![[image loading]](http://i62.tinypic.com/51cah1.png)
Image courtesy of Mr. Wiggles
The TL Mafia Ban List Power Rankings
The TL Mafia Ban List has been in existence for over four years maintaining order or oppressing the masses, depending on your point of view. Nearly 100 individuals have received bans at one point or another, which equates to approximately 10% of the player base. With the most recent ban list discussion, I have been inspired to present to you the top ten TL Mafia ban list moments over the years. A variety of factors went into the decision making process including their impact on the drama scale, the hilarity that ensued, and the degree of notoriety they generated. I have also consulted several individuals whose names I will not reveal, for the purpose of reminding everyone else that their opinions hold little value. Remember, this is for entertainment purposes only and is not aimed at opening up old wounds. Although if it does, I may be willing to consider adjusting the rankings accordingly.
10) #Starcraft 2 Mafia Problems
On January 03 2012 02:26 Humanfails wrote:
every random join game Im in, people will directly ask other people roles, and try to extort roles via threat of lynch. The ban list does nothing to stop this. We had a banned player get host recently because everyone repicked to him, via his means of being coercive enough to get it. Mafia is a game that gives you the skills to manipulate. LOL that it actually works in favor of such people. On the other hand, I've gotten warned (where subsequent warns lead up to a ban, tracked by the map in your folder who knows in what way) because I didnt play how the host wanted even though within the rules. Or how about the random nice host who gives everyone a warning for lulz and then runs off. There needs to be a dedicated team and not power given to random people on bnet. they're scummy, just like role card extortionists.
every random join game Im in, people will directly ask other people roles, and try to extort roles via threat of lynch. The ban list does nothing to stop this. We had a banned player get host recently because everyone repicked to him, via his means of being coercive enough to get it. Mafia is a game that gives you the skills to manipulate. LOL that it actually works in favor of such people. On the other hand, I've gotten warned (where subsequent warns lead up to a ban, tracked by the map in your folder who knows in what way) because I didnt play how the host wanted even though within the rules. Or how about the random nice host who gives everyone a warning for lulz and then runs off. There needs to be a dedicated team and not power given to random people on bnet. they're scummy, just like role card extortionists.
On January 03 2012 02:32 Foolishness wrote:
On January 03 2012 02:37 wherebugsgo wrote:
On January 03 2012 02:41 GreYMisT wrote:
On January 03 2012 02:59 Meapak_Ziphh wrote:
On January 03 2012 03:11 HarbingerOfDoom wrote:
On January 03 2012 03:17 Bluelightz wrote:
On January 03 2012 04:12 prplhz wrote:
i think he has a point though
i think he has a point though
9) QuickStriker
These days it is commonly accepted that a player must sit out a ban, even if a significant time has passed since they were modkilled. This ruling dates back to QuickStriker's request in 2011.
On April 03 2011 00:48 QuickStriker wrote:
I'm posting here in this TL Mafia Ban List thread to contest and get my ban removed once and for all. The fact that I am on my name on this list really annoys the hell out of me and I want it GONE GONE GONE BABY. So according to the rules, it seems I have to "sit out" a game and despite my sudden desire of wanting to play this upcoming new game since I cannot wait months, 2 weeks, years, or however long a mafia game last nowadays since QuickStriker today is not QuickStriker tomorrow meaning life changes all the time. So basically in that one long run on sentence, I would LIKE to play this current game so I am CONTESTING this rule since I was out for past 8 games and about a year. So I'm saying if I have to sit out this new game, FINE, so be it but I'm doing it so I can get my name off the list then, not to consider playing future mafia games. But if I can get it removed now so I can play the mafia game, I will play the current mafia game. That is all. Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^_^
I'm posting here in this TL Mafia Ban List thread to contest and get my ban removed once and for all. The fact that I am on my name on this list really annoys the hell out of me and I want it GONE GONE GONE BABY. So according to the rules, it seems I have to "sit out" a game and despite my sudden desire of wanting to play this upcoming new game since I cannot wait months, 2 weeks, years, or however long a mafia game last nowadays since QuickStriker today is not QuickStriker tomorrow meaning life changes all the time. So basically in that one long run on sentence, I would LIKE to play this current game so I am CONTESTING this rule since I was out for past 8 games and about a year. So I'm saying if I have to sit out this new game, FINE, so be it but I'm doing it so I can get my name off the list then, not to consider playing future mafia games. But if I can get it removed now so I can play the mafia game, I will play the current mafia game. That is all. Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^_^
Never before has a ban pardon request been so philosophical. The words "QuickStriker today is not QuickStriker tomorrow" have truly inspired many to have a deeper appreciation of life and expresses the importance of living in the moment. After several players agreed that his request should be ignored due to the martyring, he sent quite an interesting PM to Qatol, the ban list moderator at the time.
