSpiral wrote:On June 21 2011 04:39 TheBrofessor wrote:
Anti team is pretty straightforward. Furitdealer hasnt performed since early gsl days, Guinea pig has shown flashes of good play but i dont think hell be winning much, and Inca who i see being sent out to win some pvps then immediately losing afterwards. If Inca is only sent out for PvP and he wins that matchup, you are guaranteed at minimum +2 points every time. Putting him on your anti-team is somewhat questionable. I went into this assuming you got points when they lost too :/, evening it out when he lost afterwards. If i would have understood that they only lost you points i would have chose 3 players i didn't think would ever play. The way the points work Inca would get +1 for an appearance, +2 for winning a PvP (which, if the coach has any brains, is the only matchup he'll get sent out for), and -1 for losing the next game. So overall you'd get +2, and that assumes he loses the second match (his PvZ is terrible but his PvT is decent). A good anti-team should have players who specialize in no matchups and are used rarely. Hmmm, i'll probably end up trading him. I just saw him a player that would get played and lose.
I think you can still adjust your team until the deadline.
United States5018 Posts
Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Is this Huk guy even in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play?
edit. Thought I was in the other thread.
Yeah, same as above, i was surprised that IdrA wasn't on there.
^^Why would you put NaNiwa and ThorZaIN as your Anti Team? Even if they will be new, i am very sure that both are extremely solid players, especially NaNiwa.
You pick 3 players that you think are bad FXO makes a good addition for this!
Startale was an easy team pick for this week. >_>
United States5018 Posts
Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Will Huk be in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play?
And what if at a tie-break the tied teams have the same captain?
On June 21 2011 05:33 OthRWorldLy wrote:^^Why would you put NaNiwa and ThorZaIN as your Anti Team? Even if they will be new, i am very sure that both are extremely solid players, especially NaNiwa.
Maybe because they are not going to play soon, so he will trade them later.
On June 21 2011 05:38 Fenrax wrote: Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Will Huk be in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play?
well. Its b07 like the winner leagues, yes. I don't really think that huk has that many chances. Ogs has Hero, top, Mc, NaDa, Inca, zenio.... so many option. Even tho I think huk has a small chance if ogs decide to use him in the 1st round like they do with Hero. We'll have to wait and see =)
On June 21 2011 05:26 Fenrax wrote: Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Is this Huk guy even in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play? Its the winner stays on format (I believe that's winners league?)
Huk lives in the oGs team house, but I don't know if he'll play. As far as I know he was available to play in the other team leagues and didn't. At best I think he'll get used as a Zerg sniper, but with his terrible PvP there are players with equal or better vZ who are less likely to get sniped in the next game. Also he isn't actually on the oGs team which means he's less likely to get picked too.
If I was the oGs coach, and there was a Zerg I needed taken, and it was too early to send in MC, out I'd much rather send in Zenio or Nada than Huk. If you send out Huk and he beats the Zerg the other team can send out a protoss or just a better player than Huk. If they send out a Protoss you'll probably need to send out Inca and you don't really want to risk sending in MC after another protoss in case the opponent has been practicing to snipe protoss.
On June 21 2011 05:37 SillyPrincess wrote: FXO makes a good addition for this! You really can't pick any FXO players to be on an anti-team since they cost so little, it would mean you'd use up some bigger KR names as well.
On June 21 2011 05:38 Fenrax wrote: Is GSTL Winners League format or Proleague format?
Will Huk be in Korea? Does he even have a chance to play?
Instead of spamming you could have researched. According to liquipedia it's a bo7 winner league format but maps are not predefined like in bw and the guy that comes in can choose it. And huk will be in Korea but I don't think he has a good chance to play.
+ Show Spoiler +
already made some changes since I posted just one page back.
Alicia to captain, in case I need Nestea's point value later for trades. still a solid player in the event I get into a tiebreaker, but not locking in 1/4 the value of my team this time. Ace in over thebestfOu, because that was just stupid to begin with. Traded down from MC to MKP, because I wanted to switch my team choice to oGs over MVP... not entirely happy with this decision, because I'm not sure if he'll play ace over polt and if he doesn't, I'm losing a LOT of my points. Might go back and change that one AGAIN, just have to make up my mind on who would be the better choice for my second big name after nestea. Also traded MVP_Keen for oGsSuperNova on a whim, but I'm about to go switch that back. I wasn't considering that supernova competes for playtime with theStc, TOP, hyperdub and Nada. If I downgrade on the MKP trade, this is where I will dump my points.
I have 2 questions:
1. When it says you have to trade for players of lesser value in the OP, does it actually mean EQUAL or lesser value?
2. I take it we can't trade teams part way through?
Really guys, how hard is it to read the Mod Notes?
Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value (higher value for anti-team)
Does this mean you can't trade 1 point players? Like I would choose HuK but it seems he doesn't play so I can change him for Hero? Or when you have a 1 point player, you are stuck with him?
This sounds fun! Just sign my team up. When does this start? Thursday?
Here's my team btw + Show Spoiler + The only thing I may consider changing is Sheth but let's see how he performs.
I just can't help when it comes to picking teams to get my favorite players. I doubt i'll accrue very many points but damn, I gotta pick the ones I love.
Here is my team, and some explanation as to why I chose each one.
+ Show Spoiler +Team PurpleMain Team8 DongRaeGuHe's done great in the GSTL previously, so I found him to be an obvious choice. 5 GuineaPigAs a random, GuineaPig is great. He has done fairly good in the previous GSTL, so I have high expectations for him. 9 MMA (captain) I think MMA is pretty self-explanatory. He may have messed up in the GSL: ST finals, but he is still a solid player. He'd better be worth those 9 points! 2 QxcQxc, although not performing at his best recently, had a fairly good run in the GSL qualifiers. To be able to hold against DRG for a while has got to take some skill. 3 Sheth Sheth, although not the greatest, is still quite good. Second place in his group at NASL was definitely a challenging feat, yet he pulled it off. Plus, I love Sheth  4 ThorZaINMany Koreans have said that ThorZaIN is one of the best foreigners, and that he has one of the best chances in the GSL as a foreigner. I agree with them. 3 TwilightOK, this one was sort of a toss in - I had 3 points left and I wanted to pick someone who I knew was decent. I thought, may as well go with the Korean on FXO. 1 HuKHuK. This may seem like a sort of odd choice, as he is not officially a part of oGs so there may not seem like much of a chance for him to be played. But, HuK has been ripping it up, recently, and I think that there is actually a fairly good chance of him being played. Plus, I'm a fanboy  GO CANADA! 1 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]F.United[/tlpd] The main reason I am choosing this team is for ThorZaIN and Naniwa. I am truly a fan of foreigners, and these two players are quite strong. Moon, too, has been quite powerful, recently, at least against foreigners. Lyn, although not the strongest player, has been able to hold on to his Code S status, so I think that this team could do well. Anti Team4 FruitDealer4 InCa5 SanI don't really have a whole lot of reasoning behind choosing these players. I haven't really thought of these players as bad, per say, but they are not great. InCa may have had a good run, recently, at GSL, but I don't think anybody thinks that he really deserved that spot. Otherwise, these players have been fairly mediocre, after FruitDealer's GSL Open Season 1 win.
As you can see, I may not have the strongest team, but I shouldn't do too bad, either, I think.
Sounds awesome! Can't wait to play!
Do you get points for Anti-team players appearance ?
Will the winner of the fantasy league win a free TL t-shirt like the winners of the BW fantasy league?
Wait, what is the incentive to not pick 3 1 point players for your anti team? Likeliness that they do not appear? Because there's 1 point names I can guarantee will show up in the GSTL.
On June 21 2011 07:07 Offhand wrote: Wait, what is the incentive to not pick 3 1 point players for your anti team? Likeliness that they do not appear? Because there's 1 point names I can guarantee will show up in the GSTL.
You HAVE to have your anti-team equal up to 13 points, otherwise it'd be too easy
On June 21 2011 07:08 genius_man16 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 07:07 Offhand wrote: Wait, what is the incentive to not pick 3 1 point players for your anti team? Likeliness that they do not appear? Because there's 1 point names I can guarantee will show up in the GSTL. You HAVE to have your anti-team equal up to 13 points, otherwise it'd be too easy 
Makes sense. (I didn't want to hit the submit button and then get screwed over by something silly like that.)
United States5018 Posts
On June 21 2011 07:09 Offhand wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 07:08 genius_man16 wrote:On June 21 2011 07:07 Offhand wrote: Wait, what is the incentive to not pick 3 1 point players for your anti team? Likeliness that they do not appear? Because there's 1 point names I can guarantee will show up in the GSTL. You HAVE to have your anti-team equal up to 13 points, otherwise it'd be too easy  Makes sense. (I didn't want to hit the submit button and then get screwed over by something silly like that.)
