United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 26 2014 16:08 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 16:05 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 15:58 raynpelikoneet wrote: Like Holyflare. I really implied this many times, in almost all in my posts. There is no way thrawn thinks i am mafia. If he was town he would have questioned me about my posts and intentions. this 1000x applies to you That's not true Holyflare.
"why is thrawn voting for me without stating intentions or what is going on or questioning" "why is rayn calling robik town and dismissing everything about him without stating intentions or what is going on or questioning"
why are you not mafia and thrawn is instead?
United Kingdom30774 Posts
if thrawn is mafia for not asking you to explain your reads or his intetions then you are mafia for not doing the same thing to him
On March 26 2014 16:07 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 16:06 raynpelikoneet wrote:On March 26 2014 16:01 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 14:50 thrawn2112 wrote: rayn I know that you have a lower opinion of my ability to read people than you do of HF's opinion. plus, calling holyflare "retarded like he was in las game" does not even make sense because last game holyflare caught mafia instantly
so you're givnig holyflare a town read based on a statement about his play last game which isn't accurate, and a "i think thrawn is smarter than HF so thrawn must be scum" argument when I know you repect HF's reads more than you do mine.
and like hf is saying, nothing you have said about robik has made any sense.
so what is going on? this is a legit good post for thrawn to make and he backed it up with research as well No it's not because before this thrawn has voted for me. Later on whehe he explains why he voted for me he does not say "at first it was pressure (or whatever) and seemed a bit scummy and then rayn did not explain himself despite me asking him to do so". He has really no intention of figuring out what i mean, i even say multiple times "you don't even know why i have a townread on Robik" yet he still assumes he knows why and does not ask me why nor does he re-think his vote. and i do the same thing but you say i am town, you dismiss everything anyone says and don't even question your read on a player that you have seen play mafia 0 times Again i am not saying you are town. What's up with this misrepresentation? Have i said somewhere i think you are town? "I think Holyflare could do this as town" != "I think Holyflare is town".
I don't know if you can understand why i am townreading Robik or not but this is useless because i don't care if you think i can have a townread on him or not. I am confident on my read so unless you can prove he is mafia there is nothing to talk about it because i do not have to prove he is town.
Holyflare staph. please just staph and sheep me to scumlynch.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
no he lied and you said NOTHING about it you dismissed talking to me entirely, you said it was shit logic and you aggrevated me "to get reads on players" so no rayn, fucking explain why it is NOT A LIE
On March 26 2014 16:14 Holyflare wrote: no he lied and you said NOTHING about it you dismissed talking to me entirely, you said it was shit logic and you aggrevated me "to get reads on players" so no rayn, fucking explain why it is NOT A LIE
Robik has not lied about anything.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Yes, he has changed his story entirely about 3 times:
On March 26 2014 13:33 IAmRobik wrote:Cause I do read him town off of that 1 post mostly. Having said that, none of his posts this game have made me change my opinion of him. Also, he hasn't posted a smiley emoticon in the first few posts of his, which indicates further than he's townMafia Rayn would end this post with 
On March 26 2014 13:47 IAmRobik wrote: I've seen Rayn give up as mafia and I've seen Rayn tunnel as mafia. I've never seen a Rayn town game until this one. This read is so good that I'm close to me offering up my pinky toe as I did with Templar being town in Foundations.
In the first quote, he establishes that as mafia you would post a smiley after that first post. In NO game ever have you done that and believe me I checked almost every single game of your mafia games. Furthermore, he has never seen you play town so he does not know if you do that as town so how can he make the statement that you are town based on no evidence that has ever happened?