Dear Qatol,
I would really appreciate it if you stop screwing up my tactical plans that I am about to unfold. Yes I know mod-kill abuse isn't really nice or "legal" but if that is so, why have you even considered not putting it under part of the rules in the first place? I simply went thru the loopholes created and since no one complained and it deemed alright from all different parties, I went ahead with the idea after confirmation. Then you show up, a non-player, out of nowhere start talking blasphemy?
If you were blind about what I stated in the last few posts, I mentioned I am busy with other things. I will be busy with that same other things since unlike you or others, I got places to go and people to do. Not being able to play Mafia games for a while? Remember Mafia VIII? When else have I played mafia afterwards? Mafia 15 was my next. Why do you think that is? Apparently I played when I was on a break and I am clearly not on a break and won't be for a while.
Then why I am playing this game? Well apparently I am playing the game until I die on the behind the scenes but you wouldn't know nor you would actually know my plans do you? How dare you just simply show up and do whatever the heck you wishes. Who do you think you are in this TL mafia forum, the god of that particular forum? Seriously.
8) kushm4sta
After receiving a ban, players have the opportunity to contest the ban and argue why it may be unfair. It's pretty common for someone to have the length of their ban reduced as a result. However, kush has the unique ability to get his ban extended when speaking on his own behalf.
For instance, people weren't exactly receptive of his response after smurfing in a newbie game:
On January 23 2013 00:48 kushm4sta wrote:
I have no remorse sorry. I smurfed in a newbie game. I may do it again only you wont know about it next time hopefully. And you can't check smurfs because obviously I use a different IP. I have been banned from TL many times so I know how to create more accounts.
I have no remorse sorry. I smurfed in a newbie game. I may do it again only you wont know about it next time hopefully. And you can't check smurfs because obviously I use a different IP. I have been banned from TL many times so I know how to create more accounts.
On January 23 2013 01:18 marvellosity wrote:
i'm happy with an upgrade to lifetime ban after that response
i'm happy with an upgrade to lifetime ban after that response
On January 23 2013 01:20 yamato77 wrote:
That is, indeed, a cancerous mindset.
That is, indeed, a cancerous mindset.
On January 23 2013 02:00 GMarshal wrote:
Congrats, you are done with TL Mafia. Don't bother coming back. If you can't see why fucking over a host and a newbie game is wrong, I don't want you here.
Congrats, you are done with TL Mafia. Don't bother coming back. If you can't see why fucking over a host and a newbie game is wrong, I don't want you here.
On January 23 2013 02:05 kushm4sta wrote:
nvm ill take 3 game ban
nvm ill take 3 game ban
If there is one thing that I've learned from watching the final 5 minutes of any court drama, some people just aren't meant to take the stand. For example, in one of the greatest films of our generation, Legally Blonde, that chick with the perm totally admits to committing a murder that she wasn't even on trial for. Sometimes its best to let others speak for you.
After getting banned for the phrase "gayFK", it was revealed that the term actually refers to a combination of gay and AFK. Nearly everyone showed up to defend kush and it appeared as if the charges against him would be dropped. It looked like kush was in the clear, until this:
On February 25 2014 11:35 kushm4sta wrote:
nah i totally meant gay=bad. being afk is gay (read bad/lame), therefore gayfk. Being gay is fine for gay people but for me it's like hell no i would never do that!
User was temp banned for this post.
nah i totally meant gay=bad. being afk is gay (read bad/lame), therefore gayfk. Being gay is fine for gay people but for me it's like hell no i would never do that!
User was temp banned for this post.
You can't blame kush for his actions however. In cooperation with the TL Mafia ban list investigative team, kush has found to courage to open up and share his story about a childhood experience that may provide a deeper insight into our understanding of hm.
Update: Unfortunately the TL mods do not support the freedom to share an inspirational tale, such as his. He has been forced to revise the story by removing key details of his experience.
7) raynpelikoneet
Despite his more recent run-in with the ban list, rayn actually earned his spot on the list for his behavior back in 2011 where he was on the receiving end of one of my favorite bans in ban list history. As newbies to the game of mafia, it always takes a couple games to get completely up to speed regarding some of the more complicated roles. In rayn's case, there was a perfect storm of newbie ignorance, spelling errors, and hilarity that rewarded him with a 5 game ban.
In LotR Mafia, the mafia team had a bomberman, which would instantly blow up a player if they posted the trigger word in the thread. Generally, the trigger word cannot be a common word like "is" or "town". It has to be a more obscure word or phrase so that there is a challenge to bait it out. The mafia team happened to pick up on the fact that rayn would misspell the word "because" in some of his posts so they submitted a bomberman action on him with the trigger word "Becouse".