You can't get screwed that way. TL programmers are quite awesome (everything always works as you would hope it works) so it would just tell you that you have to have at least 13 points on Anti. And even if you submit a wrong team you can just change it until signups end.
It's way too easy to have an anti-team consisting of f.united and fxo, even though I dont want to
On June 21 2011 06:42 Bladgrim wrote:Here is my team, and some explanation as to why I chose each one. + Show Spoiler +Team PurpleMain Team8 DongRaeGuHe's done great in the GSTL previously, so I found him to be an obvious choice. 5 GuineaPigAs a random, GuineaPig is great. He has done fairly good in the previous GSTL, so I have high expectations for him. 9 MMA (captain) I think MMA is pretty self-explanatory. He may have messed up in the GSL: ST finals, but he is still a solid player. He'd better be worth those 9 points! 2 QxcQxc, although not performing at his best recently, had a fairly good run in the GSL qualifiers. To be able to hold against DRG for a while has got to take some skill. 3 Sheth Sheth, although not the greatest, is still quite good. Second place in his group at NASL was definitely a challenging feat, yet he pulled it off. Plus, I love Sheth  4 ThorZaINMany Koreans have said that ThorZaIN is one of the best foreigners, and that he has one of the best chances in the GSL as a foreigner. I agree with them. 3 TwilightOK, this one was sort of a toss in - I had 3 points left and I wanted to pick someone who I knew was decent. I thought, may as well go with the Korean on FXO. 1 HuKHuK. This may seem like a sort of odd choice, as he is not officially a part of oGs so there may not seem like much of a chance for him to be played. But, HuK has been ripping it up, recently, and I think that there is actually a fairly good chance of him being played. Plus, I'm a fanboy  GO CANADA! 1 [tlpd#teams##sc2-korean]F.United[/tlpd] The main reason I am choosing this team is for ThorZaIN and Naniwa. I am truly a fan of foreigners, and these two players are quite strong. Moon, too, has been quite powerful, recently, at least against foreigners. Lyn, although not the strongest player, has been able to hold on to his Code S status, so I think that this team could do well. Anti Team4 FruitDealer4 InCa5 SanI don't really have a whole lot of reasoning behind choosing these players. I haven't really thought of these players as bad, per say, but they are not great. InCa may have had a good run, recently, at GSL, but I don't think anybody thinks that he really deserved that spot. Otherwise, these players have been fairly mediocre, after FruitDealer's GSL Open Season 1 win. As you can see, I may not have the strongest team, but I shouldn't do too bad, either, I think.
I think San is a very poor anti-team choice, He's probably the best player on NSH, so he's pretty likely to come out eventually in their games, and he's good enough to pull a match or two when he does come out.
I think based on frequency of appearance I'm taking tester out of my anti-team too. Just have to decide how to account for him points-wise.
For the anti-team, if a player gets +1 one week and then -1 the next week, does that equal a total of 0 points? Or is it -1 for your score since negatives don't count?
Also, in the question of carrying over negatives, if a player gets -6 in the first week, it means 0 points for your score right? But then does that mean there is a -6 pool for that anti-team player to pick up points that are negated, or are all points that player scores immediately negated from your score?
Just to make sure this does not factor in GSL results right?
On June 21 2011 07:49 Emporio wrote: For the anti-team, if a player gets +1 one week and then -1 the next week, does that equal a total of 0 points? Or is it -1 for your score since negatives don't count?
Also, in the question of carrying over negatives, if a player gets -6 in the first week, it means 0 points for your score right? But then does that mean there is a -6 pool for that anti-team player to pick up points that are negated, or are all points that player scores immediately negated from your score? How can the anti-team score your PLUS points??
nice, finally some serious sc2 team action - glad that you guys have the league up <3
wouldnt this be the right time to add some images to let us choose our favorite sc2 team?^^ (too lazy to finish all 10 gstl teams with my low ps-skills, if they arent needed^^)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XjTA6.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SZFgm.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/57yiq.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uAkZ8.png)
I think that to make the most of your players you need to pick people who are likely to be sent out first, and are likely to play every week. I think oGs have performed badly so far in the GSTL but I refuse to believe that will continue. I mean they have almost all their players in either Code A or S!
+ Show Spoiler +
Anyone notice there's a player called Slayers Drughead? lol
On June 21 2011 08:26 Arterial wrote: Anyone notice there's a player called Slayers Drughead? lol
He was mentioned last GSTL when they were talking to MMA and Cella, they said they had a player on their team, who was a zerg player who mimic'd DongRaeGu's playstyle very well, he's liek mma's little brother or something? and he was essential to helping MMA defeat DRG, he went by the name drughead, and they called him DrugRaeGu when he would practice with MMA.
Signed up. This is going to be interesting since the unknown's seem to come out of no where during the GSTL.
Hey, how do we see the team we made :D?
On June 21 2011 09:09 avilo wrote: Hey, how do we see the team we made :D? You can click on the signup button again on the front page when you're signed in, it shows you the team you have and you can edit it. I don't know how else you can get to it, i tried profile but it wasn't there.
On June 21 2011 09:09 avilo wrote: Hey, how do we see the team we made :D?
the Features tab at the top, then pick fantasy.
Player Scoring: Your Player's Team Wins: +1 Point*** ***This counts for all players on the team's roster, even if they did not play in the match.
Does this mean that if I have 3 players on SlayerS, SlayerS wins their MU against another team, I get 3 points immediately?
Edit: Btw, these are gorgeous:
these look alright. make moar!
This is my first time trying this hopefully my team does well. :D Gets go team Cade!!!!!
Sorry, didn't see the link at top.
Main Team 2 Ace Ace is awesome, underrated in Korea still after winning 2 uberevents! 5 Alicia Weird name, but cool playstyle! 1 HuK Easiest 1 in there, how can you NOT pick him? 5 Moon Coolest esport-player ever, god in wc3 and will soon be considered a god in sc2 as well, you will see! 4 NaDa He has an awesome nick and is very handsome. Kinda good as well. 8 NesTea (captain) How can you not want the smartest person ever want to lead your team? Obvious choise! 2 TheBest Coolest nick ever! Should be more than 2 points imo! 5 Zenio Owns the entire OGS-house in practice! 4 Prime Teams that put their tag after their names are awesome! And since i dont like fOu and their cheesy ace it had to be Prime!
Anti Team 2 MOoNan Weird nick. 8 Polt O V E R R A T E D 3 Seed Weird nick.
Grandpa Nestea will lead my team to glory. Polt was the weirdest +8 guy in there, he should quit SCII! At least he will give me points while hes doing it, oh well
Now I'm suddenly interested in SC2
Here's my team Clan WeRRa (what too soon?)
+ Show Spoiler +Clan WeRRaMain Team5 Alicia + Show Spoiler +I'll be honest, after looking at my team you'll see that I'm clearly a SlayerS fanboy. And let's be honest Alicia convincingly beat MC in the GSL Super Tournament, who is 9 points as opposed to Alicia who costs 5 (not that Alicia is necessarily better, but he's ridiculously talented). 2 CoCa+ Show Spoiler +A lot of my picks were from SlayerS, so I wanted to pick more players who are from Group B. I figure that CoCa is a pretty good player (especially for his point cost); I mean he's Code S, has proven to be a talented Zerg, costs 2 points, and compared to the rest of his team he's one of the best players. 4 Min+ Show Spoiler +SlayerS fanboy, Min is great, nuff salad, hold the croutons. 9 MMA (captain) + Show Spoiler +Pretty much the undisputed king of the last two GSTLs. Thought about taking DRG, but went with my favorite Korean player instead (second after ThorZaIN, but I didn't pick my main man T-ZaIN because his team isn't playing until August, so I figure I'll rearrange my team by then). Honestly all the players like MMA, MC, DRG, Nestea, Mvp, Polt, or MKP will do great in the GSTL, so I just decided to go with my personal favorite. 2 Qxc+ Show Spoiler +FXO is playing all their group stage matches (probably all their matches unless they miraculously make it into the playoffs) before August. I figure Qxc has a very high chance of getting played due to being a total baller (minus his NASL appearance, that was painful) and having read a description of what he put the recent crowd favorite DongRaeGu in the Code A Qualifiers I think that for a 2 point player he's a great choice. I figure that after FXO is done with the groups I'll try to trade him for SocceR, a player who I think might also get played a good amount and is cheap. 3 SuperNoVa+ Show Spoiler +I was surprised to see him so cheap, but I figure there's a good chance of him getting played (despite oGs having the biggest roster ever....) and all his Match-Ups are super solid. Plus he's fairly cheap, so why not. 2 ViOlet+ Show Spoiler +I do not understand why viOlet is so cheap. He's honestly got to be one of the best Zergs in Korea right now, playing for a great team (as opposed to teams like fOu who have great players like sC but lack the full roster to do as well in the GSTL). He's the best 2 point choice you can possibly get right now, so not picking him up would be stupid. 3 Younghwa+ Show Spoiler + IM is a great team and they're in Group B away from SlayerS. I figure I'll get some points just from IM winning even if Younghwa doesn't play, which he has a good chance of doing so.