Secondly, he says none of your other posts have said you are mafia this game but then when questioned further about that he says nothing about your posts and just expands on the smiley thing again.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Also, if I am to thus trust robik's reads this game on you then why shouldn't I trust him about his 100% town read on thrawn? The real answer is that I don't trust anything he says because it's based on 0 logic. This robik point is needless anyway because I am voting for you because I think you are mafia because you never ever questioned any of this whatsoever and 3 other people have. That is super weird for you to not do and on top of all the dismissing me based on nothingness I have come to the conclusion that you are mafia.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Not to mention with this entire discourse happening and a lot of questions being flung his way, he just drops out of the thread entirely and only answers you occasionally
He claims he knows my mafia play because he has seen it two times (and correctly called me out both of the times). Then he says he thinks i would put a smiley after my first post in case i was mafia and because i didn't to him it implicates i am town.
In the second quote he says this is his first game with me when i am town.
Where is the lie? He is not saying "rayn does this only as mafia and never does this as town". He is referring to this particular situation in this particular game. It's not a meta read as i already pointed out to you. Why is this so hard? He assumes my "tone" would be different if i was mafia.
On March 26 2014 16:21 Holyflare wrote: In the first quote, he establishes that as mafia you would post a smiley after that first post. In NO game ever have you done that and believe me I checked almost every single game of your mafia games.
Maybe you should check again because this is untrue.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 26 2014 16:26 raynpelikoneet wrote: He claims he knows my mafia play because he has seen it two times (and correctly called me out both of the times). Then he says he thinks i would put a smiley after my first post in case i was mafia and because i didn't to him it implicates i am town.
In the second quote he says this is his first game with me when i am town.
Where is the lie? He is not saying "rayn does this only as mafia and never does this as town". He is referring to this particular situation in this particular game. It's not a meta read as i already pointed out to you. Why is this so hard? He assumes my "tone" would be different if i was mafia.
On March 26 2014 14:43 IAmRobik wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 14:33 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 13:33 IAmRobik wrote:Cause I do read him town off of that 1 post mostly. Having said that, none of his posts this game have made me change my opinion of him. Also, he hasn't posted a smiley emoticon in the first few posts of his, which indicates further than he's townMafia Rayn would end this post with  On March 26 2014 08:01 raynpelikoneet wrote: Town wins this belt. On March 26 2014 13:47 IAmRobik wrote: I've seen Rayn give up as mafia and I've seen Rayn tunnel as mafia. I've never seen a Rayn town game until this one. This read is so good that I'm close to me offering up my pinky toe as I did with Templar being town in Foundations. these 2 posts contain an absolute lie No they don't. Let me expound: there are appropriate and inappropriate spots to use smiley faces. The two times Rayn was mafia, they were put in spots where they seemed forced to me. In my experience, it is more likely for mafia to post a smiley because they need to feign happiness. In the 2-3 mafia games that I've seen from Rayn, he's made a smiley emote that didn't sync with his post. It didn't jive well. I called him out on it. This game he didn't post a smiley. He didn't feel the need to. The one time that he did use it so far (that I've noticed), it was actually applicable. Like, you're going to read this and think it's shit and never believe it and never use it. That doesn't mean I'm not correct. You can claim whatever you want holyflare. You're wrong on Rayn.
Rayn did this in one game but isn't doing it here is the very definition of meta
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 26 2014 16:28 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 16:21 Holyflare wrote: In the first quote, he establishes that as mafia you would post a smiley after that first post. In NO game ever have you done that and believe me I checked almost every single game of your mafia games.
Maybe you should check again because this is untrue.