On September 30 2011 22:42 raynpelikoneet wrote:
I doubt they are both mafia becouse they have both been under accusations last night/this day
I doubt they are both mafia becouse they have both been under accusations last night/this day
Shortly after, rayn triggered the bomb and was flipped. Not knowing that there was a bomberman in the game and possibly what a bomberman even was, he was understandably upset when he was informed that the was killed off due to a spelling error.
He misinterpreted the bomberman kp as a modkill and ragequit from the newbie game he also happened to be playing.
On October 01 2011 10:18 raynpelikoneet wrote:
I don't want to play any more mafia games on TL becAuse of my worst ever reasoned modkill on LoTR mafia. I'm a mafia goon, and mod's should kill me. THX!
I don't want to play any more mafia games on TL becAuse of my worst ever reasoned modkill on LoTR mafia. I'm a mafia goon, and mod's should kill me. THX!
He went on to play 40+ games and possibly many more.
On September 12 2011 10:10 GMarshal wrote:
Sknowman vanilla townie modkilled day 1
Edwin5 vanilla townie modkilled day 1
Fatesgod vanilla townie modkilled day 1
raynpelikoneet, mafia goon modkilled night 1
FranzP vanilla townie modkilled day2
Thnikkaman47, vanilla townie modkilled day 2
zany, mafia goon lynched day 2 for claiming mafia
Sknowman vanilla townie modkilled day 1
Edwin5 vanilla townie modkilled day 1
Fatesgod vanilla townie modkilled day 1
raynpelikoneet, mafia goon modkilled night 1
FranzP vanilla townie modkilled day2
Thnikkaman47, vanilla townie modkilled day 2
zany, mafia goon lynched day 2 for claiming mafia
The game he quit, Surprisingly Normal Mini Mafia VI, does warrant further detail here. In a game of 12 players, seven committed modkill worthy offenses. People may pretend that the purpose of newbie games is to provide a nurturing environment to allow for a beneficial learning experience, but I think we all know that the true purpose is to weed out players like these, at the expense of the pour souls that are new to the forum.
Following rayn's modkill, zany felt compelled to claim mafia as well! At this point, GMarshal was so frustrated that he didn't even bother killing him off. The best part? The only mafia that didn't claim still ended up winning in endgame due to all of the town inactivity modkills earlier on.
6) Scaramanga
Scaramanga is member of the exclusive club known as the semi-permanent ban list. Most of the time, you have to do something pretty serious to get added to this list. Scara had his first run in with the ban list in TL Mafia XXII after PMing the entire mafia role list to a town player in the middle of the game, resulting in a 3 game ban.
Fresh off his ban, he was ready to turn over a new leaf in Salem Mafia. He got off to a slow start and when someone called him out on activity, he wasn't too pleased:
On November 29 2010 00:38 Scaramanga wrote:
Or i could really fuck town up and say something like im the dt, just because this kid pissed me off
Or i could really fuck town up and say something like im the dt, just because this kid pissed me off
On November 29 2010 01:13 Scaramanga wrote:
Oh i just checked SouthRawrea, he came up red
parting gift people
Oh i just checked SouthRawrea, he came up red
parting gift people
On November 29 2010 01:51 Scaramanga wrote:
Well my aim was to ruin the game for others, even up the ledger, so i guess my goal was met
User was temp banned for this post.
Well my aim was to ruin the game for others, even up the ledger, so i guess my goal was met
User was temp banned for this post.
The best part? Scara WAS the dt and SouthRawrea WAS mafia, but the check would have came back green because he was the godfather.
At least he wasn't in denial about what was to come. Some bystanders say that he may have gotten off easy.
On November 28 2012 12:01 Scaramanga wrote:
Im guessing perma ban
What do others think?
Im guessing perma ban
What do others think?
On November 28 2012 12:40 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
agreed. remove access from forums too imo.
agreed. remove access from forums too imo.
On November 28 2012 12:45 glasse wrote:
remove access from tl too imo
remove access from tl too imo
On November 28 2012 14:00 Coagulation wrote:
5) LSB Vs RoL
Most bans are resolved in a relatively dull fashion. Someone breaks a rule, there is a bit of argument about how severe the crime was, and eventually that player has to sit out a game or two and everyone moves on. The aftermath of Insane Mafia 2, however, brought forth a more progressive way of resolving the ban. In the not too distant future where GMarshal has been overthrown and chaos reigns supreme, bans will be decided in on way and one way alone: The Grudge Match.
The complete back-story to the LSB vs. RoL GRUDGE MATCH may be found here, but in summary there was a dispute between how night actions were supposed to resolve. RoL attempted to mind control a bus driver, allowing him to control the targets for the role. However, the bus driver happened to bus himself, preventing the mind control from resolving, which RoL argued should be impossible.
In a TL Ban List Power Rankings exclusive, I have uncovered a rare never before seen look into the Insane Mafia 2 hosting headquarters:
Kita: Uhh oh, this looks confusing. In what order do these night actions resolve?