6 SlayerS+ Show Spoiler +Anti Team5 GuineaPig5 Moon3 Sage+ Show Spoiler +Anti-Vote Explanations: Basically the reasoning behind these picks is that Moon isn't going to play until August, Sage's team is fairly unseen so we'll see if that turns out to hurt me, and GuineaPig is on MVP whom SlayerS is playing first round. I'm putting a lot of SlayerS, but they haven't really done anything less then win a lot in the past, let's just pray that first round they don't lose to MVP with GuineaPig 4-0ing them while they play Alicia, Min, and MMA. I figure later on I'm going to trade some players to get ThorZaIN (because while I'm a SlayerS fanboy, ThorZaIN is my favorite player (yeah I was one of the people who predicted him beating FruitDealer in TSL3  )
On June 21 2011 12:22 RickOrShay wrote: Polt is overrated...? :S
That's what everyone said before his finals against MMA. Look at how bad he thrashed him. Thing about Polt is he seems to be a strategical player (as one would expect from someone who went to the top university in Korea) and his strength lies in BO preparation much like Fantasy (BW).
Whereas MMA is more like a slug-fest type much like Boxer. Unfortunately he seems to be the Bisu of SC2 LOL.
So take it as you will. I think Polt will have a harder time preparing because it's team league and not a match. But he has displayed MKP-like micro at times so he has other strengths as well. MMA is always a solid pick for team league.
Edit: Nvm, found him.
Can you trade teams in fantasy? I put mine as slayers
This is truly awesome. im exited for this to play out. picking anit team was harder than my regular team surprisingly. underdogs anyone?
Yea my team is pretty unbeatable imo. Pretty awesome how some ballers in FXO only cost 1 points ! YEA !
On June 21 2011 12:37 Kavas wrote:That's what everyone said before his finals against MMA. Look at how bad he thrashed him. Thing about Polt is he seems to be a strategical player (as one would expect from someone who went to the top university in Korea) and his strength lies in BO preparation much like Fantasy (BW). Whereas MMA is more like a slug-fest type much like Boxer. Unfortunately he seems to be the Bisu of SC2 LOL. So take it as you will. I think Polt will have a harder time preparing because it's team league and not a match. But he has displayed MKP-like micro at times so he has other strengths as well. MMA is always a solid pick for team league. Edit: Nvm, found him.
The dude above me said he was overrated, I was asking him why. My opinion is Polt would be a good pick for GSTL, with the way his TvP is insane, hes proven his TvT is really amazing now, not sure how his TvZ is, but I imagine it is good aswell, beating LosirA twice recently although we know that LosirA is not that great in ZvT. Coupled with the fact that besides MKP there is not much talent on Prime, so it is likely he will play alot of their matches, which will probably determine whether or not they make it through.
He doesn't even need to be a good pick for the team, but picking Polt for anti-team does not sound like a good idea to me.
Damn, I messed up, didn't pick up Huk and TheStc O_O. I have July as my team captain lol. This will be my first fantasy league, so it will be experimental. GL HF all!!!
On June 21 2011 14:07 Caphe wrote: Damn, I messed up, didn't pick up Huk and TheStc O_O. I have July as my team captain lol. This will be my first fantasy league, so it will be experimental. GL HF all!!!
You can still change it before the season starts.
I'm confused by the anti-team concept. Is the goal just to pick players who will never be played? Seems like it would be more useful to have no appearance points and just minus points for wins and plus points for losses, considering its impossible to have a loss streak. Trying to guess which players we will never see seems much less interesting than predicting which players will lose horrendously.
On June 21 2011 14:37 sickoota wrote: I'm confused by the anti-team concept. Is the goal just to pick players who will never be played? Seems like it would be more useful to have no appearance points and just minus points for wins and plus points for losses, considering its impossible to have a loss streak. Trying to guess which players we will never see seems much less interesting than predicting which players will lose horrendously.
I kind of agree actually, but it amounts to basically the same thing. But it would be more fun if you were rewarded for picking players that ended up failing miserably in the league instead of it being the same as players that never play.
On another note, does the season end after the 10 weeks of group play or are the playoffs included in the season as well? In that case I might have to switch out some of my players from the lesser teams that will never make the playoffs. It would also be nice to see how many points the different combinations of a Bo9 series yield.
By the way, there should most definitely be an all kill bonus. So badass.
This is going to be so fun!
If I pick Cella, do I get an appearance point for him being the coach?
On June 21 2011 22:12 Nokarot wrote: If I pick Cella, do I get an appearance point for him being the coach?
hes on the bench and hes a playing coach and he played a game last GSTL no?
so yes you do get a point.
It's so interesting to design different team builds, and I am so curious how alternative teams would play out. Thus I was tempted for a moment to create a new account just to test another build simultaneously. But then I re-read the TL rules, and particularly the respect your ID part, and seems it would constitute violation. So I'm going to maintain the alt. build(s) in a spreadsheet for personal amusement, without submitting. Thanks a lot for organizing this, looks great!
I can't seem to find where to locate my team's status after I've signed up, could anyone please tell me? =D
Melbourne5338 Posts
Features in the top bar -> Fantasy
My team with my thoughts + Show Spoiler +Team AwesomeMain Team1 HuKHuk has been performing good(no matter what people say) and with his recent win at Dreamhack i see him being played by OGS alot. Also for 1 point he is extremly cheap. 1 IMHappyIM coach has talked quite abit about this guy, so im putting my faith on him. 9 MC (captain) Its MC, what else to say? 9 MMAHas been performing extremly well in team leagues. 4 NaNiwaWith so few players on team fox united, i see Naniwa being played alot, aswell as winning since he is awesome. 1 SocceRSame reason as Naniwa. 4 ThorZaINSame reason as Naniwa. 2 ViOletViolet seems good, and playing on MVP he will prolly get some playing time. 4 PrimeWith both Polt and Marineking, i think Prime have a good shot at taking this GSTL. Anti Team7 aLiveHad to choose someone 3 ChoyaHorrible player 3 RainBOwHorrible player
If I spend fewer than 36 points, will those points still be available later to shore up any point-deficiency when trading players?
On June 22 2011 02:23 IzieBoy wrote: where's idra?
in USA.
Ok guys,
I never played a fantasy league before. And I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points?
Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play?
Can you trade for players of equal value? If not, what would happen if some of your team stays at only 1pt throughout the GSTL, will they be stuck?
+ Show Spoiler + IMHappy seems like a nobrainer pick. 1. Talked up by his coach 2. Top 10 on the Korean ladder 3. On a dominating team 4. Only 1 point!
Anti-team is a little risky because noone is quite sure how foreigners will fare. I will probably change this before the final submission :/ Captain is also tricky because there are so many high point, similarly skilled players. I went for MKP because he is so generally consistent, and prime will probably do well now that polt is on a hot streak.
predictions moved to the predictions place
Why do all of you keep making the captain an 8 or 9 point player? Being a captain doesn't give that player any advantage... al it does it make it so that player can't be traded.
Wouldn't it be more logical to make one of your lower level 1 or 2 point players a captain... since you wouldn't be able to trade those players down the road anyways? Unless of course they improve...but then you probably want to keep them.
I did this and somehow ended up with a team full of Terran. I had to find a way of crowbarring in a protoss and a zerg. What the christ?
On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds.
On June 22 2011 03:26 DoomsVille wrote: Why do all of you keep making the captain an 8 or 9 point player? Being a captain doesn't give that player any advantage... al it does it make it so that player can't be traded.
Wouldn't it be more logical to make one of your lower level 1 or 2 point players a captain... since you wouldn't be able to trade those players down the road anyways? Unless of course they improve...but then you probably want to keep them.
shhhhh we have an advantage
On June 22 2011 03:02 Luomu wrote: wheres idra?
i wish i had report button already it was answered three posts above his, and he has 2 posts total...
wow Ive just realized that my team has only 1 terran, and he's not even Korean... uh oh this is not good because team should have as much Korean Terran as they can lol
To the people managing Fantasy GSTL
Under the stats and trade tab, the links to the teams link to TLPD BW. Please correct that.