link me the abundance of times that this has happened and prove me wrong in your first few posts of mafia games
On March 26 2014 15:52 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 15:36 phagga wrote:On March 26 2014 15:32 raynpelikoneet wrote:On March 26 2014 15:28 thrawn2112 wrote: phagga:
I thought rayn was lying about point #2 because of how stupid it was. So I thought he was scum reading robik but I wanted to make sure I was interpreting the post correctly
apparently #2 is truth so rayn's mafia So here you literally prove you have no idea why i am townreading Robik and have no intention of figuring that out. In my "game" post i never explain why i townread Robik, it's pretty clear from that post. You are too smart to make dumb conclusions based on incomplete information and that's why i think you are mafia. Can you explain us why you townread robik? what do you make of this set of events that just happened? i like that you jumped back to robik's post about not seeing any rayn town games so what do you think of rayn saying me pointing it out is shit logic? and why does he not want to talk to me if he thinks i'm capable of doing this "shit logic" as town? Haven't read everything past this post: You have twisted rayns words around. Rayn never says he reads robik town because of his smilies, as was explained before. Also:
On March 26 2014 14:21 Holyflare wrote:well then you are mafia because this is a crock of shit Show nested quote + I am also amused that Robik has called my alignment correctly out three times based on my usage / usagelessness. I don't know how he does it and i don't think it's alignment indicative but i am really interested in seeing is so some sort of psychic or what because i have a townread on him in this game. I don't believe Robik yet, i mean, i don't believe that's a reliable tell but we'll see about that when / if he does that a couple of times more and if he is right or wrong. You think he is town but he is displaying odd traits BUT THEN YOU POINT IT OUT THAT HE IS DOING IT INSTEAD OF WAITING. Rayn, you are mafia bro.
Let me say in different words what rayn said: "I don't believe the smilie thing is a reliable tell, but we'll see about that when / if he does that in a couple more games and if he's right or wrong". That's how I understood it at least.
It's possible that you just misunderstood that second sentence, but rayn told you (at least once, perhaps even several times) that you are misreading it, and you just kept on pushing your points.
So, I don't like your position currently. Will read the rest of the thread now.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
because his initial read was your FIRST POST didn't contain a smiley, none of the games you have played as mafia ever contain a smiley in your first post so then he says it's your other posts that didn't convince him that you weren't town so then it's your other posts and not only your first post and THEN he says you haven't posted an out of place smiley in any of your posts
if this was his initial read it would stated first about the smiley thing in all of your posts, not just your first post
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Let me say in different words what rayn said: "I don't believe the smilie thing is a reliable tell, but we'll see about that when / if he does that in a couple more games and if he's right or wrong". That's how I understood it at least.
It's possible that you just misunderstood that second sentence, but rayn told you (at least once, perhaps even several times) that you are misreading it, and you just kept on pushing your points.
this is not true
On March 26 2014 14:28 Holyflare wrote: well that is what you are saying unless you are implying it to be true in future games instead and in that case it is badly phrased
On March 26 2014 14:29 Holyflare wrote: and then you in fact have a town read on someone that called out your alignment based on a smiley face when he said he's only ever seen you play mafia once and never seen you play town so this read is actually 0% true because it has no backed up relevance for him to say
From GSL IV:
On February 13 2014 06:40 IAmRobik wrote:Show nested quote +On February 13 2014 06:36 Mordanis wrote: I'm not sure I follow that argument. Is scum inherently lazy in your view, or does actual evidence always support town, rather than scum? I think its certainly possible that scum could find a previous game that could be used to lynch a townie. I mean, I've never searched for a game thread to prove someone is maf/town, but when people have done it in the past, they've generally been town. Also, I might want to rescind my original comment of round being my top town. I said it because I thought that I remembered smiley faces and stuff being towny, but now that I think of it, it could be the exact opposite read. I don't remember anymore. From Foundation:
On March 05 2014 03:14 IAmRobik wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2014 22:02 raynpelikoneet wrote:Let's talk about it after robik answers me okay?  I think Dandel is town what do you think? What am I answering? I'm pretty sure I laid out why I thought Boone was scummy. Also, there is like a 70% chance you're scum this game rayn. It's quite sad. I was really hoping we'd both be town.
In both instances Robik calls me mafia because of a post i "incorrectly" used a smiley.
On March 26 2014 16:30 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 16:26 raynpelikoneet wrote: He claims he knows my mafia play because he has seen it two times (and correctly called me out both of the times). Then he says he thinks i would put a smiley after my first post in case i was mafia and because i didn't to him it implicates i am town.
In the second quote he says this is his first game with me when i am town.