LSB: I'm not sure, lets make it up!
Kita: Are you sure you want to do that? We should at least be able to explain how things happened.
LSB: I have the perfect solution! PHYSICS BROKE!
Kita: Err, while that is quite elegant, are we sure we want to upset RoL like that? He's like the Incredible Hulk. Once he gets worked up, he scares me.
LSB: Not a problem. I can handle it.
Kita: Ok, well I trust your judgement as a respected and experienced host.
Kita: LOL
On April 8 2011 20:45 LSB wrote:
I would like RebirthOfLeGenD banned for ruining the Game. Each given 1 game bans.
RebirthOfLeGenD messed me asking to be replaced after finding out his night actions did not go as planned. In addition to disappearing, he then discouraged other mafia members from playing, resulting in a mafia that effectively gave up, ruining the experience of others who wanted to play.
I would like RebirthOfLeGenD banned for ruining the Game. Each given 1 game bans.
RebirthOfLeGenD messed me asking to be replaced after finding out his night actions did not go as planned. In addition to disappearing, he then discouraged other mafia members from playing, resulting in a mafia that effectively gave up, ruining the experience of others who wanted to play.
On April 10 2011 1:26 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:
I inversely request LSB to be banned from hosting for 3 games. It's kind of like a reverse ban. My reasoning is making decisions on a whim based on who is posting, and refusing to own up to obvious lapses in judgment while blaming your incompetence on mafia disinterest.
I inversely request LSB to be banned from hosting for 3 games. It's kind of like a reverse ban. My reasoning is making decisions on a whim based on who is posting, and refusing to own up to obvious lapses in judgment while blaming your incompetence on mafia disinterest.
You know you're in for some good drama when the banned player requests a host ban that is three times as long for "incompetence". With a signature at stake, LSB and RoL resolved their dispute like any issue should be settled: A Casted Nine Round Series of Brood War. LSB would need to
+ Show Spoiler +
RebirthOfLeGenD was just temp banned for 30 days by EvilTeletubby.
That account was created on 2008-11-12 06:44:02 and had 3425 posts.
Reason: You're a dumbass.
That account was created on 2008-11-12 06:44:02 and had 3425 posts.
Reason: You're a dumbass.
In preparation for his smurf game, RoL registered a large amount of new accounts and was awarded with a 30 day temp ban. This marked the most peaceful month is TL Mafia history.
4) Showtime! aka bEsT[Alive]
During the early days of the ban list, bans were sometimes handed out in an inconsistent manner and players would argue for days over the most trivial offenses. We sure have come so far since then.
Showtime! holds the honor of being the first major permaban to be discussed after the creation of the list. While not directly related to his ban, Showtime! is famous for entering a pact with mafia with the hopes of getting converted, only to be killed off before the conversion went through. As with most players with an exclamation point in their name, Showtime! could get a bit excited at times. His aggressive attitude would sometimes rub players the wrong way, causing them to not return. The way he blew up in Smurf Mafia truly makes him worthy of his name.
On August 10 2009 13:24 bEsT[Alive] wrote:
I'm boycotting this lackluster shit along with the rest of the Town. He PMed them and they didn't reply back.
Ever since Friday I have been trying to promote activity and sent/received or in some cases did not receive PMs back. When you have 1-2 people following votes out of 20 you know there is a problem.
Admins need to be flexible.
Either way fuck this game. The good news is we've got almost every mafia member right.
The core deserves a pat on the back.
GGs everyone. Wish I could say the same for the Administration.
Pi you are quite the horse's ass.
I'm boycotting this lackluster shit along with the rest of the Town. He PMed them and they didn't reply back.
Ever since Friday I have been trying to promote activity and sent/received or in some cases did not receive PMs back. When you have 1-2 people following votes out of 20 you know there is a problem.
Admins need to be flexible.
Either way fuck this game. The good news is we've got almost every mafia member right.
The core deserves a pat on the back.
GGs everyone. Wish I could say the same for the Administration.
Pi you are quite the horse's ass.
On August 10 2009 13:29 Pyrrhuloxia wrote:
Well excuuuuuuse me princess for following the rules that I put together with the help of the half the fucking town. Nobody was advocating for more than 2 days of missed votes before a modkill (I raised it from one). Everybody wanted a strict timeline unless people gave me a good excuse in advance. I thank you for being interested in my game and giving a good effort when so many just blew me off after signing up. I don't know why everyone got bored with this game. I guess the smurf idea sucked; whatever, it wasn't my idea. I didn't run this game any different than my last game and that one went over with flying colors. The noobs showed way more commitment to the game than these supposed veterans. You have a right to be pissed, but not at me.