On June 22 2011 04:51 Roman8915 wrote: wow Ive just realized that my team has only 1 terran, and he's not even Korean... uh oh this is not good because team should have as much Korean Terran as they can lol I know what you mean, if I have a tie between players I pick the Terran
Can you CHANGE your team now? It does not overwrite my team.
Edit: nevermind, too few players. It's fine
Awesome idea! just signed up, this is going to be fun. Have herd of this in forball but its gonna so freaking awesome to have it in Starcraft
First post on the forums btw
Have been lurking around TL awhile without an account, waiting for exams to be over before I get swept away. Saw this and saw that the closing day is tomorrow so had to make an account today, even though my last exam is next week. Going to have great fun with this and hopefully contribute to the community loads.
This is such a great idea, definitely gonna force me to start watching GSTL religiously again.
Main Team 2 Ace This guy is going to do quite well for himself, he is definitely better than a 2 so easy choice. 5 Alicia Going to be the best toss in the league soon 9 Bomber (captain) I really though about all the players ranked on the top and bomber just felt like the only one who deserves to be there. a lot of the other 9 and 8 guys seemed to be riding hype except MVP and Nestea 2 BoxeR I think we all expect good results from boxer and at the low price of 2 team points how could i say no to it  2 Ensnare You will probably be traded but maybe you can win a game in round one  1 HuK only one teampoint? seriously? picked him on my team before he even one dreamhack. HuK has earned his korean wings and will definitely be winning games, gonna hold on to him for awhile. I do hope that OGS actually chooses to play him. 5 July July is one of the most consistent zergs in korea gonna get a lot of points from him 4 Min Underrated since his other slayers teammmates are so good but definitely top 5 zerg in my mind 6 StarTale Startale is going all the way this year they have a deep roster and players who can play all the MU's
Anti Team 8 Polt seriously i know that he just one the GSl but im still not convinced he is overall a consistent player. He is probably going to get a lot of play time and a lot of game losses. 2 Qxc Qxc just keep doing what you did at NASL and you will look real good on my fantasy team 3 Sheth I am not sure his playstyle as zerg is going to cut it in korea
Are you allowed to trade teams?
You got NOTHING on me! :D
Can I trade two players with their combined points for one player?
Just to make sure, the only thing influencing trading value in each evaluation is GSTL performance or do you take into account other tournaments?
On June 22 2011 01:08 Rhokdar wrote:My team with my thoughts + Show Spoiler +Team AwesomeMain Team1 HuKHuk has been performing good(no matter what people say) and with his recent win at Dreamhack i see him being played by OGS alot. Also for 1 point he is extremly cheap. 1 IMHappyIM coach has talked quite abit about this guy, so im putting my faith on him. 9 MC (captain) Its MC, what else to say? 9 MMAHas been performing extremly well in team leagues. 4 NaNiwaWith so few players on team fox united, i see Naniwa being played alot, aswell as winning since he is awesome. 1 SocceRSame reason as Naniwa. 4 ThorZaINSame reason as Naniwa. 2 ViOletViolet seems good, and playing on MVP he will prolly get some playing time. 4 PrimeWith both Polt and Marineking, i think Prime have a good shot at taking this GSTL. Anti Team7 aLiveHad to choose someone 3 ChoyaHorrible player 3 RainBOwHorrible player
Just some thoughts about your team:
- Neither of TL's players have even walked out with oGs yet in a GSTL. Maybe this will change, but I doubt it.
- Almost all of your Main Team is in Group A (other then Happy that is), which means that you'll be getting almost no points from Group B.
- aLive is a really solid player on a team that doesn't have a lot of other great (TSL doesn't have nearly as many good players as teams like SlayerS or IM, so there's a higher chance of him getting played).
- Three of your players are on F.United, and since their first games aren't until August, your score will be exceedingly low till then.
- Also, since those players are relatively inexperienced in Korea, you don't know how well they will do in the setting and you've invested a quarter of your total points into them.
I'm new to Fantasy leagues though, so what do I know? Just some advice though, hope it helps.
So we should only pick people who are going to play in the first week or so? then trade for players later or what?
You guys are posting your teams in the wrong thread.
what does the "captain" thing mean?
On June 22 2011 12:13 Let it Raine wrote: what does the "captain" thing mean?
The captain cannot be traded After the season is over, in the case of a tie, the person with the highest scoring captain wins
On June 22 2011 08:51 Emporio wrote: Are you allowed to trade teams?
On June 22 2011 10:42 mutantmagnet wrote: Can I trade two players with their combined points for one player?
Just to make sure, the only thing influencing trading value in each evaluation is GSTL performance or do you take into account other tournaments?
Only GSTL performance
Damn...the Fantasy GSTL signup banner is soooooooo cute.
On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter?
I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season.
It will also help greatly in picking my Team.
EDIT: removing player names
On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. EDIT: removing player names  I saw the names! lol
So your strategy basically revolves around buying low, hoping a few players bump their value up and then trading them off? Good idea in theory but I don't think you're going to get the clarification you need to make it viable. Good luck.
Is there any way to make changes to your current team?
On June 22 2011 15:46 DoomsVille wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. EDIT: removing player names  I saw the names! lol So your strategy basically revolves around buying low, hoping a few players bump their value up and then trading them off? Good idea in theory but I don't think you're going to get the clarification you need to make it viable. Good luck. Oh damn . Well, it is a part of my strategy to get me to the top. Even if those 2 players don't perform at all, which I find unlikely, then my other players/team will give me enough points to end somewhere in the upper middle.
Cheese :D
Main Team 5 July 3 Keen (captain) 3 Kyrix 4 NaNiwa 2 Qxc 6 Ryung 3 Sheth 2 Taeja 8 Incredible Miracle
Anti Team 5 San 2 TheBest 6 Trickster
Most players I picked are likely to be used in every four man rotation, either as an opening player, or as the one next to the ace. QXC and Sheth I just want to cheer for, plus they are cheap pointwise. No illusions of victory here though.
IM should be a good team...Nestea, Losira, MVP, and someone else? Yes!
Anti team...San seems to be slumping, and for five points, it should work. Trickster isn't worth six points in my opinion, and TheBest...read my team name. :D
No really, would it be possible to have the formula which calculates trade costs ? I just prefer to play a game knowing all the rules exactly rather than having to guess.
Where is JYP from TSL?
EDIT: Nvm, It's TSL.Smart, should have used TLPD first.
On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. Okéee, another question on top of the ones above. If you buy a player for 5 points and during the season he becomes a 8 point player. When you want to sell him, will he be worth 5 or 8 points?
Is this for the regular season only, or does it include the playoffs as well?
On June 22 2011 18:29 Koshi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. Okéee, another question on top of the ones above. If you buy a player for 5 points and during the season he becomes a 8 point player. When you want to sell him, will he be worth 5 or 8 points?
Fairly sure he would be worth 8 points, it's the same with every fantasy sport I've played. I'm also interested in the above questions 
and it says in the first post:
The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices At week 5, when Naniwa (4) has played 0 games, what kind of price would he rise to?
I really think we should get points when our anti-team loses, right now it's more beneficial to choose players you don't think will get played over players you actually think are bad.
On June 22 2011 20:32 Jobtha wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 18:29 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. Okéee, another question on top of the ones above. If you buy a player for 5 points and during the season he becomes a 8 point player. When you want to sell him, will he be worth 5 or 8 points? Fairly sure he would be worth 8 points, it's the same with every fantasy sport I've played. I'm also interested in the above questions  and it says in the first post: Show nested quote +The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices At week 5, when Naniwa (4) has played 0 games, what kind of price would he rise to?
Yeah, will players that don't play gain points? That was one of my initial questions. Because it is also VERY important when picking your anti team.
But I got a pretty decent team going on right now. I am still doubting a bit over players that wont play in the first week, if it is worth it to swap them with players that play in the first week and then trade them between week 1 and 2.
I think I've made the perfect team. Next time you will see my name is with a giant trophy beside it. I'm a little nervous about picking STAugust though..
"You pick 3 players that you think are bad. They will lose you points when they win." should it be they will win you points when they lose?
omg I can't believe it starts tommorow, so looking forward to this. It makes the already exciting GSTL even more exciting.
My Team is gonna own you guys fo' realz.