Where is the lie? He is not saying "rayn does this only as mafia and never does this as town". He is referring to this particular situation in this particular game. It's not a meta read as i already pointed out to you. Why is this so hard? He assumes my "tone" would be different if i was mafia. Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 14:43 IAmRobik wrote:On March 26 2014 14:33 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 13:33 IAmRobik wrote:Cause I do read him town off of that 1 post mostly. Having said that, none of his posts this game have made me change my opinion of him. Also, he hasn't posted a smiley emoticon in the first few posts of his, which indicates further than he's townMafia Rayn would end this post with  On March 26 2014 08:01 raynpelikoneet wrote: Town wins this belt. On March 26 2014 13:47 IAmRobik wrote: I've seen Rayn give up as mafia and I've seen Rayn tunnel as mafia. I've never seen a Rayn town game until this one. This read is so good that I'm close to me offering up my pinky toe as I did with Templar being town in Foundations. these 2 posts contain an absolute lie No they don't. Let me expound: there are appropriate and inappropriate spots to use smiley faces. The two times Rayn was mafia, they were put in spots where they seemed forced to me. In my experience, it is more likely for mafia to post a smiley because they need to feign happiness. In the 2-3 mafia games that I've seen from Rayn, he's made a smiley emote that didn't sync with his post. It didn't jive well. I called him out on it. This game he didn't post a smiley. He didn't feel the need to. The one time that he did use it so far (that I've noticed), it was actually applicable. Like, you're going to read this and think it's shit and never believe it and never use it. That doesn't mean I'm not correct. You can claim whatever you want holyflare. You're wrong on Rayn. Rayn did this in one game but isn't doing it here is the very definition of meta The second quote is referring to this game and to another situation.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
in the first instance he doesn't know what alignment it makes you and he could be wrong/right, in the second instance it's 70%
in this instance it's rayn top 100% town based on 1 post that didn't contain an out of place smiley
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 26 2014 16:38 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On March 26 2014 16:30 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 16:26 raynpelikoneet wrote: He claims he knows my mafia play because he has seen it two times (and correctly called me out both of the times). Then he says he thinks i would put a smiley after my first post in case i was mafia and because i didn't to him it implicates i am town.
In the second quote he says this is his first game with me when i am town.
Where is the lie? He is not saying "rayn does this only as mafia and never does this as town". He is referring to this particular situation in this particular game. It's not a meta read as i already pointed out to you. Why is this so hard? He assumes my "tone" would be different if i was mafia. On March 26 2014 14:43 IAmRobik wrote:On March 26 2014 14:33 Holyflare wrote:On March 26 2014 13:33 IAmRobik wrote:Cause I do read him town off of that 1 post mostly. Having said that, none of his posts this game have made me change my opinion of him. Also, he hasn't posted a smiley emoticon in the first few posts of his, which indicates further than he's townMafia Rayn would end this post with  On March 26 2014 08:01 raynpelikoneet wrote: Town wins this belt. On March 26 2014 13:47 IAmRobik wrote: I've seen Rayn give up as mafia and I've seen Rayn tunnel as mafia. I've never seen a Rayn town game until this one. This read is so good that I'm close to me offering up my pinky toe as I did with Templar being town in Foundations. these 2 posts contain an absolute lie No they don't. Let me expound: there are appropriate and inappropriate spots to use smiley faces. The two times Rayn was mafia, they were put in spots where they seemed forced to me. In my experience, it is more likely for mafia to post a smiley because they need to feign happiness. In the 2-3 mafia games that I've seen from Rayn, he's made a smiley emote that didn't sync with his post. It didn't jive well. I called him out on it. This game he didn't post a smiley. He didn't feel the need to. The one time that he did use it so far (that I've noticed), it was actually applicable. Like, you're going to read this and think it's shit and never believe it and never use it. That doesn't mean I'm not correct. You can claim whatever you want holyflare. You're wrong on Rayn. Rayn did this in one game but isn't doing it here is the very definition of meta The second quote is referring to this game and to another situation.
no the second game refers only to this game, he has NEVER seen you play town so had no idea about smileys and especially not from the first fucking post you made in the game