Well excuuuuuuse me princess for following the rules that I put together with the help of the half the fucking town. Nobody was advocating for more than 2 days of missed votes before a modkill (I raised it from one). Everybody wanted a strict timeline unless people gave me a good excuse in advance. I thank you for being interested in my game and giving a good effort when so many just blew me off after signing up. I don't know why everyone got bored with this game. I guess the smurf idea sucked; whatever, it wasn't my idea. I didn't run this game any different than my last game and that one went over with flying colors. The noobs showed way more commitment to the game than these supposed veterans. You have a right to be pissed, but not at me.
On August 10 2009 13:32 bEsT[Alive] wrote:
Oh we gave you a darn good excuse in advance. Like I said, you want to rape your own game? So be it. You are the one who had to do all the work in the end. Not us.
So GG you.
The answer is simple: you post-pone the fucking game. What did I tell you? Did you even bother reading my PMs before you fucking started it?
No. It is your own fucking fault.
Oh we gave you a darn good excuse in advance. Like I said, you want to rape your own game? So be it. You are the one who had to do all the work in the end. Not us.
So GG you.
The answer is simple: you post-pone the fucking game. What did I tell you? Did you even bother reading my PMs before you fucking started it?
No. It is your own fucking fault.
Activity was a real issue in Smurf Mafia so following the rules stated in the OP, Pyr was forced to modkill several players. Needless to say, Showtime! did not agree with the decision.
3) Coagulation
As a self proclaimed ban list connoisseur, Coagulation has shared a long lasting relationship with the TL Mafia banlist. As a display of his affection, he has hosted a ban list themed game, previewed the future of the ban list, and even created the TL ban list fan site omgus.net (new games are open for signups!). While his father Jackal did not always approve of the ban list, being the rebel that Coag is, the bond him and the list only grew stronger. He was a jealous lover and would be sure to show his face whenever he felt threatened by another player spending too much time with the list.
As with any relationship, there were some bumps along the way. At times, Coagulation would force himself upon her in the most brutal ways possible. On more than four different occasions, Coag would call things off, spending time apart, but he would always come crawling back, realizing that he couldn't bare to sit out any longer. Eventually, a deep sense of resentment grew between the two. Coag was always trying to get the ban list to change, with little success. He insisted that the circle of friends that the ban list hung out with were a bad influence on her. At the same time, the ban list became more demanding, punishing Coag for the most trivial things. In the past, coming home late would have resulted in a minor argument, but now he could receive the cold shoulder for three, or even five days at a time. At one point, she even considered kicking him out of the house for a week, getting the police involved in a dispute that they had historically been able to resolve between themselves.
In the end, Coag and the ban list agreed to call it quits. These days Coag hangs out with other ban list ex's, ridiculing those that still associate with her and plotting ways to get his revenge like a crappy Cameron Diaz movie. At times he can't help but wonder if things could have been different. Is there still hope for Coag and his long lost love to live together in happiness or will he always be destined for heartbreak?
+ Show Spoiler +
On April 27 2011 12:06 Coagulation wrote:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Q3LsR.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Q3LsR.png)
2) Protactinium
In my opinion, the Protact incident was the most memorable single event in TL Mafia ban list history. Nearly everyone had a strong opinion on the matter at the time. It even spawned its own 7 page discussion thread, which may be found here.
In TL Mafia XXXVIII, Flamewheel, Incognito and Ver, three of the most highly regarded mafia players players at the time, played together under one the Protactinium account without informing the host or fellow players. They proceeded to identify several mafia players early in the game, including a fake red dt check on the mafia godfather Coagulation. Their identities were revealed to the thread and drama ensued.
Imagine the fallout from a situation where it is revealed that there exists a team of three players that have been discussing the game in its entirety, leading several mafia lynches that had a huge impact on the game, during a time where hydra accounts were essentially non-existent. Things were so tense that Qatol temporarily removed himself from the ban decision making process and Jackal and LemonWalrus, who of our most active players, quit playing here all together.
The most interesting part of the whole ordeal was how split the opinions were. A large group of players felt that it was an incredibly serious offense and that these players were being allowed to get away with it due to their status in the community. Another group felt that they hadn't even done anything wrong and the issue was being blown out of proportion. In the end, everyone individuals from both sides felt so strongly that they decided to play mafia elsewhere.
1) Bill Murray
Groundhog Day: A TV weatherman finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again. After indulging in hedonism and numerous suicide attempts, he begins to re-examine his life and priorities.
With Bill Murray, it was a never ending cycle. He receives a ban, he serves his punishment, he is allowed to return, and he receives another ban. No other player has found themselves on the Permanent Ban list, not once, but twice and is still welcomed back with open arms. BM is the character we love to root for. We convince ourselves that he can change. No one gets mad at BM forever, for we know that one day, he will find himself.