On June 22 2011 21:42 Koshi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 20:32 Jobtha wrote:On June 22 2011 18:29 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 15:44 Koshi wrote:On June 22 2011 03:41 figq wrote:On June 22 2011 02:47 Koshi wrote: I wonder how much the points change during the season? If a 1 point player goes for a all kill. How much points will he gain? Same question for a player with 4 points? Also, is it possible that players change value when they don't play? Yeah, hope someone clarifies the trading value calculation / or at least the likelihood and margin for change in value. Otherwise we can't assess properly the risks and costs for trading-based builds. Admins? Can you and your unending wisdom please shed some light on this matter? I really need to know this to make my last decisions. I have this very, very neat strategy that will make me n°1 if x and y play as good as they are. But I need to know how fast, how likely the points will change during the season. It will also help greatly in picking my Team. Okéee, another question on top of the ones above. If you buy a player for 5 points and during the season he becomes a 8 point player. When you want to sell him, will he be worth 5 or 8 points? Fairly sure he would be worth 8 points, it's the same with every fantasy sport I've played. I'm also interested in the above questions  and it says in the first post: The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices At week 5, when Naniwa (4) has played 0 games, what kind of price would he rise to? Yeah, will players that don't play gain points? That was one of my initial questions. Because it is also VERY important when picking your anti team. But I got a pretty decent team going on right now. I am still doubting a bit over players that wont play in the first week, if it is worth it to swap them with players that play in the first week and then trade them between week 1 and 2.
The amount of games left for a player will be considered when calculating the players skill points, how much of an influence it will have I can't tell you though. I really wouldn't focus too much on trading, since it will always cost you 1 point and at least 1 skill-point, since you have to trade for a player of lesser value (or higher for anti).
Can you trade a player worth 1 point or are you stuck with it ?
So, you get a point if your anti-player loses?
Bah, I choosed boxer and now I realise he won't play.. T_T can't change now right?
On June 23 2011 04:31 SlimeBagly wrote: So, you get a point if your anti-player loses? You get all the usual points, but with minus sign. At worst, a main teamer gets you 0pts. At best, an anti-teamer gets you 0pts.
On June 23 2011 04:36 Bobobberat wrote: Bah, I choosed boxer and now I realise he won't play.. T_T can't change now right? You can edit/view your team, just go to the same page for team submission as before.
On June 23 2011 04:41 figq wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 04:31 SlimeBagly wrote: So, you get a point if your anti-player loses? You get all the usual points, but with minus sign. At worst, a main teamer gets you 0pts. At best, an anti-teamer gets you 0pts. Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 04:36 Bobobberat wrote: Bah, I choosed boxer and now I realise he won't play.. T_T can't change now right? You can edit/view your team, just go to the same page for team submission as before.
but you lose a point if your player wins, so wouldn't you get a point if your anti-player loses?
You certainly ought to, or else you'd just pick randos that will never actually get play time
ah, but you get an antipoint for him getting play time... that seems like a silly system. I think you should be rewarded for picking players who will lose, not for picking players who will never play.
"Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them."
So basically, having anyone of oGs this week is a waste of points if I can switch for them starting next week, right?
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything, please.
On June 23 2011 04:17 Archvil3 wrote: Can you trade a player worth 1 point or are you stuck with it ? When a player performs well, as well as other factors such as matches remaining, the trade value will increase. If a 1-pointer is performing well, you'll be able to trade the player for sure. Of course, if a player is losing a lot, your options will be limited, as you can only trade for players of lower value.
On June 23 2011 04:47 SlimeBagly wrote: ah, but you get an antipoint for him getting play time... that seems like a silly system. I think you should be rewarded for picking players who will lose, not for picking players who will never play. You do realize your anti-team must add up to a minimum of 13 points, right? Picking players who will never play isn't easy.
On June 23 2011 05:03 Ghoststrikes wrote: "Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them."
So basically, having anyone of oGs this week is a waste of points if I can switch for them starting next week, right? Not exactly. Since the trade value formula includes matches remaining, players on teams who have played will drop in value. So if you get an oGs player now, the player's trade value will remain the same after the first week, while the players on the teams who have played will be affected negatively by having less matches remaining. I don't know how significant this factor is on the trade value, but it means that the player's potential to win points in a week is translated to some extent into points, which then again means that you can trade the player for someone who might be better, but has less points due to having fewer matches remaining. At least that's how I understood it.
EDIT: Also, trading tax should be considered too.
When will Thorzain and Naniwa arrive to Korea? Yes-yes, I know it's a long GSTL season, but if they will miss the half of it, I'd like to know, because it changes a lot of things, and I might reconsider my team selection.
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
They will play the entire season, since F.U won't even have a full lineup without them.
On June 22 2011 16:54 RaizeL wrote:Cheese :DMain Team5 July3 Keen (captain) 3 Kyrix4 NaNiwa2 Qxc6 Ryung3 Sheth2 Taeja8 Incredible MiracleAnti Team5 San2 TheBest6 TricksterMost players I picked are likely to be used in every four man rotation, either as an opening player, or as the one next to the ace. QXC and Sheth I just want to cheer for, plus they are cheap pointwise. No illusions of victory here though. IM should be a good team...Nestea, Losira, MVP, and someone else? Yes! Anti team...San seems to be slumping, and for five points, it should work. Trickster isn't worth six points in my opinion, and TheBest...read my team name. :D
San should not be on your anti team.. hes bound to participate in every single NSHoSeo game.. even as an ace his team is too bad to win the game before he gets in the field as a result he is pretty damn good main team material. same for Kyrix and Sheth
Does anybody know why TSL Sangho is not anywhere on the draft list? I want to put him on my anti-team...
Edit: TSL.Killer...
this is awesome! Enough lurking, I'm joining TL 
PS: where is IMNuts? Does he have another name or am I blind?
Has anyone seen JYP from TSL on the list? He should be there but afaik he isn't. Does he go under a different alias? Thanks in advance.
On June 23 2011 09:49 pe wrote:this is awesome! Enough lurking, I'm joining TL  PS: where is IMNuts? Does he have another name or am I blind? Welcome! When that happens - go to TLPD search on the right and enter the name and the game/scene, and TLPD usually brings you the name, even if it's not the "main" one.
Nuts = Ready (in the list) edit: JYP = Smart (in the list) gl & hf !
Didn't know Huk only cost 1 Captain is DRG other ace is Polt I picked these two as they have shown good skills against all matchups. After his strong code A qualifier showing I decided to put qxc in there as well. Overall I choose players likely to appear. Hero beat DRG to get into code A therefore he must be decent. However OGS is massive. My last pick was actually Sniper. No idea about him but he is on MVP which is also my chosen team to win GSTL!
Big Rocks
Main Team 8 DongRaeGu (captain) 5 GuineaPig 1 Hero 4 Min 8 Polt 2 Qxc 1 Sniper 3 Twilight 4 MVP
Anti Team 3 RainBOw 4 ThorZaIN 6 Trickster
Here are my picks, tho seeing some of your guys' teams makes me want to do a complete overhaul:
Eric's Elite
Main Team 5 Alicia (captain) 3 Frozen 5 GuineaPig 5 July 4 NaNiwa 3 Sheth 2 Taeja 4 ThorZaIN 5 Old GenerationS
Anti Team 4 FruitDealer 5 Lyn 8 Polt
Alicia is the Slayers player who often takes the most wins in the GSL, while MMA is the ace, so for 5 points I thought he seemed like a great pick. (And I didn't entirely understand the "Captain" bit XD. Whoops.
Frozen seems to get played a lot.
Guineapig started pretty much every series for MVP last time and took many games.
July is ST's best or second best player. He's gonna see a ton of play, and a lot of wins, even tho he is zerg.
For four points, ThorZain and Naniwa!? YES SIR!!! So happy they're priced so low.
Sheth is gonna win a game or two I think
Taeja seems alright.
OGS is getting a decent amount of depth added to it now, and I had an extra point left over so I chose theme over MVP basically.
Anti Team: Fruitdealer... He hasn't been performing well lately. Lyn is gonna see play and I don't think he's up to the challenge. I think polt isn't gonna be able to handle the GSTL, although he's a great player and now Prime is gonna be playing him every chance they get for the first little while untill they realize the difference between MMA and Polt in terms of GSTL vs GSL skill. Both are talented within their own fields and both are amazing players, but Polt must've practiced his ass off and MMA doesn't let shit phase him... I guess we'll see tho.
People I wish I had picked: HuK, didn't realize he was so cheap and I do believe in him. IMHappy, apparently seems like the favorite pick of so many here
Edit: Wow I clearly didn't understand the Anti-Team mechanics. Oh well, live and learn. So I don't get any points for players that see play and lose?
On June 23 2011 12:20 TheDougler wrote: Edit: Wow I clearly didn't understand the Anti-Team mechanics. Oh well, live and learn. So I don't get any points for players that see play and lose?
Dude, you can still change your team! Hurry up, you only have a few hours. Change your team by going back to the signup page. By submitting a new team, it replaces your old one.
they asked you specifically to not just link your team into the thread w/o some kind of write-up about it. just my "thoughts"...
edit: Wrong thread, my mistake.
User was warned for this post
Berd Nallers
Main Team 9 MC Captain 4 NaDa 1 HuK 1 Jinro 5 July 8 NesTea 1 TheWinD 3 Sheth 4 Prime Anti Team
4 InCa 5 San 4 Clide
Fruitdealer will always have my heart, so i picked him first. MC is just too good not to have, along with Nestea. Had to bring in the TL guys because i love TL <3. July, huk, jinro, NaDa, all cheap good picks. Sheth is a wild card, hopefully he brings some skill to korea.
Anti team, InCa is a PvP God...but anything else is just ludacris. San...Meh. Clide has no bonnie!
I think this teams not the best, Win/Loss wise, but i think they all have proven to perform well at ONE point in their careers...and the people on the anti team have proven NOT to perform well in clutch situations. That's what counts to me.
Did I miss the chance to make a team? I'm trying to figure out how to create one and add players
Oh, or do I create it here?
Team 1 - Creator 1 - Huk 8 - MarineKing 8 - Nestea (Captain) 4 - Naniwa 4 - Gumiho 1 - Jinro 3 - Virus
6 - Slayers
Anti-team 6 - Trickster 3 - Moonan 4 - Byun
Awww =(
the stream's not even working for me (I don't pay, so no HQ for me)
Yay now the stream's working! But... I'd really like that fantasy team... if only I'd woken up a tad bit earlier
On June 23 2011 18:17 TheRealPaciFist wrote: Did I miss the chance to make a team? I'm trying to figure out how to create one and add players Yes, it closed at 18:00 KST.
It occurs to me that the appearance +1 point and loss -1 point will cancel each other out for everyone but the finisher.
You're supposed to have 8 players + a team, I think, and I see 9 players
Is there any useful little thingy that shows what % of people playing currently has each player? That would be magnificent.
how do you sign up for this dont get it
look at all the idiots that can't read the message at the top of the screen...holy shit
How to sign up? Am I too late?
On June 23 2011 19:34 nastyyy wrote: How to sign up? Am I too late? Yes sign ups closed at the start of this match I believe.
No! I didnt create a team! I didnt noe....
when are the points added?
Ah ffs i didnt make it . Just noticed this just now. /cry
holy santa madre de dios!!! @#$@#$@#$
i want to sing up!!!! why i didnt see this before!!!!
PLZZ!! tell me, i would do anything to join it
awe fuck just chose fxo as my team lol I hope its not too fail
On June 23 2011 22:40 NagaKnighT wrote: holy santa madre de dios!!! @#$@#$@#$
i want to sing up!!!! why i didnt see this before!!!!
PLZZ!! tell me, i would do anything to join it The signups closed at 18:00 KST today, as the GSTL kicked off with Slayers vs MVP. Sadly, the season doesn't end until September, so you're quite out of luck!
On June 23 2011 18:59 Hall0wed wrote: Is there any useful little thingy that shows what % of people playing currently has each player? That would be magnificent. Go into the trade menu, in the list of players there will be columns for "Main" and "Anti" with the letters O (owns), B (bought) and S (sold) over them. There you can see how people have structured their teams. Right now I feel a bit sorry for the 269 players who had DRG on their anti-team.
On June 24 2011 01:55 asperger wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 18:59 Hall0wed wrote: Is there any useful little thingy that shows what % of people playing currently has each player? That would be magnificent. Go into the trade menu, in the list of players there will be columns for "Main" and "Anti" with the letters O (owns), B (bought) and S (sold) over them. There you can see how people have structured their teams. Right now I feel a bit sorry for the 269 players who had DRG on their anti-team. Don't. That was just a horrible move from them.
On June 24 2011 02:25 Bengui wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2011 01:55 asperger wrote:On June 23 2011 18:59 Hall0wed wrote: Is there any useful little thingy that shows what % of people playing currently has each player? That would be magnificent. Go into the trade menu, in the list of players there will be columns for "Main" and "Anti" with the letters O (owns), B (bought) and S (sold) over them. There you can see how people have structured their teams. Right now I feel a bit sorry for the 269 players who had DRG on their anti-team. Don't. That was just a horrible move from them. Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense. :D
On June 24 2011 02:34 asperger wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2011 02:25 Bengui wrote:On June 24 2011 01:55 asperger wrote:On June 23 2011 18:59 Hall0wed wrote: Is there any useful little thingy that shows what % of people playing currently has each player? That would be magnificent. Go into the trade menu, in the list of players there will be columns for "Main" and "Anti" with the letters O (owns), B (bought) and S (sold) over them. There you can see how people have structured their teams. Right now I feel a bit sorry for the 269 players who had DRG on their anti-team. Don't. That was just a horrible move from them. Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense. :D Says a guy named Asperger.
/No offense, but for some reason I found that funny =) /
BTW I'm lookin' good right nao with DRG Alicia and Guinea in my team. But if Thorzain won't play, I'll be in serious trouble.
If I have Violet on my anti-team, and he lost, why did I lose a point for him? Am I misunderstanding the rules?
On June 24 2011 09:46 Scribble wrote: If I have Violet on my anti-team, and he lost, why did I lose a point for him? Am I misunderstanding the rules?
he got +1 appearance +1 team win and -1 team loss
losing a game should be -2 its too gentle (im trying to be kind with my wording) to have an appearance cancel out a loss
Wow. Trade values are volatile: (note: Opening Match [Jupiter Group D1] Spoilers) + Show Spoiler + # R Player Team Pts Wk W± LA W-L SB TW Cur $ TrVal TrVal ± 1. DongRaeGu MVP 8 +8 ▼1 1 3-0 0 1 W3 8 10.84 +2.84 2. GuineaPig MVP 4 +4 ▼2 1 1-1 1 1 L1 5 6.22 +1.22 2. Alicia SLR 4 +4 ▼2 1 2-1 0 0 L1 5 6.22 +1.22 ... 22. MMA SLR 0 0 ▼22 1 0-1 0 0 L1 9 7.20 -1.80 ... 22. Ryung SLR 0 0 ▼22 0 — 0 0 — 6 4.80 -1.20 ... 22. GanZi SLR 0 0 ▼22 1 0-1 0 0 L1 5 4.00 -1.00 .... 22. Min SLR 0 0 ▼22 0 — 0 0 — 4 3.20 -0.80
Min dropped from 4 to 3.2 and he didn't even play!
Is this affected by the fact that it's the first match or will every match cause that kind of swing? I suppose with 5 matches in the regular season it does need a decent amount of movement.
Edit: Actually, it looks pretty straightforward. A player lost 1/5 of their trade value this match[1] and gained 5/9 of a point in trade value per point generated.
[1] Presumably it will always act on current value, and it'll probably be based on the number of games left (1/5, then 1/4, then 1/3 and so on ..). Too early to tell, though.
On June 24 2011 09:46 Scribble wrote: If I have Violet on my anti-team, and he lost, why did I lose a point for him? Am I misunderstanding the rules?
Because (match spoiler): + Show Spoiler + He gained 1 point for appearing, lost 1 point for losing the match, and then gained 1 point because his team won, for a total of +1. Since Anti-Team scoring is just the opposite of team scoring, he lost a point for you.
Is it already late to sign up?
On June 24 2011 15:26 jtrex wrote: Is it already late to sign up?
Yes, signups closed when day 1 started.
Is there going to be a change in the rules for trickster and fruitdealer? because i had trickster on my antiteam from the beginning, but assuming there isn't going to be some sort of forced trade, i want to pick up FD for my 2nd anti.
Trading going to open soon?
Whoops wrong thread. This is what happens when you have 3 different threads open.
why can I not trade guinea pig? I don't want to, but the fact that I can't is troubling. He is not my captain.
does trickster count in TSL roster or not :O? technically he should not since hes not in the team. The point rules are that you get a point if you win and you are in the roster but does that mean only bench players, or anyone in clan?
Why haven't mma gotten a point for appearance?
On June 26 2011 01:20 zewker wrote: Why haven't mma gotten a point for appearance? He probably did; but then he lost, remember?
On June 26 2011 02:49 asperger wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2011 01:20 zewker wrote: Why haven't mma gotten a point for appearance? He probably did; but then he lost, remember?