Bill Murray has always been the undisputed king of spam. He received his first ban list punishment as a result of his frequent posting after TL Mafia XX, in which he had a 13 page filter. By today's standards, this probably seems laughable, but when a game only has 70 pages, that adds up to nearly 20% of the thread. He was also notorious for posting one liners in succession, treating thread as a conversation, rather than consolidating his ideas into a single post. What an outrage.
On March 17 2010 14:26 Bill Murray wrote:
dire consequences........ do they involve lightning?
i was using the threat of a strategic modkill to try to clear my name :p
dire consequences........ do they involve lightning?
i was using the threat of a strategic modkill to try to clear my name :p
In the same game, BM came up with the brilliant idea to get himself modkilled to save town a lynch. While he didn't go through with it, he claimed to have used the post to confirm himself as town. This offense, among others, put him on "double secret probation".
A few months later, BM received a ban for revealing information post death. This was a repeat infraction, as he had previously confirmed a townie post-death in TL Mafia XVI. After flipping as the inventor, he revealed that he chose not to invent an item to prove that he was town. How does BM protest the ban? By spamming up the Ban Thread itself with seven consecutive posts of course!
Bill Murray wrote:
how so?
how so?
Bill Murray wrote:
revealed game-relevant information after death.
revealed game-relevant information after death.
Bill Murray wrote:
Bill Murray wrote:
animal house ???
animal house ???
Bill Murray wrote:
Bill Murray wrote:
Bill Murray wrote:
(Quoting himself)
(Quoting himself)
His genius tactic was effective enough to get reduce his ban from two games to one. Maybe kush needs to take some pointers here.
13 whole pages in the ban list thread had passed since his last offense and BM appeared to remain out of the spotlight. Then came Haunted Mafia.
Remember when I mentioned that BM likes to spam? Well things got a bit out of hand:
+ Show Spoiler [Haunted Mafia] +
On October 12 2010 03:49 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
Thanks but I'll still modkill you if you spam too much.
Thanks but I'll still modkill you if you spam too much.
Warned for spam.
On October 12 2010 14:47 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
I am not happy with the amount of spam in the last few pages. Bill Murray and jodogohoo, please limit yourself. I understand if you don't spam a little you will implode and die Bill Murray so I am giving you a slight amount of leeway but if you take it overboard you're finished.
I am not happy with the amount of spam in the last few pages. Bill Murray and jodogohoo, please limit yourself. I understand if you don't spam a little you will implode and die Bill Murray so I am giving you a slight amount of leeway but if you take it overboard you're finished.
Warned again for spam.
On October 12 2010 14:51 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
but seriously stop spamming guys
but seriously stop spamming guys
Warned again again for spam.
On October 13 2010 13:43 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
If you personally insult pandain one more time you will be modkilled. Stop it now Bill Murray.
If you personally insult pandain one more time you will be modkilled. Stop it now Bill Murray.
Warned for personal attack.
On October 13 2010 13:54 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
PM harassment? Bill Murray there have been far too many complaints regarding your play in this game. You have personally attacked Pandain and BloodyC0bbler when it was irrelevant to this game and have been spamming this thread.
PM harassment? Bill Murray there have been far too many complaints regarding your play in this game. You have personally attacked Pandain and BloodyC0bbler when it was irrelevant to this game and have been spamming this thread.
Warned for "PM harassment". Replaced from the game.
On October 13 2010 14:09 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
Stop posting in this thread Bill Murray. You are out. Ignoring mod warnings, flaming players who aren't even in this game, your behavior is unacceptable and I will not have it in my mafia game. You are effectively dead and as such posting game relevant information is considered cheating.
Stop posting in this thread Bill Murray. You are out. Ignoring mod warnings, flaming players who aren't even in this game, your behavior is unacceptable and I will not have it in my mafia game. You are effectively dead and as such posting game relevant information is considered cheating.
Continues to post.
On October 13 2010 14:11 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
That is not why you are being modkilled. Stop posting.
I agree that kingjames wasn't harrassed. Your ignoring of mod warnings, flaming, spamming, and continued flaming is why you are being modkilled. This is the end of the discussion. If you want to whine do so in the ban thread please.
That is not why you are being modkilled. Stop posting.
I agree that kingjames wasn't harrassed. Your ignoring of mod warnings, flaming, spamming, and continued flaming is why you are being modkilled. This is the end of the discussion. If you want to whine do so in the ban thread please.
Still continues to post.
On October 13 2010 14:14 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
No he is not and that is a fact that I know for absolute sure. Get the out of this thread Bill Murray.
No he is not and that is a fact that I know for absolute sure. Get the out of this thread Bill Murray.
Still still continues to post.
On October 13 2010 14:37 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
Why don't you simply PM me the logs and I will pass them on to your replacement? Stop using that as an excuse to spam my thread. You're done now get out.
Why don't you simply PM me the logs and I will pass them on to your replacement? Stop using that as an excuse to spam my thread. You're done now get out.