Ah yeah...forgot about that rule
Ok Guinea Pig is untradeable?? is it a mistake since he is random and there is some bug that makes me have a random player in addition to having to have a protoss, terran, and zerg??
this is a pretty cool concept.. i need to start keeping tabs on gstl now :-/
United States415 Posts
Same here cannot trade Guinea Pig. Probably a bug with him being random since it seems like the drop menu is color coded by race. Please fix before trading closes! Thanks!! :D
United States415 Posts
Also I just saw that trading my team did not cost me the 1 point trading tax. Is it a bug or working as intended? Do you only get charged a tax for trading players but not for trading the team?
Did I just screw myself out of a free trade by pointing this out?
Losira is on my anti team and he lost. i was docked a point instead of given one? whats the deal?
On June 29 2011 04:01 Splashinpoolz wrote: Losira is on my anti team and he lost. i was docked a point instead of given one? whats the deal? If the team of your anti player wins, you are deducted points. 2, in this case.
United States415 Posts
On June 29 2011 04:01 Splashinpoolz wrote: Losira is on my anti team and he lost. i was docked a point instead of given one? whats the deal?
+1 for playing -1 for losing +1 for his team winning ------ +1 total
Invert it for -1 on anti team.
GuineaPig still untradable
+ the trading values are soo unpredictable.
why the hell was it impossible for me to trade Tiger(2.47) for Puzzle(2.00). But i could trade Tiger for Choya(2.40). This seems kinda strange and/or buggy.
if the trading value would be displayed anywhere besides the drop down menu on the trading page it would be really helpful
On June 29 2011 09:10 mrbamboo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 29 2011 04:01 Splashinpoolz wrote: Losira is on my anti team and he lost. i was docked a point instead of given one? whats the deal? +1 for playing -1 for losing +1 for his team winning ------ +1 total Invert it for -1 on anti team.
Okay i read the scoring more carefully now. thanks
On June 29 2011 22:31 oOa)sInNeR wrote: GuineaPig still untradable
+ the trading values are soo unpredictable.
why the hell was it impossible for me to trade Tiger(2.47) for Puzzle(2.00). But i could trade Tiger for Choya(2.40). This seems kinda strange and/or buggy.
if the trading value would be displayed anywhere besides the drop down menu on the trading page it would be really helpful The actual trade value is that value times the number of games they have remaining.
Tiger only has 4 games left so his value is 2.47x4 = 9.88
Puzzle has 5 games left so his value is 2x5 = 10
So you can't trade Tiger for Puzzle. Choya also only has 4 games left, so Tiger can be traded for him.
where can i see my fantasy team?
I find it extremely strange and unintuitive that you're given -1 if a player on your anti-team just gets to play, so the best possible outcome you could hope for is a sum of zero. Just makes you want to pick players that will most likely never appear, and if they do, lose, instead of gambling on a player that appears often and loses often.
On July 01 2011 02:07 vrok wrote: I find it extremely strange and unintuitive that you're given -1 if a player on your anti-team just gets to play so the best possible outcome you could hope for is a sum of zero. Just makes you want to pick players that will most likely never appear, and if they do, lose, instead of gambling on a player that appears often and loses often.
Agree'd there's only risk in picking players that actually play. If you pick'd QXC last week you got 0 points, if you picked ThorZain last week you got 0 points.
United States15275 Posts
When I trade for someone, do I automatically all those player's points prior to the trade? So if I trade for Puma, I get his 8 total points and lose 1 for the trade?
Trickster still gave me -1 on my anti despite not appearing in the lineup =(
Trickster and Fruit Dealer were originally on my anti-team, why are they giving me minus points if they cannot be played?
Why does it say "trading closed"? :o
On July 01 2011 12:41 Piski wrote: Why does it say "trading closed"? :o
You have to wait till after the week's games to trade.
On July 01 2011 12:07 Man.Magic wrote: Trickster and Fruit Dealer were originally on my anti-team, why are they giving me minus points if they cannot be played? People give you minus points on your anti team if their team wins, guys! It's just like how you get a point on your main team if you have a player on the winning team, but inverted.
Trading should open very soon, right ?
On July 01 2011 13:29 asperger wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 12:07 Man.Magic wrote: Trickster and Fruit Dealer were originally on my anti-team, why are they giving me minus points if they cannot be played? People give you minus points on your anti team if their team wins, guys! It's just like how you get a point on your main team if you have a player on the winning team, but inverted.
FruitDealer doesn't have a team though. This needs to be corrected :/
United States415 Posts
On July 03 2011 09:12 Bear4188 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 13:29 asperger wrote:On July 01 2011 12:07 Man.Magic wrote: Trickster and Fruit Dealer were originally on my anti-team, why are they giving me minus points if they cannot be played? People give you minus points on your anti team if their team wins, guys! It's just like how you get a point on your main team if you have a player on the winning team, but inverted. FruitDealer doesn't have a team though. This needs to be corrected :/
so you should be given free anti-team picks that are guaranteed to never score points no matter what while other people who didn't pick fruit dealer or tester has to take risks which is the entire point of having an anti-team to begin with?
Consider yourself lucky enough that you have a player on your anti team that has absolutely zero chance of getting sent out and score points against you.
On July 01 2011 04:46 CosmicSpiral wrote: When I trade for someone, do I automatically all those player's points prior to the trade? So if I trade for Puma, I get his 8 total points and lose 1 for the trade? No.... definately not
On July 04 2011 05:06 DoomsVille wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 04:46 CosmicSpiral wrote: When I trade for someone, do I automatically all those player's points prior to the trade? So if I trade for Puma, I get his 8 total points and lose 1 for the trade? No.... definately not
That would be pretty stupid wouldn't it? When you trade you need to think what they will do, not what they have already done.
Man.. I need to get rid of qxc on my team now. FXO is definately a team with lot of potential but I feel like any longer and their values isnt worth it.
On July 08 2011 20:09 T0fuuu wrote: Man.. I need to get rid of qxc on my team now. FXO is definately a team with lot of potential but I feel like any longer and their values isnt worth it. This is why I didn't pick FXO at all...they have a lot of chance of game time but I just couldn't see any of them competing well enough to earn any points, and now their values are too low to be traded.
On July 12 2011 22:02 WaterKnight wrote: how do you sign up
We seriously get a post like this on every page. Signups were closed when the GSTL season began four weeks ago.
dang i rly wanted to make a team, oh well next season QQ
edit :: would it be possible to allow people who came late to make a team, and not have it ranked or anything just for fun and for practice (for us newer players, to get acquainted with the system and to make the gstl more interesting for us!)
Dang it takes so long to wait a week for the next gstl matches now I have to wait 2 weeks
When is the trade window? The team league hasn't started for the week and yet it says trades are closed on my page. 0.o
On July 26 2011 09:16 Nosforit wrote: When is the trade window? The team league hasn't started for the week and yet it says trades are closed on my page. 0.o Same. I hope we get answers soon.
On July 26 2011 20:19 QuantumPhysX wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 09:16 Nosforit wrote: When is the trade window? The team league hasn't started for the week and yet it says trades are closed on my page. 0.o Same. I hope we get answers soon.
no gstl for a week, check sched
What the hell, man? I can't find Thorzain O.o
How do I signup? I don't understand how to buy players and the OP doesn't make it clear.
On July 26 2011 20:25 sYstim wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 20:19 QuantumPhysX wrote:On July 26 2011 09:16 Nosforit wrote: When is the trade window? The team league hasn't started for the week and yet it says trades are closed on my page. 0.o Same. I hope we get answers soon. no gstl for a week, check sched
That's the point though. There's no GSTL this week, therefore, there's no reason that trading should be closed. Trading should only be closed while a TeamLeague week is in progress.
I don't get this system.
I have Sheth and QXC on my team, but they are worth 0.0, the stats say Sheth is 1.67 and QXC is 7.78. This means I can only trade Sheth or QXC for other FXO players, that aren't playing anymore this season either.
On July 27 2011 20:24 Lizarb wrote: I don't get this system.
I have Sheth and QXC on my team, but they are worth 0.0, the stats say Sheth is 1.67 and QXC is 7.78. This means I can only trade Sheth or QXC for other FXO players, that aren't playing anymore this season either.
The stats are multiplied by the number of games each player has left. This is in order to keep people from fielding players only because they play alot of games early, and then trading them for players who play alot of games late. The reason FXL players are now worth 0 is because they have 0 games left. For the same reason, F.United players are amongst some of the more expensive players, because they have all of their games left.
On July 29 2011 04:53 Nosforit wrote: The stats are multiplied by the number of games each player has left. This is in order to keep people from fielding players only because they play alot of games early, and then trading them for players who play alot of games late. The reason FXL players are now worth 0 is because they have 0 games left. For the same reason, F.United players are amongst some of the more expensive players, because they have all of their games left.
So... If I keep QXC he might rise in value before next GSTL, if he is going back to Korea?
Still seams weird to me.
On August 02 2011 21:43 Lizarb wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2011 04:53 Nosforit wrote: The stats are multiplied by the number of games each player has left. This is in order to keep people from fielding players only because they play alot of games early, and then trading them for players who play alot of games late. The reason FXL players are now worth 0 is because they have 0 games left. For the same reason, F.United players are amongst some of the more expensive players, because they have all of their games left. So... If I keep QXC he might rise in value before next GSTL, if he is going back to Korea? Still seams weird to me. I don't really get what you mean. QXC has zero matches left this season, and will be untradeable from now on. Next season everything will start over from scratch, although I guess the players who have performed well will have different trade values than they started with this season and vice versa.
On August 03 2011 08:26 asperger wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2011 21:43 Lizarb wrote:On July 29 2011 04:53 Nosforit wrote: The stats are multiplied by the number of games each player has left. This is in order to keep people from fielding players only because they play alot of games early, and then trading them for players who play alot of games late. The reason FXL players are now worth 0 is because they have 0 games left. For the same reason, F.United players are amongst some of the more expensive players, because they have all of their games left. So... If I keep QXC he might rise in value before next GSTL, if he is going back to Korea? Still seams weird to me. I don't really get what you mean. QXC has zero matches left this season, and will be untradeable from now on. Next season everything will start over from scratch, although I guess the players who have performed well will have different trade values than they started with this season and vice versa.
I don't think this poster understands that we re-pick teams for the second season - maybe he thinks that he trades his current roster for new players when season 2 starts?
I do understand that we repick. But I guess this is mainly a confusion because FXO played all thier games in the first few weeks. Never tried any fantasy team thing, its quite fun though. 
Thanks for the answers, I learned a few things.
edit: found the answer - when you have only one player of a certain race, the system only allows you to trade him for other players of that same race. How could I doubt TL!
Sigh...had Happy, MVP (traded cause he was starting), and Yonghwa, IM crashes and burns and almost all are useless in terms of trading...finally dumped SlayerS for F. United cause I don't think they're gonna win the 1 game they have left and F. U has their whole season left, hoping they can QXC surprise or something... traded Alicia for San cause NSHeoSeo seems to be doing fine, will get team win points even if he doesn't go out...was doing great the first couple weeks and then my half Slayers/IM team crashes and burns lol.
Now that IM can't proceed to the playoffs, can I not change my team captain (which is an IM member)?
On August 06 2011 20:51 QuantumPhysX wrote:Now that IM can't proceed to the playoffs, can I not change my team captain (which is an IM member)? 
I believe FGSTL ends at the end of the regular season, so you don't have to worry about the playoffs. And no, you can never trade your captain.
On another note, TSL is still playing the rest of their scheduled matches, right?
Can a mod fix my fantasy points?
I lost my W6 Startale points (for them beating IM) because the points are put into the wrong weeks. It says that we just played week 8, but we obviously just played week 7. I traded ST for F.United between weeks 6 and 7 (this week, after they played IM), but it thinks that I traded them before they played IM (since the ST points for IM are recorded under week 7).
Also all my points for this week (Thorzain, Soccer, and F.United) are under the week 8 column, they should be under the week 7 column.
On August 12 2011 08:15 fant0m wrote: Can a mod fix my fantasy points?
I lost my W6 Startale points (for them beating IM) because the points are put into the wrong weeks. It says that we just played week 8, but we obviously just played week 7. I traded ST for F.United between weeks 6 and 7 (this week, after they played IM), but it thinks that I traded them before they played IM (since the ST points for IM are recorded under week 7).
Also all my points for this week (Thorzain, Soccer, and F.United) are under the week 8 column, they should be under the week 7 column.
Can a mod fix my fantasy points too please? I traded Bomber into my anti-team this week AFTER he played in the ST-IM match, but I get the -7 points he got from that match. That really hurts
This doesn't really bother me but it feels a little silly to me so I felt like pointing it out.
I'm still grouped in Terran users after few weeks of trading and ending up with 5x Protoss and 2x Terran players in my team, is this intentional?
On August 14 2011 08:23 Vaelone wrote: This doesn't really bother me but it feels a little silly to me so I felt like pointing it out.
I'm still grouped in Terran users after few weeks of trading and ending up with 5x Protoss and 2x Terran players in my team, is this intentional? Terran users = people who have a Terran avatar etc.
On August 07 2011 11:51 FreezerJumps wrote: I believe FGSTL ends at the end of the regular season, so you don't have to worry about the playoffs.
Can anyone confirm that? If it's true, I feel like it should probably be in the OP or something for future seasons.
Shouldn't we be able to trade away our IM players? Seems a little unfair that those who picked IM players basically just now have vancant spots they cant fill anymore.
And when i try and trade Puzzle it only lets me select Other Protoss players but other players i can still trade anyone is this intended?
United States44 Posts
GSTL fantasy says I traded SlayerS for FXOpen ESPORTS last week? Wtf, why would I trade for a team that already played all their games...
How do I create my fantasy team? Please help I go to the 'My Team' place and it says no team exists.
On September 05 2011 19:21 ndrew! wrote: How do I create my fantasy team? Please help I go to the 'My Team' place and it says no team exists.
You can't. The current season is still going on (or is it?).
Seeing there was a thread recently about the winner of the fantasy league, can we expect the start of a new season with new participants able to join?
Why trading is closed and there´s inc games tomorrow? Every team and player has no worth at all?
When i can sign up to this league? I want create team but registration is probably close.
First post on TL! Sign ups have ended right? When does season 2 begin?
When is the signup window? I've been waiting since september to get in on this!
Do you guys know if there will be another fantasy GSTL? If there will, when?
thx in advance
Is their going to be a Fantasy GSTL Season 2? I just got my 1st liquibet for GSTL Season 1 of 2012, and really want GSTL again!!!
Anyone know what's up? Really wanna get in on this
GSTL fantasy pleaseeeeeeeeee
Let's get a season 2 going cmonnnnnnnn
Who programmed this? Cause I'm really interested in how he did that. Would be amazing if somebody could give me a name ^^
First of all, I want to underline that I do think this Fatansy league was a very good idea. 
There is something about the engine of this game/league that I want to suggest.
If someone chooses a top player in the anti team and this player happens to be the most valuable, you will be forced to have him until the end of this league. You have no option whatsoever.
Wouldn't be fair to have the chance to adapt this? I can only change for a better player on the anti team, why not allow 2 changes and if someone wants to avoid the best player he will have 2 good players instead of the best player and 2 bad ones.
Why not allow point deduction?... or double trade and calculate the average of points instead of forcing only one change and 0 chance to change for someone lower.. The way it is makes this game boring.
I have chosen Bogus because I was unware of his skill/play, after watching him I am convinced that I was wrong, it happens we are all humans. Now if I want to change I have no option, how can this game be about understanding? This is more about luck than anything else... Can't you guys make this more about understanding the players and skill levels?
Allow (all)people to correct their bets. Its just a suggestion from a fan.
Best of luck!
Just wondering, is there going to be another fantasy GSTL for this upcoming 2013 season 1?
Obviously there is, though this thread's schedule is soooo off date :D
it says i have duplicate players when i clearly dont
the top scoring team for today is a 20-pointer with:
Squirtle +8 (3x2 win, 1 lineup, 1 team win) YoDa +3 (1x2 win, 1 lineup, 1 team win, -1 loss) Lucky (1x2 win, 1 lineup, -1 loss) Hurricane (1x2 win, 1 lineup, -1 loss) <IM player> (1 team win) <IM player> (1 team win) and IM as team. (+4 4-2)
why does it take so long to update?
If this thread isn't the place for this, who should I contact about point allotment?
Prime got a 4-0 which should be 8 points instead of the 6 I received.
Also when do trades become possible? I thought it would happen after the points have been updated but it is still closed.
Please update ;_; I want to be back in top 10.
I might take #1 spot with my captain Yoda getting 2 wins :D unless some sort of prophet chose Super as their captain
How can I take part in this fantasy management?
Takes so long to update. matches played 2-3 weeks ago still not updated. Makes one lose interest fast.
I would just like to complain and to hopefully be heard by some admin that while the FPL is updated regularly FGSTL has not been updated in a month. I really hope it gets fixed and at the end of the season for both we can see the standings, contrary to all history going away after the final round. I am going to post this in TL+ as well
Not sure what happened with this fantasy league......sucks it hasn't been kept up to date until the end.
Seems to be INnoVation is the only player for Axiom-Acer
where can i find my standings?