Still still still continues to post. At this point he agrees to stop if DrH will reinstate him into the game. If he refuses, he threatens to ruin the game by posting all his PMs.
Eventually, BM was removed from the mafia forums by mod intervention and received his first permaban.
+ Show Spoiler +
d3_cresentia replaced by ghrur
CKSide replaced by Divinek
goldfishs replaced by ZaplinG
kuja900 replaced by BrownBear
mptj replaced by RebirthOfLegend
Zeraghul replaced by Artanis[Xp]
Kpyolysis32 the Gravedigger has been modkilled
~OpZ~ the Grim Reaper has been modkilled
ZaplinG the townie has been modkilled
l0st_romantic the Zombie has been modkilled.
TheMunkey the Zombie has been modkilled.
seRaPh the Zombie has been modkilled.
TheRick the Boogeyman has been modkilled.
hittegods the Frankenstein has been modkilled.
XeliN the Mad Scientist has been modkilled.
chesshaha the Mafia Skeleton has been modkilled.
Neos the Mafia Skeleton has been modkilled.
Iankill the Vampire Spawn has been modkilled.
aztrorisk the Zombie Detective has been modkilled.
Yogy the Zombie has been modkilled.
grandmoose the Zombie has been modkilled.
CKSide replaced by Divinek
goldfishs replaced by ZaplinG
kuja900 replaced by BrownBear
mptj replaced by RebirthOfLegend
Zeraghul replaced by Artanis[Xp]
Kpyolysis32 the Gravedigger has been modkilled
~OpZ~ the Grim Reaper has been modkilled
ZaplinG the townie has been modkilled
l0st_romantic the Zombie has been modkilled.
TheMunkey the Zombie has been modkilled.
seRaPh the Zombie has been modkilled.
TheRick the Boogeyman has been modkilled.
hittegods the Frankenstein has been modkilled.
XeliN the Mad Scientist has been modkilled.
chesshaha the Mafia Skeleton has been modkilled.
Neos the Mafia Skeleton has been modkilled.
Iankill the Vampire Spawn has been modkilled.
aztrorisk the Zombie Detective has been modkilled.
Yogy the Zombie has been modkilled.
grandmoose the Zombie has been modkilled.
While Bill Mirray certainly wasn't responsible for all of these replacements and modkills, he certainly left his mark on the game.
Original Message From Bill Murray:
1) I would like to host mafia games
2) I will sit out 3 games, possibly more
3) this is only my second ban, I know it was behavioral and not modkill style, but playing in Haunted mafia was like ramming my head against a wall in terms of the amount of idiocy I had to deal with from that town. I know that I took things with Pandain a bit too far, but my modkill was both:
1) Personal
2) Mafia/Vampire-driven
1) DoctorHelvetica and I have a terrible history. I probably needed to be banned in the first game I ever played due to an after-death post relating to him. He has been hostile with me ever since that point, waiting to stab me in the back. Being the host of said game, he had a great opportunity to:
2) the opportunity lied in a mafia member finally being the "feather that broke the camel's back" when he pmed doctorh saying I was harassing him in PMs. Did I claim he was a vampire to him in PM? Maybe I said mafia.... sure... is that illegal? I would like to know what that guy flipped. I bet it was red.
Anyways, I would like to be unbanned and reinstated. If I need to make a more solid case, I will actually attempt to do so.
1) I would like to host mafia games
2) I will sit out 3 games, possibly more
3) this is only my second ban, I know it was behavioral and not modkill style, but playing in Haunted mafia was like ramming my head against a wall in terms of the amount of idiocy I had to deal with from that town. I know that I took things with Pandain a bit too far, but my modkill was both:
1) Personal
2) Mafia/Vampire-driven
1) DoctorHelvetica and I have a terrible history. I probably needed to be banned in the first game I ever played due to an after-death post relating to him. He has been hostile with me ever since that point, waiting to stab me in the back. Being the host of said game, he had a great opportunity to:
2) the opportunity lied in a mafia member finally being the "feather that broke the camel's back" when he pmed doctorh saying I was harassing him in PMs. Did I claim he was a vampire to him in PM? Maybe I said mafia.... sure... is that illegal? I would like to know what that guy flipped. I bet it was red.
Anyways, I would like to be unbanned and reinstated. If I need to make a more solid case, I will actually attempt to do so.
A couple months passed and BM made his first plea to return. I do give him credit for claiming that his behavior was "Vampire-driven". Those guys suck.
A ruling was made to allow Bill Murray to return on ultra secret triple probation and play a game under the smurf account gryffindor to see how things go. He managed to make it through one game without incident, but fell just a bit short of two.
On March 09 2011 12:22 Jackal58 wrote:
If I can get us both mod killed town wins.
If I can get us both mod killed town wins.
In comparison to some of his past games, BM actually wasn't too unreasonable this game. However, Jackal did manage to bait him into an argument and even admits that his goal was to get both players modkilled.
On March 09 2011 12:53 Meapak_Ziphh wrote:
A thunder storm rolled over Liquidia.gryffindorBillMurray was standing in the rain screaming and cursing the town, the gods, the world. Suddenly a huge bolt of lighting flashed out and struck Bill dead
gryffindor the townie has been modkilled
BillMurray has been permanently modkilled
A thunder storm rolled over Liquidia.
gryffindor the townie has been modkilled
BillMurray has been permanently modkilled
Due to his past history, BM is the one that is modkilled in over dramatic fashion. In discussion of his ban, he comes up with this gem of a post blaming the host RoL.
On March 09 2011 14:51 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:
Lol you ungrateful little shit. I was the only host willing to allow you into my game for the normal set ups. And yes, maybe I don't update every single thing every moment it happens. Unlike you we aren't all 16 year old douches who act like pricks in games of mafia. I am taking 16 credits this semester, I also work 25 hours a week. My school is an hour commute. So excuse me if I have other shit going on in my life that doesn't allow me to write the day posts and update shit on time.
I changed my mind. For being a complete dick while I tried being nice to you, enjoy being perm'd. Your mannerisms while dealing with this post ban are ridiculous. You attack me on multiple bull shit angles while I was the ONLY person who was even half defending you right now.
Get the fuck out.
Lol you ungrateful little shit. I was the only host willing to allow you into my game for the normal set ups. And yes, maybe I don't update every single thing every moment it happens. Unlike you we aren't all 16 year old douches who act like pricks in games of mafia. I am taking 16 credits this semester, I also work 25 hours a week. My school is an hour commute. So excuse me if I have other shit going on in my life that doesn't allow me to write the day posts and update shit on time.
I changed my mind. For being a complete dick while I tried being nice to you, enjoy being perm'd. Your mannerisms while dealing with this post ban are ridiculous. You attack me on multiple bull shit angles while I was the ONLY person who was even half defending you right now.
Get the fuck out.
This was enough turn RoL green and they manage to have a nice little back and forth.
At this point, BM took a 6 month break from playing mafia. However, his legend was never forgotten.
In Personality Mafia, kurumi was given the role of Bill Murray and the game encouraged role playing. The problem? The game was also hosted by Ver so there were strict rules against spamming. As a result, Kurumi managed to receive a post game warning for his spammy play and the spirit of BM lived on.
Bill Murray eventually returned, dropping the permaban title for a second time.
On September 24 2012 11:08 Palmar wrote:
Bill Murray
Did not vote at lylo. I would request a 1 game ban, but because it wasn't specifically stated that the deadline would not change due to mod error (the daypost was late, shortening the day), I think a warning is enough.
Bill Murray
Did not vote at lylo. I would request a 1 game ban, but because it wasn't specifically stated that the deadline would not change due to mod error (the daypost was late, shortening the day), I think a warning is enough.
On September 24 2012 19:39 Bill Murray wrote:
I would like a self imposed 1 game ban for failing to explain to Grush that if he had merely claimed blue, with a bomb on me, that we would have had autowin, as i'd have had to vote my counterclaim
I would like a self imposed 1 game ban for failing to explain to Grush that if he had merely claimed blue, with a bomb on me, that we would have had autowin, as i'd have had to vote my counterclaim
On September 24 2012 19:39 Bill Murray wrote:
sit me out the next game. i'm going to ask tl mods for a week long ban.
sit me out the next game. i'm going to ask tl mods for a week long ban.
While he managed to get away with only a warning, that clearly wasn't enough for him, so he requested a self-imposed ban from mafia and TeamLiquid.
In the last two years, BM has received only a couple activity bans. By my count, he has received bans 8 in total. While his behavior has improved, it makes you wonder: is this an end of an era? Will I ever be able to witness Bill Murray related drama again? Only Bill Murray himself knows whether he has broken the cycle.
I was always puzzled what caused him to go off in Haunted. What was so important to him that he felt so compelled to blow up? One day, it finally dawned on me:
On October 13 2010 12:47 Bill Murray wrote:
On October 13 2010 13:20 Bill Murray wrote:
I need one of you desperately to claim to me
I need one of you desperately to claim to me
On October 13 2010 13:25 Bill Murray wrote:
I need ghosts to claim to me
I need ghosts to claim to me
On October 13 2010 13:25 Bill Murray wrote:
i really really really need ghost claims in pms
i really really really need ghost claims in pms
On October 13 2010 13:29 Bill Murray wrote:
On October 13 2010 13:32 Bill Murray wrote:
On October 13 2010 13:35 Bill Murray wrote:
i need the ghosts to claim to me
i need the ghosts to claim to me
![[image loading]](http://cocktails365.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/ghostbustersrex_450x300.jpg)
He was just doing his job.